Chasing Dreams (A Harry Potte...

By blueskies-fireflies

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Harry walked slowly from the room, hidden beneath his invisibility cloak. He could see the snow on the window... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Flashbacks
Chapter 3: Snivellus
Chapter 4: Temporary
Chapter 5: Slytherins
Chapter 6: I reckon they do
Chapter 7: A great idea
The Fight
Rob Dawson
Just a small argument
Authors Note
Author's Note
Trouble in Paradise
Helena Renai
Night time snowfall
The Letter
Chocolate Frogs and the Map
The Frozen Lake
The Hospital Wing on Christmas Eve
A Job?
Christmas Morning
Kayn and Snape
The Sorting
The New Years Eve Party
A Terrible Idea
Single Tryouts
The Patronus Charm
The Art of Ice and Magic
Valentines Day
Another date?
The Match
Curses in the Corridor
Second Time In A Year
The First Warning
Hogsmeade with Jared
April the 22nd
OWL's Approach
OWL Exams
The Last of the Exams
The End of an Era
Train Rides and Tears
Authors Note
Summer and All its Lies
Goodbyes and Greetings
What Happened To You?
Playing With Fire
Sixth Year Begins
An Encounter on the Pitch
The First Prank
The Party
Drinking and Dancing
A Bit of A Clichè
Entirely Hungover
The First Envelope
Taking Care of Things
Secrets, Slughorn and the Second Warning
Madam Rosmerta
Awkward and Shy
An Admittance of Feelings
I'm Not A Soldier
In the Forest?!
As High as the Clouds
Working Things Through
I Don't Need
Really, I am
First and Last Time
What Doesn't Exist
Any Takers?
Not an Update
Not an Update 2
What is this?
Author's Note

The Astronomy Tower

1K 49 6
By blueskies-fireflies

(Picture at the top is Skye)

''Jumping up and down the floor, my head is an animal. ''
- Of Monsters and Men

The days of October sped by with nothing but homework, talk of Halloween and a serious lack of Marauders in Skye's life. Still she remained optimistic, smiling and laughing with Alice and Emmeline, Marlene and Mary, Lily and Dorcas. She also spent a lot of her days with Sam, but avoided other boys. She had decided after her encounter with Charlie that her interactions with boys should be limited for a while, and she should focus on herself.

''Such a cliche line.''

Skye exclaimed one night at dinner as she explained to Lily why she was not accompanying any boy on the next Hogsmeade trip.


Lily asked, looking up from her plate of mashed potato and ham.

''I just need time to work on myself. I can't be two when I don't even work as one.''

Skye said, putting on a fake simpering voice as she looked deep into Lily's eyes. Then she quickly pulled away and pretended to retch into her pumpkin juice.

''Ugh, give me a break. It's almost as bad as, ''it's not you, it's me.''

She said disgustedly, rolling her eyes.

''I agree completely, serious bullshit, but don't you think letting someone go gently is more kind?''

Lily asked sceptically. Skye spluttered and almost spat out her pumpkin juice dramatically.

''Kind?!'' She spluttered. ''Who said anything about kind? It's much more fun to stomp all over someone's heart and make them cry.''


Despite her cheery disposition, some bad habits of Skye's still remained. Smoking, for example. She still had at least one cigarette pe day, sneaking out at night or standing by her least favourite tapestries to annoy them. That was why she found herself near the Astronomy tower one evening, lighting a cigarette with her favourite silver lighter. Two old women knitting in a nearby painting sniffed and glared at her before the woman in a pink dress spoke up.

''Really! Such incolence. Young ladies shouln't engage in such bahaviour.''

''Young ladies will engage in whatever the fuck they want, you stupid old hag.''

Skye snapped, glaring at them. The two ladies looked shocked. With an innocent smile, Skye blew smoke at the painting andwalked away with a smirk. As she reached the balcony on the Astronomy tower, she gazed out into the dusk. The sun was setting over the lake, casting it's pinky golden glow over the grounds and turning the windows red. Far off to the East, a faint star twinkled. Smiling, Skye put her cigarette between her lips and grabbed the balcony. With a jump, she managed to swing herself around and, letting out a sharp breath, pulled herself up onto the roof. It was a beautiful place with a perfect view of the grounds and the lake, giving Skye an amazing place to sit and think.

Breathless, she looked up to the other side of the roof. Shock hit her, because clearly someone else had similar ideas to her. A lone figure hunched across the rooftop, their legs dangling over the edge. Judging from the short hair and athletic build, the person was a boy, Skye could see that even in the dim light. And judging from the short breaths and sniffles that split the air, Skye assumed the boy was crying. Slowly, very slowly, she stepped forward and listened. The boy was clearly too engrossed in his own thoughts to realise her, until she was right behind him. And by then she knew who it was.


Skye asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Remus flinched and didn't look at her, clearly surprised by her presence.

''Hello, Skye.''

He mumbled quietly. Skye smiled sadly and kept her hand on his shoulder, bent down near him.

''Remus, what are you doing?''

''This is uh..'' he seemed hesitant ''this is one of my favourite places to sit. I told James and the others in first year, but they've forgotten about it, six years later.''

He said quietly. Skye didn't know what to say until Remus looked up and met her eyes, her sapphire meeting his chocolate coloured orbs.

''Do you want to sit down?''

He asked, gesturing vaguely beside him.

''Are you sure?''

Skye asked quietly. Remus let out a short, almost bitter laugh.

''Of course, Skye, we're friends.''

He said with finality, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Skye decided not to comment, although her stomach tightened and Remus' courtesy was a slap in the face. An awkward silence ensued, settling between them. Side by side, they watched the sun go down and the stars come out until eventually Skye lit up another cigarette, the small snap of her lighter breaking the silence. Remus glaned at her.

''You smoke?''

He asked.

''Since when?''

''The summer. You want one?''

Skye asked, offering him the packet. Remus had smoked once or twice, but only when he was severely stressed out. Little did he know that it was Skye's way of telling what kind of mood he was in- if he didn't take the cigarette, the problem wasn't major. If he did, well then that was a different story. Now though, Remus reached eagerly for a cigarette and held it out for Skye to light. Her heart sank in her chest.


He muttered when it was lit, turning back to the sunset. Skye pulled the cigarette from between her teeth and leaned back on her palms, crossing her feet and blowing a huge smoke ring into the air above her. She smiled as it faded away and then turned to Remus, adressing him shortly.

''Remus, what's wrong? What's got you up here in tears?''

''What? Nothing, I just-''


Skye snapped at him, spinning her head around to face him. Her blonde and red hair slashed out beside her face. Silence fell once more. Suddenly Remus spoke, sounding as if he was choking on his words.

''It's just so difficult, you know?''

He asked, on the verge of tears. Skye didn't know exactly what he was referring to, but she knew it could be any number of difficult things in his life. Instead, she just looked at him, her eyes begging him to continue. He looked at her, his face troubled.

''I.. James and Sirius, they don't understand. Merlin knows they tie, and so does Peter, but..''

He frowned and took a drag on his cigarette.

''Remus..'' Skye sighed. ''Is this anything too do with-''

''Me being a freak of nature? Of course not.''

He bit back sarcastically. Catching Skye's expression, his face softened.

''Sorry. Sorry. That was really unnecessary.''

Again, Skye remained quiet, her eyes fixed on the blood red sunset.

''The Marauders do so much for me, all the time. I mean.. James is constantly buying the butterbeer and offering to pay for things because he knows I'm not exactly up on money. And Sirius is the same, only.. It's not about money, obviously, that's just a contributing factor because it shows how much he cares. Or doesn't care, maybe. And when it comes to full moons I..''

Remus slowed down, cutting himself off with a sad sigh. Skye looked at him imploringly, her blue eyes sad and aching for her friend. She missed Remus. It wasn't as if he had done anything wrong last year, only kept trust with his best friend, and who could blame him for that?

''I've never known what it was like to be loved, respected, cared for and have this much fun all at the same time. I thought it was impossible for.. for someone like me.''

He finished quietly.

''Someone like you?''

Skye asked darkly, as if the very thought of her friend insulting himself repulsed her.

''What is that? Someone like you? Someone who's smart, funny, attractive?''

Remus chuckled slightly at that.

''Remus, you can't put yourself down just because other people might think you should. If everyone did that, the entire world would look in the mirror every day and cry-''

''I'm not crying because I'm a fucking werewolf.''

Remus said quietly, but he wasn't angry at Skye, and she knew it.

''I'm.. I'm crying because what if it all gets too much for them? If.. One day they just decide that helping me out once a month is too hard? Or.. Or me constantly nagging at them is a pain in the neck?''

He took a long drag on his cigarette. Skye did the same and let him continue.

''I'm just.. So grateful, but so scared. Like I said, I never knew true friendship until I met James and Sirius and Peter.. Or you.''

Skye's eyes snapped up to meet his. Remus smiled a small smile as their eyes met. Skye looked away, lying back to look at the now black sky, scattered with stars.

''Look, Remus, I'm terrible at giving advice, you know that. But I will say this, and this I mean- James, Sirius, Peter and I love you. More than anything. You said it yourself, true friendship. That means trust and care and loyalty, all qualities you have and qualities we value. Why else would those three idiots have spent three years trying to -emphasis on this- break the fucking law- so they could help you, eh? You know them, they're not exactly filled with male compassion.''

Remus chuckled as Skye talked to him.

''Please, Remus, just.. Don't lose faith in yourself, and don't lose faith in your friends. If you do, you're doomed. They're all you have. They're all anyone has.''

Skye said softly, her eyes fixed on the sky. Remus smiled at her.

''Thanks, Skye, it means a lot.''

''It's the truth, Remus. Don't get yourself down over being a werewolf, it's one of the amazing things that make you who you are.''

A silent twenty minutes passed as the two stared at the sky, inhaling the smoke from their cigarettes. Eventually Skye broke the quiet.

''Do you come up here a lot?''

She asked.

''Nah, not really. It's just a quiet spot, you know as well as I do that it's nice to get away from Sirius and James sometimes. They're my best friends, but thy can be full on at the best of times''

He chuckled to himself as Skye nodded with a smile.

''You know that all too well, though, I don't have to tell you.''

Remus said shyly, although there was an edge to his voice. Skye smiled sadly and tried not to roll her eyes; it had only been a matter of time before this was brought up again.

''Look, Remus, you know why I stopped-''

''Yeah, yeah, I know.''

He sighed impatiently.

''I just wish you and Sirius weren't so stubborn with each other. He misses you.''

''And I miss him! And James and Peter and you. I just..''

Skye trailed off, unsure of what to say.

''Yeah, I understand.''

Remus sighed, clambering to his feet and stepping on his cigarette. Skye lit up another one instead.

''Remus?'' She called, sitting up as she realized he was leaving.


He called, looking over his shoulder at her. He was near the edge of the tower.

''I..'' Skye struggled to get the words out. ''I do miss you. All of you. I don't want us to leave tonight on bad terms.''

Remus smiled sadly at her in the moonlight.

''Skye.'' He said quietly, looking at her with pained eyes. It was late and just before Remus swung down from the roof, he told her.

''We're best friends, we could never be on bad terms.''

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