Queen of Arizella

By larrychonce28

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Stealing from Royalty is punishable by death. Louis starts over, doing his best to keep his hands at his side... More

Chapter 1 - Arizella
Chapter 2 - Deprived
Chapter 3 - Home
Chapter 4 - Downtown
Chapter 5 - Fur
Chapter 6 - Texture
Chapter 7 - Head
Chapter 8 - God
Chapter 9 - Exception
Chapter 10 - Thumb
Chapter 11 - Nesting
Chapter 12 - licking
Chapter 13 - Stunning
Chapter 14 - Elements
Chapter 15 - Wow
Chapter 16 - Heat I
Chapter 17 - Heat II
From the Author
Chapter 18 - Strawberry Sweet
Chapter 19 - Orange Juice
Chapter 20 - Agreed
Chapter 21 - Itty-Bitty
From the Author II
Chapter 22 - Soup Spoon
Chapter 23 - A baby
Chapter 24 - Yellow Polish
Chapter 25 - Lemonade
Chapter 26 - Love You
Chapter 27 - Missed
Chapter 28 - Warm
Chapter 29 - Rut
Chapter 30 - Rabid
Chapter 31 - Circuit
Chapter 32 - Honey
Chapter 34 - Home
Chapter 35 - Growing
Chapter 36 - Perfect
Chapter 37 - Finally
Chapter 38 - In Love
Chapter 39 - Changes
Chapter 40 - Queen of Arizella
Chapter 41 - Extra

Chapter 33 - Honesty

735 19 28
By larrychonce28

"Omega." Evy bowed, "good morning."

Louis turned his head to the door with a gentle smile, "Evy, good morning."

The omega smiled back, "Niall, Liam."

"Good morning, Evy."

"I was summoned upstairs."

Louis nodded, motioning him closer. "I wanted a favor." He sat up, "since I will be presented tomorrow, I wanted my polish to be new –clean." Evy nodded. "And I thought that maybe you would do it for me. I would ask Niall or Liam but," he bit his lip, "I thought you might want to."

Evy took a deep breath, "I would be honored, my Queen." He was blushing, "which color catches your eye?"

"My gown will be gold." He looked at his nails, "I would like gold –with glitter, if possible."

"Yes, anything, my Queen."

Louis smiled, "thank you." He touched over his necklace, "I went out to the garden today, early in morning. I heard you speaking of me."

Evy blinked quickly, "it –it was nothing wrong, my Queen."

"I know. You said I was 'perfect' and 'special'." Louis smiled softly, "you spoke about me as if we have known each other our whole lives. It was very kind of you but it made me feel bad for ever disliking you. I saw you as competition, and I am sorry for that. I cannot be a successful Queen, nor being, by hating my King's past. Nor by hating another being out of jealousy."

Evy breathed, "I understood your distaste for me, Louis. Do not apologize." He smiled excitedly, "tomorrow is such an important day for you. Please do not worry of unimportant things."

Niall put his head on Louis' shoulder, smiling, "you can smell him too?"

"I –I can."

"It is still early."

"Yes," the maid shivered, "I did not know if for sure you were pregnant, but you smell –syrupy, softer." He swallowed, "you are, correct?"

"I am." Louis put a hand on his stomach, rubbing it, "I really am."

Evy beamed, "good! That is great!" He lowered his voice and head, "I am so happy for you, Louis. And our King –does he-"

"He," Louis chuckled softly, thinking of his alpha. He looked down at his hand, touching the ruby red ring, "is just as happy as I."


"Oh Louis." Niall ran at him, "Elements, you are safe." He hugged the omega close, breathing him in, "are you okay?"

"I am okay, I am okay." He laughed, laughs turning into cries as he hugged Niall. Louis whimpered, "I missed you. I am so sorry that I ran away again."

Niall didn't let him go, whispering, "I do not care, you are home now."

"Louis –Alpha! Louis is here!" Liam collided into them, bouncing, crying. "You are safe!"

Louis nodded, laughing, turning to hug Liam. He scented both of them, "oh my goodness, I missed this."

Liam pulled away, cupping his face, tears on his pink cheeks. "You are pregnant, Louis." The omega whined, "oh." He looked down, "may I?"

"Yes, of course." Louis lifted his shirt, showing his small stomach, "nothing is different, not yet."

Liam set a warm hand on it, rubbing, "oh, it will grow soon." He smiled, wiping his face, "a child. A beautiful baby."

Niall clasped his hands to his chest, "how did Harry take it?"

Louis wiped his face, groaning, "I am sorry, I keep crying." He chuckled, "he took it so well. I mean, he knew, but he is so happy. It is going to be okay now, truly." Louis turned to Zayn and Julie when they came down the stairs. He whimpered, lip wobbling, "mm –please."

Zayn smiled, wiggling a finger at him and Louis ran. The alpha caught him, kissing Louis' cheeks and forehead, "omega." He rubbed his back, "you are here."

"Yes." Louis sniffled, going to Julie next, "thank you, thank you, thank you."

Julie hid her face in his shoulder, kissing it. "I am just glad you were found."

Louis moved back, holding Julie's face, "I was sure you hated me."

The doctor swallowed, "I should have never said what I said. I –I was angry, I felt betrayed for him. It was so wrong of me, Louis. I am so sorry. You belong here, you-"

"No, it was not. You all love Harry." Louis turned, watching his alpha walk through the door. "We will talk now."

"My King!"

"We are home, with news." Harry nodded once to the twins when they entered, "for everyone. Please, let us settle, and then we will speak."


"I want my borders blocked. If I find a footprint from Wereborn on my land, we will have problems." Harry flicked his wrist, "kill on sight."

"Yes, my King."

Wisler looked to the leader, "you may leave."

"Sir." The leader looked to his soldiers, "file out." He bowed to Wisler, Ivory and then Harry. "Good day."

Harry sighed loudly, sitting in a heap on his throne, "ridiculous."

"Did you know?" Ivory cleared her throat, "that he was a thief?"

"Yes, is it your business?"

"It is the business of the Kingdom, yes. Why did having a thief as a Queen sound good to you?"

"Do you believe, because you are of Arizella, that I will not also kill you for calling my mate a thief?"

"Is he not one?"

Harry growled and Wisler stepped forward. "It does not matter what Louis has done."

"It does. Now the whole Kingdom knows, people outside the Kingdom. They will expose us, make us look weak –you are not even pure blooded."

Harry glared at her, "no, do you have issue with this?"

"Every King of Arizella has been pure blooded –now you will taint our Kingdom twice."

"Taint?" Harry stood, growling, "Taint!"

"Enough," Wisler put a hand to her chest, "you forget who you speak to. I do not care if Louis were to snatch the necklace off your neck, you respect who our King is and you respect our Queen."

"Huh," Ivory snorted, "you knew too then?"

"I knew nothing but it does not change who I follow. It does not change my love for Harry nor for Louis. This Kingdom has been tainted since before us. This is good –healthy even." Wisler growled at her, "Louis' kindness was not fake, their love was never fake."

Ivory scoffed, "so what, now we are to assume everyone will think the same?"

"I do not care what anyone thinks." Harry took the last step on the stairs, "they can riot, and burn Arizella to the ground for all they want. I care about my family, my child, and my mate –that is it."

"Do you know how difficult this will be to explain?"

"Do not worry."

"How can I not worry? I am head of Council!"

"You were –you were head of Council." Harry snarled, "Get out."

Ivory gasped, "I have served you for years! I have been nothing but helpful!"

"You are not being much help now," Wisler spoke. "When I became a part of this, I did so knowing that I would follow my King to the end. You just leave when things become difficult, and that is fine." He shoved her, "I was head of Council at one point, and I had no problem doing more than one job."

Ivory swallowed, looking to Harry then back to Wisler. "You will –regret this decision."

Harry shook his head, "I will not. I do not need anyone working for me who will hate my Queen."

"You will!" She moved back, pointing a finger, "I was your best head of Council!"

"You did your job, nothing more. Do not feel special, Ivory." Wisler snapped his fingers, "put her in holding."

"Holding!" Ivory growled, "For what –I will not speak! I was sworn to silence!"

"You were also sworn to honor your King, Ivory, and you have done no such thing." Wisler turned to Harry when they dragged her away. "My King."

"Thank you." Harry dropped his head, rubbing it, "you did not have to, Wisler, but I appreciate the help."

"Sir," Wisler came closer, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I did not just do this because I was sworn to you but because I love you. I love Louis, and I will love your child all the more. You have been my family all these years, Harry."

"Thank you." Harry sighed, "I guess I did not realize that I had a friend close by."

Wisler smiled, patting him, "I always knew, it is fine." He pressed his lips together, "I have known you a long time, Harry. You have never been this happy, not with anyone. Louis is so special, for you and for this Kingdom. I meant what I said, this is healthy, a chance for Arizella to grow into another direction."

"Yes." Harry nodded, "I agree."

"It may be difficult but I am not afraid, and you should not be either."

Harry smiled small, looking at his adviser, "thank you, Wisler."

"Of course, my King."


Louis almost ran to their bed, "mm!" He climbed onto it aggressively, whining high. Harry watched from the doorway, fists tight with want. Seeing his omega scenting their bed, happy to be home –in their bed.

The alpha took a deep breath, closing the door behind him, approaching the bed slowly.

Louis rolled onto his back, robe opening against his legs. He pressed Thumb to his face, "alpha."

Harry quickly went to the bed, "yes, yes omega?"

The artist smiled, eyes wet, "please –Thumb is sleepy. Put him away for me."

"Of course, strawberry." Harry took the creature that didn't fight. The rabbit was tired –they were tired.

He closed the cage gently, turning back around to a naked Louis in only his strawberry necklace. He blinked quickly, dazed, "omega."

Louis was rubbing his skin against their blankets, Harry's fur caught between his legs. His small stomach was on display, hand covering it delicately. "Come to me."

Harry removed his coat, going to the bed, looking from Louis' feet to his face, "where-"

The artist was still smiling, still crying, "come." Louis held up a small hand, "let us speak."

Harry didn't know if it was the omegas, the honey, the room or just the atmosphere in Circuit that made Louis so soft but he was soaking it up. The artist's voice was gentle, warm. "Let us speak about our baby."

Harry's eyes relaxed as he climbed in the bed, laying face to face with his omega. He put a hand on Louis' side, rubbing it up and down, "yes, let us."

Louis giggled but the sound fell short, "let us talk about me lying to you."

"We do not have to."

The omega sat up and Harry followed, "we do." He took a deep breath, fur pressed against his cheek. "Falling in love with you was," he smiled sadly, "one of the hardest artworks I have ever done. Too much emotion, not enough work." He bit his top lip, thinking, "I lied because –I just wanted you to love me like how I loved you. I wanted you to see what I felt. I was also just angry. We spoke about this but, I want to say," he frowned. "I love you and I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to trick you or abuse your kindness. I did something very wrong, something I promise to never do again."

Harry was sitting up, hand on Louis' knee, "how many options did I give you?" Louis looked down. "None. We both did very wrong and I think that is what makes it easier to forgive each other. We should not look at who did worse, but what we will do to make it better." Harry smiled tenderly, hand now on the side of Louis' neck, "Losing my mother was terrible, losing her art was worse but," he pressed his lips together. "Losing you –I," he snorted a laugh, "I have never been so angry, sad, afraid –I have never felt so horrified at myself. I could not function. I forgot about being a King, about my people, and I could not bear to care."

Louis whimpered, scooting closer, "I am sorry."

"No more apologies for us, just movement. Eon said it, I could have lost you to another alpha. You are priceless, and if I would lost you, I would have never came back from it." He cupped Louis' ear, stroking it, "we are having a baby, something I could not fathom. But, you are here –giving me what I truly need, not what I believed I needed."

Louis smiled, eyes crinkling, "I am a proud omega." He shook his head, "I never thought I would want a child and now I have one, and I am so happy."

"I will never let you have a dull moment, strawberry. Oh," Harry clucked. "Seeing you in Circuit, looking so stunning, so healthy and pleased with yourself." He growled softly, rubbing their noses together, "that is what I want to see every day. I will spoil you until you cannot ask for anything else."

Louis blushed, bowing his head, "thank you, alpha." Harry lifted his face, kissing him softly.

"We must speak about living conditions."

Louis nodded seriously, "I do not want to be away from our family."

"I know, omega." Harry sighed, "I do not know how my father raised me in the castle. He probably hated me but, I do not want –I cannot have-" he huffed. "There are too many people."

"I understand, I do." Louis looked over at the unfinished painting he left –still on the floor. "Maybe we can find a home nearby, where they can come every day. I would not want to impose. I do also love my art room."

"We can have another home. We can call it a den."

"I want Niall and Liam there –and Julie must be my doctor."

"Of course, omega."

"But, I also want Zayn and the twins –I want to see them at times."

"We will have to speak to Julie about what is safe, for them and you."

"Yes." Louis put a hand on his stomach, "I am a little afraid."


"I do not know how to take care of a child. What if I am bad at it?"

Harry closed his mouth, looking away, "I can understand that feeling." He shook his head, "I do not believe there is a correct way. We have a family, and we can learn together."

"Yes," Louis nodded. "I just –I want to be safe."

"Oh," Harry's brows creased, "I will have nothing but your safety. I will need to-"

"The twins, I want them in the home we choose. This home will be okay."

"Yes omega."

"They will be allowed in our home, Harry. They are there to protect the home and us. They will live with us."

Harry gulped, "it is preferred if it is them. They are not a threat to me."

"They should not be. You need to continue being a King while I am pregnant so you can be a father when I no longer am. I will not let you live out your fear." Louis crawled into Harry's lap, resting his head on the alpha's shoulder. "I am still afraid."

"As am I, strawberry." Harry rubbed his back. "When I became King, I was terrified. I did not know what I was doing. I kept telling myself that I was failing, that I was hated. I was easily broken down. When people would speak they would use words I did not understand, and show me things I did not understand. I swore I would never get it –that allowing the twins to kill my father was a mistake. I started blaming myself for my mother's death. I could not disappoint her though, so I worked hard and," He held Louis closer, "in the end, I created a Kingdom. We will work hard even when we do not understand, we will have a child and they will be perfect."

Louis smiled into Harry's neck, kissing their bond mark, "like your Kingdom."

The King chuckled softly, inhaling, "like our Kingdom."


"Hello everyone." Harry smiled, standing in the center of the living room. "I think we all know why-" The King stopped, grinning at the faces that grinned at him. "This is supposed to be serious."

"Louis is pregnant!"

Harry shook his head, finding his cheeks growing hot. He looked at his omega beside him, a hand on his belly. The alpha shuddered, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. Louis looked up at him, smiling, but with tired eyes. The thought of him being tired when there was a bed close by made Harry uncomfortable. He cupped his cheek, kissing the omega, "once we are done, we will sleep –yes?"

Louis nodded, rubbing his face against Harry's palm, kissing it.

Harry took a deep breath, looking back to his family, "if everyone would stop smiling for a moment." He licked his lips, trying not to smile, "Louis is pregnant." Harry closed his eyes at the whines coming from Niall and Liam. "Beautiful." He shook his head, "he is pregnant, and it is –scary, for both of us. We haven't had the chance to speak about it too much, but we did speak upstairs. I cannot smell my child –our child –I cannot, not yet, but soon."

Julie nodded, "we will leave. It is fine."

"No," Louis frowned, standing, grabbing Harry's arm. "No –I do not want anyone leaving."

Harry put a hand at Louis' back, "we would love to raise our child around our family. I know I would. We think, though, that we should have a separate home, at least until the baby is born."

Louis pouted, pressing against Harry, "I still want to see all of you. I want Niall and Liam to be my omegas –I want Julie to be my doctor during the whole pregnancy." He looked at Zayn then to the twins, "I want to know my child is going to be safe." The omega swallowed, "I just –I also know that I may want privacy as well."

"We both will. I am not here to remove anyone. I wish to keep this house as our home." Harry kissed the top of Louis' head, "I will start looking for a home, a small one for us to occupy. It will be nearby, but Louis will not be out of the home until he is at least three months pregnant."

"Four." Julie held up four fingers, "he will kill someone."

Harry squinted at her, "would you like the take the stand, alpha?"

"I should, should I not?" Julie smirked, standing smugly, "I am the doctor after all. I was also a surgeon and have delivered many children." She patted Harry's chest, "what have you done?"

"Julie, please."

"Sit." She stood, looking around, "hm, let us see what I remember of Pack wolves." Julie licked her lips, looking at the twins, "you were a part of a Clan –similar enough."

Ixion sat up, "four months is correct."

Julie smiled, proud of herself, "I still have it." She clasped her hands together, "the problem, King, is that you have the mentality of a wolf, not of a wolf with blood of a Pack. Louis will not be able to live here until the baby is born and you can move back, but you will have an extremely difficult time moving him once he has claimed a space. Wherever he is to have the baby is where he will claim his den. Once his den is claimed, you may not even be allowed inside unless he allows it –that means that you should try not to anger him."

Louis pouted, "I will not do that."

"Yes, and you both had the same mentality when you were going through heat. That went as expected." Louis blushed, looking down. "As I was; Louis will be very picky. Niall and Liam will be with him most of the time so he should be comfortable with them in his den."

Liam raised his hand, "when the child or children are born, will we be able to hold them?"

"As long as you ask, there should be no problem." The omega raised his hand again and Julie smiled, "Liam."

"You will perform surgery in the home?"

"Yes, I have done it many times."

Louis made a face, rubbing his stomach, "does it hurt?"

"I will drug you."


"I do not have to, it is best if you are transformed for the procedure if you do not want medication."

"What if I transform back?"

"It will be messy, but it has happened, the strain is sometimes too great. You still have the same organs; it will be fine."

Louis looked at Harry, "and the castle?"

"What of it, omega?"

"Will they not want to see me when I am pregnant?"

"You will be able to travel after four months, as long as you wish to, but it is best to limit how many enter your home. If Louis feels unsafe, he may go looking for somewhere safer without telling anyone." Julie looked at the twins, "it will be important then to have guards."

The twins bowed their heads, "of course."

Louis smiled, "you will live with us, we have decided."

Atlas' head shot up, looking from Louis to Harry, "live?"

"Yes, with us –you will need a room to share." The artist smiled wider, "one with a window."

"We – can just guard as we always have."

Harry cleared his throat, "what he says is it, dídyma." (twins)

"Yes, my King."


Louis jumped at the knock at the door, whining, clutching Zayn's clothing, "no, no."

"Sh, omega."

Julie went to the door, opening it, "yes?"

"I have brought Louis some food, please."

Julie looked back, "Louis. It is Evy. He has brought you food."

The artist bit his lip, crying, squeezing as close as he could to Zayn. "I –I am scared."

Zayn motioned a finger and Julie let him in. Evy was shaking, glasses on the tray clanking together, "Louis. I have brought you food –and water. I thought you may want."

Zayn stared at the omega until he began to squirm, "drink the water and eat from the food."

Evy froze, "excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Evy quickly went to the bed, setting the tray down. With shaky fingers, he took a bite of the food and swallowed it down with the water. Zayn nodded once, "now we wait."

"I have not poisoned him. Please. I made this myself."

"I do not care. Sit and we will wait." Zayn scratched softly at Louis' scalp, hushing his cries, "I have you."

Julie leaned on the post of the bed, staring at Evy. "Your kindness comes from?"

"Myself." Evy sighed, "I do not care what the King of Wereborn has declared."

"Wow," Julie drawled, "so noble of you."

The maid closed his eyes, "I do not care if he is a thief or was one. Louis has a baby inside him, he is our Queen and he is going nowhere." Evy opened them, eyes rimmed red and angry, "are we supposed to pretend that he is not kind, and loving and that our King loves him? Are we supposed to listen to another King and not our own? Are we supposed to pretend that Louis is not a good person?" Evy sniffled, looking at Louis' bright blue eyes, "I was sleeping with our King and you were a thief, both things seen as detestable. Who am I to judge you for your past? I cannot wait to see you branded as Royal, to see your lineage live on."

Louis lifted his face from Zayn's chest, hiccupping, "I am hungry." He glanced at the food on the bed then at Evy who quickly went to it. Evy stirred the soup, kneeling on the high bed, bringing the spoon to Louis' lips. Louis took it slowly, swallowing, pressing his face back against Zayn. "Thank you..."

Evy nodded, touching his face, "there may be people against this, against you. I am not one of them, Louis. I promise, not before and not now."


"Hello? Ixion? It is I, Louis!"

The door opened swiftly, "Louis, hello." He smiled, "to what do I owe the pleasure, omega?"

Louis smiled, "dinner is soon. We would all love for you to join us."

Ixion smiled, looking down –shy, "yes." He swallowed, "I will."

"If it makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to."

"It does not. I just –am not used to it. I am sorry."

"No, do not be." Louis smiled brightly, "Harry has set a date for addressing the public. I am very excited."

"I wish you the best."

"You will be there, I have demanded it."

Ixion laughed, leaning on the door, "yes, I forgot. Your way is the way it is."

Louis preened, "yes. You are not wrong."

"I heard that our King has found some homes."

"Yes, we are after a particular one but someone lives it in. We are not going to evict anyone." Louis put a hand on his stomach, "it is the one with the red door, on the way to the castle. I love it. There is one even closer that we may look at. Harry says he will paint the door himself if it makes me happy."

"I know he would."

Louis covered his smile, "I am sorry, when I think about-"

"I understand Louis." Ixion smiled, "you are glowing like the brightest star in the sky and I encourage it."

Louis rubbed his arm, "thank you, Ixion." He looked down, "I cannot wait for my child to meet their guardians." Ixion's eye twitched and he squeezed the door. "I am sure my baby is going to love you just like I do."

"I –hope so." Ixion swallowed, "you are going to be a wonderful mother, Louis. Truly wonderful."

"Thank you." He took a deep breath, "well, I will be upstairs. I must go look for Liam." The artist dipped his head, "I will first call Atlas inside."

"Yes, I will be there soon." He bowed to Louis before closing the door. The alpha laid on it, "Elements."


The alpha jumped, forgetting Liam was there, "yes, I am sorry."

Liam tilted his head, "come." He put a hand on the bed, "I will have to leave in a moment. Zayn will come in search for me."

"Yes, yes." Ixion sat, "I am sorry."

"Is it not strange how the Elements work in our favor? With this news," Liam spread a hand across the bed, "Louis is pregnant –a life taken and another is born."

Ixion smiled slightly, "yes, it is incredible. When we smelled him, it was instinct, pure instinct. We needed to see him safely and it took everything in us to go against Harry."

Liam nodded, "this child will not be yours but you will watch them grow, help them along." He groaned, laughing sadly, "to think that I hated you so much. I was so angry and I am now sitting in here. Goodness."

"You had all right to hate us, Liam. We knew what we were doing even when we pretended not to." He rubbed his face, "it –our child lay with our mate and nothing was done. They rode around town and did nothing and –there they lay." He stood, "this is not the time. I am sorry I have talked your ear off."

Liam stood, hugging himself, "as I have done to you. When I was in distress, I spoke your ear off and you never shunned me." He put a hand on Ixion's shoulder, "you broke a bond with your omega, and gave it to Harry to abuse because it was the only way to stop feeling pain from your loss." Liam frowned, "you never put us down for being a triad. Niall and I were always skeptical, but it makes a lot more sense now. I should I have asked, I should have listened better –and I am sorry that I did not."

Ixion's head shot to the door, "Niall is here."

"Elements." Liam went to the door, opening it slowly, "omega."

Niall's brows were tight, "what doing in here, Liam?"

Liam looked back at Ixion, "talking, getting along as our alpha asked of us."

"Liam," Niall swallowed, "if Zayn finds you down here-"

"I know, I am leaving." He looked back, "I will see you for dinner."

"Yes, you will."


"Hello Niall."

Niall bowed his head, "my King." He took Harry's coat, "you are here for lunch."

"I am." He sniffed the air, looking around. "And my omega?"

The blonde smiled, biting his lip, "he is with Julie."

"Is he?" Harry pinched Niall's cheek between his knuckles, "you are quite smiley."

Niall giggled, "I am happy."

"Yes, everyone is in a much brighter mood lately." He removed his shoes, "and Liam?"

Niall rolled his eyes fondly, "where you would imagine."

"He should not have to work so hard."

"I have tried to tell him. He is enjoying himself." The omega grinned, "He needs a lot more fabric than before."

Harry smiled, "that he does." He walked towards Julie's office, pleased that the door was partially open. The King knocked once, before pushing it open with his finger. "Hello?"

Louis was in his Royal gown, beaming at him, "itty-bitty!"

Harry couldn't stop his smile, coming closer, "beautiful." He pulled Louis into an embrace, "look at you."

"My King," Julie cleared her throat, "I am in the middle of a checkup."

"We are to have lunch together today, Julie."

The alpha groaned, "Checkup is more important."

"Food is more important for my growing child and omega." Harry kissed Louis' cheek, ignoring the doctor. "How are you feeling, my love?"

Louis smiled easily, "I feel wonderful. Very happy, and very warm."

"Lovely, all I want." He kissed Louis' nose, hand cupping his stomach, "you looking ravishing."

The artist breathed, "Thank you, alpha." He sniffed him, "you smell –odd. Like something familiar but not right. Where were you today?"

Harry nipped at his nose, "do not be nosy."

Louis growled back, moving away, "Harry."

"My beautiful strawberry." The King groaned, trying to grab onto the swatting omega. "Please, I have come straight home."

"I will be as nosy as I want." Louis bit at him, jumping off the examination table, "off –do not touch me!"

Harry threw his head back, lifting his arms, "I want the gift for you to be a secret!"

Louis glared from behind Julie, "hmph. I do not want it."

Julie pursed her lips, "this will be fun. Trying to domesticate a wild wolf –you have a lot on your hands, my King."

"Why must you, Julie."

"It is my job to be honest." She winked, "and it is fun to watch you try." Julie reached back, tickling Louis' side, "come, precious." Louis grabbed her hand, walking over to her desk, "sit." She looked at Harry, "do not be upset. Let us speak about your child."

Harry came over, staring down at Louis until the omega looked up. He sat in the seat beside him, turning his chair sideways, "I missed you and you are being mean to me."

Julie covered her laugh, eyes growing at Harry's words. "My King!" She gawked, "is that a tantrum you are throwing?"

Louis frowned, brows falling, "I am not trying to but you will not come home smelling off and not tell me what it is."

"I will, I promise, but it really is a secret –for you."

Louis pushed his pinky against Harry's hand, "kiss."

"Mm, of course, strawberry."

Julie watched them, tapping her pen against the desk when Louis climbed into Harry's lap. She cleared her throat when the omega started moaning, clearing it louder when his gown started trailing up. "Excuse me, I have things to do today."

Harry kissed around Louis' neck, rubbing a hand across his butt, "you may speak." He purred when Louis started sucking on their bond mark, "in a moment."

Julie sighed, organizing her papers, "hello!"

"Yes, yes." Harry growled, rubbing Louis' growing love handles, "let us finish here so we may eat."

"I am hungry, alpha."

"I know, my love. Sweet baby." He stroked Louis' cheek, "let us hurry." Louis whined softly, turning around so he was facing Julie. "Please, continue."

"Oh, now it is my turn? Thank you."

"What plans do you even have?"

"None that concern you, I can guarantee." Julie smiled, flipping over a page, "Now, Louis' blood looks just fine and it seems like the baby is growing fine. I cannot feel it just yet but I know it towards the left because there is larger swelling there –which is fine." She licked her lips, reading, "heart rate is high, which is natural –he needs to drink a lot more water, and lay off the sweets."

Louis' nose creased, "no."

"Yes. I was telling him this when you walked in, my King. I will be creating a balanced diet for him and sweets are not a part of it. I do know that pregnant omegas tend to have a sweet tooth, so honey and fruit are fine. His sugar is already slightly high." Julie cooed, "Because he loves his cakes and fried dough so much."

Louis whined high, pushing back against Harry who chuckled. He had both hands around Louis' belly, rubbing his thumbs down, "I know he does."

The doctor preened, "but, we need to consider your child so, no more." She ignored Louis' whimpering, looking over his other papers. "Anxiety is quite high, which is concerning. It is just as important even if it is not external. We need to begin setting up safe places for him to rest."

"Our bedroom."

"Is safe but not up to his standards. He needs softness and security. A place where only his things are, a place where he knows where and what everything is. No scenting from any of us, it needs to be his."

"I understand."

"Until you find a home, his art room is best. Liam has received new cloth that he will be stuffing for pillows. Shopping is necessary." Julie smiled, "and I am sure Louis will want to pick out all he can while he is able."

Louis nodded, "I want to paint my art room."

"You do not want to save it for when we find a home?"

"I said I want to paint it."

Harry held up a hand that Louis latched onto, "that is fine, omega. I was only asking."

"And I thought that he was spoiled now." Julie folded her hands under her chin, "you are doing very well, Louis." She raised brow at Harry, "this will be the first child not birthed in the castle."

"I do not care. Our child will be born under our circumstances, not that of the castle's."

"I understand, just expect questions from your people."

Louis brought Harry's fingers to his lips, "I do not mind staying in the castle for some nights. It will be our child's home as well and the castle beings have wanted Harry to have a child for a long time." He smiled against the alpha's hands, "I would love to learn to cook meals from the castle chefs, so I do not always have to bother Niall. And I would like to garden during my pregnancy."

"I am sure you will want to be active." Julie tilted her head, "there will be symptoms arising soon and some may affect your mental health." The doctor was no longer smiling, "many wolves ignore these things because they believe they are supposed to feel a certain way, that is not true. If you feel alone, or scared, tell someone. I am not just your physician; I am here for you to speak to. Do you understand?"

Louis nodded, "yes Julie."

"You will also feel physical symptoms; motion sickness, morning sickness, soreness, breast tenderness and so on. I am sure your alpha is more than willing to give you massages." She winked at Harry, "and I would as well."


"I am very skilled. I have taken care of many pregnant omegas as a doctor."

"I am more than capable as I am willing."

"Grumpy." Julie smiled at Louis, "questions?"

"Yes, um," Louis wiggled, playing with the chain of his necklace, "the pain portion. How badly will it hurt?"

"I can numb you and you will feel nothing, or you may transform and it will be a lot less pain. Most omegas deliver while they are wolves."

"And the scar-"

"Will heal beautifully because I am perfect in my craft."

Louis rolled his eyes, "I mean –how long?"

"You will need to spend a lot of your sleeping time as a wolf. It will heal, fully, in about two weeks. If not, much longer. You will be spending most time resting and feeding your child so you have plenty of time to heal."

Louis rubbed his stomach, "is there any way to see how many I will have?"

"Unfortunately, no, I can usually feel if there is more than one but I cannot give you a definitive number."

"The omegas in Circuit said that an alpha should not be delivering my child."

Julie grimaced, growling, "of course they did." She slammed a hand on her desk, "now, why would they say that –let me guess! Maybe because I am unloved by every Element! Stupid, I swear I cannot stand Packs! I respect the omega but why must I be put down in the process? I did not choose to be an alpha!"

Louis blinked, "they say that alpha was born from fire before the omega consumed it. Earth is a mother Element."

Julie clasped her hands together, "I am delivering your child, Louis. Earth be damned."



The alpha stopped, folding her arms, "hi Rose."

Rose stood from her squat, "to what do I owe the honor?"

Julie found her lip wobbling, "I wanted to say thank you." She swallowed, "the twins had been watching him but, I –I did not know that. Thank you for finding him, making sure he was safe –making him laugh."

Rose half-smiled, "Louis is –sweet."

"Very," Julie breathed. She stood up straight, "I've treated you so bad, I did not think you would help me."

"You did not believe I would help the alpha that I love?" Julie looked up, sighing. "I have been waiting, jellybean, for you. I am always here, always waiting."

"I know."

"I know you do." Rose stuck her hands in her pockets, "how is our King?"

"He is very happy."

"And Louis?"

"Oh, just wonderful. He wanted me to tell you thank you. That seeing you made him very happy." Julie stepped closer, "may –maybe –tonight we can go somewhere. Talk."

Rose's eye twitched, "oh." She straightened up, "oh! Where? Anywhere, I do not mind."

Julie chuckled, "Our second date."

Rose squinted, thinking hard, "fuck –we went to –fuck, fuck."

Julie shook her head, "A-"

"Alci's! We went to Alci's. I remember because you loved their potatoes. It was Alci's." Rose breathed a sigh of relief. "I almost forgot."

"You never forget."

"I do not."

"It is –funny." Julie rubbed her eye, "I had screamed at Louis when he found out about us." She glanced at Rose, "I told him that he could not fix all of us, and I still do not believe he can but –unintentionally he brought us together. That I can still count on you is so important to me."

"You can always count on me, Julie-bean." Rose tapped her on the nose, making her blink. "My beautiful alpha, your shine has come back."

Julie blushed, biting her bottom lip, "may you please ask for a break?"

Rose exhaled, smiling softly, "of course I can." She leaned into Julie's ear, whispering, "I would do anything for you." The guard kissed her cheek quickly, subtly, standing back at attention. "Be good and wait for me upstairs –in my bed."

Julie closed her eyes, "yes Rose." She batted her lashes, mouth in a fine line, "who else is allowed in your bed?"

"Not a soul, breathing or dead."

Julie nodded once, turning on her heel into the castle.



Louis stood up from the bed, "Alpha." He looked down, "I am sorry about this."

"No," Harry pulled him into an hug, "do not be. The King of Wereborn had no business here."

"They –they all know, Harry." Louis shook his head, "I did not want this. I knew that one day it would catch up to me but-"

"But nothing. You see this ring? This means you are my husband. This ring means you are my Queen. You will be sworn in, you will be branded as Royal and we will continue ruling Arizella together." Harry lifted his face, "what happened today will not change the way I rule Arizella. It will not change that our child is growing inside you. We have found a home, and you will be safe."

"What if the Kingdom hates me?" Louis moved away, pacing, "they –they will poison me here. What if the King of Wereborn comes back?" He touched his belly, "oh –oh my goodness." Louis grabbed onto the wall, "I cannot breathe."

"Louis," Harry took both of his hands, squeezing them. "Look at me." He slowly pulled him towards the closet, "breathe with me –breathe with our child." Louis sounded like he was swallowing his breaths instead of inhaling them. Harry closed the door behind them, "you are panicking, and you have to start breathing." He removed his shirt, putting it in Louis' hands. "Sit down, slowly."

Louis did, bringing his knees close, breathing in Harry's shirt. He laid back, closing his eyes, shirt across his face. "I need –I need something."

Harry kneeled, hands in his lap, watching Louis' eyes circle the closet. "We are in our safe place. In the closet that you made for me –where you gave me a safe place." Louis looked at him. "This is one of the safest places I know because you gave it to me."

The omega turned over on his side, rubbing his face against the shirt, "no one can harm my child."

"And no one will." Harry swallowed, "because I will kill anyone who tries." Louis' purring was music to his ears. He set soft fingertips against the omega's ankle, rubbing over the bone. "If I must be feared for your safety, that is what I will do." He took a foot in his hand, massaging it, "I will address our people in a moment. I do not care the reaction; they will understand who is Queen."

Louis moaned softly when Harry nudged his heel with his knuckle. His lips parted, whispering, "And if he comes back?"

"If he steps foot on this ground, so will his blood."



"Where is he?"

"On his border."

Harry covered Louis' face with his fur when he stirred, "details."

"He was angry, threatening until he reached the border. He swore to come back for Louis' head."

Harry's lips were tight, "and."

"And I told him I would feed intestines to his Queen if he tried."

The King nodded, "good."

"Master," Atlas lifted his head, "it would be much easier get rid of him now."

"As long as he stays on his border, I do not care. My soldiers are covering all borders of Arizella. If it must stay like that, then it will." He sighed softly, rubbing Louis' shape, "I will need to fire many of the staff. I cannot trust that all of them will be okay with this."

Ixion folded his hands in front of him, "no one will harm him. If it means we must stay by his side every second, we will."

"We will make sure he is happy, Master. And," Atlas' eyes drooped, "if we must cross state lines, then we will."

Harry lifted his head, "very well." He looked to Louis, moving the fur slightly to see his omega. "You will move your belongings into our new den tonight. That is where I will keep him."

"Yes Master."

Ixion stepped closer, "my King. I have heard that your people have taken the news well. Your speech was well received."

"I am sure there are many who are angry."

"Of course, Master, but we cannot dwell on them. Once Louis is Queen and people see him how we do, it will change."

Harry nodded, "Ixion, Atlas. I –want to say thank you." He ran a hand through his hair, "you both have done right be me. I am sorry for what my parents did. I am sorry that my father was useless and that my mother followed him blindly because she was manipulated." Harry quickly touched Louis when he stirred. He waited until Louis' breathing went back to normal before speaking. "You did what you felt like you had to and I see that now. Your sister meant everything to you." He looked at Louis, "and, I feel it now. I feel the rage, fear –the want to destroy everything associated with it. I want to burn Wereborn to the ground." He looked at them, "I forgive you."

The twins were shaking, arms pressed together at their sides. Atlas opened his mouth, lips trembling. "Thank you."

Harry nodded, "thank you." He pinched the bridge of his nose, exhausted, "please, continue watching over my family."

"Yes, Master."

Harry smiled sadly, "please, call me Harry from now on."

Ixion grabbed his brother's hand, squeezing it, "honesty is leading us." He sniffled, "she was not our sister. She was not our triplet." He leaned on his brother when Harry's brows creased. "She was our omega, and she pregnant and I am so sorry that we lied."

Louis sat up swiftly, startling the three. He cupped his mouth, "what?"


"Please, please –settle down." Harry looked around, lips pressed to the microphone, "my people, I know what has happened today is confusing and not the way I wanted this day to go but it has. What the King of Wereborn has said is true. Louis stole a crown from his Queen." He swallowed, listening to the gasps. "I do not care what my omega has done, only what he will do. It is true that I am not a pure blood. My mother was an artist of Wereborn. My father," Harry took a step down, "tricked his people by giving my mother a new birthmark –something disgusting and appalling that made her ill. I chose to keep this a secret. I refused to let my people degrade my mother for not being pure blood. I did not want to make Arizella look bad but no more.

"I have dedicated my life to Arizella. I have lied but I have also been very honest to all of you. I do not have to do this. I could continue lying, I could pretend but as I said earlier; I am done pretending. Arizella is not perfect because we are not perfect. I have done things I am not proud of but I am constantly growing and learning." He looked around, "I am up here because I want to be. I am up here because I do not want you thinking that things will change. Nothing will change unless you wish it to." He squeezed the microphone, "my omega will be branded, he will have my child and he will be the Queen of Arizella. If," he closed his eyes, "if there is anyone who objects to this, you may leave Arizella and not return. I will be creating borders, as other states have. No longer will there be easy access into Arizella.

"I will not risk my omega's life. I will not risk my people's life. I will not risk my child's life. Nothing changes, nothing. If you feel betrayed, feel. If you are angry, be. If you hate me, hate, but it will not change who I am. It will not change what I stand for. I have worked day and night to make Arizella the best state in all of Gilden. I have been unhappy and uncommitted and there was Louis. I love him more than I love being King. I, Harry Styles, child of Martha and Rovan Styles, am your King."

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