The Buddy System. *Complet...

By Caffinated_Mama

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Back to Hogwarts, Raelyn felt like she was starting all over again. No family, no friends. She was destined t... More

Cast Ideas
Return to Hogwarts
Conversing with Snakes
The Buddy System
Can't Sleep
Potions Class
Classroom antics
Meeting Her
An Unexpected Meet Up
The Broom Cupboard
Knowing You Better
Getting Out
While I was sleeping
The Makeover
Opening Up
Hanging with Snakes
The Battle talk
The Date - prt 1
The Date - prt 2
Meetings & Greetings
Leap of Faith?
The Memory
Dean Thomas
Initiations to the Snake Club
Morning After
Like Old Times
Seeing Stars
Dearest Azaleah
Dancing in the rain
Love and War
Hexing & Humour
The Party
Preparations for Arrival
Catch Ups
Trying to Understand
New styles and stories
Our Song
The Tree
The prick arrived
Vulgar Talk
Three Letters
A Letters Request
Home Truths
The Real Teeny
Sorting Out Our Issues
More truths
What Ifs
Spice Men
Good Ole Dad
What Needed To Be Said
Christmas Past
Christmas Presents
Castle Escape
Unexpected Meetings
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Getting To Know You
New Years Eve
Party Prep
Happy New Year!
Minister Visit
St. Mungo's
Plot Twist
January Blues
New Term
Hospital Wing
The Tower
You Heard Me
Read My Mind
Trouble Finding Me
Fucking Creep
Imperious Curse
Are They Always Like This?
The Answer?
Lucius Malfoy
A Book
To your health
Getting Organised
First Year
Bed Rest
Heart to Heart
Round Two
A Trip Down Memory Lane
A Trip Down Memory Lane - part II
The Tape
Unusual Proposal
Buddy Session
Future Plans
Epilogue 1

Epilogue 2

27 1 0
By Caffinated_Mama


"Ok class, who can tell me the answer? Anyone?"

A dozen little hands shot up around the room. Some students were actually bouncing on their seats, waving their hands around.

I loved this sight.

"Alright Dane, what is the answer?"

"It's 6." He said confidently.

"That's right. Well done!" I smiled and headed to his desk and gave him a high five. "And can anyone tell me what 3×5 is?"

Again a handful of little arms shot up.


"15?" She asked shyly.

I walked two tables over to her desk and lifted my hand for a high five. "Excellent! You guys have been practising. Now that's pretty much us for the day -"

There was a loud groan from everyone.

"But tomorrow we will be moving on to the 4 times tables. They are even harder than the 3s. But you are all so good, I bet you have no problem. Now everyone put their paints away and their parchment."

There was a bustle as the kids stood up and proceeded to put away their craft supplies.

When they finished they all stood behind their desks and eagerly waited.

"Everyone ready?" I asked.

There came a resounding 'yes' and I grinned.

"Ok. Everyone get ready to catch!" I flicked my wand at the cubby shelves and everyone book bag and lunchbags began to float towards them slowly.

The kids jumped up and down to catch their bags, giggling and squealing with delight.

There was a knock on the door and Mrs Weasley popped her head in.

"Parents are arriving for collection." She smiled.

"Perfect. Ok kids, you know the drill. Single file and follow Mrs Weasley out to the playground for pickup. Everyone sit, criss cross apple sauce on the ground and Mrs Weasley will call you one by one."

The kids all waved goodbye as they lined up and followed Mrs Wealey out of the room.

Hiring Molly Weasley was the best idea I have ever had. Besides maybe asking Raelyn to marry me.

Yes I am a lucky bastard.

I raised my wand when the room was empty and the toys and textbooks began to float and put themselves away tidy.

The brush the began to sweep the floor and the blackboard wipe itself clean as I packed my briefcase.

There was a knock on my door and I heard the handle turn and open.

I turned expecting to see parent or a student who forgot something (usually little Teddy).

But today I was pleasantly surprised.


"Hi love," I smiled as I entered the room. I had become a pro at holding two babies. It helped that Skylar and Sloane were tiny.

Skylar was just the spitting image of his father, Slaone looked like me but with platinum streams in her little head of hair.

"What are you three doing here? I thought you had a meeting with the board and Kingsley?"

"I did. Just out. Your mother met me here with the kids to save us a trip."

"Ah." He said as he picked both sleeping babies out of my arms. "Hello my babies. Daddy missed you and your mummy today."

They may only be 12 weeks old but they had Draco wrapped around their little fingers. It was only going to get worse.

"I have to grab my students homework to mark from the office and thought we could head home and make some sea food chowder and homemade bread for dinner?"

"Sounds good! You want to grab your work?"

I power walked out of the room and across the hall to the Headmasters office, turning off the lights and then through the door to the left which led to the p.1 classroom.

I taught the youngest of the groups in the school. All 33 of them. But they were little darlings and I adored everyone of them.

We had Seamus Finnegan teaching p.2, a girl from Ginnys year, Emma Simpson as teacher for p.3. Draco taught p.4 and a wonderful lady called Miss Hope, who was currently dating Charlie Weasley, taught P.5.

P.6 was taught by the lovely Laila and the last class, P.7, was taught by Mrs Nott. My very own best friend Azaleah.

Mrs Wealey was a teaching assistant who just ventured into whatever class needed her.

Hermione was a regular volunteer who came to the school at least once a week to help out. The kids loved her.

Our school had really taken off. That first year we filled every seat in every classroom, having to add some more as time went on.

There is now a school in Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh, Manchester, Wales and London with demand for more. It was incredible.

Wren actually worked for us as well but he was in charge of setting up new schools and finding locations and staff etc. He was bloody brilliant at what he did.

I always walked through the corridors amazed at how much Draco and I had accomplished in a short time. He had really helped make my dream a reality. And not just because he funded the building of the school itself. His support was second to none.

I grabbed my case and headed back to his classroom. I stopped in the doorway and I thought my heart would burst at the sight in front of me.

Both babies were awake and watching Draco intently as he spoke to them.

"And one day you will be in my class. And since you know, you are my kids, you will be the top of the class. I will teach you times tables and how to measure potion ingredients and we will learn about familiars and wands. I can't wait!"

Sloane moved in his arms and he began to walk around, bouncing them gently and singing.

She gave a large yawn and snuggled into his chest, drifting back off to sleep. Skylar was already snoring quietly, holding his daddy's shirt as a comforter.

Draco bent to kiss both their heads before spying me and making his way towards me.

"Ready for home love?" He smiled.

I lifted Sloane off him to lighten the load and so we could head to the front entrance to take the Floo home.

After Azaleah and Theo married, they moved out, to right across the street. A few weeks later Pansy and Blaise became engaged (I still have no idea how that happened) and they bought the house at the end of the lane beside Theo and Az's.

I do miss the busy atmosphere sometimes but I also love when it's just me and Draco after the kids are in bed.

Seamus was busy flirting with Emma at the entrance. She was his girlfriend after all. He waved at us as we walked past smiling. I missed my friendship with Seamus when Dean and I broke up. I completely understood of course. Seamus and Dean were inseperable in school. But I was delighted when he applied for the teaching position.

He got the job before he even sat down for his interview.

I held Sloane tightly as I stepped into the school fireplace and stepped out of the fireplace in our good living room.

Draco and my old bedroom downstairs had become a playroom/family room and we spent most of time chilling in there. This room was for guests.

In the kitchen I placed my little angel in her bassinet and flicked my wand to begin chopping up the fish and veggies for the chowder as Bleu hopped onto the counter and climbed onto my shoulder.

I didn't even realise Draco had arrived until he wrapped his arms around me. "You look sexy when you cook," he whispered in my ear as he lifted Bleu down and fed her.

"As would you if you helped me." I smirked.

He rolled his eyes but picked up the spoon to stir the large pot as I baked the bread.

We made made a habit out of making dinner as the kids were napping and while we ate, so we could enjoy dinner together. It was important to us both to make sure to prioritise time together as it was easy to get so caught up with the babies and work.

Draco even offered to clean up as I fed the twins in the family room. Breastfeeding was not bloody easy with two and poor Draco sometimes had to help hold Sloane or Skylar up to me but he never complained. He was always happy to help.

This evening Sloane was a little fussy after her feed. Her little legs scrunched up as she sobbed. I lifted her up onto my shoulder to soothe her as Skylar slept in between my legs.

The poor wee princess let the loudest burp out of her she actually caused her brother to jump and cry out.

"Aw my babies," I soothed, holding them both in my arms. I began to sing to try and calm them.

Sure enough as soon as I started they quietened down.

"Mean ol' moon
It must be fun
To shine upon me as I come undone
'Till I'm all alone beneath the sun
You mean ol' moon"

The couch next to me moved as Draco sat down, conjuring his guitar and accompanying me.

"With your beam
You led the way
And found me love I thought was here to stay
Then you went and took my love away
You mean ol' moon
Oh you mean ol' stars above
The games that you play with me
I could find some happiness
If all of my nights were cloudy
Mean ol' moon
I hope it's true
You've taken all the lights that's left in you
And saving it up for you know who
You mean ol' moon
You mean ol' moon"

"I could listen to you sing all day," Draco whispered.

"I could sing all day if you played as I did."

"I would play forever for you Raelyn." He smiled. "I never before gave much thought to marriage and having a family. It felt like something that I simply had to endure. Like school. It was expected of me and I had to deliver."

I nodded. He told me before how this was his view on life. It was sad.

"But now, I realise how unhappy I really was. To think I almost missed out on all this. Its maddening. You and our babies are the most important things in the world to me. I am living a dream. And if I am I never want to wake up. I never knew this kind of happiness before."

I smiled. He picked up Sloane and carried her to the crib as I followed with Skylar, setting them side by side. Partners in crime.

Draco wrapped his arm around me as I leant my head on his shoulder. We just stood there watching our precious little gifts sleep.

"I will be forever grateful for that stupid Buddy System for bringing you into my life. You are incredible. My best friend, wife, soul mate and treasure. You make me feel alive."

"You are my better half Draco. Without you I am simply incomplete. Not me. You make me whole. This life you have given our family? It's better than a dream. Wherever I end up in this life, so long as I have you by my side, I will be home."


"Hmm?" I asked looking up at him and he wrapped his arms aroundbmy back, holding me to him.

"Can I keep you?"

"Always and forever." I smiled and stood on my tip toes to kiss him.

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