Wrong Number, Right Family

By AnotherUselssHumanCJ

1.1M 39.7K 30.5K

Peter Parker breaks his phone and fixes it but it messed with his contacts. Most were saved but one was mixed... More

(AN) New Book Yay!
The Beginning
Just Curious
Stark Tech
Group Chat
Hey...So How Would You Fix A Broken Satellite Dish?
So What Exactly Are Your Jobs?
This Had A Specific Title To Go With It But It Changed Throughout The Story.
New Temporary Names
What The Fuc-Language!!
Are Any Of You NOT OLD
Karen Da Best
Where Did We Go Wrong?
Small World
Point Break
We Just Gonna Pretend I Didn't Totally Forget Scott.
WTH Is This Chapter
Just A Quick AN
Unexpected Meeting
Spidey Time!
Happy Birthday Iron
Spidey Time! 2
Spidey Time! 3
Spidey Time! 4
Taking Over Tony's Lab
Working Together (Finally) P1
Working Together (Finally) P2. But Not Really
So..... Tagged?
Tagged (oof)
Staying The Night
He Did It On Purpose
Senior Citizen's Birthday
Re-take The Test
Dealing With Avengers
......Game Night????
Just A NORMAL Saturday
And You All Are?
Shit, IT'S HER
Split Identity
What You've Been Waiting For
So You Wanna Help Me?
Left With Memories & Emotions
You're Sure We Can Fix "This"
Messing Around
Just Vibing
Um What??
*Regular* Friday Night
Peter's Number
~~Looking Forward To The Weekend~~
Disney, Swimming, And A... Present?
Reality Check
Out Of Place?
You're Leaving?
Dangling On The Edge Of Death
Long Time, No See.
Leave. Harry. Alone.
Archive of Our Own
Peter!!! You Should Be Resting!!!
DNA Is Overrated Anyways-
Halloween Special
Learning Only Part Of The Story
Messing Around With "New" Powers
Welp Ima About To Get Hurt
Itsy Bitsy... Spiders!?
Double The Spider, Double The Trouble
Don't Text And Swing
Spamming The Spiders
The Wakandian Spider
Why Is There A Flying Vibranium Goat!?
Maximoffs Join The Meme Squad
How To Stop The Panic Attack Of A Dad
Tagged I Guess
The Walls Are Crumbling Down
Webheads That Ain't Spidey ;-;
NIght MOnKEyyYYy
The Night Doesn't Shine
Well Hello Peter
I'm Here
Sneaky Spider
Scary Girlfriend Meets Mama Spider
I'm Not Sick I'm Admiring The Toilet
Farewell E.T.
Why Can't Anything Be Simple
Who's Your Friend?
The Bomb
Seems Fun
Is This Me?
Boss Battle?
Fresh Air Helps
Solo Misson
Are They Potty Trained?
Till Next Time
'Guys In The Chair'
Bending Rules
'Cousin' Bonding
Family ≠ Blood
Day In The Park
Can't Say No
Another Day, Another Continent
Sooo Elemental Monsters... Great
Just Wanted A Vacation
Festival Up In Flames
Crumbling Reality
When The Dust Has Settled

There's A Guy IN THERE

1K 60 53
By AnotherUselssHumanCJ

Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy. Excited to write this!  This is a longer chapter too!

I hope you all enjoy!


School ended and he rushed home to the apartment. He unlocked the door and went to his room. He opened his closet and dug until he found what he was looking for. 

The Vibranium Spider suit. 

He put on the suit and then clothes over it. He stuffed the mask into his jacket pocket. 

But the problem facing him now was May and the Avengers. He couldn't just go missing. He had to think quick because he barely had an hour now before he had to be back. He thought back to a lot of movies, and he remembered something where they lied to both sides about where they were. 

Telling the Avengers, he would stay at the apartment today and telling May he was at the tower. May shouldn't have anything to question, Avengers will ask why but he just will tell them he has an English project with Ned.

English project because he knows if he had any other subject Tony or someone else would offer to help. 

He called Ned. 

"What's up Peter?" Ned answered.

"Ok so I'll tell you all about it after, but I need you to cover me." He cut to the chase.

"Is this about Spider-Man?" Ned asked excited. 

"Yes, and I need you to tell anyone who asks you are doing an English project with me tonight." He said a little rushed looking at the time. Ned sighed.

"Ok, thought I was gonna need to hack something again." Ned agreed. What Ned said got him thinking. 

"Do you think you can hack security cameras in San Fransisco?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, I sometimes hack cameras and I found this one where it was in a barn and there was a horse! And it even had audio and I talked to the horse- Wait why San Fransico?"

(If you understand where the horse camera thing came from, I love you)

"Spider-Man, and I need you to record everything you see." 

"Now this sounds fun." Ned said and he could hear Ned rush to his computer. 

"Also connect to my mask, I'll ask Karen." he said and hung up. 

Ok now Avengers. 



I got an English project with Ned and it's due soon so can't come over.


You procrastinated didn't you.




Grades come before patrol.


I disagree

Night Spider

If patrols affect your grades, I'll personally tutor you until they improve.


mmmmmmmkay, then I better get to it. 


Then he texted a quick message to May saying he'll be at the Avenger's tower. 

It was 4:30 so he left and rushed to his school. He walked around the building and spotted the car. He looked around but nobody was in sight, so he approached the car. 

He opened the door and like last time Fury was there.

"I see you've come prepared." Fury commented looking at suit covered hands.

He only nodded and buckled in as the car started going.

"What is the thing I'm going to fight? It has like liquid skin." He couldn't help himself in wanting to know more. 

"Good you've researched a little. But not much can be found online. We've narrowed it down to a symbiote."

"But a symbiote needs a host? Who- or what is the host?" He asked. 

'We are venom', 'Sonny and Eddie'. Two of them. Sonny and Eddie are names, and the thing was talking to himself. One of those names could be the name of the host.

"We don't know and that's the problem. It's a big city and this Venom guy has been spotted all around the city. We've narrowed a part in Chinatown where he's been spotted frequently. So that's where you'll start." Fury said. 

"Is there any reason you want me to fight him? Is it because of the eyes?" He asked. Fury didn't seem annoyed, but he sure did seem impatient. 

"The eyes aren't important, but the reason I want you to fight him is because the Avengers will bring too much attention, my spies can't hurt him, and this was a test to see how compliant you are." Fury said narrowing his eye at him. 

He decided that was enough questions. 

The drive wasn't too long and when he stepped out of the vehicle, he saw he was at the LaGuardia Airport. He followed Fury but they didn't enter the main entrance. Instead, there was a side door meant for emergency exits. 

There were two workers waiting for them and they followed them. 

He was brought to a loading dock and when they finally entered the plane it wasn't a passenger plane. This was a fancy jet. 

"Take a seat, you don't want to be standing when we take off." Fury said sitting down in one of the cloud looking seats. 

"I do have sticky feet" He joked, and he could swear when Fury looked away to pull his phone out, he saw a slight smirk. 

He also pulled his phone and sat down. No spam so the Avengers didn't find out anything yet.



Hey dude, Chinatown cameras.


He spared a glance out of the window and saw how high up they were and quickly looked back. 

The whole crashing a plane left a mark. Just as long as he doesn't look again. 

He grabbed his phone to distract himself.

"Once we land, you'll need to hand over the phone. It'll be returned to you once the mission is over. We can't have you record or document anything that happens." Fury said. 

He swallowed.

Shit of course, Ned. 

It's ok, Fury couldn't know. He could probably just get Ned to delete the recordings after to make sure. 

A few hours had passed in silence, and he was thankful for the stark phone with upgraded battery life.

He sat on the ceiling of the jet to see if it felt any different than from the ceiling of a building. He felt the vibration of the wind rush past the jet through his whole body. The vibrations made him uncomfortable, so he went back to the chair.

When they (FINALLY) landed he stepped out and was surprised it wasn't completely dark. It was still slightly visible. He looked at his watch and it told him 6:29 pm. 

Time zones are weird. At home it would be 9:29. Anyways he unwillingly handed his phone over and was driven to a hotel. 

"So, am I going tonight?" He asked, not excited but he's ready. 

"No, you could experience jet lag in the middle of battle, and I don't need Stark on my ass." Fury said walking towards the door. 

"Come on, I've swung around with a literal bullet in me. I can handle some jet lag. Besides, doesn't it take a while to set in?" He asked. 

"It can begin immediately or over a few days." Fury informed him.

"Well, I'm fine now, and I don't want to sit and do nothing for a few days because of some jet lag." He argued. Fury turned and gave him a scowl. 

"You're going to go out either way, aren't you?" Fury concluded. He gave Fury his 10/10 smile. 

"I'm stubborn like that" He snarked. 

"Fine but you experience any of these symptoms you get your ass back here." Fury said handing him a list of symptoms for jet lag. He read through them then prepared. He has two extra canisters of webbing and he pulled on his mask. 

"Karen connect Ned please."

A few seconds went by before he heard Ned's voice. 

"I got practically every camera in Chinatown. I had a while to hack them." Ned said proudly. 

"Perfect, thanks dude. You ready for some ass kicking?" He asked. 

"Hell yeah!" Ned said.

He leaped out of the window. It was now dark and his black vibranium suit was perfect for camouflage. 

During the flight Fury had shown him the street this venom was spotted a lot. So, he headed there. He had Karen give him directions. He landed on top of a building and kept low. He quietly leaped between buildings looking in alleys, for venom and crime. He can't just ignore a crime. 

So that's how he ended up webbing a guy's hand to a wall and swinging down to kick him and knock him out.

Sadly, he couldn't stay and chat with the victim to see if they were alright because reports of Spider-Man here would not be good. And they always run away.

After 30 minutes of nothing he rested on top of a building asking if Ned has seen anything. 

"Um I saw something in an alley by this convenience store." 

"What exactly did you see?" He asked. 

"I dunno some black ooze on the ground but it's gone now." Ned said bored. 

Oh, fuck he forgot to tell Ned exactly what he's looking for. He just said some guy but it's not a regular guy.

He leaped off the building and headed to the convenience store Ned described. 

He landed on top of the building next to it and looked in the alley. 

His lenses and eyes widened. Down there the venom guy had the black ooze keeping this guy stuck to the wall. 

The venom guy in question was talking to himself again, or whatever is in him. 

"What the fuck is that??" Ned asked bewildered. 

"I'm hungry!" He whispered shouted in a disturbing voice. Like distorted.

But something caught his ear.

"We have chocolate at home!" A much quieter voice said. He titled his head in confusion. 

"I want brains!" Venom said. Then he turned his head back to the guy. 

"He's a bad guy" Venom said before opening his wide ass jaw.

"Shit" Ned said.

He quickly followed the little plan he came up with. 

Web the face. Distract him. 

He shot a web at his face and the thing roared before clawing his face. not seeming to be able to harm itself. 

Then web the feet and pull. He shot two webs at the things shins and pulled.

The thing fell with some webbing still on its face. 

Then finally some electricity. 

He shot 2 tazer webs and the thing screeched and then the ooze started melting away. revealing.... a guy. He even made eye contact with the guy. 

Acting quick seeing the tazer webs had that effect he shot one around the guy stuck to the wall and he eventually got out and ran. 

He leaped down and the venom guy had gotten up. 

He was in a crouched stance in front of this large thing.

Venom titled his head at him like he did. 

"It's a mini us. It's cute" The thing said. Halting all his thoughts. 

"What!?" He said out loud and even heard Ned say the same.

"It talks!" Venom said smiling and took a step closer. 

Ok he didn't like being shorter than this guy, so he leaped and stuck to the side of the building. still looking at the venom guy.

The thing climbed the wall at him, so he ran to the top only to see the venom guy leap up. 

He got in his fighting stance again. 

"What are you?" He asked. 

"We are venom" Venom (obviously) said while the creepy as tongue licked the teeth.

"That is disgusting." He commented. 

"You get used to it" He heard the quiet voice of the guy inside. 

"How can you get used to that" he said cringing at all the saliva on the ground. He kinda wanted to throw up.

The venom guy perked up at his response. 

"You can hear Eddie?" 

"Don't say my name!"

"Oh, so the guy in you is Eddie. Then who's Sonny?" He wondered to himself.

The liquid skin disappeared slowly until, supposed, Eddie's face was revealed.

It looked kinda funny to see a large body with a small head. Like having caps lock on and holding shift for the first letter.

"How do you know Sonny?" he asked harsh. 

"There are cameras everywhere dude." He snarked. 

"Fuck, who are you?" Eddie asked. He laughed. 

"And why would I tell you?" He said standing up from his crouched state. 

"Just tell us who sent you and you won't get hurt" Eddie said and the black liquid started forming around his head.

"Nope" he said shooting a tazer web at him and the liquid shrieked and retreated. Now stood only Eddie.

"So disturbing. Anyways Sheild wants you or something. You good?" He asked hoping the tazer webs weren't too strong. 

"So, you're just a pawn they sent to get us?" Eddie said looking at him. He didn't like how he worded it but basically it was. 

"Listen I don't exactly wanna fight you, but I've been preparing for this so I'm going to need an answer." He said still looking at Eddie. 

"This is my answer asshole!" Eddie said then a large black fist launched for his face. He leaped away. 

"Ok, a no would've been sufficient." He said as he leaped and aimed a kick at Eddie, but the damn ooze caught his foot. 

He bent back stuck his hands to the ground and flipped Eddie and Venom over him. In the process the ooze let go but that just sent them flying. 

Then Venom now fully around Eddie stood up. 

"Tiny us won't defeat us." Venom said leaping and combining his fists like a wrecking ball and smashing where he once stood.

Venom was powerful but slow compared to him. 

"Too slow bro" he said jumping up and landing a kick on Venom's head. 

Then Venom's hand turned into large ass blades.

He bent back to avoid the first swing and then flipped to avoid a lower hit. 

"Hey, you ever thought of a spike ball hand?" He asked and to his surprise. Venom had taken his suggestion. 

"Huh, that's cool" 

"Why did you listen to his comment??" Eddie said inside venom. 

"It seemed like a good idea" Venom said.

"But he's the enemy!"

"I mean it's more effective. More damage than a regular fist" He was smiling about how distracted they were getting. 

Venom nodded before realizing they were fighting and tried to pull a fast one on him.

He easily ducked and took a step closer and shot a web grenade into Venom. 

"What the fu-" 

The grenade went off and now venom had white webbing inside and out and he kinda looked like the sky in the starry night painting if it was only black and white. 

"That's cool" Ned commented quietly when Venom retreated into Eddie and the webbing fell off and onto Eddie, sticking him in place. 

"So, I heard Venom is a symbiote but my question. Where'd he come from. A lab? Or deep in the earth. Or space! Man is he an alien." He asked crouching to look at Eddie closer. 

"So, is he in you? Are you two in a relationship?" He joked. 

"You talk too much" Eddie said then black shit shot at him like his webs.

"Fuck" he said as it got on his mask and torso. He pulled at it and ripped some off, but he was focused on his face. He yanked his mask off with his back to Eddie and tried to get the shit off, but he heard steps behind him.

Damn, He put on the mask, still unable to see, and ran at the figure to. His Spidey sense warned him of a hit from above, so he took a leap to the left then back to the right. He tackled the figure and shot 5 tazer webs and it tazed both of them but at least the black ooze was off of him. He pushed himself off and rolled away. 

Fuck why was he dizzy. Like dizzier than after getting shocked. If you get dizzy from that. He noticed Eddie coughing and weakly getting to his feet. 

"You can launch that shit?!" He asked laughing. 

Eddie stared at him wide eyed. 

"The fuck happened to your voice." Eddie asked almost stumbling back.

"What?" he then noticed that the mask was shut down. 

"You fucked up my mask" He whined. He kept tapping his lens. 

"You sound like a damn child." Eddie said still looking at him shocked. 

"I am not a kid" He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Annoyed with how everyone gets so worked over his age. 

"What are you? 11?" Eddie asked. 

"I'm 15 for you information. Not a child." He shook his head.

"YOU'RE 15??" Eddie asked. 

"A child" Venom spoke up. 

"Not. A. Child." He said adamantly. He had a feeling in his stomach, but he ignored it. 

"Venom almost killed you! You could've died!" Eddie said. 

"Yeah yeah, I almost die like every month, what's new." He said but the feeling in stomach grew. 

"Sheild is recruiting kids now, what a load of bullshit" Eddie said now seemingly talking with Venom. He limped to the edge and pulled the bottom of his mask and threw up. 

"Shit, we need to get you some help." Eddie said taking a couple steps closer to him. 

"I'm fine." He said looking at Eddie wondering how he's fine with all the tazing. 

His head started buzzing and he stumbled a little falling close to the edge. He wouldn't have fell but the black ooze prevented his shoulder from hitting the hard concrete. 

He coughed as some vomit residue went down the other tube. Disgusting.

"Fine, but no hospitals." He said as he wiped his mouth. 

He heard Eddie talking with Venom, but he didn't care what it was about. 

"You can let me go; I can walk" he said but Eddie shook his head. 

"Not in that condition."

"Child needs rest" Venom said and the black ooze covered him like a weird blanket.

He sighed at how everything derailed. 

At least these guys don't seem to want to kill him anymore. 

His mind wondered what was happening to him when he remembered jet lag.

Well, this sucks. And Jet lag can last days. He yawned realizing that in his home it would be 2 am.  Past his curfew May set.

Well at least the ooze was soft. A weird soft, like a waterbed. He's never been on a waterbed but figured this is what it would feel like. 


This was so much fun to write!  I haven't written a chapter this long in a while.

I wanted some fighting and some like cute venom moments. I like how it turned out. 

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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