The Sun, the Moon and the Sky.

By hope_373

64K 2.4K 2.8K

Reverse Harem Aiden and Aly, childhood friends, being in a love-hate relation works for them. They live thei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: Masquerade Special (1)
Chapter 45: Masquerade Special (2)
Chapter 46: Masquerade Special (3)
Chapter 47: Masquerade Special (Finale)
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54: Silence.
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68: Fading away.
Chapter 69: Blue's POV
Chapter 70: Aiden's POV
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79 : House tour (1)
Chapter 80 : House Tour (2)
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 : Together.
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100: Finale

Chapter 66

334 18 69
By hope_373

Author's POV

"Pick up!"

"Fucking pick up!"

Aiden growled at his phone but Aly didn't pick up once, his mind not working one bit.

He has been trying to call her for so long, but only if she would pick up. She said she'll call him when she reached her apartment since he had sent Mike to follow that man, but Blue was with Aly so he didn't worry too much.

He waited for an hour for her call, but she did not call, and now she wasn't even picking up any of his calls.

The readings of her wrist watch weren't fine either, it showed that her heartbeat was too fast as if something happened.

He was going out of his minds, he thought about calling Blue but then he remembered Blue was leaving for his trip today so how could he call Blue to check up on her.

And no one other than Mike, Blue and Aiden himself had the password to her apartment either.

He finally didn't think anything and just opened his laptop to check her location. Her wrist watch didn't have any tracker but her jewellery sure did.

Every single one of them had one. He knows how Aly can get. Once when they were living together in the Cullen mansion, Aly had disappeared one day out of nowhere right after her visit to Ray house.

Every one was going insane, but then Aiden had found her after around 5 hours in a club just dancing without a care in the world.

Since Aiden knew Aly wasn't the careless one to do something like this, he knew something big must have happened.

So he didn't get mad, he just simply went to her comforted her, but the second she had seen him, she was completely fine, like nothing happened. He tried to get her to talk but she kept saying it was nothing.

Finally it was Mrs. Cullen who had taken her in a room and talked to her. She didn't tell anyone anything but after that everything went normal again.

But was Aiden normal? No, he wasn't, he became paranoid about her safety, hence he started putting tracker in every single jewellery he gave her and even put Mike for her bodyguard duties, even though he was always at a distance, he was always there.

He saw that Aly's location was at the apartment, so he decided to wait for sometime, maybe she was sleeping, is what he told himself.

"She's fine, she's just sleeping."

Blue put his bags inside the car and looked up at the sky, it was almost evening. But the moon was already visible.

For no reason he was reminded of Aly as he looked at the crescent moon. She was indeed like the moon, wandering around aimlessly but bringing light to everyone around her.

Actually it doesn't even matter if its everyone or not, Blue just knew one thing, Aly lit her world so brightly that he felt like all the time he had lived before didn't matter anymore.

All that mattered was the time spent with her and Aiden and the time he was going to spend with them.

"Let's go Blue." He heard his father, he looked up to see his father waiting for him to get in the car.

Suddenly something in him scratched the back of his head, he put a hand up to calm his drumming heart but nothing was working. He put a hand up to touch his cheeks only to realise he was crying.

What is happening?

A hand on his shoulder made him turn to look at Claire who's eyes softened seeing his wet cheeks,
"What's happening Blue?" Claire asked him and he shook his head trying to gather his thoughts.

He didn't know.

He had no clue himself how was he supposed to tell Claire?

"Get in Blue." He heard his father, his voice lacing sternness, he took a deep breath wiping his tears with his sweater paws and breathed deeply to calm down.

Everything is fine.

He'll sit inside the car, they'll leave..

Instead the second he even thought about leaving his entire frame froze.

He was leaving?

"Come on Blue your entire family is waiting for you." He heard his father say as he sat down on the passenger seat besides Nick on the driving seat.

But his entire family wasn't there. No matter how much he tried to accept it, it was the truth.

Aly and Aiden weren't there.

Oh god what is wrong with him?

It's just a single day trip, why can't he just let go. Why isn't his heart slowing down to its normal pace? Why is his head so fucking heavy?

Suddenly yesterday morning flashed his eyes, and it wasn't anything else but rather a someone's face. A distressed face. A discomforted body withering on the bed trapped in the horrors of the mind.

He remembered he hadn't spared a second before waking her up since it was already morning and he couldn't see her like that anymore.

Now how will she be when there won't be anyone around her tomorrow? There would be no one to pull her out of the cursed nightmares, no one to hold her body if it moves to fall down the bed, no one to hold her in their arms providing the constant comfort she needs.

He didn't even realise when his hand went and unbuckled his own seatbelt before he was standing outside the car looking at the tinted windows.

He couldn't.

He saw all the other doors of the car open and everyone came out of the car when they realised what he did.

He made eye contact with his father and he knew his father knew what he was thinking,
"Don't even think about it Blue, get back in the car." His father told him, tone turning an octave lower trying to sound stern but Blue definitely heard the pleading.

His father wanted him. All of him.

But that's not possible.

He can't do this. He can't give his all to his father, because he didn't have it.

They had it.

Parts of him. And he knew he only ever feels complete when they are with him.

They were always with him, everytime he felt upset or sad they were there to comfort him, hold him, soothe him and last but not the least they always kept him happy no matter what. Always made sure he had a smile on his face whenever they were around.

It wasn't his father who did that, it was them. He can still feel their warm touch over his skin, still feel the lingering fingertips over his scalp or the back of his neck or any fucking part of his body.

And now that when his girlfriend needs him, how is he supposed to leave her alone. He would have left if Aiden was here, but he wasn't there for her either.

No, he isn't going anywhere away from her.

Call him selfish, but he doesn't care anymore. His body is yearning for her right now, that's why the tears happened, that's why his heart won't stop drumming in his chest.

How dumb would he be to ignore all of it?

He looked at his father dead in his eyes,
"Sorry dad. I can't leave her alone."

"Don't do this Blue, please. We'll come back soon and then you can go to her." His father tried to say but he really didn't want to go anymore.

How was he supposed to go with his heart about to fall out of his chest if he didn't see her soon?

He started taking back steps towards his own car.

"Don't do this Blue."

"Am sorry Dad." He whispered looking brokenly at his father and then looked at his mother for sympathy.

She just smiled and nodded at him mouthing a small, 'Go.' to him.

He nodded back and turned around pulling out his car keys and just as he was about to sit in he heard from behind,

He flinched and looked at his father with wide teary eyes of disbelief.

How could he?

Why was his father doing this to him?

This is not fair.

"Are you sure she'll come?" He asked his friend who was too confident talking about his sister in front of his friends.

"Of course, it's her mother we're talking about. She will definitely come, and if she doesn't come, then we'll see what we have to do."

"What about her men?" Aron looked besides towards the face of his friend who looked too eager to just see his sister.

"Don't worry my friend, one of them is out of the country and the other is too weak to butt in. And as much as I know her she won't say anything to any of them because she wants to see step-mom too and she knows he won't let her go if he knew about it. So obviously the stupid girl will come to us herself." Aron said looking at the photo of a 16 years old Aly on his phone with a smirk too dark.

Aiden was losing his mind at this point, apparently now she wasn't even wearing her watch.

She only removes it to have a bath, besides that she never does that. But if she fucking has time to go for a bath why can't she just give him a call.

He had called Mike to go to check up on her but Mike was too far away.

The man he was following was too smart as he had laid Mike to a complete blind spot and then had disappeared himself.

It would take Mike hours to come back and Aiden didn't want anyone else to go check up on Aly because he didn't trust anyone else.

Blue's face suddenly flashed his mind but Blue was supposed to be leaving for him trip today.

But he had no other fucking option, its been hours and he needed to talk to her right the fuck now.

Call him paranoid but he needs it. He needs it more than anything.

Finally cutting the call to Aly that had been ongoing for god knows how long, he pulled out Blue's contact and just clicked over it.

He waited impatiently for his boyfriend to pick up. Thankfully he did pick up soon.

"Blue, I know baby you're going on your trip but I have no other option anymore. Aly's not picking up my calls. She said she'll call me when she reaches the apartment but its been 5 fucking hours now and she still hadn't called or picked up any of my calls. I don't know how to say this but please, please if you haven't left already, please just check up on her once, please please.." He had started rambling the second Blue had picked up the call.

"Aiden." He heard the voice from the other side cutting his rambling in a second.

"Breathe." He heard Blue say softly and he followed immediately taking a deep breath.

"Now first things first don't ever plead for anything to me or someone else ever again. I don't like you doing it. And second I know you're worried and you care about everyone a lot, but I am not supposed to be your last option, you should have told me the second you felt like this. She's my girlfriend too Old man, I know you're mad but don't make me feel like this ever again okay?" Blue said and Aiden bit his lips when he realised what he did.

He should have never held himself back, Blue's Aly's boyfriend too, he can depend on him too.

"Am sorry baby." Aiden said releasing a long breath.

"Good, now stop worrying am not going anywhere. I'll call you as soon as I see her okay?" Blue said making Aiden shook.

"What do you mean little lamb?" He asked him trying to clear his own confusions.

"What I mean is that am not in that car, I am standing in front of my girlfriend's apartment." Blue said getting irritated, he was slight offended at the way Aiden was talking as if he is an outsider but he knew he was just too caring so he couldn't even get mad.

"Oh? Um, okay..." Aiden didn't know what to say. All he knew was he was relieved and had a small smile over his face.

Blue put the phone down after talking to Aiden to calm with his panic. He reassured Aiden that he will call him as soon as he talks to Aly.

He walked inside the front door and frowned seeing all the lights of the living room shut. Not a single sound from anywhere whatsoever.

He turned all the lights on, and started to walk up the stairs rushed, he just needed to see her that's all.

He stood in front of the door of the bedroom and put his ear to it but he heard absolutely nothing as if there wasn't even someone there.

But he remembers Aiden telling him that Aly's location shows she's home so that means there was something wrong.

The thought immediately made him twist the door knob and enter without thinking about anything, another frown forming on his face when the light was turned off inside the room as well leaving it completely dark since even the curtains were shut.

Another thing he noticed was the strong smell of alcohol, Blue knew this smell, it was Bourbon. Aly's favourite whiskey.

He walked to the switch board and turned the lights on that blinded him for a second but then he got used to it. He looked at the bed only to finally find the person he was looking for.

He saw the bottle of bourbon on the bed side table and sighed, he now knew for sure that something was definitely wrong.

He walked closer to her frame on the bed that was completely covered with the duvet.

He sat down besides her and took a minute to just see what could be wrong, he picked up her phone to see if it was on but as expected it was switched off, the reason why she wasn't picking up any calls from anyone.

He pat her head through the duvet softly,
"You'll suffocate Al." He whispered as he pulled down the duvet from above her.

But once he did, he felt his heart stop at the sight of her. He immediately pulled the duvet off her upper body.

He froze as he saw her, he knew his breathing was quickening seeing the state she was in.

Eyes shut, nose bleeding, hands tightly kept in front of her chest, fingers dug into her own palms so harshly that they were drawing blood, but that wasn't the worst part.

The worst part that made Blue feel like he'll suffocate was the almost unmoving chest of his girlfriend.

She wasn't breathing, or even if she was it was too shallow.

"AL!" He yelled as he pulled her head over his own lap and tapped her cheeks because she was obviously not in a conscious state. But she didn't open her eyes, her face was constantly frowning.

Fuck. Blue was going crazy now.

He held her palms in his hands and opened them immediately to save her from the torture she was inflicting over her own self.

"No no no, open your eyes please." The tears started rolling down his face almost immediately, he didn't know what to do.

He wrapped some cloth in her palms so that her nails can't hurt her skin. He wiped the blood from her nose with a wet cloth, his hands trembling as he did that.

"Al please, see its me, your Baby Blue." Upon getting no response, he then picked her up and laid her down in his own lap.

Cradling her like a baby, rocking her to try to wake her up,
"Please please please wake up, see its me, your red love." He tried as he pushed her hair away from her face and held her small face in his hands, just now realising how cold she was.

He was shaking himself, but he could now feel her body shaking too,
"Please." He begged her having nothing to do but watch as she kept breathing almost no oxygen.

He knew, he knew it, he knew he won't be able to handle her if she ever had an attack in front of him. He believed he would do everything he can, but watching her like this, he felt his feet turning cold at just the sight of it.

A loud sob left his mouth which suddenly made her flinch and he was quick to hold her shoulders to try to wake her up,
"Yes, you're here, you're with me, please, please wake up lovebug, am so scared." He begged her brokenly as he kept shedding tears, his tears rolling down his chin and falling onto the hoodie she was wearing.

It was Aiden's.

Aly could finally hear him as she slowly opened her eyes hooded and looked at the blurry face of her boyfriend, she couldn't see him but she knew it was him. Suddenly she smiled seeing him.

She picked up a shaking hand, and he quickly held it in between both his hands,
"Hey, hey, you're okay. You're okay. Please just stay with me." He kept saying soft words into her ears as he nuzzled his wet nose over her cheeks.

Her furrowed eyes were looking at his face like a child trying to understand what her mother is trying to say.

"Please try to take deeper breaths Al, you know you can do it baby please, am here with you." He said and he took a long breath when he saw she was trying to follow what he had asked her.

He simply let her stay like that, giving her all the time to take deep breaths. He was hugging her very delicately as if she would break into pieces and he honestly believed she would.

She looked so small, so fragile in his arms like that, confused, not being able to say a word.

He picked up the small first aid box from the bedside table and started tending to her palms, dropping kisses over her cheeks while doing so.

It took around 20 minutes for her breathing to go close to normal but she didn't say a word, it was just Blue keeping his one sided conversation. She just kept smiling looking at his face.

"You're with me."

"In my arms."

"Nothing is wrong."

"You're okay."

"Everything's okay."


Blue froze when he suddenly heard her say a word after so long.

He looked at her in the eye and found them blood shot red and glossy. He was quick to wipe the first tear that rolled down her face.

"What's wrong Al? What are you saying? Everything is fine." He said and frowned when she shook her head holding his jaw tightly in her hands.

"Blue!" She suddenly said sitting up on his lap, and still holding his face, eyes hooded and a serious frown on her face. Blue could see she was completely drunk by the way her words were slurred.

"Yes Al? Tell me, what happened? I'll make everything right okay? Tell me." Blue said softly talking to a drunk Aly.

"You can't." She said and laid her head over his shoulder, a sad pout on her face. She looked sad but cute like a baby.

"You can trust me. I will make everything right." He said giving her a small smile, running his hand in her wet hair. Feeling better that maybe the situation is under control after all.

But what she said next shattered every single hope that he ever had, ruined everything like it never even existed.

"No, nothing can be right until my rapist brother is alive."

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