The Buddy System. *Complet...

By Caffinated_Mama

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Back to Hogwarts, Raelyn felt like she was starting all over again. No family, no friends. She was destined t... More

Cast Ideas
Return to Hogwarts
Conversing with Snakes
The Buddy System
Can't Sleep
Potions Class
Classroom antics
Meeting Her
An Unexpected Meet Up
The Broom Cupboard
Knowing You Better
Getting Out
While I was sleeping
The Makeover
Opening Up
Hanging with Snakes
The Battle talk
The Date - prt 1
The Date - prt 2
Meetings & Greetings
Leap of Faith?
The Memory
Dean Thomas
Initiations to the Snake Club
Morning After
Like Old Times
Seeing Stars
Dearest Azaleah
Dancing in the rain
Love and War
Hexing & Humour
The Party
Preparations for Arrival
Catch Ups
Trying to Understand
New styles and stories
Our Song
The Tree
The prick arrived
Vulgar Talk
Three Letters
A Letters Request
Home Truths
The Real Teeny
Sorting Out Our Issues
More truths
What Ifs
Spice Men
Good Ole Dad
What Needed To Be Said
Christmas Past
Christmas Presents
Castle Escape
Unexpected Meetings
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Getting To Know You
New Years Eve
Party Prep
Happy New Year!
Minister Visit
St. Mungo's
Plot Twist
January Blues
New Term
Hospital Wing
The Tower
You Heard Me
Read My Mind
Trouble Finding Me
Fucking Creep
Imperious Curse
Are They Always Like This?
The Answer?
Lucius Malfoy
A Book
To your health
Getting Organised
First Year
Bed Rest
Heart to Heart
Round Two
A Trip Down Memory Lane
A Trip Down Memory Lane - part II
The Tape
Unusual Proposal
Buddy Session
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Future Plans

13 1 0
By Caffinated_Mama

"Have you thought about a starting age for the kids?"

"Em...I don't know."

"Well muggles start school at the age of four. Its called Primary School and classes go from Primary 1 to Primary 7."

Usually that week between exams and graduation was a chance for the 7th years to unwind and relax, soaking in the last memories of Hogwarts and student life before being forced out into the the world.

For Draco and I, we spent 4 days cooped up in the library with Hermione and Harry (sometimes) picking their brains about primary school and planning our school dynamic.

"Well four sounds like a good age to me. They can walk and talk -"

"And are toilet trained," Draco added. "That's a deal breaker for me."

"So what will you teach?" Harry asked. "I quite liked math in school but I hated religion and English."

"I love religion. It was fascinating." Hermione gasped.

"What is re-lig-i-on?" I asked.

"Muggle subject," Hermione explained. "Teaches us about our belief systems. Em things like God and Jesus -"

"Who?" Draco asked.

"It's hard to explain," Hermione sighed.

"Actually it's not," Harry shrugged. "Muggles believe that God- the most powerful being in the world, created life. Created man and woman and gave us free will and created earth for us. He has special gifts. Much like witches and wizards believe that earth was created by many magical and mythical beings. We believe the same things - just that the creators were different."

Hermione looked very impressed by her best friend.

"Well teaching to read and write is the first step. And basic maths," I said.

"And we could teach them the history of wizarding kind - in a fun way - not like our History of Magic class." Draco added.

"You could also teach the basic elements of magic, the stuff you don't need a wand for. And teach about some muggle things and how important it is to keep our community a secret from muggles." Hermione added.

"This is a great idea," Harry added. "I can't believe Wizards don't have a post Hogwarts school already."

"Well I was privately tutored by a French wizard. And a Italian musician too." Draco boasted.

"Cedric had a private tutor like Draco did. My loving father belived that ladies didnt need the same education. I was tutored by my mother and a neighbour and I actually spent the first few years in a prinary school of sorts."

"I hated school with the muggles. But I was always picked on and bullied." Harry said frowning."

"I loved primary school but I didn't really have any friends. I was picked on too." Hermione said.

"There will be none of that in our school. Zero tolerance on bullying." I declared and Hermione and Harry both smiled.

"So when do you see Kingsley," Harry asked.

"I would say now is as good a time as any," Kingsley said coming to stand at the table.

I stood up and hugged him as did Hermione and the boys shook his hand.

"Professor McGonagall asked me to come. She said you four have been working on an idea I had to hear about."

"How did she -" Draco started.

"The women hears everything," Kingsley defended. "Best not to question it. She has also given us use of her office so we can chat."

"Perfect," I smiled and stood up gathering my notes.

"Harry and I need to head to find Ron and Ginny," Hermione smiled beginning to put books away.

"You two don't want to come?" Draco asked.

"Na, this is your idea. We were just happy to help." Harry smiled.

I hugged them both as I headed off after Draco and Kingsley who were chatting about Quidditch. Draco didn't even stop his conversation and he turned and took the scrolls and notebooks off me and held them all under one arm and took my hand in his free one as he talked.

When we arrived in Professor McGonagall's office she simply nodded and rose from her desk and headed off up the steps and into her personal library.

"Miss Diggory, Mr Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you both."

I turned to see two portraits, the two that I had painted placed just to the left of the Headmsitress' desk.

Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

It was Dumbledore who spoke.

"Good afternoon Professors," I smiled as Draco smiled and nodded. I remember him once saying talking portraits freaked him out.

"I do hope you two are not in any trouble? What with the Minister here?" Snape asked.

"Not at all Severus. Actually I believe they have something to discuss with me?"

I turned back to him, nodded and then looked to Draco.

"You got this," he said and gave my hand a squeeze.

I could see the corner of Snapes mouth turn up slightly as if to hide a smile.

"Kingsley, I wanted to speak to you about a business venture we have been planning."

"Oh really?" Kingsley asked with his eyes dancing in excitement.

"Really," Draco answered.

"We have an idea for a school. One for children to attend before they start their education at Hogwarts." I said. "As you know Minister, most children are privately tutored at home during their early years."

Draco spoke up. "Most of us are fortunate enough to have had private tutors to prepare us for Hogwarts. But there are those who cannot afford private tutors. Children who's parents have had to educate them. Putting them at an unfair disadvantage."

"I agree," Kingsley said.

"We want to start a school. A pre-Hogwarts school. Free education. Available to all who want to learn."

Draco went on. "Children start to develop magical abilities as early as 4 years old. We want to open a school for 4-10 year old where we can show them how to control their magic in a safe environment."

I was too excited noe to even sit and began to pace the room. "We would teach then the basics like reading, writing, maths, magical history and even beginner potion making. All this could be done in a school that operates during working hours."

"We spoke with Hermione and Harry," Draco added. "They told us muggle schools, Primary schools, operate from 9am to 3pm on week days. Parents drop kids off and collect them after school. They get homework assignments and school dinners just like Hogwarts."

"We could have classes split into year groups like Hogwarts."

"You both want to do this?" Kingsley asked as he played with the set of quills on the Headmsitress' desk.

"It was all Raelyn's idea. This has been a dream of hers for years actually. I just think it's a fantastic idea and I want to help her achieve it."

"A school for kids," Kingsley said. "To learn basic fundamentals. To aquire the skills and knowledge needed for Hogwarts?"

"Yes sir," I nodded.

"You would need premises."

"That can be easy got," Draco said. "If we can't find a suitable place, we will build it."

"And you would need teachers for these kids."

"We can advertise the jobs in The Daily Prophet."

"So you basically want to start another school. You will fund the start up and then you want The Ministry to fund the maintenance and staff wages?"

"Yes sir," Draco and I both said.

"Pay for something which doesn't make money?"

I was a little taken back by his question.

"Well if the Ministry only cares about making money, then I can ensure the Malfoy contributions to the Ministry every year are conditioned to be used to fund the school?" Draco smirked.

"Your family contribution presently goes to the Department of Mysteries and Keepers. That is vital funding."

"I believe this is a much more worthy and beneficial cause."

"We could do fund raisers throughout the year and charity drives to raise money?" I offered. "And we could ask families to contribute. Not a set fee but just what they can. I want this to be open to everyone who wants to learn."

"That's very noble but right now the Ministry is trying to rebuild after the war. All our money is tied up in current businesses."

I sighed heavily. Maybe my idea was nothing more than a dream. Maybe I wasn't being realistic.

"Actually sir, Hermione and I have been crunching numbers and trying to figure out a win for everyone and we believe we have come up with a great idea." Draco said lifting pages out of his book bag.

I had no clue what he was talking about. While Harry and I took notes on facts about the need for a school. Draco and Hermione were huddled over documents but I thought it was just more notes.

Kingsley sighed and smiled. "That is great news. Your idea for school does sound amazing but in order to convince the council I would need to have costs to back it up."

"I believe that this may change their minds. It's Gringotts tax inflation..."

Honestly Draco and Kingsley talked for about 1.5 hours and I have no clue what it was about.

Even Dumbledore and Snape added their thoughts every now and again.

"So you see Kingsley, with Gringotts fixed rate and those few changes to the Ministry you could potentially be saving up to 45,000 galleons a year which is incredible. Now the average teacher earns 1,860 galleons a year. You would need 7 teachers, say 2 admin workers, Headmistress secretary and maybe 3/4 House elves so you have plenty left over after paying the school wages."

"So we could install these changes and end up still making money?"

"Yes sir you could." Draco said proudly handing him the papers and notes that he and Hermione had worked out. "There would be a small cost now to set these changes in motion. I can donate the money needed. It would only take two months before you seen the figures that you have in front of you come in."

"Well then, I don't even need the Council for that. If it makes money, ensures no one will loose their job or be out of pocket then I do not need approval."

"So what does that mean?" I asked.

"It means, what are you going to name this school of yours?"

I squealed inndelughr and turned to hug Draco. "We never discussed a name." I smiled.

"Snape Institute sounds good."

"All due respect Severus, that sound like a prison," Draco laughed.

"What about PreSchool?" Dumbledore suggested.

"There is one in the muggle world." I shook my head.

We bounced ideas around for quite some time. Each one become more... adventurous. But came up with nothing.

"What about Dralyn?" Kingsley said  finally.

"Dralyn?" We both asked in unison.

"Yeah it is Draco and Raelyn together.

"Huh," we both said replaying the name over in our minds. 

"That would work," Draco said. 

"Dralyn Fundamental School of Witchcraft & Wizardry." Kingsley said as he made a note on a scroll on the desk.

"Sounds good to me." I said smiling.

"Not as good as Snape Institute," Professor Snape's portrait huffed.

"We will have an award named after you, stop whining," Draco rolled his eyes. Snape looked pleased and give the first smile I think I ever seen on his face. 

It didn't suit him.

"You too Professor Dumbledore. We can have awards given out every year and they can be names after those who lost their lives in the war." I smiled.

"I would be honoured Raelyn." Dumbledore sniffed.

"This school will need to be hidden like Hogwarts," Kingsley went on, making notes for himself as he did. "And how many kids will you have each class?"

"That would depend on how many apply. But we don't want to overpopulate the school either. Ee wsnt these kids to get a proper education. It will be a first come, first served." Draco explained. 

"Maybe we could try and offer places to the students who's parents maybe cannot afford a fancy tutor. They shouldn't miss out on the opportunity because there parents don't make thousands of galleons." I said trying not to offend anyone. 

"I do like that idea Raelyn," Professor Dumbledore smiled. 

"And if the school works out, we could maybe open more around the UK and Ireland. Cover all our basis." Draco shrugged.

"Oh yes!" I said excitedly.

"Let's get yours off the ground running first, shall we."

I blushed but Kingsley winked. 

"Now I will be going back and sharing this news with board members and I suppose I will let the council know of the plans. The board will back us up though...especially when they hear they will be saving money in the long run. No one can argue with that." Kingsley leaned back in his chair. "I have to say I am impressed with this idea you have."

"As I say it is all Raelyn's idea. I just thought it was amazing and wanted to help. Harry and Hermione too."

"Can I have those money saving ideas to discuss with the board?"

"Of course sir," Draco said handing over all the notes and documents we had made these last few days. 

"Fantastic. Well I am going to head back to the Ministry and call a board meeting first thing. Might as well get started. If we want this school to be up and running by September we have much to do."

"Yes sir," Draco and I beamed. 

Kingsley said his goodbyes as Draco and I headed out of the office and down the Headmaster's staircase. This was probably going to be one of the last times I was here so I made sure to take a good luck around the room before I left. 

It felt strange, not to see Professor Dumbledore's Phoenix in the room, or the very large round globe that used to sit pride of place in the corner of the room. Rumour has it that Snape tried to open it last year as that is where Dumbledore kept his secrets, only for the whole globe to explode. Nearly took the Carrows out as it did.

We reached the bottom of the steps only to be pounced on my Hermione, Harry, Blaise and Pansy.

"How did it go?" Harry asked.

Hermione was biting her nails.

"We have a lot of work to do," I beamed.

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