Everyone's running from somet...

By Mirjam_

15.4K 502 78

It was Dublin city on a friday night in december. Rose, 31, decides to go busking. When she is singing the la... More

~Chapter 1~ Busking
~Chapter 2~ Coffee
~Chapter 3~ Who's the girl?
~Chapter 4~ 'Date'
~Chapter 5~ Next day
~Chapter 6~ Couple?
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~ Real date
~Chapter 9~ For the first time
~Chapter 10~ Christmas morning
~Chapter 11~ Snowball fight
~Chapter 12~ Papers
~Chapter 13~Twitter picture
~Chapter 14~ Parents
~Chapter 15~ London
~Chapter 16~ New year
~Chapter 17~ Love?
~Chapter 18~ Last day
~Chapter 19~ Black alley
~Chapter 20~ I think I like her...
~Chapter 21~ Mum
~Chapter 22~ Lazy day
~Chapter 23~ New couple
~Chapter 24~ Sick
~Chapter 25~ Home sweet home
~Chapter 27~ Surprise
~Chapter 28~ Valentines day
~Chapter 29~ Venice
~Chapter 30~ Home again
~Chapter 31~Glen and Laura
~Chapter 32~ How bad is it?
~Chapter 33~ First chemo
~Chapter 34~ Sky full of stars
~Chapter 35~ Shopping
~Chapter 36~ Babysitting
~Chapter 37~ Maud
~Chapter 38~ Kiss
~Chapter 39~ Packing
~Chapter 40~ Disneyland
~Chapter 41~ What's going on here?
~Chapter 42~ The truth
~Chapter 43~ I can't lose her
~Chapter 44~ If you ever come back
~Chapter 45~ Dead man walking
~Chapter 46~ I can't live without her
~Chapter 47~ Home
~Chapter 48~ 9 months
~Chapter 49~ Anniversary
~Chapter 50~ Spa
~Chapter 51~ Telling the family
~Chapter 52~ I want it to be on the beach
~Chapter 53~ Countdown
~Chapter 54~ The wedding
~Chapter 55~ Honeymoon
~Chapter 56~ Baby?
~Chapter 57~ Baby.
~Chapter 58~ Lilly
~Chapter 59~ 2 months
~Chapter 60~ Boy or girl?
~Chapter 61~ Nursery
~Chapter 62~ Liam Shay O'Donoghue
~Chapter 63~ The end where I begin

~Chapter 26~ Worry

240 6 2
By Mirjam_

Rose's pov:

When I woke up and I turned around I saw that the bed was empty next to me. I watched at the alarm clock on my bedside table what time it was but before I could see that I saw a note from Danny saying"

"Morning beautiful, I'm at the studio with the lads. Call me if you need me and I'll be right there! Love you xxx"

I smiled at myself when I read his note, he's so sweet. I put the note down again and saw that it was already 1.00PM. Shit shit shit. I had to be at work already and hour ago. I ran out of bed and got dressed as fast as I could. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my phone I saw that I had a lot of missed calls from Anne, and a few texts. I quickly opened the first text saying

"Hey, where are you? x"

I opened all her text on my way to the door but when I stepped out I saw the last text saying

"Hii, I think that you're still ill as you aren't at work so there is someone else for you here today. Get well soon bby! x"

Great. Now they all think that I'm still ill. I decided to text her back and tell her the truth.

"Hey, I'm really really sorry but I'm not ill anymore I slept way to long and just woke up... I'm sorry. x"

I didn't take her long to reply.

"No problem. Shit happens. See you tomorrow?;)"

"Yeah, thanks."

I was glad that Anne wasn't mad at me or something. As I had a 'day off' now I first had a walk with Skyler and when I came back I decided to pack the last boxes from yesterday out and put everything away. Then I went to the mall to shop the groceries for tonight to make a lovely meal for Dan. When I came back home I put everything away and started to wash our dirty clothes, what we really needed to do by now... When I was finished it was 5.30 PM so I started with making our dinner as Dan could be home any minute now. When I was finished it was 6.00PM and there was still no sign of Danny. I started to worry a bit now so I decided to call him but he didn't pick his phone up. Then I decided to call Rina as I still had a lot of contact with her.

"Hello?" Rina said when she answered the phone.

"Hi Rina, it's me Rose." I said.

"Oh hey girl how are you?"

"I'm great. But is Mark already at home?"

"Yeah, about half an hour. Why?" She asked with a little bit of worry in her voice.

"Well I would've expected Dan by now but he still isn't here and he doesn't pick his phone up so I thought maybe they're still at the studio but Mark is already home."

"Wait I'll ask Mark if he knows where Danny is." She said when I told her everything.

"Hey Rose." Mark said. 'He probably took the phone from Rina.' I thought to myself when I heard Mark.

"Hi, do you know where Danny is?" I asked getting more worried by the second.

"No. We all left at the same time and he was telling us how he looked forward to see you again." I just didn't reply to that I felt the panic rise in myself.

"Rose? Are you still there?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm just really worried." I admitted to him.

"Don't worry. He's a grown man. He'll come back, and if he isn't in about an hour we'll gonna find him. I promise." Mark said trying to calm me down. Just when he said that I heard the door slam and Dan came walking into the living room.

"HE'S BACK!" I shouted down the phone and ran to Danny. When I came closer I noticed that his face was covered in blood.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat him down on the couch.

"I-i think that I've met your dad." He said looking down at his hands.

"I don't know how but he knew that I was your boyfriend and he said things like you didn't deserve me and that I needed to ran away. Then he started to beat me up and thank god your mum walked past and helped me and gave me a lift home." He told. I felt the tears form in my eyes. That he had beaten me up was one thing. But now Danny?!

"I'm so sorry." I said giving him a careful hug not to hurt him.

"It's not your fault." He replied kissing the top of my head.

"I was so worried about you." I said as I started to cry.

"I'm sorry." He said taking me in his arms.

"Let's just eat for now." He said slowly getting up. We ate our food and talked about some silly things. When we finished I put everything in the dishwasher while Danny went for a shower. When I had everything in the dishwasher I went upstairs and saw that the bathroom door was open and I saw Danny standing in his t-shirt and boxers wiping the dried blood from his face. I walked into the bathroom and started helping him without saying anything. When his face was clean he asked

"Can you please help me taking my shirt of? My ribs are killing me."

"Yeah of course." I said carefully taking his shirt of. When I took his shirt over his head I gasped when I saw how blue his ribs were.

"What's the matter?" He asked when he heard me gasp.

"Your ribs." I replied still looking at his ribs.

"That's ok. I'm gonna be fine." He said trying to reassure me.

"No it's not." I said looking into his eyes this time.

"I'm gonna call the police." I said turning the shower on for him.

"If that's what you want." Just when he said that I heard the doorbell. So I helped Danny with his boxers and went downstairs to open the door.

"Hi mum." I said confused when I saw her standing there.

"Hi love." She said walking in when I stepped aside.

"I think you've already heard what happened?" She said looking me in the eye.

"Yeah. And I'm gonna call the police." I replied to her.

"There's no need to do that. I've already done that and he's arrested." She said. I know that it sounds very wrong but I felt myself smiling and I was relieved that he was arrested.

"Thanks." I said.

"That's ok. But I wanted to ask how Danny is doing." I asked suddenly worried.

"He says that he's fine but his ribs are totally blue. He's having a shower now." I told her. When I said that he came walking into the living room again in his sweatpants and his shirt in his hands.

"Can you help me again?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I replied carefully helping him putting his shirt on.

"Oh Hey, ms O'Connor." He said when he saw my mum.

"It's O'Hara again. But you can call me Iris." My mum said smiling at him.

"How are you?" She asked him.

"Been better. But it's gonna be ok." He said slowly sitting down while I went to the kitchen to make tea.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you." She said guilty.

"It's not your fault." He replied.

After my mum finished her tea I waved her goodbye and came back in the living room with Danny.

"I think I'm not going to the studio tomorrow." He said sitting down.

"No you better don't. I can stay here and look after you this time." I said sitting down next to him.

"No I can look after myself you can go." He said slowly wrapping his arm around me.

"You're sure?" I asked still worried.

"Yup." He said kissing the top of my head.

"I love you." I said smiling at him.

"I love you too." He said smiling back.

I snuggled up to him careful not to hurt him more and we watched some tv together.


Hi, I'm sorry that I didn't update for a while. But I'm back now!;) xx

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