One Chance (Niall Horan)

By IamCliffaconda

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Lilo Tomlinson always thought that her last name was for some forgotten girl. That is until she mets her brot... More

I meet Niall Horan
Chapter 2 ~ The Beach
Chapter 3 ~"Dude!"
Chapter 4~ "I'd never let you go."
Chapter 5~ "Is Lilo okay?!"
Chapter 6~ I wake up-
Chapter 7~ "I hate hospitals-"
Chapter 8~ Confusion
Chapter 9~ Scuba Diving ideas
Chapter 10 ~ Jealousy
Chapter 11~ Fishes, Clams and Sharks Oh My!
Chapter 12 ~ New Secrets
Chapter 13~Unvealed
Chapter 14 ~ The Unkwown Caller
Chapter 15 ~ Tears and Sadness
Chapter 16 ~ Pain
Chapter 17 ~ Found
Chapter 18 ~ Trust
Chapter 19 ~ Out and About
Chapter 20 ~ Drunk
Chapter 21 ~ Christmas
Chapter 22 ~ Surprise Road Trip Part 1
Chapter 23 ~ Surprise Road Trip Part 2
Chapter 24 ~ A Walk
Chapter 25 ~ Clubbing
Chapter 26 ~ Cheating and Shit
Chapter 27 ~ A drunk girl alone in a sea of sober people
Chapter 28 ~ Meeting Niall's Mom
Chapter 29 ~ Strange Dreams ☁️
Chapter 30 ~ Hanging with Harry
Chapter 31 ~ Almost
Chapter 32 ~ Truth
Chapter 33 ~ Simon
Chapter 34 ~ A new World
Chapter 35 ~ A Perfect Date
Chapter 36 ~ Almost Goodbye
Chapter 37 ~ Valentine's Day
Chapter 38 ~ The Tomlinsons
Chapter 39 ~ The Tomlinsons Part 2
Chapter 40 ~ Back again
Chapter 41 ~ A Big Mistake
Chapter 42 ~ I wish I could forget
Chapter 43 ~ Around the World
Chapter 44 ~ Rome
Chapter 45 ~ Camping
Chapter 46 ~ The Interview
Chapter 47 ~ The Accident
Chapter 48 ~ Lost Memories
Chapter 50 ~ I'll never let you go again
Author's Note

Chapter 49 ~ I'm sorry I forgot

138 6 0
By IamCliffaconda

Lilo's P.o.v.

I hurt everywhere. My sides. My head. My legs and arms. Everything. My index finger was clamped down by something. I wiggled it around, trying to get whatever it was off. With all my strength, I lifted my eyes lids open. Bright lights blinded my vision.

"Lilo? Oh thank god you're awake!" A voice shouted. I blinked, my vision clearing itself up.

A blonde man, along with three other males rushed towards me. I was in far to much pain to move. The blonde man engulfed me in a hug and so did another man who looked similar to me.

Just as the blonde man had let go, he leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head away from him.

"Woah, I'm sorry but do I know you guys?" I asked, hoping for someone to clear things up. The door suddenly opened and Meilani and Lilly walked through the threshold. Once they saw me they ran, engulfing me in hugs, crying even.

I was throughly confused on the situation. Did I know these men? Why had the blonde man try to kiss me? Why was I in a hospital bed? What happened? So many questions and thoughts floated through my head.

"W-What happened? Who are these men? Where did you guys come from?" I asked. Meilani and Lilly both glanced over towards the men. Especially looking towards the blonde man.

"Lilo, you seriously don't remember?" The blonde man asked, accent soothing to my ears.

"Remember what?" I asked. His eyes filled to the brim with tears. His hands reached out, grasping the side bars of the bed.

"You don't remember all the time we spent together? T-The beach, the diner, the dates we went on, you don't remember me shooting you in the ankle?" His voice was broken, tears falling down his cheeks.

The men behind him grapped his arms, pulling him out of the room. Once the men left Meilani and Lilly came to my side.

"Lilo, you don't remember them?" Meilani asked. I shook my head.

"Leah, that blonde was your boyfriend, you two were inseparable. You seriously don't remember?" Lilly asked. My boyfriend? I had a boyfriend?

"What do you remember?" Meilani asked. I thought back.

I had memories of important times. Though the last thing I remember was the accident.

"I was driving down the rode and I saw..." It hit me. Alex. He had found me! He tried to kill me!

"And what?" Lilly asked.

"Alex tried to kill me. Why is he trying to kill me? What did I do? Who are those men? And where am I?" I asked all under one breathe.

"Well your Dad is still trying to kill you, he teamed up with Alex because Alex wants revenge for you breaking up with him. Those men are our friends. One is your boyfriend, the blonde, and the tall lean and smexy brunette with colored eyes that looks like you is your brother, and my boyfriend. Oh and you're in Massachusetts. You kinda became a famous singer and are touring with your boyfriend and brother's band." Meilani explained. No. That couldn't have happened! Could it?

"How long have I been out for?" I asked. Still not believing what Meilani had said.

"Two days." Lilly answered. Just before I got the chance to ask another confusing question, the door opened. The blonde man walked in, head held low.

"Can I please have a minute alone?" He asked. Meilani and Lilly both nodded. Lilly patted the man's back while walking out.

Once the door closed the man walked closer towards me. His blue eyes slowly making their way to me. His fingers tightened their grip around the bar. He took a deep breath before meeting my eyes.

"D-Do you remember me?" He asked slowly and softly. I laid my hand on his, squeezing it gently, his eyes flickered down to my hand before bringing them back up.

"No. I'm sorry I forgot." I answered. Trying my best not to make this man cry even more.

"You don't remember any of the memories we had?" He asked, tears forming at his eyes again.

"Hey, please don't cry. Please. I am truly and deeply so-" before I could finish my sentence the man fell into my arms, I didn't know what else to do but hug him. He softly cried into my shoulder. After awhile he pulled away, wiping his eyes with his hand.

"Sorry. I just-" The man stopped, his eyes staring at the floor as if it were telling him what to say next.

"No. I'm not sorry. Before you got into that car accident I was your boyfriend. I loved you. Yes I said it, I love you. And I will stay here everyday and not leave you. I will wait till you remember me. And if not, then we'll start over." The man declared. Shocked and not knowing what else to do, I nodded.

"Okay. What's your name bright eyes?" I asked, trying to brighten the situation. The blonde smiled and laughed.

"You used to call me that alot. It's Niall." His eyes still a bit watery. He looked as if though he would cry again if I said the wrong thing.

"Okay, Niall, will you please sit? You don't have to stand." I offered. He nodded and took a seat close to the bed.

My eyes slowly shut, I was tired from all the confusion. My thoughts drifted back into the accident. Alex calling for help. Medics telling me to stay awake. Nurses rushing me to the ER. And Niall, calling for me. That's all I remember.

My body was slowly shutting itself down, wanting more sleep. I let it too.

Niall's P.o.v.

It hurt. My girlfriend had forgotten me. All the memories we made, gone like whispers in the wind.

I watched as she slept in the bed, everyone else went to get some rest. I just wanted to stay. They pushed the concert back two days. That's when the Doctor said Lilo could be released.

I stared at her face. Scratches along both cheeks, more on the right side though. A briuse right at the end of her jawline, just next to her neck. A cut right next to the chin. A black eye from the air bags. Her shoulder red and scratched from the car door slamming into her. From her elbow to her wrist was a long gash, though it was covered up with gauze tape. Her right foot in a small brace. I laughed at the fact that it was in one once again, this time, it wasn't my fault.

My eyes started to get heavy, slowly closing themselves. I hadn't slept in two days, but now that Lilo was awake, I could.

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