Slicing through the sky- how...

By TheCrimsonWrath

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The character's name is Ari Horrendous Haddock, and he's 16 years old. throughout he grows older, reaching 22... More

Enter the dragon
This is berk..
How to start a dragon academy
Viking for hire
Animal house
The terrible twos
Dragons we trust
Alvin and the outcasts
How pick your dragon
Portrait of hiccup as a buff man
Dragon flower
The Heather report part 1
The heather report part 2
When lightning strikes
What flies beneath and what rules the land
Defiant one
Breakneck bog
Gem of a different colour
The ship from a mysterious land
We are family part 1
We are family part 2
Live and let fly
The iron gronckle
The night and the fury
Tunnel vision
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Night of the hunters part 2
Bad moon rising
Snotlout gets the axe
The zippleback experience
Snow way out
Edge of disaster part 1
Edge of disaster part 2
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Time to Skrill
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To heather or not to heather
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last auction heores
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No dragon left behind
Searching for oswald and chicken
Sins of tbe past
In plain sight
No Bark, All bite
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A Gruff separation
Mi armour wing
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Darkest night
Guardins of Vanaheim
King of Dragons part 1
King of Dragons part 2
Years later and more to discover
A new enemy
Happiness and tragedy
This is Berk
Back to berk
Grimmel and Lyall
The hidden world
Night and Light
Love amongst dragons
The world of dragons
The furious capture, the calvary is here
There where dragons when i was a boy
Homecoming part 2

Imperfect harmony

254 8 2
By TheCrimsonWrath

Hiccup positions the Dragon Eye with Toothless ready behind.

Hiccup: Okay bud, go ahead.

Toothless lights up the Dragon Eye with a plasma ray, causing a map to appear on the wall.

Ari: Still awesome!

Astrid: Woah!

Snotlout: Amazing!

The Twins: Woah!

Tuffnut: Cool!

Fishlegs: Definitely worth getting up for.

Hiccup: Fishlegs, can you make any of it out?

Fishlegs: They're parts of maps and symbols. Nothing I've seen before and there is writing but it is in a language I've never read before.

Snotlout: What's that thing?

They see a crest of a fist

Hiccup: That must be some kind of tribal crest or something.

Tuffnut: Ooh, I like that way better than our tribal crest.

Hiccup: Tuff, we don't have a tribal crest.

Ari: (we don't? What about the berk crest?)

Ruffnut: Well we should.

Tuffnut: Yeah, and it should be that.

Fishlegs: Hiccup, this map, you realize it...

Hiccup: Goes beyond the boundaries of the archipelago. Oh I know.

The twins look at each other

Ari: well then

Astrid: So what's our next move?

Scene changes to Hiccup, Ari and the Berk Council in the Great Hall

Hiccup: Look at this. There are maps we have never seen, writing we can't read, dragons that we don't recognize. It's incredible. This Dragon Eye, this is proof that there is a whole other world down there, a world that must be explored.

Gobber: This sure beats normal council business.

Stoick: It's alright lads, you can speak your mind. We're a council after all, that's why we're here.

Spitelout: We've been at peace for three years, best years on Berk I can remember. I think you know as well as I do, when you go looking for trouble, you usually find it.

Sven: I'm with Spitelout, if that Dragon Eye leads to unknown places and new wild dragons then no good will come from any of that.

Hiccup: I completely disagree, Sven. Look around you. How-how can you say that no good can come from discovering new species of dragons. Know if the're out there, we have to find them.

Spitelout: If there is anything you and the other riders should be doing is hunting down Dagur and putting him back in jail, where he belongs.

Hiccup: Another reason to go. Dagur was heading beyond our borders.

Ari: my brother is that psycho He thinks we won't go past them. But that's where we'll find him and that's where we'll take him down!

Spitelout: Stoick, anytime you like to chime in, we can put this thing to rest.

Stoick: You're right Spitelout, let's put this to rest.

Hiccup: Dad...

Ari just raises an eyebrow but stoick notices

Stoick: Let me speak sons, this is as important for you to hear as it is for them. Spitelout, you're absolutely right. These have been some of our best years. Nothing is more important than peace, peace among us, peace with our neighbors.

Hiccup sighs

Ari puts his hand on his shoulder and gives him a sign to wait

Stoick: And peace with our dragons. Having said that, let me ask you this Spitelout, when you and I first had Alvin in our sights and everyone was trying to tell us to leave well enough alone, what did we do?

Gobber: Crush them, that's what you did!

Stoick: Thank you Gobber.

Gobber: My pleasure chief. 'Smacks his head'

Stoick: When Valka was taken, and I went in search for her, could anyone have stopped me?

Gobber: Well, technically you're the chief so no.

Stoick: Yes Gobber, fair point, but you know where I'm going. Think of the most important thing in the world to each of you. Ask your selves honestly, how far would you be willing to go to get it, what would you risk. Hiccup's life has been dragons. His life is dragons. And will continue to be. We can't stop him from going if we wanted to. So we might as well support him. Go lad, find whatever it is out there that's pulling on you. And when you find it, Berk will be right here waiting for you. And Ari look after him and find something for yourself too

Ari smirks and nods

Gobber: You best get out of here before all this nostalgia wears off and he changes his mind.

Hiccup and Aronwhistles to thier dragons and run

Stoick: You take care of my boys, dragons

The dragons look back and nod

Then we cut to the rider flying

Hiccup: You ready for this?

Snotlout: Blah, Blah, Blah. Why do you have to make a production out of everything? Let's just go already.

Ari: Yeah I agree with snotlout LETS DO THIS

Hiccup: Okay, but if anyone has any reservations...

Snotlout: Into the great beyond!

Everyone: The great beyond!

Ari: Into the great beyond!

Ari and Sora speed up

Hiccup: Okay, no reservations. Let's go bud.

Scene changes to later. The Riders are still flying.

Snotlout: 'Wearily' Into the great beyond.

Astrid: The great beyond...

The twins: The great beyond...

Fishlegs: The great beyond.

Ari is practically asleep on Sora's back

Hiccup: Oh, come on, you guys. So we had a couple of tough hours. Nothing that's worth anything comes easy.

Tuffnut: Is that one of your riddles. Cause now is not the time my friends, we have to keep saying great beyond. Great Beyond.

Ruffnut: Great beyond.

Hiccup sighs while the twins still say great beyond

Hiccup: Toothless, let's see if anything's out there. 'They do echo location' Nothing.

Starts raining

Astrid: It seems the farther we go in, the worse it gets.

Fishlegs: Hiccup, I think we should turn back. We've been flying for most of the day.

Hiccup: We just have to keep moving forward until we're out of this.

Ari: He's right we've never given up before so let's keep going

They see a light

Astrid: Hiccup, is that...

Hiccup: Yeah it is. Everybody, fly for the light.

Everyone gazes at the land in amazement

Astrid: Look at this.

Hiccup: It's incredible.

Astrid: I know right. We made it Hiccup. We made it.

Fishlegs: Guys, can we slap each other on the backs later. Meatlug's wings are about to fall of.

Hiccup: Sorry guys. there's a place up ahead we can set down.

Then they hear a weird noise and the dragons seems to have a weird reaction too it

Fishlegs: Woah what is it girl? Don't you wanna rest?

They hear the noise again

Ari: alright what was that

Fishlegs: I have no idea but the dragons are definitely pulled towards it.

Hiccup: I guess, that's where we're going.

They get to a Beautiful island

Fishlegs: This place is amazing!

Ari is having a good time jumping between trees

Ari: You've got that right it's awesome!

Snotlout: Okay, I'm never going back to Berk.

Tuffnut: Berk. What's that? Cause I forgot.

Hiccup: I guess we don't have to vote on where we're making camp.

Snotlout: Haha. I'll take care of the fire.

Drops some green liquid on the ground

Snotlout: Hookfang, light it up. Monstrous Nightmare gel. Don't leave home without it.

Hiccup: Uhh...

Night comes

Ari is resting and he sees hiccup and Astrid together and smiles while closing his eyes

Ari: (first you get taller than me, now this are you trying to make your older brother jealous)

Ari chuckles too himself and relaxes

Astrid: You were right Hiccup. There's so much more out here and it's beautiful.

Hiccup: And this is only the beginning Astrid. Who knows what we'll find out here.

Morning comes

Ari wakes up and yawns

And sees hiccup and Astrid sleeping together

Ari smiles and then notices something


Hiccup wakes up and moves over to Astrid

Hiccup: Astrid, wake up. Do you hear that?

Astrid: What, I don't hear anything.

Hiccup: Exactly, the sound is gone.

Ari: yeah but that's not the problem

Fishlegs: the dragons!, All of them, gone!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Ari: Sora!

The twins keep on checking behind a rock

Astrid: How many times are you gonna check behind that rock? Barf and Belch cannot hide behind there.

Ruffnut: Clearly, you are not aware of the stealthiness of one Barf and Belch or is that two Barf and Belch?

Tuffnut: Hmm, excellent question. Two heads...

Ruffnut: One dragon...

Tuffnut: Two brains...

Ruffnut: One body.

Snotlout: Two bodies, half a brain. Ha ha.

Ari: not wrong

Hiccup: Nothing, I don't get it. Where would they go?

Fishlegs: Oh my Meatlug. She wouldn't do this. She would never leave me. She would never do this on her own.

Toothless jumps out of the bushes

Hiccup: Ha ha, There you are bud. Where did you go?

Toothless then acts frantic

Snotlout: Okay, I think your dragon ate something weird in the forest because he's out of his mind.

Fishlegs: No no no no no, I think he's trying to tell us something.

Hiccup: W-what is it bud. Is it the other dragons?

Toothless grabs his metal leg and runs.

Ari and Astrid: How far do you think he's gonna get before he realizes?

Hiccup sits up

Hiccup: Hard to say, he seemed pretty committed.

Toothless drops Hiccup's metal leg as he realizes he left him behind. He runs back.

Hiccup: That's okay, bud. I like the enthusiasm. You guys stay here in case they come back. Toothless and I are gonna look for them from above. 'Toothless is reluctant to go the way Hiccup was pulling him towards' No, no bud this way.

The dragon riders scream as a Thunderdrum approaches and it bellows right in their faces

Fishlegs: Oh Thor, oh Thor. Thunderdrum!

Toothless makes it fly off

Hiccup: Good job bud. Let's hope that's the last we see of this guy.

Snotlout yelling: Anything else you wanna draw towards us? Changewings, ooh Screaming Death maybe. I'm sure there one of those around here!.

Hiccup: Snotlout, you're yelling very loudly.

Snotlout: Oh really, I can barely hear myself, because that's what happens when you get attacked by a wild Thunderdrum!

Hiccup: Okay, we need our dragons. I'm gonna go back out there.

Ari: Bro you are going to need to speak up

Hiccup yelling this time: I said, I'm going back out there!

The group angrily argues about it.

Snotlout: NO!

Ruffnut: Get back here!

Snotlout: No you're not! I will take your other leg!

Astrid: No way, Hiccup. You are not leaving us alone.

Ari: Yeah there's no way am I letting you do that!

Fishlegs: We're dragonless and defenseless.

Ruffnut: And we can only communicate by yelling!

Tuffnut: Which, although quite enjoyable, is not very stealthy! Are you hearing any of this?

Hiccup: Okay, fine we'll all go together. 'The Riders, again, look at him blankly' 'yelling' Oh for... I said we'll all go together!

Tuffnut: Why didn't you just say so? Jeez.

Scene changes to the Riders walking in a foggy area seemingly have gotten their hearing back

Fishlegs: Uh Hiccup...

Hiccup: I know Fishlegs, no longer amazing.

Snotlout: Can we get a vote for creepy and weird?

He raises his hand as Ruff and Tuff do as well

Ari slowly raises his hand as well

Everyone gasps at the sight of a pile of bones

Fishlegs: Are those what I think there are?

Tuffnut: Weirdly shaped white rocks.

Hiccup: Dragon bones.

Ari: yup very much dragon bones

Tuffnut: Ah a boneyard, yes I like it. 'Sees Hiccup's stern look' I don't like it.

Astrid finds some amber looking stuff

Astrid: What is this stuff?

Ari grabs some and looks closely

Hiccup: No idea

Then a very loud screechy sound is heard

Snotlout: Okay, what was that?

Fishlegs: That my friend is a dragon in trouble.

Ari: which means we need to go that way

Then they get to a rocky area where they see dragons wrapped up in the amber rock substance

Hiccup: Woah.

Tuffnut: You guys do know what's going on here, Don't you?

Fishlegs: Yeah, Something is trapping the dragons in its amber rock substance and immobilizing them.

Tuffnut: Oh, I had a completely different idea which involved oily fish and uh, bad mutton.

Fishlegs: Then its breaking them out and eating them.

Ruffnut: Oh come on, Who would be doing that?

A huge dragon approaches

Ruffnut: How about that guy? He looks suspect to me.

They lush ruffnut back behind the rock

Then it cries and toothless walks towards it but hiccup holds him back

Hiccup: No no Toothless, no bud. It's the sound. that's what draws the dragons in.

Fishlegs: Songwing.

Astrid: What?

Fishlegs: That's what we should name it.

Ari: ugh really now!

Fishlegs: We need to call it something.

Tuffnut: Yeah, I'm thinking Death Song might be more appropriate. You know, 'cause you hear the song, you're dead.

Hiccup: Tell you what, he makes a pretty good point.

Tuffnut: Yeah, I do. Wait, what was it again?

Astrid: It doesn't matter what we call it. If it's doing it to all these dragons, then it probably did it to ours.

Fishlegs: We have to find them.

Hiccup: Fast.

Astrid: Stormfly!

Snotlout: Hookfang! Hookfang!

Ari: Sora!

Astrid: Snotlout, look!

Hookfang is trapped in an amber cocoon

Snotlout: Hooky! I am getting you out of there, Fangster.

Fishlegs: Astrid, I've got Stormfly! Stormfly is also trapped in an amber cocoon

Ari finds Sora

Ari: Ugh come on Sora you can break out of this

Sora begins to glow but it's strength isn't enough to break out

Ari tries using his sword but it doesn't do anything

Ari: well this isn't good

The gang hears roaring and Toothless runs away

Hiccup: Toothless! No!

The Death Song arrives and Toothless gets ready to face it. The Death Song coats him with amber and he is stuck

Hiccup: No! You guys, get your dragons free now!

The gang moves out and tries to get their dragons out. The Death Song fires its amber at them, trapping all but Hiccup, Ari and Astrid

Ari: Bring it on Big boy

The beast fires some amber it him but Ari dodges

Fishlegs: Wha... I can't move! I'm totally stuck!

Snotlout: Me, too. I can't believe that thing got me. I'm usually so limber.

Tuffnut: [stuck with Ruffnut] Yeah? Well, at least you got your own cocoon.

Ruffnut: Oh, yeah, like this is a picnic for me.

Their cocoon tumbles down to the ground

Both: Aah!

Tuffnut: I'm fine.

Death Song heads towards Ari and blasts amber right at him and he dodges but he makes a mistake and he is up against a cliff

Ari: (crap)

The death song blasts him

Ari: Argh dammit

Ari can't move

The dragon then goes to hiccup

Astrid: Hiccup, it's come for you! 'Astrid rushes forwards and pushes him away. She gets shot instead while Hiccup does not, and falls to the floor, encased in amber'

Hiccup: Astrid! 'rolls away and falls down a valley'mAah! 'lands' Oh! Oh!

The Thunderdrum turns to face him

Hiccup: Oh, hey. 'chuckles' Remember me? 'Thunderdrum roars' Okay, so, yeah, I'm thinking... we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. 'Thunderdrum roars and blasts him with its sonic blast. Hiccup shields himself with it' Note for the Book of Dragons, Thunderdrums carry a grudge.

Thunderdrum charges at him, knocking him off. The Death Song's amber misses them both. The two dragons face off. The Death Song knocks the Thunderdruim over and prepares to shoot amber

Hiccup: Don't worry, I got your back."fires rope from his shield onto his mouth' That's not gonna hold him for long. Okay, uh... you might not like what I'm about to do, but trust me, it's gonna work out for both of us. "jumps onto Thunderdrum's back. Startled, it takes off quickly and spins madly in the air while the Death Song is free'

Hiccup: Whoa. Haven't we been over this? 'Thunderdrum spirals in the air' I said I'm trying to help the both of us. Don't you listen? Of course you don't listen, you're a Thunderdrum, and Thunderdrums are hard of hearing. 'Thunderdrum plunges down to the ground' Aaaah! Uhh! 'grunts' At least we lost the Death Song. Oh, no, I can't believe this is actually happening. I should've left all those guys back on Berk. Now they're cocooned in that crazy rock stuff, I'm being chased by an angry Death Song, and I'm stuck here with a wild Thunderdrum who can't hear a word I'm saying. Wait a second. If you guys can hardly hear a thing, then you probably can't hear the Death Song's call. And if you can't hear the Death Song, then it can't lure you in. No wonder you haven't been caught and you're all alone. 'Thunderdrum roars' You know what, Mr. Thunderdrum? You're gonna help me get my friends back. And I'm gonna make sure that dragon never bothers you again. What do you say? 'Reaches hand forward and successfully tames it. They take to the skies'

Scene cuts to the place the gang and the dragons are cocooned in

Snotlout: Uhh! Uhh! Where's Hiccup?! I knew he'd leave us! I have to pee.

Asrid: He didn't leave us. He'll be back. If I could just reach my knife.

Ari: Already tried that didn't work so there's no point

Snotlout: If we can't cut it, then how do we get out of here?

Tuffnut: 'Ruffnut is stuck above him and her hair dangles down his face' Yeah, you can't tell me that my last breath is gonna be inhaling her stinky fish hair.

Ruffnut: Oh, yeah, that's real original. You know what? I hope it eats you first. At least I'll have something cool to watch before I die.

Tuffnut: You just stay on your side of the cocoon, missy. 'Suddenly, their coccon starts to tubble away' Whoa! Whoa! What's going on? Do it again!

Hiccup: 'On Thunderdrum' Okay, so that's a negative on plan A... ramming the cocoon open.

Astrid: Please tell me you have a plan B.

Ari: yes that would be very helpful

Fishlegs: If it involves cutting, ramming or ripping, you might as well forget it, Hiccup. Once it cools down, this stuff is hard as any rock I've ever seen.

Hiccup: Cools down?

Fishlegs: And hardens.

Hiccup: Hmm. Nobody move.

Tuffnut: Oh, yeah, that's funny. A real comedian.

Ari: he has a point hiccup that wasn't funny

Hiccup spreads Snotlout's Monstrous Nightmare gel all over the coccons

Snotlout: What are you doing, Hiccup?

Hiccup: Just trust me, Snotlout.

Snotlout: Says the man who's about to set me on fire?

Hiccup: You said it only stings a little.

Snotlout: I was lying. You know I'm a liar!

Hiccup: It'll be okay, Snotlout, I promise. Uhh. "Death Song approaches' Ohh! 'plays dead'

Death Song picks up another encased dragon

Fishlegs: Aah! Hurry up, Hiccup! He just took the appetizer. I think I'm the main course. 'His cocoon falls apart from Meatlug's' Uhh! Oh, Thor!

Astrid: Fishlegs, relax. It could take hours for him to eat that dragon.

Fishlegs: 'Death Song approaches' Or minutes! 'Death Song lands in front of him' Help! 'whimpering' Hi, sir.

Hiccup on the Thunderdrum approaches

Hiccup: Hey, remember us?! 'The Death Song chases after them and they divert it's attention. They fly upwards quickly, them swoop down. Hiccup light up the Nightmare gel. The amber melts and the gang springs out from it'

Ari: Ahh! That's better!

Astrid: Aah! Yes! It's working!

Hiccup: 'Toothless and Hiccup reunite' Hey, bud, good to see you.

All riders confront the Death Song, together with the Thunderdrum. Hiccup spots an adolescent Thunderdrum stuck in amber

Hiccup: It's an adolescent Thunderdrum. No wonder he stuck around. Snotlout, you get the Thunderdrum. I'll handle the Death Song. 'flies on Toothless' Hey, let's relocate this guy... permanently. And I've got just the place. Okay, Mr. Death Song, welcome to your new home.

Toothless flies into a cave and the Death Song follows them. Due to its size, it crashes into many boulders and rocks in the cliff

Hiccup: Ari! Now!

Ari: Heh! roger that

Sora unleashes a huge fireball and it closes in the cave entrance

Hiccup: Okay, bud, get us out of here. Toothless echolocates and gets out of another entrance and blasts it the Death Song is trapped in it' Yeah! Nice going, big guy! No one's gonna hear his song in there.

The Thunderdrum unites with its child

Hiccup: If I were you two, I'd maybe find another island. I don't know how long that's gonna hold.

Tuffnut: Uh, you know they can't hear you, right?

Hiccup: Yes, Tuff, I know. Let's get out of here. Hey, gang, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for getting you all into this. If you want to turn back...

Ari: Seriously?

Astrid: yeah! are you kidding?

Ruffnut: No way.

Snotlout: This is the most fun we've had in years.

Astrid: There is one thing we need to do, though.

Hiccup: I'm all ears.

Astrid: We need an island, our own island.

Fishlegs: Astrid's right, Hiccup. We're way too far out to travel back and forth to Berk.

Hiccup: What we need is a base of operations.

Fishlegs: Exactly. But this time, we don't let the dragons pick it. Sorry, girl, it had to be said.

Ari: Well then let's do this shall we I'm getting to excited just sitting here

Hiccup: All right, Snotlout, you're the man of the hour for bringing the Monstrous Nightmare gel. You choose.

Snotlout: Seriously?

Hiccup: Yeah, seriously.

Snotlout: All right! What do you say, Fangster? 'Hookfang roars' Ha! Couldn't agree more. Into the great beyond!

All: The great beyond!

And that's a wrap

YEAH! That was fun! Race to the edge is amazing

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