The Buddy System. *Complet...

By Caffinated_Mama

3.7K 208 87

Back to Hogwarts, Raelyn felt like she was starting all over again. No family, no friends. She was destined t... More

Cast Ideas
Return to Hogwarts
Conversing with Snakes
The Buddy System
Can't Sleep
Potions Class
Classroom antics
Meeting Her
An Unexpected Meet Up
The Broom Cupboard
Knowing You Better
Getting Out
While I was sleeping
The Makeover
Opening Up
Hanging with Snakes
The Battle talk
The Date - prt 1
The Date - prt 2
Meetings & Greetings
Leap of Faith?
The Memory
Dean Thomas
Initiations to the Snake Club
Morning After
Like Old Times
Seeing Stars
Dearest Azaleah
Dancing in the rain
Hexing & Humour
The Party
Preparations for Arrival
Catch Ups
Trying to Understand
New styles and stories
Our Song
The Tree
The prick arrived
Vulgar Talk
Three Letters
A Letters Request
Home Truths
The Real Teeny
Sorting Out Our Issues
More truths
What Ifs
Spice Men
Good Ole Dad
What Needed To Be Said
Christmas Past
Christmas Presents
Castle Escape
Unexpected Meetings
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Getting To Know You
New Years Eve
Party Prep
Happy New Year!
Minister Visit
St. Mungo's
Plot Twist
January Blues
New Term
Hospital Wing
The Tower
You Heard Me
Read My Mind
Trouble Finding Me
Fucking Creep
Imperious Curse
Are They Always Like This?
The Answer?
Lucius Malfoy
A Book
To your health
Getting Organised
First Year
Bed Rest
Heart to Heart
Round Two
A Trip Down Memory Lane
A Trip Down Memory Lane - part II
The Tape
Unusual Proposal
Buddy Session
Future Plans
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Love and War

41 2 0
By Caffinated_Mama


"You're fucking what?" Lucas bellowed at me.

"My boyfriend. I believe you have already met him the last time we were here on a date but since then we have made our relationship official."

His face turned an unflattering shade of purple. Like a red onion.

"You are not dating him!"

"Excuse you?" The words came from all four of us standing in front of Lucas.

"You are not dating him. I am sorry pal but she can't date you -"

I clenched my jaw shut tightly. By Merlin I was fed with this boy.

"Why the hell not?" I shouted.

"I said so. He is not a good match for you. I am a good match for you."

"Is he soft in the head?" Blaise asked.

"He's been talking like this since we met him in the bookstore." Pansy explained. "We left to get rid of him but he just followed."

"Do you make it a habit of stalking young girls?" Draco asked. "Or is it just my girlfriend?"

"She is NOT your girlfriend."

"I am! And you have no say in the matter."

"Yes I do. I have been bloody waiting to date you. I have stayed away from relationships just for you."

"Don't you have a kid?" Pansy asked. "Doesn't sound like you stayed away for too long." She smirked.

He ignored her. "You're mine. We are meant to be together."

"No we are not. But we - as in my boyfriend and my friends are leaving."

Draco and I turned to leave with Blaise and Pansy in front of us.

I had taken two steps when I felt a hand grab my waist.

I was pulled back by Lucas who then held up his wand and a shield enveloped the two of us.

Draco raged against the shield, not even causing it to wobble.

I could hear Draco curse on the outside of the shield but it was muffled. Like trying to hear under water.

"Now let's talk about this without that twat!" Lucas said through clenched teeth.

Draco, Blaise and Pansy continued to bang on the shield.

By now we hand drawn a crowd.

"Raelyn I have loved you since you were in 4th year. I didn't make a move because of Cedric but when he died I thought we would finally get a chance.

I left school and got job as I wanted to something of myself first. Then the war happend and I wanted to leave it until after. The war was no time to start a relationship.

But then I heard you were headed back to Hogwarts and I knew I would see you in Hogsmeade so I made sure to bump into you.

I know I had a baby in between but I always loved you. You would make an amazing mum. I couldn't think of anyone better to help me raise Isabella.

You have to dump this blonde bloke and be with me. I will not take no for an answer. We deserve each other."

I looked at him in utter horror. Was he bloody serious?

The look on his face told me he was. And that was scary.

"Oh Lucas..." I smiled and stepped closer to him. He grinned. "You do deserve something." I grabbed his face in my hands.

"You deserve this." I gripped his head tightly and gave him what is known as a Glasgow kiss.

Meaning I head butted him.

It bloody hurt but as I watched him go down and hit the floor, I suddenly felt a bit better already.

The shield was broken as he fell and I stepped over the top of him and to Dracos side.

Where I belonged.

The three Slytherins all looked at me with a mixture of pride and amazement. Blaise suddenly dropped to the floor.

"My queen. You sassy little minx. You absolute legend. We are not worthy to stand in your presence." He mock bowed on his knees.

I rolled my eyes as Pansy added. "That was badass Rae."

"Let's just get going," I croaked. Still in shocked by everything that had happened.

Draco gave me an apologetic smile. I stood next to him and leant my head on his shoulder as he kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me.

And we set off for the school.

Pansy kept looking back over her shoulder as we walked on. A bunch of other students around us now as well.

"Oh Merlin, your stalker is on his feet again."

"If Casanova follows us I will deck him," Draco warned.

"Casa what now?" Blaise mused.

"Nothing. Keep walking. Is he following still Pans?"

"I think Rae may have caused a bit of brain damage. He is swaying and very unsteady."

"Good," both boys said.

Suddenly there was shouting behind us.

No prizes for guessing who it was.

"Enjoy her while you can Malfoy. I will woo her and steal her from you. She was meant to be mine. She WILL be mine."

Enjoy me? What the fuck was I? A broomstick? A toy?

"In your dreams pal," Blaise shouted moving me so I was walking in front of him - just in case.

"See you later honey!" Lucas called.

Now I wanted to walk right up to him and wipe the smirk off his face. Or at least knock some sense into him.

"Why won't he take a hint?" I asked exasperated.

"Maybe he needs to see it to believe it," Pansy winked at us.

Not giving anyone time to think I turned and walked to Draco. He must have known what I planned as he smirked.

Two steps more and I reached him, jumping up into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He in turn grabbed my ass, holding me up. I captured his lips with mine.

I didn't care who was watching. I didn't care that we were in public. I didn't care.

And then I forgot where we were or who could potentially see us.

All I cared about was kissing Draco and him kissing me back.

All too soon however we parted and he set me back on my feet before leaning in and kissing me again. This one much quicker than before.

Now we could see Lucas advancing on us again. His face livid.

"Time to go," Draco winked, taking my hand and we made a run for it.

To be honest it was quite exhilarating running up the road, with Pansy and Blaise hot on our heels.

And we didn't stop. Not until we had ran though the school gates and closed them behind us.

Guests were permitted on the school grounds but they had to be personally invited by a teacher or student.

But I still held my breath as I watched Lucas approach.

Thankfully he came no further than the gates.

"You don't handle rejection too well do you?" Draco smirked at him.

"You may have her now but I will win her heart. Then she will be mine and I will flaunt her in front of you to see how you like it."

I was really starting to lose my patience. I was beginning to wonder if  he was quite well. Maybe it was PTSD from the war? Maybe he was ill? Or maybe he really was just a bloody fool.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here. Lucas I have no idea what has come over you. I am sorry. I never wanted to hurt your feelings but I just don't see you like that."

"But you could if you tried."

"No I couldn't. I love Draco."

"But I love you."

Oh Merlin this was getting ridiculous.

"But I don't feel the same. I love Draco. Head over heels in love. Can't imagine my life without him. I will always chose him."

"But I-"

"I will ALWAYS chose him." Draco squeezed my hand. "I am sorry Lucas. But there is no one else for me. I love Draco Malfoy."

"You only think you do." He groaned.

"No I thought I loved others. But I was a fool. I didn't know love until Draco. He is my world. He makes me feel -"

"I could make you feel better."

"Gross," Pansy muttered.

"That's enough Lucas. I am sorry but I will never feel that way about you. Even if I wasn't with Draco. I do not feel for you the way you do for me. You were Cedrics friend. That's all."

"That's not true!"

"It is. Do you think I would have went out with Wren if I liked you? Or made out with Nate the night of the Yule Ball if I had any feelings for you?"

"Nate too?'

"I'm sorry but you have no chance. My feelings for you will never change. Well they won't get stronger anyway."

"I am not giving up. There are ways to make you love me and chose me."

And with that he turned and stamped away.

"Charming fellow," Draco smirked.

"Really Raelyn I can't imagine why you didn't fall head over feet for him." Blaise said while trying to hold in a laugh.

"Well,"  I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Draco. "That would be because I'm head over feet already. For someone much more handsome."

"Damn right you are." Draco smirked again. One of his signature smirks that could leave a lady weak at the knees.

Which did leave a lady weak at the knees. If you could call me a lady.

"He is very...intense. I remember him hanging around with my brother. He always seemed so normal. Shows how wrong I was." Pansy shrugged.

"He was normal. I've no feckin clue what happened. That's not the Lucas I've known for years."

If I was honest, I always sort of knew Lucas liked me. He always smiled, complimented and flirted with me. I uses to think it was just to annoy my brother, but even after he died he would write and flirt. 

I thought it was harmless. But today? Well that was weird.

I felt bad for teasing him by kissing Draco but I wanted him to see I was happy and I was taken.

No. I loved Draco and as long as I had him, I would never neeed or want anyone else.

But one thing I knew about Lucas was that he was stubborn. So I had a feeling that this wasn't over.

The thought filled me with dread.

I still hadn't digested what had just taken place. Still couldn't explain it. I didn't know this man.

This was not Lucas.

Or maybe it was. Maybe this was what he was always like and I just seen an act all this time.

I always knew he was on his best behaviour while Cedric was about. Cedric had chastised him before for flirting with me. Said it broke a code of honour.

He actually even warned me once to stay away from Lucas and his charm. Not that I ever had any plans not to.

I didn't actually think he even had a girlfriend while I knew him. But according to Cedric he did. Many of them. In any case it is not important anymore.

And I certainly won't let him ruin my day.

"So lunch?" I asked the three who stood watching me. Waiting for my reaction.

"Yes! I'm starving," Pansy said as she handed our bags to Blaise and linked my arm.

"Theo will be raging he missed the fun." He smirked as we headed into the great hall and broke off to our respective tables.

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