Everyone's running from somet...

By Mirjam_

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It was Dublin city on a friday night in december. Rose, 31, decides to go busking. When she is singing the la... More

~Chapter 1~ Busking
~Chapter 2~ Coffee
~Chapter 3~ Who's the girl?
~Chapter 4~ 'Date'
~Chapter 5~ Next day
~Chapter 6~ Couple?
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~ Real date
~Chapter 9~ For the first time
~Chapter 10~ Christmas morning
~Chapter 11~ Snowball fight
~Chapter 12~ Papers
~Chapter 13~Twitter picture
~Chapter 14~ Parents
~Chapter 15~ London
~Chapter 16~ New year
~Chapter 17~ Love?
~Chapter 18~ Last day
~Chapter 19~ Black alley
~Chapter 20~ I think I like her...
~Chapter 21~ Mum
~Chapter 22~ Lazy day
~Chapter 23~ New couple
~Chapter 24~ Sick
~Chapter 25~ Home sweet home
~Chapter 26~ Worry
~Chapter 27~ Surprise
~Chapter 28~ Valentines day
~Chapter 29~ Venice
~Chapter 30~ Home again
~Chapter 31~Glen and Laura
~Chapter 32~ How bad is it?
~Chapter 33~ First chemo
~Chapter 34~ Sky full of stars
~Chapter 36~ Babysitting
~Chapter 37~ Maud
~Chapter 38~ Kiss
~Chapter 39~ Packing
~Chapter 40~ Disneyland
~Chapter 41~ What's going on here?
~Chapter 42~ The truth
~Chapter 43~ I can't lose her
~Chapter 44~ If you ever come back
~Chapter 45~ Dead man walking
~Chapter 46~ I can't live without her
~Chapter 47~ Home
~Chapter 48~ 9 months
~Chapter 49~ Anniversary
~Chapter 50~ Spa
~Chapter 51~ Telling the family
~Chapter 52~ I want it to be on the beach
~Chapter 53~ Countdown
~Chapter 54~ The wedding
~Chapter 55~ Honeymoon
~Chapter 56~ Baby?
~Chapter 57~ Baby.
~Chapter 58~ Lilly
~Chapter 59~ 2 months
~Chapter 60~ Boy or girl?
~Chapter 61~ Nursery
~Chapter 62~ Liam Shay O'Donoghue
~Chapter 63~ The end where I begin

~Chapter 35~ Shopping

169 6 0
By Mirjam_

Rose's pov:

I woke up in bed cuddled up to Danny. I think he was still sleeping cause I felt his slow breathing on my neck. I just lied there thinking about yesterday, I loved the surprise that he had made for me that was so sweet! I think Dan carried me to bed cause I can't remember getting to bed by myself.  I turned around in his arms and stared at him. He looked so peaceful and relaxed while he was sleeping, with his hair all messy which was really cute. We're together for about 4 months now, but I can't even imagine a life without him anymore... Sometimes I'm wondering what I've done to deserve someone as perfect as him. 

I heard footsteps on the stairs and a few seconds later I saw Skyler walking into the bedroom through the little gap from the door which wasn't totally closed. I think Dan forgot to close the door from the living room last night cause normally she's not allowed to come upstairs at night but I was to lazy to get up and bring her back down so I just let her jump on the bed. She got on the bed and lied down on our legs who were tangled together. I stared back at Danny and traced the lines with my finger. After a few minutes I saw him smile and took my finger away from his face and said,

"Morning handsome."

"You don't have to stop." He said smiling but he still had his eyes closed. I laughed at him and continued tracing patterns on his face. I think he just needed some more minutes to wake up, cause after a few minutes he opened his eyes and said,

"Good morning gorgeous."

"Morning sexy." I said kissing his lips softly.

"Sexy?" He asked laughing.

"Yeah, you're sexy when you've just woken up, with your morning voice and your rough looks." I said shuffling closer to him.

"Whatever." He said wrapping his arms around me and pushing me against his bare chest.

"Last night was amazing." I said smiling when I thought back about it.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said kissing my neck. I turned around so he started kissing my lips instead of my neck. He softly bit on my lower lip asking for entrance, but I decided to tease him so I kept my mouth shut. But after a few seconds I couldn't hold a smile back which he took as the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue. It didn't take long before our tongues were fighting a battle for dominance, but I couldn't up against Danny. So after a few minutes I pulled away to catch my breath and said,

"I think it's time for a shower, smelly." And I playfully slapped his chest.

"Care to join me?" He asked winking.

"Hmm, we'll see." I said smiling and getting out of bed. I wanted to stand up but I was pulled back by a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" He said smiling and pulled me back on top of him.

"I thought you wanted me in the shower, but I think that that was an misunderstood so I'll go and make breakfast now." I said teasing him.

"You don't have to do that yet, I'm not hungry." He said trying to convince me.

"Hmm why don't I believe you when you say you're not hungry?" I said still teasing him.

"I'm gonna get you in the fucking shower one way or another." He said laughing.

"And what did you have in your mind then, mr O'Donoghue."

"I'll show you right now, mrs O'Connor." He said picking me up in a fireman lift and walked to the bathroom.

"Okay! You win!" I shouted slapping his ass hoping that he'd put me down. 

"Thought so." He said smiling about his victory and put me down on the edge of the bath. I took Dan's shirt of that I was wearing and my knickers and stepped in the shower. I turned it on and a few seconds later Dan was standing behind me with his arms around me. Then he grabbed my shampoo and started washing my hair and body giving my body a light butterfly kiss every now and then. When he was finished I did the same to him, taking my time. When we were finished I stepped out of the shower after Dan and he wrapped a fluffy towel around my body. I walked to the bedroom and got dressed, then I went downstairs to make us breakfast and decided to call my mum to ask how she was feeling. I dialed her number and it didn't take her long before she picked up.

"Hi Rose, sweetheart, how are you?" I asked, and I could hear her smiling even though I couldn't see her.

"I'm perfectly fine. But I was calling to ask you how YOU are." I said while I was making tea. 

"I've been better, throwing up a few times and feeling tired. But, I know what I'm doing it for, and that's more than worth it." She said looking at the positive sides.

"You know that if you need any help you can always call eh?"

"I know sweetheart, but I'm fine trust me." She said.

"Yeah but I mean when you're not fine." I said hoping that she would accept help if she needed it.

"If I need someone I'll call you okay?"



"Okay, I love you mum." I said putting the teabags in the mugs.

"I love you too. But now go, and spend some time with that amazing boyfriend of yours." She said.


"Bye." I hung up the phone and put the breakfast on the table where Dan was already sitting.

"How was she?" He asked.

"She said she's fine." I said sitting opposite him.

"That's great." He said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Yup." I replied starting to eat my breakfast. When we finished I got a text from Laura asking if I'd like to go shopping today so I agreed and we'd meet up by starbucks at 1.

"Dan I'm going to go shopping with Laur today!" I shouted from the living room to him in the kitchen.

"Okay babes, have fun!" He shouted back. I got my shoes and everything ready and went to give Dan a kiss before I left.

"I'm going now." I said kissing his cheek.

"All right. Bye gorgeous." He replied giving me a kiss on my lips.

"Bye." I said and walked out the door.

After a few minutes I arrived at starbucks and saw Laura already sitting inside with two coffees, so I quickly went inside and sat down by her.

"Hey love, how're you doing?" She asked.

"I'm fine. You?" I said.

"Couldn't been better. And how's your mum?" She asked. I had told her about my mum over the phone but this was the first time that I talked face to face with her about it.

"She's saying that she's fine. But I'm just worried, you know." I said being honest.

"I understand. But she's a fighter, she can get through this." She said squeezing my hand.

"Enough about my mum. How're you and Glen doing?" I said smiling.

"Amazing! He's so sweet and caring." She said with a twinkling in her eyes.

"So he's being good to you?" I asked.

"Oh yes! He's more than good! If you know what I mean..." She said winking at me.

"Laura! I don't need any dirty details, you're both my friends I don't want to know what you're doing to each other!" I said when I realized what she was talking about.

"Well you're my best friend, so actually we're supposed to tell each other those things. But, I'll save it. For now." She said laughing at me.

"Laura you're crazy." I said finishing my coffee.

"I know, I know." She said smiling. 

We both finished our coffees and went to all kind of different shops. When it was 5PM our feet were hurting like hell and we were carrying to many bags that we could barely hold them so we decided to go home. Laura agreed to come back to mine and Danny's so she drove after me to our house. When we walked into the living room with all our bags we saw Danny and Glen sitting on the couch watching a football match.

"Laura!" Glen said surprised to see her here.

"I see you guys had a great day?" Dan said nodding to all our bags that were surrounding us.

"Oh yeah, you could defiantly say that! I've learned a lot about your relation and stuff like that." Laura said starting her dirty talk again.

"Laura!" I said hitting her playfully.

"Oh don't be embarrassed of talking about me, and how good I am." Danny said smirking and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah right mr sex-god. She said you sucked." Laura said trying to sound serious.

"I didn't say that!" I said raising my eyebrows at her.

"I know, but I wanted to see Dan's reaction." Laura admitted. 

"I knew that you were lying, cause from what I've heard from the girl herself..." Danny said winking.

"Okay enough!!" I said blushing and walked to the kitchen to get us all a beer. When I came back Laura was sitting on Glen's lap so I handed Laura a beer and Glen a coke and sat down in between Dan's legs and gave him his beer. We watched the end of the match and Dan was over the moon when Man U won. After the match Glen and Laura went back home so we said our goodbyes and I started to make dinner.

"So babe, are you gonna show me what you've bought?" Danny said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"If you want me to." I replied.

"Yeah of course! Otherwise I wouldn't ask." He said.

"Okay give me a second." I said putting the lasagna in the oven. I walked to the living room where he was sitting on the couch and I started show him everything that I had bought. It took me about half an hour to show him everything cause Laura and I had so many, even bikinis even though it was still about 5 months until the summer. But we didn't care.

"I like that one!" He said pointing at a white strapless bikini.

"It'll look sexy on you." He added with a wink. I felt myself blush and quickly showed him something else. By the time he had seen everything the lasagna was ready as well so we sat down on the couch and ate our dinner in front of the tv cause we were both tired. When we finished eating I went upstairs to change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt and cuddled up to Dan on the couch.

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