The Sun, the Moon and the Sky.

By hope_373

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Reverse Harem Aiden and Aly, childhood friends, being in a love-hate relation works for them. They live thei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: Masquerade Special (1)
Chapter 45: Masquerade Special (2)
Chapter 46: Masquerade Special (3)
Chapter 47: Masquerade Special (Finale)
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54: Silence.
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68: Fading away.
Chapter 69: Blue's POV
Chapter 70: Aiden's POV
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79 : House tour (1)
Chapter 80 : House Tour (2)
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 : Together.
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100: Finale

Chapter 55

500 16 28
By hope_373

Author's POV

Aly and Aiden entered Relish house calmly. Aly had to literally have three rounds of sex in the morning in order to persuade him to meet Mr. Relish again.

Last night Aiden had agreed and then in the morning he became the dramatic boyfriend who acted like he was sick. Aly had asked for some love making and of course Aiden wasn't sick anymore.

Finally after three rounds of sex, was she able to convince him to go with her to have a much needed conversation with Mr. Relish. And the fact that Mrs. Relish had returned back home was kind of relieving for them.

Aly limped inside and without even looking around just went and sat down on the couch breathing heavily. Blue came out from the kitchen seeing her and went to hug her while sitting besides her.

Aiden came and sat down besides her on the other side keeping a hand over her lower back providing her the warmth and comfort he had stolen from her after the rounds of sex.

Mr. and Mrs. Relish too came and sat down on the couch opposite to them. Mrs. Relish smiled at all three of them cozying upto each other. Aiden and Aly smiled back at her too. Aly sent her a flying kiss to which she sent one back.

A few moments passed.

"Well this is interesting." Mrs. Relish said after staring at all of them for a few moments. Aiden was just looking at Aly's hand that was in his own, he was just playing with her small fingers and the jewels over it.

While Blue was playing with Aly's hair. And last but not the least Aly and Mr. Relish were having a good staring contest. She swore she didn't see any of them blink even for a second.

"It is isn't it Mr. Relish?" Aly asked giving Mr. Relish her most fake smile.

Mr. Relish rose an eyebrow at her. He was trying not to be too judgemental but these people were clearly shameless to be sitting so close to each other in front of them. He tried looking at Aiden but Aly used to grab his attention even without doing anything with just her stare.

"I believe I didn't understand you Miss Ray." Mr. Relish said, not even hiding his irritation.

"Well, its funny because you were the one who called us to have a talk. But apparently all you know how to do is sit and stare at me or my boyfriend." Aly said it like she was saying something so normal that she rendered every single person in the room speechless.

Mrs. Relish let out a snort making her husband turn to look at her in disbelief.

Aiden smirked in victory seeing Mr. Relish's face. He actually had nothing to say. Blue tried so hard not to smile but at last he smiled and then stuffed his face into Aly's hair to hide himself from his father, while Aly had leaned back on the couch and was just sitting there nonchalantly looking at Mr. Relish with a real smile.

But a teasing one.

"Am trying to be understanding about how my son has fallen for you guys, but you guys don't make it easy okay? I mean look at you sitting so close to each other in front of his parents! You just entered and didn't even greet us. This young man is literally smirking at me. How am I supposed to be supportive when you guys act like this?" Mr. Relish said and Aly rose an eyebrow at him.

"Oh you want us to sit away from each other. Okay then." Aly said and looked at Aiden who frowned at her not wanting to do it. But Aly gave him the look.

And without saying anything he moved away from her and sat down far. Aly then turned to look at Blue. She cupped his face and kissed his cheek before he himself moved away from her.

"What else do you want us to do sir?" Aly asked, she was trying to prove a point here which she will soon enough.

"What you're willing to do anything that makes me agree?" Mr. Relish asked thinking about it.

"Of course we would. He's worth all of it." Aiden said looking at Blue and giving him a smile.

This made a sudden crack at the walls on Mr. Relish's heart, he felt a smile spilling over his lips which he was quick to hide from everyone expect his wife of course.

"I am so done with you, am just gonna go to my room and rest." Mrs. Relish said and all three of them looked at her with desperation but she shook her head and smiled trying to tell them that it will be fine.

"Fine then, go make me a tea while I have a talk with these two." Mr. Relish said looking at Aly who stood up without a word but only if she could walk even a step without having two hands holding hers.

"Absolutely not!"

"No way Al!"

Mr. Relish looked at Aiden and then at Blue confused as to why would they stop her.

Aly turned around to look at their faces. Blue looked completely worried and Aiden had a hard look that it will be hard to convince him.

"I promise I will call you the second I feel something's wrong. Its just tea. Please let me do this. I want to prove a point, please." Aly said as softly as she could. Blue sighed and kissed her hand before leaving it.

Aiden was beyond pissed at Mr. Relish right now,
"I swear to god, if she gets a scratch on her hand. I will forget whoever you are." Aiden said looking at Mr. Relish's face before leaving Aly's hand. Mr. Relish didn't understand but felt slightly disrespected but he sucked it up for his son.

Aly proceeded to walk to the kitchen and pull out all the things she needed to make the tea.

"So Mr. Cullen, what do you do for a living?" Blue's father asked and Blue couldn't stop but feel proud of his boyfriend.

"Last I remembered I am the CEO of Flame industries." Aiden said looking at Mr. Relish who's face turned pale as soon as he heard that.

He looked at Blue who nodded proudly telling him that it's true. So his son is actually dating the richest man on the continent.

"But wait, you work for him Blue? Did you__" Mr. Relish started asking his suspicions but Aiden was quick to deny him.

"No Mr. Relish everything that Blue has attained till now is because of his own hard work. I would help him if he asked me to, but you should know your son more than me. He would never ask something like that. He's too passionate and likes to earn things instead of getting them by means like these." Aiden's answer made Mr. Relish sigh in relief and he felt proud at his son.

It was actually really good to hear all these things from his son's boyfriend. Aiden really is a smart and successful man isn't he?

Mr. Relish again looked back at both the males only to find them looking behind him towards where the kitchen in. These big frowns on their faces.

"Am fine babies." Came a loud voice clearing Mr. Relish's suspicion.

They were worried.

"What about the Ms. Ray, what does she do for a living or does she not do anything?" Mr. Relish asked making Aiden grit his teeth at the audacity of the man.

"Actually Mr. Relish, this lady here is the owner of the biggest fashion brand in Atlanta at the moment. Here's your tea, you're welcome." Aly said keeping the tray of cups on the table and sitting back down at her place again.

Aiden and Blue immediately checked her hands for any cuts or burn marks but fortunately she had none.

Mr. Relish was again left speechless, he was actually impressed at these things.

"Well that's impressive for a girl." Mr. Relish said genuinely showing his feelings. Aly felt a tinge of hurt over his words but she was used to them so she ignored it but she knew her boyfriends did not.

Aly looked at Aiden with a worried look, Aiden looked like he was about to flip any moment now but before he could say anything Blue said it.

"Sorry dad but I didn't know you were so biased about genders or should I say I never expected you to be this sexist." Blue said it as a matter of fact his voice sharp as a knife.

Mr. Relish looked at him agitated,
"Watch your mouth son."

"You should watch yours too then." Blue said back with the same velocity looking dead into his father's eyes. Mr. Relish was confused now.

"What did I say wrong?" He asked his son frowning in confusion.

"Well a lot actually." Blue said and Aly held his hand in her and he tried to calm down a bit.

"Enlighten me please." His father had the audacity to ask.

"Well while asking Mr. Cullen all you asked was what he does for a living but while asking Aly, you added that does she not do anything. That the possibility of her not working is fine and for Mr. Cullen it isn't? And what was that dad, 'its impressive for a girl.' Not to sound rude, but you clearly have more expectations towards Mr. Cullen than Aly. And the fact that you sent her to make tea for you? What generation are you living in Dad? Why not ask me or Mr. Cullen, why her? Just because she's a woman? Definitely not biased right? If only you would try to see them as humans first instead of looking into their backgrounds Dad, only then you would be able to understand them better. I did not expect this from you Dad." Blue said and Mr. Relish was tongue tied again. He looked down in embarrassment.

His son really had grown up now hasn't he?

Mr. Relish looked at Aly and then at Aiden,
"Am sorry about that. I really didn't realise what my words did there." Mr. Relish said genuinely sorry.

Aly stood up and sat down besides Mr. Relish, she put a hand over his,
"Mr. Relish I really understand you know. He's your only son, so it's natural to feel protective against him, trust me we feel the same way. Besides you even get to see him so less so the reaction yesterday was justified. All am asking from you is to just give us a try. We really love him, and never would we ever let anything happen to him. We aren't that bad you know?" Aly ended it with a chuckle making Mr. Relish chuckle as well.

"Okay, lets give this a try okay? I promise to be more understanding and not let my biases or my protectiveness get in the way." Mr. Relish said making all of them smile at the development.

Mrs. Relish came back after that and they all sat down. Mr. Relish did ask them a few more questions which were honestly better than the last ones and Aiden and Aly replied to all of them honestly.

Blue was listening to something his mother was telling them about Mr. Relish. He picked up his cup of tea without looking at it, when some of it spilled over his own hand making him hiss. Mr. and Mrs. Relish immediately stood up to walk to him but did they need to?

Absolutely not.

"Shit baby where were you looking!" Aly scolded Blue while taking his hand in her own and examining it. Aiden stood up and ran to the refrigerator to get some ice. He went and sat besides Blue on his side so now Blue was in between them.

He picked up Blue's hand from Aly's and put the ice over it, the ice over his swollen hand felt cold so he hissed out loudly.

"Its okay baby."

"It will be over soon."

"My baby is so strong."

"Yes, just a minute love."

"It's gonna be fine in no time."

They kept whispering sweet nothings in his ear while attending to his hand. While Blue was just smiling mischievously. He was a sucker for their care. It wasn't even hurting that much genuinely, he just loved seeing their cute faces filled with frowns.

"Does it still hurt?" Aly looked at Blue who's smile dropped in a second and he nodded his head at her making her pout and blow air over the area too.

"He'll be fine." Aiden said already sensing Aly was close to crying now. He kept the ice over the red area and looked at Mrs. Relish.

"Mum can I get some burn cream." Mrs. Relish nodded and went to get it. She came back and gave it to Aiden who then applied it over Blue's hand as softly as possible.

Mr. Relish was just observing everyone. He was surprised when Aiden called his wife 'Mum'. He has only ever heard his son calling her that. But right now looking at them, they all looked so comfortable together. Like it was so normal.

Like a family.

Right now Mrs. Relish was scolding Blue for being so dramatic and Aly was saying that it's fine she can handle every single one of his tantrums. Mrs. Relish gave a dumbfounded look to a smirking Blue who turned to snuggle onto his old man's chest who hugged him back tightly.

And there goes there plan of staying away from each other for the sake of Mr. Relish. But he didn't say anything this time. He just observed and felt their love for his son by their actions.

"They can't be that bad right?"


"Why didn't you ever tell me on call about both of them? All of this could have been avoided that way." Mr. Relish asked his wife who was cuddling him.

"You reacted so harshly even after seeing them being so sweet, how do you think your reaction would have been after knowing it on call?" Mrs. Relish said and Mr. Relish nodded understanding what his wife was trying to say.

"But they really were in a bad state you know." Mr. Relish told his wife making a disgusted face just remembering it while Mrs. Relish just chuckled.

"Tell me what were they doing?" Mrs. Relish asked making her husband give her a look of disbelief.

"Seriously?" He asked and just turned around in his wife's hold showing his back to her. He was so done with all them. But she did cuddle him from behind.

"Tell me, I want to know."

"Shut up and sleep Petrova. Am so done with shameless people for one day!"

"Don't call my kids shameless. They're my cute peanuts."

"Am not just calling them shameless, you are one too!"

"How dare you! Am hurt!"

"Oh god why did I come back again?"

"What? You didn't miss your pretty wife? You didn't want to come back to me again?"

"W-wait that's n-not what I m-meant!"

"No shut up! Go sleep on the couch!"



Mr. John Relish.

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