Can you heal old scars?

By Spo0kyBo0

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DISCLAIMER - This book will discuss various themes such as violence and depression, and includes sections of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 36

35 4 0
By Spo0kyBo0

When Quin came round again he found himself in the family room, wrapped in a blanket near the fire. He could hear Niles crying softly, hear Dutch gently comforting him and hear the subtle crackling of the fire behind him.

Quin tried to move, he wanted to comfort Niles too. He let out a cry of pain however as his whole body seemed to burn and throb.

"Q..Quin?" Niles said quietly, Dutch turning to look at Quin.

He blinked wet eyes at them from the floor, a grimace of pain on his face. Yet he still tried to move, weakly reaching a hand out to Niles who reached back.

Dutch carried Niles over, laying him down next to Quin, who lifted the blanket and Niles crawled under it and clung to him.

He cried as Quin stroked his hair and cooed gently, the warmth and scent radiating from Quin seemed to comfort him more than anything else had been able to. Quin was the Lunar, his saviour and his best friend. He had never felt safer than when he was around Quin, his kind and caring nature mixed with a personal strength like nothing Niles had ever seen before, it made him the safest person to be around in Niles mind. He still couldn't believe that Quin was his friend, but he thanked the Moon for bringing Quin into his life.

They both lay together for what felt like hours, people coming and going around them, but neither of them registered.

At some point Niles fell asleep, exhausted both physically and emotionally. Quin however couldn't rest, clinging onto Niles as he fought with the thoughts in his head.

He remembered his own fear, how lonely and destroyed he had been left, how much he had hated himself and the world afterwards... He didn't want Niles to go through all that, he wanted to spare him as much pain as he could. But had he done enough, did he get there in time to stop the worst of what could have happened?

He quietly let the tears fall, there was nothing he could do to stop them, and in a way it was somehow cathartic. He had held onto all the pain of his past for years, finally letting those emotions flow, recognizing and acknowledging them for the first time and really mourning for what he had lost, helped him to truly appreciate what he had now, and how far he had come.

Slowly but surely the negative thoughts in Quin's mind faded away, and he was left with a feeling of purpose. He could be here for Niles, in a way that he wished someone had been there for him. He was in a unique position to help Niles to deal with his trauma, by using his own experiences to support and empathize with Niles in a way that thankfully most people couldn't.

Eventually Ryan entered the room, a grim look on his face. He was concerned and annoyed, Trent's invasion of his territory and the attack on one of his most vulnerable pack members had him concerned about what Kyle had been telling him. He was worried that Kyle would take this as another sign that he wasn't fit to be Alpha, he really didn't want to have to come to blows with his brother but he wouldn't simply lay down and give up.

But another worry niggled in his mind too... Did the other packs really see him as weak because he wanted to help and support others?

Regardless he wasn't about to stop helping people, besides Trent had pushed his luck because he knew Ryan owed his Father a favour. However after his last trespassing incident, Ryan had agreed not to call the Lunar Council and in return the favour was considered repaid. Now Ryan didn't owe Trent's Father anything, and he was going to make damn sure that Trent finally understood there were consequences for his actions.

He looked over to the fire and his grim expression softened, Quin's hazel eyes blinked up at him, Niles curled up asleep in his arms. Quin gave a weak smile and Ryan came to sit by his head, stroking his hair gently.

To see Quin so protective of Niles was heartwarming, Niles had been so lonely and withdrawn when they took him in. Since Quin arrived, Niles had started to come out of his shell a little, Ryan hoped that he wouldn't retreat again after what had just happened.

Quin's face was puffy and red from crying, Ryan leant down and kissed his forehead softly. This must have been so hard on Quin, not only as Niles's friend, but as a victim of assault himself.

Ryan could only imagine how triggering this whole event must have been, then you add in an unexpected transformation, and the fact that as Ryan's mate, Quin would feel the pain of one of his pack being hurt quite deeply. Ryan was genuinely concerned for Quin's mental health.

"Hey, baby. How are you holding up?" Ryan whispered softly.

Quin sighed, he wasn't sure how to answer that. He had a lot of pain on many levels, but all his focus was currently on Niles, Ryan and what this event meant for the pack.

"Worried.." Quin finally managed to whisper back.

Ryan nodded, continuing to rub Quin's head and neck with his fingers. Quin closed his eyes and sighed at the sensation, trying to gain as much comfort from it as he could. But he had a bad feeling that something was going to go wrong, a tense anticipation inside him that had him coiled tightly like a spring.

"Niles will have all the support of the pack to help him heal, and so will you. Although I don't know what you are going through, I will support you in anyway I can. I can only imagine how difficult this all was for you baby, but I'm here, and you aren't alone in this" Ryan said, still stroking Quin's shoulder.

Quin stuttered a breath, he didn't want to cry anymore, Ryan's words were so nice and so comforting. But there was something else Quin was worrying about, something that was stopping him from relaxing.

"What happens now? With Trent I mean... Am I going to be arrested?" Quin asked, vaguely recalling someone saying an Enforcer was on their way.

"What...? No... No, baby! You're not in trouble, you were protecting your pack from an intruder, one who attacked your friend and then attacked you. By our laws you did everything right, it's the calling of an Alpha's mate to defend their pack members." Ryan said as he tried his best to comfort Quin.

"So why is an Enforcer coming?" Quin asked, hoping that Trent was finally going to be punished.

"I'm calling for a trial, to make sure Trent pays for what he did. Within our laws, I have every right to press charges now, he should be punished for what he did to Niles." Ryan replied.

A trial. Quin had been through a few of those, they could be lengthy processes, and very invasive. Niles would have to give a statement at the very least, which would be difficult and upsetting for him. Quin would have to talk to him about it, try and prepare him for what to expect. And Quin would likely have to do the same, if not more considering what he did.

It would also mean possible press coverage if it got out that Quin was involved. That thought worried Quin in many different ways, the trouble it would cause to the pack, to the band and his friends. What would that do to his and Ryan's relationship, after all Quin was still hesitant to fully allow Ryan to claim him, so would he truly be seen as Ryan's mate to the court?

Quin didn't know much, but he vaguely remembered something about an honorary title, and a certain authority it gave within the pack once an Alpha placed their mark. Of course that never happened with Callow, but that was a very different situation.

Quin still felt that he didn't deserve to have any authority over the pack, he was a newcomer and didn't know all the in's and outs of how the pack was run. And lately the vibe he was getting from Kyle, and the recent argument that Ryan had with him had left Quin even more hesitant.

The biggest reason however was obvious, just the thought of having to carry yet another huge ugly scar on his neck filled him with dread. Yes it would be Ryan's mark, but it was still a scar on his neck and the similarities would inevitably trigger some of those old fears and behaviours again.

But Quin did want to fully accept Ryan as his mate, he knew that now. He just wished there was another way to do it that didn't involve a mating scar.

Quin shifted slightly and hissed as his skin burnt, it honestly felt like it was going to tear open. Ryan leant down and kissed Quin's head, stroking his hair behind his ear.

"Why don't I get you to bed, baby? You will be more comfortable there."

Quin knew that was probably sensible, but he didn't want to leave Niles, the last thing Quin wanted was for Niles to be alone.

"I can't leave Niles, he needs me and I need him. I have to be here for him, I have to!" Quin said, tears threatening his eyes again.

Ryan sighed, he could feel the possessiveness building up and hated himself for being jealous. Snow wasn't happy about how Niles was cuddled into Quin and was currently grumbling inside him.

'Mate is ours, he shouldn't be holding that Omega. They are far too close, I don't like it!" Snow complained, as Ryan rubbed his temple.

"Look I know you don't like it, but it's nothing to be concerned about. They are friends, it's nothing sexual! Quin and Niles are both traumatized right now, and however much we want to be there for Quin, we just don't understand in the same way!" Ryan snapped in his head, Snow grumbling unhappily.

As soon as the thought crossed Ryan's mind, Snow snarled loudly.

'Don't you even think of putting them both in our bed! Are you out of your fucking mind?!' Snow yelled angrily.

"It's that or leave Quin on the floor all night, he isn't going to abandon Niles. They need each others support right now, Snow." Ryan replied.

He had to admit, he didn't feel comfortable with this, but he also didn't feel comfortable leaving Quin on the floor all night in pain. He would be there with them, he knew he could trust Quin, knew that Niles was his friend and nothing more...

But he couldn't help his own insecurities, especially as he still wasn't able to claim Quin. He knew the possessiveness and jealousy was only going to get worse the longer he was denied, and he worried about what he might say or do.

But now wasn't the time to talk to Quin about it, he had more than enough to deal with right now and didn't need Ryan adding to the weight he was already struggling with.

"Come on, baby. You need to rest, and the floor isn't going to help. Niles can come and stay with you... for now. And when your both comfortable, he can stay in the spare room. That way you can be there if he needs you, is that ok?" Ryan asked.

Quin looked at Ryan in surprise, he honestly didn't expect this. He could sense Ryan's discomfort, and yet he was still offering to do this for them.

Quin nodded, gently shaking Niles awake.

Niles looked at Quin and then jumped when he spotted Ryan, he could smell dominance in the air, it was faint but it was there. Ryan wasn't happy he was so close to Quin...

"I need to go to bed, Niles. Ryan wants me to rest, but he said you can stay with me. If you want to you can stay with me and Ryan for now? And your always welcome to stay in the spare room until you feel safer?" Quin said kindly, stroking his hair.

Niles gulped, looking at Ryan. He didn't want to be away from Quin, but he also didn't want to upset his Alpha.

Ryan gave a small nod, Niles could tell it was taking a lot for Ryan to suggest this.

"Oh....ok, only if t..that's alright. I d..don't want to cause.. p..problems.." Niles stammered, Quin smiling gently.

Quin was so kind, and so caring towards him, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such a good friend. He was quickly coming to consider Quin like a big brother, someone he could rely on and trust. Trust wasn't an easy thing for Niles, but with Quin he really did feel like he could trust him with anything.

Niles slowly crawled onto his knees, yelping a little as the back of his legs stung. Trent had slashed his legs as he'd ripped Niles's clothes off, and the burning from the cuts was still very much present.

Ryan frowned, before getting up and scooping Niles up in his arms. Niles froze wide eyed in shock as Ryan headed for the door.

"Stay here, baby. I'll come back and get you." He said before leaving and heading up the stairs.

Ryan took Niles into his bedroom and carefully placed him on the bed, Niles still looking petrified.

Ryan paused for a moment, sighing as he looked at Niles sat on the bed. The kid was terrified, and however uncomfortable Ryan felt, this was the right thing to do.

"I'm trusting you to look after Quin, I still have business to attend to. I will be back in a few hours, I can rely on you, can't I Niles?" Ryan said, trying to keep his dominance in check.

"Y..yes Alpha, I w..will take care of Lunar, I p...promise" Niles said in a weak voice.

Ryan grimaced, the word 'Lunar' ringing in his ears. Quin wasn't officially his Lunar until they had mated and he had marked him, and Ryan wanted nothing more desperately than that.

He turned and left, returning to the family room. He carefully wrapped the blanket around Quin and scooped him up from the floor, heading slowly up the stairs as Quin winced and moaned in pain with each small movement.

When they got in the room, Niles was still sat exactly where Ryan had put him. He was fiddling with the oversized jumper Dutch had put on him after they had returned to the house, the clean pants he was wearing were also far too big. It made him look even smaller and more fragile than he already was, and Ryan quietly chastised himself for even thinking Niles was any kind of threat to him.

Ryan carefully put Quin on the bed, going to the draws and getting out some clean and loose fitting clothes for him to wear. He helped Quin to dress, and hated that it hurt Quin so much to move.

Quin finally laid down and Ryan pulled up the blanket, he paused for a moment before lifting it and gesturing for Niles to join Quin.

Niles hesitated until Quin opened his arms to him, then he crawled under the blanket and curled up against Quin's chest.

Ryan kissed Quin's head before he got up to leave.

"Try and get some sleep if you can, your body needs time to recover. Sleep is the best thing for both of you right now, I will be back later to check on you both, ok?" Ryan said.

Quin nodded, smiling weakly as he watched Ryan leave the room and close the door.

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