5SOS Sickfics

By WeltonGirlie

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Sickfics about our favourite band from Down Under x Taking Requests More

Mother Knows Best ~ Luke
Soup from Stock ~ Ashton
Pathetic Fallacy Indeed ~ CALM
Bloody Internet Doctors ~ Michael
A Pox On Tour ~ Cake ft. One Direction
Legless in London ~ CALM
Can You Just Not? ~ Calum
Far From Petunia ~ Lierra
Best Friend ~ Calum
The Three Wankers ~ CALM
Any Relation? ~ Ashton
I'm Always Spicy ~ Malum
Cheese Toasties ~ Luke
Cocktail Yaks! ~ CALM
Bronchitis ~ Michael
Migraine On Tour ~ Ashton
Shot of Truth ~ Luke
Shut up, Liam! ~ CALM ft. One Direction
Barbecue Blunder ~ Cashton
Canine Influenza ~ Petunia
The Kissing Disease ~ Luke
Down In Woodlands ~ Ashton
Luke's Beauty Salon ~ Sierra
Poorly Puppies ~ Moose and Southy
Big Sisters Suck! ~ Calum
Sugar-Free Gummy Bears ~ Michael
Vomit Festival ~ CALM ft. One Direction
I Understand Periods ~ Lauren
Stubborn Betch! ~ Cashton
A Little Less Wise ~ Luke
Losing My Wisdom ~ Sierra
Enchilada or Appendicitis ~ Ashton
Like Kate Middleton? ~ Luke
Ears for Fears ~ Luke
The Sound Of Silence ~ Calum
What's Your Emergency? ~ Michael
One Messy Night ~ CALM
Boob With The Flu ~ Crystal
Forever Young~ Ashton (with Siblings)
Heartbreak Boy ~ Luke
Migraine Misery ~ Sierra
Ashton's Bed? Heck Yeah!~ Luke
Don't Get Caught ~ CALM
Traveler's Tummy ~ Calum
Easy Sneezy Lemon Squeezey ~ CALM
Aussies Do It Better ~ Luke
We Got Caught ~ CALM
Stream! ~ Mr & Mrs Clifford
Rocky Road ~ Moose Moose
Meet Me At Our Ward ~ CALM
Halloween Hangover ~ Cake
Smash That Cat ~ Ashton
Out of my System ~ Michael
Exploding Baby ~ Lashton Family
Lu Has The Flu ~ Luke
Christmas On Bondi ~ CALM ft. Bondi Rescue Team
Twin-fection ~ Clifford Twins
Twin-fection Spreads ~ Michael
English Love A-Fever ~ Ashton ft. One Direction
Fuck You, Man-Flu! ~ Calum
Bleach Everything ~ CALM
Snuffle Bunny ~ Luke
Two Men, One Period ~ Andie Irwings

Scarlet Fever Tears ~ Luke

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By WeltonGirlie

Context: Liz is the Band Mum x


Liz's Pov:

It had gone midnight, and I was still awake trying to set my body clock to match those of teenage boys.

I sat up in my hotel room reading some books, I had drank a strong coffee so I was ready for a late night, there was definitely energy left in me to stay awake for at least another hour or two.

I could hear the laughter dying down in the boys room, they had a family suite but I opted for my own hotel room. Teenagers just stink like all the time. Privacy was nice.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door which woke me up from my reading trance. I was so engrossed within my novel that I almost forgot about the rest of the world.

"M-Mum." I heard my boy's soft voice call out from the other side.

I put the book down and answered the door to see Luke leaning weakly in the doorway.

He was wearing pyjama bottom and a big hoodie, his hair was flat and his little eyes were red and watery.

"Hi Baby, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" I said softly as I brought him close to my body, letting him hug me.

He nodded against my chest and I felt his body jerk as he started crying even more.

I closed my door and walked him over to my bed, I sat down with him and stroked his hair.

"Aww Lukey." I cooed as I tried rocking him a little to calm him down. He sniffled and looked up at me.

"I don't feel well." Luke croaked out through his tears.

Poor thing, breaking my heart!

"Sh-sh-sh, it's okay." I told him as I rubbed his back, I just needed him to calm down.

Once his breathing slowed down and he stopped sobbing I laid him down on my bed.

"What's the matter, Love?" I could ask him finally.

Luke curled up with my blanket, he just looked so sad, I felt terrible for him and I didn't even know what was wrong.

"F-Feel yucky and my throat hurts, mhm so tired." Luke mumbled sadly.

I thought that Luke was looking a bit pale earlier but I didn't think much of it, now I guess it had purpose.

"I'm so sorry, Sweet Boy." I whispered as I grazed my hand over his forehead, cupping his cheeks.

I could feel heat radiating from his body.

"You have a fever, Sweetie. Let me get you some medicine." I told him, knowing I always had medicine with me for travelling. I practically had a pharmacy in my luggage.

I even made sure to bring some calpol for Luke, sometimes taking pills make him gag. I didn't want that to happen.

"Here you go." I said as I sat down and poured the dosage onto a small teaspoon and fed it to him.

Once he took it, I laid down next to him on the bed and ran my hand through his hair to soothe him.

"Go to sleep, Lukey, maybe you'll feel better tomorrow." I told him, I knew he was exhausted and needed to rest.

Luke nodded slowly, nuzzling his face into my pillow, I kissed his forehead before getting comfortable myself.

I hope he feels better soon!

3rd Person:

Liz definitely didn't have a good night sleep, and she could only imagine that her son felt a whole lot worse.

Luke was shivering and emotional and kept waking up, needing to be cuddled.

Both of them were absolutely shattered.

"Where's Lukey Poodles this morning?" Michael asked as he threw together some clothes to get ready for breakfast in the hotel.

"I know right, I haven't seen him all morning." Calum pointed out as he dried his hair with a towel.

"Maybe he's gone for a walk?" Ashton suggested as he took a look outside the window.

"Not in that weather. Definitely not." Calum confirmed. Luke never was a morning person, let alone a morning person that may take a walk in the rain before breakfast.

"Well, I'm going to head to the buffet. Maybe he's there already." Michael suggested, it wasn't the worst theory but it definitely wasn't the right one.

"Sounds good...actually perhaps we should give Liz a visit. She might know where her own son is, maybe he's microchipped or something?" Ashton joked.

Although it wasn't a bad idea.

Once all the boys were dressed they headed out into the hallway, stopping outside Liz's hotel room to check on their Tour Mum.

Ashton was the designated person to knock and do the speaking.

Liz was sat on the edge of the bed drinking coffee as she watched her poor baby sleeping, he would often shiver and whine in discomfort.

That was until she heard a knock at her door, she took her mug and went to see who was there.

"G'day Liz." Ashton said, in a very chipper voice.

"Morning Ash, how are you boys?" Liz asked as she turned to the group of teenagers at her door.

"Very good, thanks Liz." Calum replied.

"Not too bad, yourself?" Michael asked.

"Quite tired today, actually." Liz replied whilst yawning.

"Well we were just about to grab some breakfast, after we find Luke of course, have you seen him anywhere? We can't find him." Ashton asked her.

Liz just opened the door wider and revealed the sick boy in her bed.

"Luke's not feeling very well, he came and slept with me last night." Liz told them as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Aww, sorry to hear that. Do you think he'll feel better once he's had some breakfast? We have to get ready soon. " Ash asked, everyone else came close to see their fallen brother.

"Oh yeah, you have that interview today. I should probably wake him up." Liz said, putting down her coffee and heading over to her son, lightly running her hand over his back.

"Lukey...wake up." She said softly, Luke whimpered and curled up into a tight ball, still shivering.

Broken hearts all round!

"Mum, I-I feel sick." Luke whined sadly.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetie. Think you can manage some breakfast?" Liz asked him, he shook his head and wrapped his arms around his abdomen.

"My tummy hurts really bad." He replied, starting to cry again.

"Sorry to hear that, Mate. Please don't cry!" Michael said as he sat down next to him, pulling his head into his chest.

The rest of the boys followed, surrounding Luke in one big group hug.

Luke could definitely feel the love, but it didn't help his symptoms one bit. He felt a whole lot worse than last night.

"If you guys go and get some food, I'll get Luke ready for the interview." Liz told the boys, as much as she wished they could just stay like that forever.

Liz felt so grateful that Luke had so many friends that cared for him so much.

"If you're sure, Liz. Do you want anything?" Ashton asked her.

"I'll be fine, you boys need to eat." She told them.

"Ok, come on boys. We'll see you later." Ashton said, leading everyone out so that Liz and Luke could have some privacy.

"I-I don't wanna do the interview." Luke whined sadly, poor boy felt way too sick.

"I know, Lukey. I texted management this morning and they would really like for you to do the interview today. Just the one interview." Liz told him, she didn't want management to get mad at Luke, and Luke didn't want to disappoint anyone.

"Ok." Luke said reluctantly.

Liz pulled together some clothes for him and got him dosed up on some more medicine to help him get through the interview.

"I know your throat hurts, Mate. Don't feel like you have to talk." Michael said as the boys took their seats, luckily the interview was held in one of the hotel conference rooms so the commute was short.

"How's your tummy? You nauseous?" Ashton asked him, Luke just shrugged.

He just felt yucky in general, but he really hoped that he wouldn't throw up.

Calum got up from the end of the row so that Luke was sat closest to the door.

"Just incase you need to leave." He said.

"Thanks Calum." Luke said quietly, Mikey rubbed his shoulder to try and calm him down before the interview starts.

- A couple hours later -

The interview had finished, Luke was noticeable quiet and unhappy but no one drew attention to it, that would have made him feel worse.

By now, the boys had packed up their suitcases and had loaded up the van to take them back to the tourbus that was being held in a private car lot.

"C-Can I sit with you?" Luke asked his Mum.

"Of course, Darling. How do you feel?" Liz said as she pulled Luke in for another hug.

"Sick, I just wanna lie down." Luke croaked out sadly.

"Not long now, Lukey. I promise." She told him.

Once they got into the van, Luke laid his head on his Mum's shoulder as he sat between her and Calum.

"You're so warm, Penguin." She said softly as she ran her hand through his blonde locks and eventually cupping his cheeks. Squishing them a little, it was adorable but Luke didn't feel so pretty. He felt a whole lot warmer than last night.

"We'll take your temperature once we get on the bus, okay?" She told him, but Luke was already drifting off to sleep.

"Bless his heart though." Calum said.

Bless his heart indeed.

They arrived at the bus, the big gusbus!

Their second home.

"Lukey, we're here. Let's get you settled." Liz said as she lightly shook Luke's shoulder again. Luke jolted out of his sleep and grabbed onto his mother's cardigan.

"You're ok, Sweetie." Liz said softly to calm him down, the boy practically jumped out of his skin.

Luke calmed down and followed his friends onto the bus, as the got ready to depart.

"Shotgun!" Mikey said as he swung his backpack onto one of the beds.

"Now I know which bunk to avoid." Calum joked as he set up on the furthest bunk possible.

"I can already smell sweaty balls!" Ashton chimed in.

Luke wasn't in the mood for jokes though, and his mum wanted him to rest.

He got his bunk set up with more blankets and any stuffed toys he could find, a lot of them were fan presents, and he would indeed snuggle with everyone of them.

Liz came over and gave him a big hug.

"I'm going to bed now, Love. Will you be ok if I leave you with the boys?" Liz asked him, Luke nodded into her shoulder.

"I love you." She said.

"Love you too." Luke croaked.

Luke joined everyone at the back of the bus, Michael had taken initiative and decided to have a chilled night in with a movie rather than a piss up.

"Come 'ere, Mate." Michael said as he opened his arms up for his younger brother. Luke curled up with him, leaning his head onto his chest and resting his legs across Calum's lap

"You're Mum asked me to take your temperature." Ashton said as he came in with a thermometer, an oral on.

He let it sit under Luke's tongue whilst they waited for a reading, but the metallic taste made Luke feel worse and it hurt just to swallow his own saliva. And for some weird reason his mouth hurt too.

It beeped and Ashton removed it.

"101.8 degrees, we'll have to keep an eye on that." He told them.

Luke didn't realise he was that sick, despite his pain, he thought it was just a little fluke. Well, that's what he thought for the first few hours until he began feeling worse.

They put on Anchorman whilst the rest of the boys had a late dinner that consisted of just chips and salsa because they didn't actually feel like cooking.

Luke was getting really uncomfortable after a little while, he groaned as he tried to reposition himself comfortably next to Michael. Poor boy wrapping his arms protectively around his stomach.

"Tummy still hurt?" Mikey asked the sick boy, who just nodded sadly.

"Can you rub it please?" Luke asked him, sounding a little desperate if you ask me.

"Of course." Mike replied, slipping his hand under Luke's hoodie and resting it on his belly.

"Where abouts does it hurt?" He asked, Luke just shrugged.

"Kind of everywhere." Luke told him as he closed his eyes, god did he feel sick.

Michael rubbed both small and big circles across Luke's abdomen to try and soothe whatever was hurting him so badly. He noticed that his skin felt a little rough but he couldn't tell if it was his own hands, the skin often peels from playing instruments too hard.

Ashton kneeled down next to Luke, pushing his fringe out his face as he noticed all the colour draining from his skin.

His lips were pressed together and he looked tense.

"Lukey, do you need to throw up?" Ashton asked as calmly as possible, Luke looked physically green.

But he knew that throwing up freaks him out.

Luke shook his head, swallowing hard which he instantly regretted, it hurt his throat even more and he coughed for good measure. But that cough sounded an awful lot like a gag.

"Luke, I think we should go sit by the toilet." Ashton said as he grabbed Luke's hand, both Calum and Michael agreed that it was a good idea.

Luke didn’t want to move at first but he was definitely starting to feel nauseous, only then did he think that the bathroom was probably the best place to be.

By this point, Luke's crying again whilst hiccuping.

Ashton sat the sick boy in front of the toilet and held him close.

"Take deep breaths, Lukey." Ashton spoke softly, he could tell that Luke was scared and panicking would only make things worse.

"What can we do, Ash?" Calum asked as he leaned in the doorway.

"Could you get him some water please, and Mike can wet this cloth for me." Ashton said as he passed over his personal face cloth, he would use it for Luke though.

"OK, be right back." Calum said as he scurried off.

Luke clamped a hand over his mouth, his whole body was shaking and he didn't feel good, he didn't want to throw up.

"Don't do that, Penguin. Your tummy is just going to hurt even more." Ashton said as he tried to move Luke's hand away from his face.

In the end, Ashton had placed his hand on Luke's stomach and gradually started pushing on it. Luke whimpered like a little lost puppy.

"I'm sorry Luke, I have to." Ashton said, you could actually hear his heart breaking.

Luke eventually leaned over the toilet and threw up, only a little bit, but it was still puke.

He hadn't actually eaten much the in the last day or so, he could feel an illness coming on so his appetite was kind of non-existent.

"Aww Luke." Mike said as he peered inside the bathroom, Ashton was rubbing Luke's back now as he recovered from the vomiting.

"You feel a little better now?" Ashton whispered to Luke, he just shrugged.

"Mhm not nauseous anymore, but I still feel terrible." Luke whined, his throat felt worse from the puking and his whole body felt weak. Not to mention he was dehydrated.

Poor Luke just couldn't stop crying.

"Oh my goodness, what happened?" Liz's voice appeared from behind the boys, she had woken from her slumber from all the commotion.

"Luke totally just barfed." Ashton side, rubbing Luke's tummy gently. He still felt bad about having to push.

"I barfed." Luke said, dull and emotionless.

"He barfed." Mike told her, just incase she didn't hear the last two times.

"Please don't say barf." Calum cringed as he passed Ashton a bottle of water to give to Luke.

"We're going to clean him up, then I think it's time for bed?" Ashton suggested, Luke nodded.

Little Buddy was tired for sure.

"Did you take his temperature, Ash?" Liz asked as she came by the bathroom, cupping Luke's red cheeks. His skin was feeling a little rough too.

"I did, I should imagine by now it's up to about 102 degrees." Ashton replied as he grabbed the damp washcloth.

Liz pulled the hoodie over her son's head, then his tshirt that he had on underneath to reveal his bare torso.

"Cal, can you turn the light on?" Liz asked, she couldn't tell if it was just the shadow but Luke's skin didn't look right to her.

As the small room illuminated, everyone could see a red rash that was all over Luke's tummy and spreading to his neck.

"Woah! When did that happen?" Mikey said, he thought that something didn't feel right when he was rubbing Luke's tummy earlier.

"You're getting a rash, Sweetie." Liz told Luke, he was kind of in a sick trance right now and not paying attention to the world around him.

"Really?" He asked, kind of out of it.

"It kind of looks like Scarlet Fever to me." Calum assessed, he knew from experience.

"Oh yeah! Did you have it in primary school too?" Michael asked Cal, he nodded.

"No way, I had Scarlet Fever in primary school as well." Ashton piped up.

What a weird coincidence.

"If it's Scarlet Fever, I want him seen by a doctor tomorrow." Liz said as he washed the cloth over Luke's neck, back and chest to cool him down.

"I'll text management now to have that arranged." Calum said as he took off with his phone.

"M-Mum...I-I'm cold." Luke whined, teeth chattering from the cold.

"I'm just trying to cool you down, Love. Then we'll get you in some clean pyjamas then you can go to bed. Okay?" Liz told him, Luke nodded.

His body felt rough an clammy, a weird combination at that, but he knew that he needed to catch up on some sleep.

Michael set out a fresh pair of pyjamas for Luke, they were quite thin but had a penguin print on them so maybe he wouldn't complain about them not being thermal.

Once they got him changed they laid him down on the bottom bunk instead of the top where he was initially assigned.

If he was gonna puke again, they didn't want it to happen from height.

"Goodnight, Penguin." Liz whispered as she tucked in her son, it was like he was a baby again, planting a small kiss to his forehead.

"Thanks for looking after him." Liz thanked the boys as she gave them all a goodnight hug and kiss too to show her gratitude.

"No problem, Liz. He's a precious one." Ashton replied as he looked down at Luke who was already snoozing away.

"Let's just hope he sleeps through the night." She sighed, both of them both needed the rest.

"Don't worry, if he wakes up we'll sort him out." Calum told her.

Liz does so much for them already, surely amongst the three of them they could deal with a poorly Luke.

But thankfully, the sick boy managed to sleep through until the morning.

Ashton's Pov:

The amount of sleep I was getting was suspicious.

No one had woken me up yet, I felt quite well rested.

I slithered out of my bunk like a slippery snake and assessed my surroundings, it looked like Luke was already awake as his bunk was empty except for a couple stuffed animals.

I looked around and saw that most of the curtains to the bunks had been drawed back so I guess for once I was the last one awake.

First time for everything I guess.

"Ash, you awake yet?" I heard Calum say from our lounge area, he was stood by the counter making himself a drink.

"Nope, I'm sound asleep." I replied, only Liz laughed.

She was sat at the table, Luke cuddled into her side as he hugged his stuffed penguin toy, go by the name of Pengey.

"Morning Mate, how are you feeling today?" I asked him as I gave him a quick hug and kiss on the head, in a brotherly way obviously.

"Not good." He croaked out, pouting his lips out like a child.

He did sound like frog.

"Luke's regressed ten years." Mikey giggled, baby of the band looked like a child again for sure.

"Aww." Liz cooed as Luke turned his face into the crook of her neck in embarrassment.

"Here's your tea, Luke." Calum said as he slid the mug over to him, it was in a little pink cup.

Luke giggled a little.

"Smells spicy." He said.

"It's ginger tea, it'll make your tummy feel better." Calum replied.

Cal and Mikey drink an abundance of herbal tea, a tea library, if you will.

Definitely comes in handy.

"Could've just made me a curry." Luke said with a weak smile.

"Hey, getting your sense of humour back?" I said, playfully giving him a light punch on the shoulder.

"Probably the medicine perking him up, he's been able to keep it down so far." Liz smiled as she pushed the hair away from Luke's face, I could see how the rash was spreading.

His cheeks were all flushed and his eyes were red, probably from all the tears he shed in the last couple days.

At least he wasn't puking, for now at least. Time would tell.

"The shower is free." Michael announced to the bus, coming out of the bathroom in only a towel.

"Put it away!" I said, blocking the view from the Hemmings clan.

"Drink it while it's hot, Baby." Liz said, encouraging Luke to have a drink of something.

Luke blowed on the steam before sipping away, but stopped after a few seconds.

"It hurts." He said, running his hand along his throat and jaw, holding his mouth open a tad.

"Your throat?" I asked him.

"And mouth." He told us, sticking his tongue out a little.

Kinda gross but I could see the skin peeling from his tongue, and his mouth was full with sores.


"Holy macaroni. Mate, I'm so sorry. That must be really painful." I told him, I couldn't really remember how it felt to have Scarlet Fever, it looked uncomfortable.

"Anyways, what's the plan for today?" I said getting up from the couch to make myself a coffee, Liz was comforting Luke again.

"Well, us three are going to the interview whilst Luke goes to the doctors." Calum said as he ran me by the itinerary.

"Sounds good...but it won't feel good without our Luke." I responded, trying to cheer our sick boy up a bit.

"Yeah, I hope they give you some medicine or something to fix this. I don't like sick Luke." Michael said, finally putting some clothes on.

"Me neither." Luke mumbled sadly.

No one liked a sick Lukey Poodles.

Our baby bro soon got shipped off in a van with his mother to a doctor whilst we drove off in the opposite direction to the interview location.

"Goodbye forever!" Mikey dramatically sang as we separated.

Once we got to the interview, we all sat down and starred at the empty chair, Luke's little ass would have sat in there quite nicely.

"Today we are joined with 5 Seconds of Summer, or should we say 3.75 Seconds? Because somebody is missing today." The interviewer said, addressing the elephant in the room.

"Yeah, our poor Luke isn't feeling very well today." Calum explained whilst I just looked at the empty chair all confused. Almost as if he just disappeared.

"Lukeys a bit pukey." I said, I'm a wordsmith of sorts.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you guys are looking after him well and we hope that he gets better soon." They said.

"Nah, his mother is doing all the dirty work. Queen Liz is a godsend." Michael said, giving her the much needed credit.

"Well a massive shout out to Liz!" They said.

"Thanks Liz!" We all shouted into the microphone.

Hopefully later on Liz will hear this interview online and make her smile, we appreciate her so much.

We all sat in our seats fidgeting, we really wanted to just get back to the bus and be with our fallen brother!

"So what fun stuff do you get up to on tour when you're not performing?" They asked us all.

"Normally, we like to go exploring in each city we stop at. We play video games and have a little dance." Michael started listing.

"But right now I reckon our time off will consist of eating chicken noodle soup and lots of cuddling." I answered, they might as well clear all the structured fun from the calendar for this week to take care of Luke.

"A spoon train is always fun!" Calum continued.

"Well lucky for you that's all the time we have so you can get back to Luke. I hope he starts to feel better soon so we can have a chat all together." The interviewer said to us.

"That would be lovely, we'll make sure that he heals." I giggled.

"We send him our love, and thank you so much for joining us!" They said.

And just like that it was all over!

Luke's Pov:

Scarlet Fever, seriously?

I thought I dodged it completely when it was going around in primary school but I was proven wrong.

It sucked!

After a long appointment with the doctor they sent me home with antibiotics, after a nightmare of a throat swab, and I felt like crying again.

I probably did cry, let's be honest. I've been crying a lot lately

Plus, I was told that I needed a week of bed rest. Doctors orders.

Management weren't happy but they didn't yell at me. But I did hear my mum give them a tongue lashing, but I could tell that I was being a burden to the entire tour.

Now I felt terrible in more ways than one.

"I know, Lukey. It's no fun being sick." My Mum told me as she ran her hand through my hair.

By now we were back on the bus, I curled up on the couch with Drake and Josh playing in the background, hugging my stuffed penguin.

I felt all emotional.

"J-Just want it to stop." I cried, I felt so sick.

Everything felt sore and itchy, my throat was burning, my head and tummy were hurting.

I wasn't having a fun time.

Mum kissed the top of my head.

"I'll get you some painkillers, then you can take your antibiotics at lunch time." She told me.

I nodded, painkillers of any kind sounded good. And I had to take antibiotics three times a day.

"Think you can eat some chicken soup?" Mum asked me. I haven't eaten properly for days, soup actually sounded quite nice.

"Sure, thanks Mum." I told her.

"I love you too, Penguin."

Soon enough, I heard the gus bus door open as my friends all came on.

"Liz! You're back." I heard from the kitchen.

I was in the back room with the television, I didn't have the strength to go and greet them.

"He's in the back, he should be awake. I'm making soup, do you want some?" I heard my mum offer to the boys. She's the greatest human to have ever existed. Totally unbiased.

Let the chaos begin.

"Luke! We missed you today." Calum said as sat next to me and hugged my side.

"Missed you too." I told him, my voice was all raspy but I didn't care.

"Your Mum said you definitely have Scarlet Fever, I'm so sorry." Mikey said as he pulled my head into his lap, stroking my hair again like my mum had moments before.

"Luke, you're breaking twitter right now." Ashton announced which gave me a shock.

"How?" I asked him, I've done nothing for the last couple days, besides cry and puke.

"We have the best fans in the world that care about you, they're all wishing you well." He said as he showed me his phone.

A load of tweets flooded the screen wishing me well and it warmed my heart, I felt all the feels.

"That's really sweet." I blubbered through tears.

I felt myself being scooped up in a group hug.

I just let all the tears out.

Little did I know that Ashton had his phone out and was filming me, I quickly wiped my eyes and tried to let out a smile for whatever the video was for.

"Alright, you guys wanted an update on Luke. He's having a little cry right now." Ashton said as he put his phone in the face.

"Just an itty bitty little cry, you guys are so nice to me." I croaked out, it still hurt to speak but I had to let the fans know I was still alive.

"Poor lad, he's been to the doctor today and found out he has Scarlet Fever, that's why his cheeks are so rosey." He continued as he nuzzled his face into my cheek, I almost started blushing from embarrassment.

"And this is Luke's stuffed animal fir anyone who cares." Cal said as he tilted the phone down into my lap where Pengey was sat.

"Thanks for understanding that we need a little time off so Luke can get better, because we can't having performing like this. It wouldn't be good for anyone." Michael continued.

"Yeah, thank you for being so patient with us. You guys are fucking amazing and we love you!" Calum said as he leaned in from behind Ashton's head.

"So that's the update, we're going to go and eat some chicken soup I think, whatever Chef Liz has prepared. We'll talk to ya'll again soon." Ashton said before signing off.

I could finally relax, I wrapped my blankie around my shoulders and held my Pengey close to my chest.

"I promise that we'll make this week worth your while." Calum told me.

"True dat!" Ashton chimed in.

They didn't owe me anything, I mean I just got a little sick, but I did appreciate the love.

"We can do whatever you want." Mikey said.

That put me on the spot.

"I kinda *cough cough* just wanna watch Drake and Josh." I replied.

I had no big plans for staying on this bus for a whole week.

"Deal, pull up a pew!" Mikey told everyone.

They all got comfortable on the couches with me, this made me feel a lot better.

"I guess I'm just your soup butler now?" I heard my mum giggle behind us, soup bowls in hand.

"You're our Band Mum, Liz. We love you so much!" Ashton said as he helped hand out lunch.

Chicken soup all round.

"Love you, Mum!" We all said in unison like we had rehearsed it or something, but we didn't.

"Aww you guys, now eat your soup and go to sleep!" She said putting on her teacher voice. I can tell the difference.

That's what the rest of the week consisted of, soup and sleep. Drake and Josh occasionally.

And antibiotics, loads of antibiotics, but they did work a treat.

I had a great circle of people looking after me that I felt a lot better busy the end if the week, bare a couple rashes that were gradually coming down.

Hopefully for the rest of the tour I stay healthy, ready to rock out with my socks out!


Hope you liked this chapter.

I feel like I was the only person who didn't get Scarlet Fever in primary school, so I can't talk from experience.

Love you guys 💕

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