Queen of Arizella

By larrychonce28

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Stealing from Royalty is punishable by death. Louis starts over, doing his best to keep his hands at his side... More

Chapter 1 - Arizella
Chapter 2 - Deprived
Chapter 3 - Home
Chapter 4 - Downtown
Chapter 5 - Fur
Chapter 6 - Texture
Chapter 7 - Head
Chapter 8 - God
Chapter 9 - Exception
Chapter 10 - Thumb
Chapter 11 - Nesting
Chapter 12 - licking
Chapter 13 - Stunning
Chapter 14 - Elements
Chapter 15 - Wow
Chapter 16 - Heat I
Chapter 17 - Heat II
From the Author
Chapter 18 - Strawberry Sweet
Chapter 19 - Orange Juice
Chapter 20 - Agreed
Chapter 21 - Itty-Bitty
From the Author II
Chapter 22 - Soup Spoon
Chapter 23 - A baby
Chapter 24 - Yellow Polish
Chapter 25 - Lemonade
Chapter 26 - Love You
Chapter 27 - Missed
Chapter 28 - Warm
Chapter 29 - Rut
Chapter 30 - Rabid
Chapter 31 - Circuit
Chapter 32 - Honey
Chapter 33 - Honesty
Chapter 34 - Home
Chapter 35 - Growing
Chapter 37 - Finally
Chapter 38 - In Love
Chapter 39 - Changes
Chapter 40 - Queen of Arizella
Chapter 41 - Extra

Chapter 36 - Perfect

452 16 9
By larrychonce28

Ixion and Atlas bowed before going to the kitchen where the blonde was. Niall turned around, eyes glossy, "good afternoon."

Atlas smiled slightly, "good afternoon, Niall." He tilted his head, "and Zayn?"

"Why do you ask?"

Ixion swallowed, "you know why."

Niall set the head of lettuce down, leaning on the counter. "He went out with Liam to buy a few things..."

"For your heat?"

"Yes..." The omega hugged himself, "I hate my heat."

Atlas blinked quickly, "what?"

"I just -I hate doing nothing. I hate being taken care of all the time." Niall growled, "I love my omega, and I love my alpha but -I hate feeling spoiled."

Ixion came closer, putting a hand on Niall's shoulder, "do you hate it because you deserve it?" He shook his head, "your biggest problem was always accepting things you deserve."

"I do not-"

"You have helped Louis so much, I think you do not understand. You have helped -everyone that lived in this house. You work hard, too hard for no reason, Niall. Take some time for yourself."


Niall straightened, "in -kitchen!" He shook his head, wiggling his fingers, "goodness."

"Relax," Ixion spoke just before Liam entered the kitchen.

"Ixion, Atlas."

"We have brought Louis for his check up and we were just talking to Niall."

"Oh," Liam nodded, smiling, "Niall's heat is soon." Niall blushed, crossing his arms. "We will have the house to ourselves."

"And Julie."

Liam grinned, "will be in the castle -with Rose."

"Where is Zayn?"

"Coming -he is speaking to the driver." Liam went to his omega, growling when Niall moved away. "Stop it." He kissed the blonde's cheek, mumbling against it. He looked at Ixion and Atlas, "will you all stay for lunch?"

"If Louis wishes to."

"Omega." Zayn glanced at Ixion and Atlas, raising a brow.

"They came for Louis' checkup."

"I see." Zayn set down the bags, tilting his head at Niall. "Are you trying to hide?"

Niall was, curling against Liam, eyes roaming around. "Yes."

Zayn smiled, "you cannot hide from me. You know this."

Niall whined, pressing his lips to Liam's arm, mumbling. Liam leaned closer to hear what he was saying. The omega smiled, blush across his own cheeks, "he wants his collar."

"Of course, baby." Zayn held out a hand and Niall latched on. He nodded at Liam, "finish lunch for Niall, please."

"Yes, alpha."

"No," Niall whined but was picked up when he tried going back. "No!"

Atlas looked at Liam once he could no longer hear Niall's whining. "Stubborn as always."

Liam grinned, "yes. My precious baby." He turned towards the lettuce, looking around. "Salad, salad." Liam grabbed tomatoes from the basket. "Are you both excited for the baby?"

"Yes, very." Ixion leaned on the counter, "We will go shopping for many things soon. To fill the den."

"Louis' nest is quite large, but he wants a small nest for the baby."

"Aw," Liam smiled, chopping the lettuce without looking, "I am excited as well." He set the knife down, dumping the lettuce into the bowl, whispering, "do not tell, but I have been making little clothes."

Atlas grinned, "we will keep it a secret." He touched Liam's arm, "you should watch when you cut."

"My omega is the greatest cook in all of Arizella, possibly the world." He kept cutting, sticking the point of the knife into the board before turning around. "He has taught me everything I know. I may not be able to cook as good, but I can cut." Liam purred, "he may not be able to make clothes, but he can sew a stitch without looking."

Ixion licked his lips, "we have missed much."

Liam stopped smiling slowly, nodding, "yes but, it was not just your fault." He smiled once again, "it is time for new memories."


The twins raised their heads at the same time, looking towards the kitchen opening. "Omega."

Louis entered with Julie, tears on his cheeks. Liam went to him, looking around, frowning, "what happened? What is going on?" He whined high, sobbing, "tell me!"

Julie cooed, touching Liam's cheek, "everything is okay, omega. Relax."

Louis hugged Liam, pressing his face into his neck.

"Liam." Zayn frowned, looking around, with Niall under his arm. "What happened?"

"Okay everyone, calm down." Julie huffed, "we know how many babies Louis will be having. He is emotional. No one is hurt. The babies are fine."

Niall perked up, "babies?"

"Three!" Louis exclaimed. He turned around, bouncing on his toes, "three babies!"

Ixion and Atlas smiled as the family hugged. Ixion looked to his twin, and Atlas nodded once. He leaned on his brother, receiving a kiss to his forehead.


"Oh," Harry stopped rubbing the wet towel over his hair, "to what do I owe this?" Louis was stretched out on their bed, in wolf form. Harry purred, "you have woken up, my love." He crossed the floor to his omega, jaw tight when Louis rolled over on his back, showing off his belly. Harry scented the room, rolling his neck, "omega."

Louis looked up at him, eyes low and bright blue. He stretched once more before rolling and shaking out his fur.


Harry couldn't smile because he was panting. He climbed onto the bed, not even asking when he slid his hand onto Louis' stomach. "You astound me. You," Harry swallowed, looking Louis' naked body over, "Elements, you make me feel like the luckiest alpha in the world."

Louis preened, baring his throat for Harry's mouth. He bit his lips, arching up into the touches across his stomach, down to his pelvic bone. Louis moaned when Harry's hand touched his hardening cock. "Alpha..."

Louis was horny every other day of the week.

"You look delicious. On our bed." Harry grabbed his fur from above Louis' head, dragging it across the omega's flushed body. He smiled when Louis shivered, biting his lip when the fur touched his length.

"Alpha." Louis whined, rolling over, fur caught in between his legs. He put a hand in Harry's damp hair, "I had a checkup today." Harry sat up quickly, frowning and Louis quickly climbed into his lap. Harry loved when Louis did because there was always something between them now. "No, nothing is wrong." He started grooming Harry's cheeks first, scenting the warm air slowly, bringing Harry's heart beat down. "Everything is fine, alpha." Louis then went up to his eye lids, pressing licks and kisses to each one. "Only good news."

Harry finally grabbed him, large hands gliding across his wide sides, down to his hips. "Tell me."

Louis pulled back, looking Harry in the eye with a big smile. "We are having three babies!"


The artist's smile fell, "you are not happy?"

"Of course I am!" Harry looked away, mumbling, "but three is three."

"Hey!" Louis growled, "speak up."

"You do not even have three nipples. How will they all nurse at once?"

"We spoke about this, Harry. Bottles exist." Louis laid back and Harry followed. "No!"

"I am happy, omega!" Harry groaned, struggling to pull Louis up. "Please stop using your weight against me. You always do this."

"Yes! I do it with my three pups!"

"Our three pups."

"You do not even want them!"

"Omega, of course I do." Harry grabbed Louis' wrists, pulling him hard but Louis just flopped back down. "You torment me."

"And, not surprisingly, so do our three children." Harry smiled, walking two fingers up Louis' thigh and just barely touching Louis' stomach before a hand came swinging. "Do not touch my stomach."

"Mm, but my babies are in there." Harry did it again and Louis screamed, swatting him over the head. "Okay, okay!" Harry covered his face, "what will I tell the Kingdom when they see me covered in bruises?"

"That their Queen beat you for touching his pregnant stomach!"

Harry opened one eye, making sure no more hits were coming. He tilted his head at Louis rubbing his stomach, whispering to it. Harry sighed softly, happy, "I am very happy." He smiled when Louis looked up at him, "I am but I am nervous."

Louis sat up on his knees, going back into Harry's lap. He laid his head against his shoulder, "we have a very large family -very large who are more than willing to help us. I am scared too," he closed his eyes, "but I think everyone is supposed to be scared. I think that if you are not scared, then you are not ready."

Harry laid Louis on his back, lips touching lips gently. He grabbed Louis' chin, pressing his tongue into his small mouth. The alpha growled low, pleased when Louis didn't bite him for touching his stomach.

Louis whined, eyes rolling when Harry kissed around his chest, circling his nipples like a scavenger. He put two fingers in his mouth when the alpha sucked, groaning in pain. "Ow..." Louis whimpered, "my nipples hurt."

"Oh," Harry kissed the one that had been in his mouth. Licking the nub softly, "have you spoken to Julie?"

"Mmhm." Louis looked down at Harry, "they are filling."

Harry blushed, swallowing, "of course." He looked back at the nubs, swollen and pert. The alpha kissed each once more before moving lower.


"My siblings sometimes watched me paint. Even if we fought often, when I painted, they watched." Louis smiled, looking at the bristles on his brush. "They always asked me how I painted. How was I able to think something, and then put it on paper?" He shrugged, "I never knew how to answer until I worked for the King of Wereborn. I no longer got to paint or draw -create, what I wanted. I had to do what someone else wanted, the way they wanted. Then I figured it out." He looked at Harry with soft eyes, "do not draw as you think. Think as you draw. Put a tree down before the tree is down."

Harry nodded, a little transfixed on Louis' slow speech. "Okay."

Louis yawned, adjusting the fur on his shoulder. "So, tonight we will paint a forest. Okay?"

Harry felt a deep growl in his throat. He reached out for Louis, cupping the omega's cheek. Louis nuzzled against it, whining so low, but still audible. "Strawberry," Harry cooed, "we can do this later. You are tired."

Louis frowned, blue eyes blinking slowly, "but, I want this now." Harry shivered, eyes brightening slightly. "I want to paint with you now. Not later."

"Yes, okay." Harry cleared his throat, moving his hand. "Anything you wish."

Louis nodded, picking up a brush to give to him. "We will be using acrylic paint. Do you remember what acrylic is?"

"Acrylic paint is less expensive? It -is different from oils. Not as wet?"

"Yes," Louis' smile came slowly, as his movements. "It can blend into water when wet but is water resistant when dry." He turned to grab two small canvas and Harry caught sight of his belly underneath the fur. The alpha swallowed, folding his legs a little tighter. "Good alpha." The King shut his eyes, feeling too much like a child waiting for praise. "Acrylic paint is best for beginners, because you can paint on anything." Louis gave him his canvas, "but, it dries very quickly."

"So, I must work fast?"

"No, you work at your own time. Just make sure you do not paint on so thick."

Harry picked up the green acrylic tube, "you said people do that. You have done that."

"I am a painter. You are not."

Harry rolled his eyes, "do I need water?"

"No, you may use it for an effect, but it is not necessary."

Harry squeezed some paint on his brush and Louis took it from him. "What?"

"We do not waste paint in this house." Louis squeezed the paint on a dirty palette, "take, and once it is done, put more. The same amount as I did."

"Yes omega."

"If you are looking to create," Louis yawned again, whining once he settled. Harry almost whined back. "If you are looking to create a sky or land, you will want to use long strokes across the canvas. Make sure your brush is dry and use little paint." Louis used blue and white to make streaky strokes across the canvas. "you may start land or sky first, which ever. Remember, it is a forest. Think then paint."

Harry bit his cheek, wanting to do well. He dipped in the green, taking a little bit of white like Louis had. He watched Louis paint, hand slow, eyes low. His strokes were lazy. Harry did the same, nose scrunching at the white in the green.

Louis didn't look up from his work when he spoke, "keep going, add more green." Harry listened. "Nothing is one color. Everything is a blend of different colors that make the colors we see. Grass can have white from an angle. Trees can have purple from an angle. It is however you see it." Louis rolled his neck and Harry tried watching his brush and Louis at once.

The artist pressed red out of the tube, dipping into it.

"Sky is red and purple -not always blue."

Harry nodded, wiping off his brush to go into the red. Louis put orange on the palette, pointing at it with the end of his brush.

"Add orange."

Harry did, brushing it across the canvas. His eyes went to Louis' art again, finding it looked a lot more like a sky than his did.

"If you keep watching others, you will soon copy them." Louis wiped his brush, "and you will ruin your own work."

Harry blushed, coughing, "apologies."

"You are your own King, are you not?" Louis head lolled to the side, "you do not follow others. You lead."

Harry slowly pushed away his canvas, setting it beside him. He took Louis' with little resistance. "Come, beautiful." He lifted him carefully but walked quickly. Louis hated being carried, too afraid of being dropped. "Ooh, ooh." Harry laid him on their bed slowly, "I have you."

The artist was crying, as he usually was. Too tired, too worked up, too everything.

Harry rubbed his belly, rubbing down to the top of his thigh until the hiccups ceased. "Let me wrap you as you like."

He covered Louis in the blankets they left on the floor. Most of their sleeping time consisted in Louis' den but they tried to have some time sleeping in their room. Harry had spent more money on blankets, furs, and pillows than he was willing to admit to Louis. Only the finest, softest, quality for his omega and child.


Three children.

Three children that absolutely terrified him. How was he to hold them all at once? What if one was crying and then they were all crying? What if one got hurt -what would he do?

He was excited, ecstatic, but so worried. Harry couldn't help but be worried. It was easy to messy up one Kingdom, imagine three. It was hard enough to raise one child, imagine three.

Harry watched him, laying on his side, watched his belly. He had yet to see movement.

Harry placed a kiss to the omega's temple, then his stomach. Mind and body, Harry loved all of it.

When they did sleep in their room, he had a ritual of covering Louis so much he could not see him. Although it was hard to breathe, Harry slept under the pile with him.

"One," Harry spoke, laying fur across Louis' feet. "Two," he shook a thin blanket over his body.

Once Louis was covered, Harry looked around at their unfinished work. He walked over, sitting. The King groaned when the paint on his brush didn't do anything, now dry. The alpha dipped back into the red and orange paint before doing long slow strokes across the canvas.


Louis buried himself as far as he could under all his blankets and pillows. A few moments later Thumb was digging into the blankets looking for him.

It was a bad day for the family and a perfect one for him.

He had his nest, he was pregnant, he had his bunny. He didn't want anyone or anything else, not even his alpha. Louis kicked out everyone and he was alone -and loneliness was bliss.

The omega hummed, whining, rolling in the soft warmth. He pushed his hand through the blankets, looking for his fur. Once he had it, he pressed it against the side of his cheek, licking Thumb' nose when the bunny nudged him.

His stomach was growing faster than he could keep track of. He would go to sleep and wake up with more weight on his feet, on his back. Louis was grateful to Liam and Niall because they never shied away from giving him massages.

He needed a massage.

But not today.

His babies were active today. Every time they moved, it made him uncomfortable in the best way. It was unusual, something he wanted to get used to already, but it was proof. Proof of life. Proof of love and Earth.

Louis was himself. Nothing about him changed, but everything was changing. He felt good, happy but older somehow. He didn't think of food for himself or of being tired. Louis' thoughts drifted to Harry, to family, but mostly to his children. When he was able, Louis liked going for walks with Ixion and Atlas. Normally, on a walk, he thought of many things -selfish things. He thought of the weather and the sky, colors, things he could do once he returned home. Now, he could only think of how his child will be so excited to see the trees, feel the wind and the sun on their skins. He thought of how messy they will become when they are playing outside.

He wondered how they would look. If they would look like him or more like Harry. Maybe they would look like his parents -maybe Harry's. How would they look as wolves? Would they be black or brown? Possibly a mixture of both?

Louis didn't like transforming, didn't enjoy really being a wolf. He transformed when he had to or when Julie forced him to. He was sure Harry would want their children to embrace being wolves. He wanted them to brace who they were as well, even if he didn't want to be what he was.

Things were great.

It was perfect, warm -quiet, until the door opened.

Louis could swear he had asked everyone to leave.


He growled, stopping the feet coming towards him. "Get out."

"Omega. It is I, Harry."

"I said get out." He heard a sigh and the door close, but Harry was still inside. Louis didn't have the time, nor the patience. He slowly wiggled his fingers through the blankets, feeling for his forks. He gritted his teeth when he found one, squeezing the silver painfully.

"My love. Why are you hiding from me?"

Louis was three seconds away from sticking his wedding ring down Harry's throat. He growled when Harry was outside the nest, pulling his knees close.

"Get out."

"Are you upset with me? With someone?"

"I want to be alone." Louis shivered when a blanket was moved, fork launching through the blankets and stopping in front of Harry's eye. Louis had spit on his chin, pupils large and circular, "if you come any closer, I will take your eye out."

Harry swallowed but stayed completely still.

Louis wasn't shaking, fork pointed and tight, "stay out of my nest. Do not touch my nest. Get out of my den."

Harry licked his lips, glancing into the eye of the fork. He took a deep breath, moving back, "I understand." Louis watched him back away, keeping his eyes focused on every movement the King made. Harry sat back on his heels, "but I am not leaving. I will not let you run me away from you, nor our children."

Louis laid the fork down, covering Thumb when his small head popped out from the warmth. He went onto his hands and knees, bones twisting and shifting. Harry shook his head slowly, face to face with the most beautiful brown fur, the most hypnotizing blue eyes, and the most terrifying set of snarling teeth.

"I do not want to fight. I will leave once I know you are okay."

Louis roared, going straight for Harry's throat. The alpha moved his face, stretching his neck when Louis tried biting him. He held the wolf back, groaning at the change in strength. Louis was strong like this, too strong for flesh. Harry didn't want to hurt him though, he also didn't want to die.

Harry growled back, groaning when the barest flicker passed Louis' eyes.

Liam would kill him for ruining his shirt. This was his favorite shirt.

Louis whined once he was on his back, a much larger wolf now pinning him down. Harry was sure that if it was anyone else, Louis wouldn't have stopped until they were dead.

Harry snapped his jaws in Louis' face, watching the omega for any new signs of anger. Once he felt comfortable, Harry started grooming him. It was beautiful. Louis was baring himself, cock poking out, tongue sticking out from his mouth.

Harry growled low, going low, so close before he was bit. The alpha moved back, eyes wide at his omega. Louis only stared, rolling onto his side, licking his paw. Thumb hopped on his omega's back, pressing his face into the fur.

Harry glared, transforming, "you bit me."

Louis stayed as he was, unimpressed. The wolf showed his teeth once more, licking across them.

Harry sighed, knowing he lost. Knowing he couldn't hurt his omega. He stood, looking down at his torn clothes, "I loved this shirt."

"Then leave before I piss on it."

"So vulgar." Harry squinted, "not the mouth of a queen."

Louis tilted his head, pregnant and smooth, "no. The mouth of an annoyed omega. The mouth of an omega who will rip out the throat of his alpha if he does not leave." He looked drunk -terrifying. "Next time I trick you into touching me, I will kill you."


"I cannot handle him." Julie made a face. "unbelievable. He bit me."

"Did I not tell you that this would happen? It will only be worse. You are not around enough now for him to feel comfortable with you." She sat back, "you are also choosing to not assert dominance."

"I did!"

"You could have had him tamed. You chose not to."

Harry sighed, "he is pregnant. I do not want to hurt him."

"You do not have to hurt him. You assert yourself and make it clear who you are."

"You make it sound easier than it is."

"You will have to do it eventually." Julie shrugged, concentrated, "do not confuse dominance with abuse."

Harry sighed, rubbing his temple while Julie patched him up, "I will try again later."

"And you will die later."

"Then I shall die."

Julie rolled her eyes, putting away the gauze pads, "do not be dramatic." She went to the sink to clean her hands, "leave him be. Let him have his space."

Harry stared at the gauze, "I have a question."

"Everyone does." Julie sat back down, "if it is about Rose, I do not want to hear it."

"Please," Harry snorted, "I know everything."


"When Louis gives birth will everything be -okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"There are many omegas who lose children."

"Ah, I see." Julie crossed her legs, "there is always the chance. I am quite surprised that he is having multiple. First time mothers usually do not."

"If... if one dies. What-"

"Do not think of anything that has not happened yet. So far, Louis is doing beautifully. He is grumpy, with a craving for sweet things, but everything is going wonderfully."

Harry nodded, "he told you about his breast tenderness?"

"Yes. He will produce soon. It will be fine."

"But since he only has two nipples-"


"With his milk?"

"No, cows' milk. Of course his milk."

"Okay..." The King picked at the gauze, "will he let me hold the babies?"

"Of course."

"How do you," Harry pressed his lips together, "change a baby?"

Julie tilted her head, "goodness." She shook her head, "I am going to sign both of you up for a class."

"Can you not teach us?"

"Obviously I will teach you. Me, my class. Elements."

"My King." Atlas entered the office, "excuse me."

"Yes Atlas."

"A letter has come, from Circuit."

Harry took the letter, removing the seal. He chewed his lip, mumbling, "...we accept -yes!" The alpha shot up, running out of the room, "omega!"

Julie rolled her eyes, "he is asking for death. We will have a Queen ruling Arizella in no time."

Atlas smiled, "Louis will do just fine."

The doctor stood, stretching her back, "yes. If he does not kill anyone within five feet." She patted Atlas' chest on her way out, "you can save our King when his throat is pulled from his body."


"Very good," Louis praised the child that showed him her drawing. "It is beautiful."

"This is a bird!"

"Is it -just beautiful." Louis kissed the girl's hand, nuzzling her face gently until she squealed. "You are doing so well." He stood, looking around at the other children, smaller ones that painted with their parents. Hands and faces covered in different colors. He took a deep breath, "perfect."

He lifted the bottom of his gown, walking across the room to where the older kids were. Louis looked around, eyes landing on his alpha. He bit his lip, "alpha."

Harry looked up, standing up straight, "omega." He held up a hand, beckoning Louis closer.

Louis went, grabbing the hand, "how goes it?"

"Very well." He kissed Louis' cheek, motioning him to look at one of the kids works. "He is very talented."

Louis looked, eyes squinting at the squares. He slowly went to his knees, smiling at the boy when he looked at him. "Hello."

"Hello, my Queen." The boy bowed his head, blushing. He lifted his art, "look."

Louis nodded, staring at the piece once more, "it is amazing."

"Really?" He beamed, "my brother says it looks 'odd'."

"Oh," Louis grinned, "it looks odd because it is supposed to." He laid his hands in his lap, "do you know what you have made?" The boy shook his head nervously. "You have created a type of art that is very difficult. It is called 'cubism'. Can you say that?"


Louis tried to shake off the photos that were being taken. It made it worse when he felt a small crowd form behind him. He hated photographers but he tolerated them because it was their job.

"Yes, very good. Cubism is a style of art. It is difficult because it often creates a picture that is not always easy to see at first. A lot of the time you must move far away when you draw or paint cubism." He winked, "you have done it just there in your chair." The boy giggled. "Cubism is very similar to abstract art. Do you remember when I spoke of it?"

"Yes. That is what I was going for. I do not draw well." He shrugged, "I did not realize I was making something else."

"Everything is art if you allow it to be. You draw beautifully, but it is just not what most are used to and that is fine. This is your art and I find it fascinating."

The boy wiped his cheek, holding out his arms to hug Louis. Louis hugged him tight, patting his thigh, "keep at it. I would love to see the finished work."

"I will."

Louis grabbed the hand that was offered to him. "Thank you." He kissed Harry, swallowing when a picture was taken. He looked to Wisler with a smile, "how do you like the class?"

"Very informative." Wisler dipped his head, "I am enjoying myself very much. I have even made some art of my own."


"Abstract is what I would call it."

Louis laughed, hand on his stomach. He looked up at Harry, "and you, itty-bitty, where is your art?"


Louis smirked, "show me."

"As you wish."

They walked towards the teens section, hand in hand. Louis looked around, impressed by the silence. Everyone was deep into their work, not even noticing they were walking by.

They stopped at a drying string. He waited for Harry to find his work, smiling proudly once it was in his hands. He bit his lip hard, finding tears welling in his eyes. Louis shook his head, words fleeing his mouth. After shaking his head a few more times, Harry spoke, "and?"

Louis took a deep breath, touching the dried paint, "wow."

"A good 'wow'?"

"A great one." It was him. It was not of his face, but of his stomach. Louis knew it was him because of the ring on his finger and the fur around his hip. It was a rough drawing. It wasn't perfect by any means. Harry's lines were steady though, clean. The paints he used were dark, just like his mother would have.

"I love it." Louis wanted to hug the paper. "I would like to keep it."

"Of course." Harry smiled, "it yours. It is you."

"I know." Louis rubbed the corner of his eye, "I will be back in a moment."


"Oh," Louis groaned, getting out of the car, Thumb in hand. He rubbed his lower back, "my back."

Harry took their bag from the car, "once we are inside, I will give you a massage."

"I do not want one." Louis scoffed, walking towards the entrance.

"He is just tired, my King." Ixion nodded in agreement with his twin.

"I have been told that for many months." Harry rubbed his back, walking after omega, "suddenly my back hurts as well."

Atlas and Ixion followed. "They do say that you feel what your pregnant partner feels."

"Does he have a headache? Because I do."

Ixion chuckled, "I do not believe so."

Louis growled at the two guards that stopped him from walking any further. He looked back at Harry, exasperated, as if it was his fault.

"Hello." Harry bowed to each of them, "we were invited."

"Just a moment." One of the guards left.

Harry set down their bag, watching Louis pace with his rabbit. Louis did this when he was uncomfortable, and it only got worse if he was not soothed.

"Would you like water, strawberry?"

"No. I have a headache."

Harry almost smiled, looking at the twins who nodded in understanding. "Yes omega."

"You may enter." The guard pointed at the twins, "are you here to visit? You were not invited."

"They are my guardians," Louis spoke. "They stay."

"They may not stay but they may visit. You will have only a few hours entry."

Louis growled low, mumbling under his breath, walking past them to the opening gate.

Harry grabbed the bag, "excuse him. He is tired."

The guard nodded in understanding -possibly pity. He was becoming very used to people showing him a similar expression.


"Welcome." Louis went straight to Eon and Harry tried really hard not to get upset.

Eon dipped his head, taking Louis' hand, "you look just jaw dropping, omega." Louis whined softly and Harry turned away from the scene to stare at the wall. "Look at how you've grown." Eon chuckled, "you seem to like wearing little accessories in your hair."

"Yes. Thank you," Louis half-smiled. "And thank you for allowing us here."

"Of course. You and your child are always welcome." Eon walked Louis to a chair and Harry followed. "King of Arizella. How are you?"

"I am fine. Thank you."

Eon sat, crossing a leg over the other, "how is Arizella?"

"Doing very well."

"Good to hear." Eon smiled, looking at Louis, "and you? How are you?"

Louis rubbed his belly, "very well. I have found how many children I will have."


"Yes." Louis smiled a little brighter, "three." He sighed tiredly, "I am excited."

Eon nodded slowly, taking a deep breath, "that is very exciting. Many for your first pregnancy."

Louis nodded setting Thumb on his stomach, "yes. I guess I am very fertile."

"And your bond is very strong. Strong genes."

Louis looked at Harry, "yes." He frowned, "are you okay, alpha?"


Louis dropped it.

"What brings you both?"

Louis looked to Eon, "I wanted to come because I," he thought for a moment. "I do not enjoy being a wolf." Eon nodded slowly. "And I want to be happy with who I am. Knowing that I am not just a wolf, that I am of 'pure blood', it gives new meaning of being a wolf. I loved the little that I saw of Circuit." He bit his lip, "I would love to learn more things. I would love to teach my children, even the children of Arizella. I want them to appreciate being a wolf, appreciate the Elements. Not just during the festival but all the time."

Eon cleared his throat, "I see." He licked his lips, "you wish to learn our culture not just for your children."

"Yes." Louis grabbed Harry's hand, "I think that tradition is easily lost. Harry and I have different blood, but we are both wolves. We both come from the same."

"Well," Eon sat up, "I commend this. We do come from the same in the end. I agree that tradition is easily lost in commotion. I would find it very commendable if you were to learn of the wolf. Even go so far as to teach others."

Louis smiled, nodding, "thank you."

"There are things here that are private. Things that you will never gain knowledge of unless you choose to live here. But you may ask questions, explore Circuit. Take what you need from it."

"Thank you."

"I would love if, when you give birth, to meet your children."

"I would love that."

"We have water here that we bathe the children in. It is a river that runs from the mountain just outside of Arizella. If you would like to come to bathe your child, you may."

"Is the water special?"

Eon looked at Harry, motioning him to speak. Harry sighed, "the mountain stopped producing water long ago. When the people of Circuit arrived, requesting that piece of land, I warned them that the mountain did not produce water. They prayed for days as they built." He looked at Louis, "the earth shook violently one day, and the water came."

Louis blinked, "the earth shook?"

"We do not know what made it shake. It just did. Buildings fell, things fell. Water flowed from the mountain."


Eon smiled softly, "we do not know if our prayers worked but we thanked the Elements."

"I would love to bathe my children there, please." Harry tried not to roll his eyes.

"Well, now that I know why you wanted to come. Please, I will have a guard take you to the room you will stay in until the day after tomorrow."


"Alpha, what is wrong?"

Harry shrugged, setting their bag down. He looked around at the room, "may we nap?"

Louis frowned, looking at Atlas and Ixion, "may we speak alone for a moment?"

"Yes, my Queen."

Louis walked behind Harry, putting a hand on his arm, "speak with me, please."

"For what? You were angry a few moments ago." Louis frowned. "And then you saw Eon, and everything was okay."

"Harry," Louis closed his eyes, Harry's arm slipping through his grasp. "He allowed us to come."

"You were rude to me all week. You have horrible to me." Harry sat on the blankets on the floor, "we come here, and you are the happiest being on the planet."

Louis slowly went to his knees, "I have been horrible?"

Harry looked at him, feeling guilty, "to me. You have been fine."

The omega sniffled, "how have I been horrible?" He whined when Harry didn't answer. "Please. I can fix what I am doing. I can try."

"You bit me, Louis. You scream at me to leave you alone. You only speak to me when you want to."

Louis' lips parted, tears coming out of his eyes one by one, "oh."

"Strawberry, I am not telling this to you to upset you." Harry pulled him into his lap, "look at me."

"I am sorry."

"Do not be. You are pregnant. I am not home enough but we agreed to this. I would work hard so when you are getting close to giving birth, I can be there."

"Yes, but you are working so hard and I am not caring for you." Louis sobbed, "I need to take care of you too."

"I am being selfish, beautiful. I am sorry." Harry licked his cheeks, "you wanted to come here so badly, and I am ruining it."

"No." Louis shook his head violently, "Ixion, Atlas!" The door opened quickly. The twins looked at him oddly, frowning. Louis rubbed his nose, "please take Thumb outside. I do not want him hearing us speak."

Atlas grabbed the bunny off the floor slowly, closing the door behind him.

Louis pressed his face to Harry's, "I am not loving you enough while you love me." Harry looked down. "You promised to treat me like Royalty and I promised to do the same but I am not." Louis looked at his hands, "I worry, and I get so nervous sometimes. I cannot think so I kick everyone out. It is so easily triggered."

Harry set a hand on his stomach and Louis let him.

Louis looked up, pressing a kiss to Harry's mouth, "but that is not fair. I am mistreating you."

"You are pregnant."

"And I am sure that other pregnant omega's do not do this to their alphas. I keep speaking about loving you and I am always thinking of you but then you are home and I am yelling at you. No more." Louis whined, "I promise. I will be better at controlling myself. I must remember that you are my alpha, the father of my children."

"Thank you, omega. I am sorry for being jealous. I am sorry for wanting attention."

"I cannot imagine, no matter how I treat you. I cannot imagine you ignoring me. I would be so sad." Louis stroked his cheek, "listening to how work was is not enough. I must reciprocate the love you give me, and you give me so much."

Harry laid him down, kissing different parts of Louis' face. "I miss this."

Louis nodded, "laying down, touching one another." He ran a hand through Harry's long hair, "no worries. Hating one another while we loved each other." Harry chuckled. "Do you ever want to stop being King?"

"Now? Everyday."

Louis swallowed thickly, "maybe one day." They were whispering softly to one another as if the walls had ears. "Now that the truth is out. Maybe one day you can step down. Wisler would make a great King."

Harry smiled, "he would." The alpha rubbed Louis' large stomach under his clothes. "We can build new land. Change everything. Start over."

"Start with Wereborn."

"If the King of Wereborn sends another letter, I will consider it."

Louis smiled slightly, "we would have to rename it."

Harry kissed his nose, "what would you name it, omega?"

"I do not know. I would name it after one of our children."

"Whenever we chose names."

"Three names."

"And I thought one was hard."

Louis giggled, nuzzling against his husband, "something pretty."

Harry set his head on his hand, thinking, "what about... Alaska?"

Louis blinked, brows creasing, "I love that name."


"Yes. Alaska." The omega smiled brightly, "that is beautiful."


Louis preened when an omega placed a flower crown on his head, "oh."

Harry smiled, "it looks beautiful."

Louis adjusted the fur on his shoulders, bowing, "thank you."

"Of course, omega." He looked at Harry, "would you like a crown?"

"Uh, sure?" He opened his wallet, "how much?"

He giggled, "there is not price on nature." Harry blinked. "It is free."

The alpha slowly put his wallet away, "you just make crowns -for free?"

The omega smiled, "when I have time. Which would you like?"

Louis nudged Harry when he didn't speak. "Uh, the purple one."

"Here you go." The omega gave it to Louis to place on Harry's head. "You both look wonderful."

Louis smile brightly up at Harry, "you look so cute, itty-bitty."

Harry nodded awkwardly, "thank you." He looked at the omega once more, "are you sure?"

"I am."

"Okay. Thank you." Harry took Louis' hand, walking away from the booth, "odd."

"Is it so odd that people do things for free?"


Louis laughed, "I agree." He leaned against Harry, "it is so beautiful here."

Louis thought Circuit was large, but it was even larger than he thought. Circuit was made up at two different Packs that got along for the most part. Harry and him had yet to meet the second Pack leader.

"I smell something."

"I am sure you do."

Louis pulled him towards a food stand, "I smell food."

"I am sure you do."

"Hello." Louis looked around the booth, "hi."

The alpha smiled, "welcome." She looked at Harry, "King."

"Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, what can I get you both?"

Louis sniffed the air again, "I smell something good, but I do not know what it is."

The alpha turned around, pointing at the machine, "popcorn."

Louis' eyes grew, "what is popcorn?"

"Corn that we heat until it pops."

"That is corn?" Louis whined high and Harry looked down at him quickly, "I want it. It smells so good!"

The alpha grinned, "you may have." She shoveled some into a container, handing it to Louis. "There you go, omega." Harry took out his wallet being stopped again. "Free."

"Is everything free here?"

"No. My popcorn is not but your money does not work here anyway. We work on a bartering system here."

Harry sighed, "I do not have anything."

"Do not worry. Pregnant omegas usually get things for free."

Louis grinned, "I like it here." He stuck his hand in the popcorn, offering one to Harry before eating one, "mm!" The Queen stomped his feet, "delicious! Thank you!"

Harry leaned over the counter, "is that healthy?"

"Far from it."

"Louis!" Harry thanked her quickly. "Do not eat all of it!"


Louis whined, stretching against the blankets. Their small room was filled quickly with flowers, blankets and food. Louis liked picking up anything that caught his eyes. He found flowers, shiny things that Harry was sure was gold. He picked up stones and made sure that he brought back something for everyone at home.

They had no money that worked here but Louis got everything for free, so it was fine. Harry could live on popcorn and water for two days.

Harry started licking the honey off him once he fell asleep. Two omegas came by to worship Louis and Harry paid close everything they did. He couldn't stop himself from being bothered at how they touched him. They were so gentle, intimate. Harry was supposed to touch him like that. The only one who should.

It was okay.

Louis had a great day. He couldn't stop smiling and everyone showered him in gifts and too much food. They gave them honey, flowers, and a lot of blankets. Harry had made him a nest just before the omega's arrived.

"Sh," Harry soothed, sucking at Louis' fingers. He growled low, "precious."

Louis opened his eyes slowly, rolling onto his side. "Alpha."

Every time Louis woke up, whether Harry was there or not, his first words never changed.

"I am here, omega." Harry pushed his hair back, "are you hot?"

"Mm, no." Louis touched his stomach, the second thing he did every time he woke. He rubbed his face against his fur, "Thumb."

"He left with Ixion and Atlas, remember?"

"Mm..." Louis whined softly, reaching out for Harry. "Come."

Harry entered the nest, wrapping his arms around Louis. It had become harder to do and he loved it. "Good morning."

"It is night time."

Harry smiled, "it is."

Louis stretched some more while Harry rubbed his back. "I want to live here."

"I know you do."

Louis smiled, "I would love to teach an art class here."

"I know you would."

"I thought I could not fall more in love with a place than I have with Arizella." Louis breathed, "but I made a promise. Arizella comes first."

"My father made many promises that fell through."

"You would not be allowed to live here. I would never leave you behind."

Harry growled, nipping Louis' nose, "you better not leave me."

Louis laughed, "I will not." He moved his hand to cup his necklace, "I received many compliments on my 'accessories'."

"Good. I love everything you wear."

"Not my short shirts."

"I do not like them."

Louis smiled, looking down, "my stomach is huge."

"And it will keep growing. Are you ready to have children?"

"No, but that is fine."

Harry flinched when something moved against his own stomach. He looked at Louis quickly then back down, "it moved."

"It did."

"I felt it." Harry put a hand on his stomach, "may I speak to it?"

"They are your children too."

Harry slithered down, blinking at the large stomach. "I can see your stretch marks more now."

"Are they not beautiful?"

"Very." Harry kissed his belly, "hello." He nuzzled it, "my name is Harry, but you can call me... father?" Louis giggled from above him. Harry breathed, "I am very nervous to meet you, but I cannot wait. I hope you all are excited to meet me. To meet your mother. You are going to love him." Harry pressed his ear to the stomach, "he is kind. He is loud. He is so talented. He will teach you to paint and draw -everything you need to know." The King frowned, "I am not sure what I will teach you, but I will do my best." He closed his eyes, "I can hear you. Can you hear me?"

Harry moved away quickly when the stomach hit his face.

"Itty-bitty." Louis put a hand in his hair, smiling softly, "I think they heard you."

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