Queen of Arizella

By larrychonce28

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Stealing from Royalty is punishable by death. Louis starts over, doing his best to keep his hands at his side... More

Chapter 1 - Arizella
Chapter 2 - Deprived
Chapter 3 - Home
Chapter 4 - Downtown
Chapter 5 - Fur
Chapter 6 - Texture
Chapter 7 - Head
Chapter 8 - God
Chapter 9 - Exception
Chapter 10 - Thumb
Chapter 11 - Nesting
Chapter 12 - licking
Chapter 13 - Stunning
Chapter 14 - Elements
Chapter 15 - Wow
Chapter 16 - Heat I
Chapter 17 - Heat II
From the Author
Chapter 18 - Strawberry Sweet
Chapter 19 - Orange Juice
Chapter 20 - Agreed
Chapter 21 - Itty-Bitty
From the Author II
Chapter 22 - Soup Spoon
Chapter 23 - A baby
Chapter 24 - Yellow Polish
Chapter 25 - Lemonade
Chapter 26 - Love You
Chapter 27 - Missed
Chapter 28 - Warm
Chapter 30 - Rabid
Chapter 31 - Circuit
Chapter 32 - Honey
Chapter 33 - Honesty
Chapter 34 - Home
Chapter 35 - Growing
Chapter 36 - Perfect
Chapter 37 - Finally
Chapter 38 - In Love
Chapter 39 - Changes
Chapter 40 - Queen of Arizella
Chapter 41 - Extra

Chapter 29 - Rut

567 20 27
By larrychonce28

"And this?" Louis held up the short dress, "how would this look?"

Niall tilted his head, hand-in-hand with Liam, "it is quite short."

Louis frowned, looking it up and down, "yes, you are right." He hung it back up, looking through more clothes, "I think black would be nice." The omega pulled out an off the shoulder dress, "it is longer."

Liam smiled, "it is nice."

Louis hugged the dress, giggling, "I am so excited." He took a deep breath, calming down. "Our first real date." Louis spun around, hands on his pearls, "I think it will be perfect."

"Excuse me."

Louis looked behind Liam and Niall. He stepped forward, putting a hand on their entangled ones that almost pulled apart. "Hello?"

The worker smiled at him, blushing, "hi –my name is Jen."

Louis smiled back, putting his dress over his arm, "hello Jen, I am Louis."

"Yes, you are." She giggled nervously, "I am –I did not want to be rude but I just had to meet you. I should be working-" Jen bit her lip, wrapping a hand around her elbow, "my mother did not believe that our King would ever find a mate and I prayed to the Elements that he would and," she grinned, "here you are!"

Louis chuckled softly, "here I am."

"You are beautiful –gorgeous and you –you have such a powerful energy. –I was there, during the festival, I saw you from afar, but you seem so confident, radiant. Omegas sometimes are treated so delicately, sometimes we feel like we cannot speak up but you –you do."

"I have never been known to hold my tongue." Louis smiled, "Omega's are not prizes or glass, we are strong –we do not just bare children and raise families –here, in Arizella, omegas have jobs and purposes." He shrugged, "in Wereborn, we are seen as lesser beings. You should speak your mind because you can, especially here. Do not let anyone silence you."

Jen nodded quickly, eyes big and brimming with tears. "Yes, I will not."

Louis opened his arms, "would you like a hug?"

"Oh yes –please!" She ran into his arms, squeezing him tight. "You smell wonderful."

Louis smiled, rubbing her back, "thank you." Jen pulled away first, fixing herself. "It was very nice to meet you, Jen."

"Likewise, my Queen." Jen bowed before rushing away.

Louis turned to Niall and Liam, "it –feels really nice sometimes."

Liam smiled tenderly, pinky and pinky with Niall, "people do not just see Harry's mate. They see you, a Queen."

"Even those who remember having a Queen are not used to their Queen being so outspoken." They followed Louis back to the rack, "You are all over the newspaper, especially in your recent travels. You are being quoted left and right. Your fashion sense is adored, your smile –your expressions when you dislike something. The toast you gave at the event in Glasso was incredible –even I will say. You are not afraid to make a mistake or say when you do not approve of something. Omegas look up to you –you are a representation for those who want to be represented."

Louis bit his lip, "yes..."

Liam put a hand on his shoulder, "do not think so much. I am sure it feels pressuring."

"When," The artist's voice fell low, "I leave –who will represent them?" Liam stopped smiling, dropping his head. He looked to Niall who stared back at him. "Goodness..." He wiped his face, turning back to the rack, "I have ruined the mood –never mind." Louis held out a hand, "I need new clips, come."

Niall took his hand slowly, squeezing it slightly –warmly. "Louis."

"Yes Niall?"

The blonde sighed softly, "Whatever happens from now until then, you are doing great –just –great."

"Thank you, Niall."


"Uh –hello?"

"Hello –oh my –hello!" The male quickly stood, bowing, "my Queen –hello –artist and Queen!" The alpha laughed loudly, clearly nervous, "how are you?"

Louis bowed his head, "well, thank you." He looked around, "I was wondering-"

"Wereborn pieces, correct? I have –I recently went and purchased many things! Maybe you will find another one of yours." He leaned forward, whispering, "I even upped the prices thanks to you. Any work that even resembled yours I made sure to tell them; 'the Queen could have made this'." He smiled eagerly, "please, look around."

Louis smiled, eyes opened wide, "okay." He took Niall's hand, a little afraid. "I will just go around to this side then." He leaned into the omega, "strange."

Niall giggled, leaning against Louis, "you spent a lot of money last time."

Louis puckered his lips, "stay close." He looked at Liam who was crouched, petting a cat. "Watch Liam too."

The blonde smiled, looking down at his omega, "I always do."

Louis looked around, lifting a plate from a stack, "eh-"

"Oh!" The alpha rushed to that side, "that is brand new! I am sure it is not yours but it is lovely, no?"

Louis grimaced, mumbling, "Who have they hired...?" He flipped the plate over, "pitting –it is pitting –look at that." Louis showed Niall the plate. "Holes everywhere –probably because of how thick this glaze is –what do people not understand –thicker glaze does not make your work look better."

The vendor frowned, "maybe –something else then?"

"Ridiculous." Louis set the plate down, leaning over the counter, "hm –that one –that one is mine."

The male quickly grabbed a painting, "this one?"

"No, behind it –the large one."

"This one?"

"No, no –the really big one."

The vendor groaned while picking up the heavy piece of art, "this?"

"Yes, I want it." Louis looked around, "what is that one over there –and how much for mine?"

The vendor opened his mouth but closed it, "uh-"

Louis crossed his arms, "be honest."

"Eighty –thousand..."

"Eighty –eighty," Louis hissed. He pressed both hands on the counter, whispering harshly, "eighty-thousand. It took me two days –two. I was about to be –I made the paper it is on, I made the frame –I had splinters for weeks –I even found one under my skin two months later and you –you-" He pointed at the alpha. "You –I need to breathe."

Liam stood, smiling, "we will take it for eighty."

Louis muffle screamed from the other side of the stand as the man set the coasters on the counter. The omega picked one up, "decent –but this is not Wereborn."

"That is actually Arizella."

"Hm, I should meet the artist from Arizella." Louis touched the slight cracking, "maybe I can teach them something."

"Louis," Niall scolded.

Louis set down the coaster, "that –the marble sculpture."

The alpha hurried, carefully setting it down. "There. Careful, it is heavy."

"I know how heavy it is. I made it." Louis picked it up easily, looking at the piece. "It chipped." He touched the missing tip of the flame sculpture. "How?"

"I –maybe it –is old."

"Old? Marble does not chip because it is old –there are thousand-year-old marble pieces – marble chips when you have incompetent drivers –you know what." Louis took a deep breath, "I want it –how much?"

"I –I am scared to say."

Louis lifted a hand, "I promise I will not become mad. Tell me –it is broken after all."

"It is on a clearance –because it is broken."

"A clear –a clear –I need to sit –my work? My hard work –clearance –are you –I cannot." Louis snatched up the marble, hugging it, "I need to sit."

Liam stood on his toes from the other side of the counter, "that as well please!"


"Louis." Harry's head was down, focused on two papers in his hand. "We are leaving in fifteen minutes."

"Yes alpha." Louis bit his lip when Harry turned to leave their bedroom. "Um –alpha."


The omega blushed, curling his toes, "do I look –okay?"

Harry looked up, growling when his papers slipped from his hands, "Elements." He quickly picked them up, looking back up at Louis. "-what?"

Louis shook his head, turning around, nervous, "never mind."

Harry licked his lips, "where –did you get that dress?"

"At," The artist turned back around quickly, "I –at this boutique. I was going to put it back."

Harry coughed into his fist, "why would you do that?"

"I did not see the price when I picked it up." Louis rubbed his bare shoulder, chuckling, "I never would have done something like that. I always used to look at the price." His eyes grew, frowning, "if I was not stealing it..."

Harry nodded, "well, it looks lovely."

Louis smiled softly, "thank you. I even painted my nails –Niall helped." He blushed, "they are light pink..."

"May you spin –slowly?" Harry set the papers on the dresser, "So I may see the back again."

Louis did, clumsily too, "there was another one that was too short but –oh." He stopped moving when hands wrapped around his sides, rounding to the front. "Oh."

Soft lips pressed to the back of his neck, wet kisses dropped on their bond mark. "But?"

Louis swallowed, rolling his neck, "but –Niall and Liam said that it was too short."

Harry stopped on his scent gland, hands tight around his stomach, "you could have bought it."

The omega scoffed, "you do not even let me show my stomach."

"You could have bought it and worn it for me. To please your alpha."

Louis shivered, leaning back heavy on Harry, "oh." He breathed when his alpha kissed around to the other side of his neck. "It –will still be there, hopefully." Louis moaned at the pressure Harry put on area just above his cock. "Harry."

"Why are you not wearing underwear?"

"I am –it is called –a thong?"

Harry turned him around, "pardon?"

Louis blinked quickly, "the girl, Jen, she said it would look better if you could not see my underwear because the dress is tighter fitting. I did not really understand but then Liam agreed and –it is okay."

"Show me."

"What?" Louis rubbed his cheek with his wrist, "my –my thong?"

"I want to see it."

"No." The artist frowned, "no."

Harry pulled him closer, "it is fine if you do not want to show me but do not move away." He touched Louis' hair, "why will you not show me?"

"Because I have seen it in the mirror." Louis pouted, "my butt is out and my-my-"


"My privates, alpha, my privates –I am starting to think you know what a thong is."

"Oh, I very much do." Louis jumped at the firm hand gripping one of his ass cheeks, "and I am sure it looks stunning."

Louis swatted his hand, "behave." He turned around, going into the bathroom to get his tiara. Louis came back to Harry leaning on their bed post, looking him up and down. "What?"

"You look beautiful."

Louis gripped the tiara hard, "thank you, alpha."

Harry smirked, resting his head on the post, "you are blushing very red, strawberry."

"Because you are being very sweet." Louis looked down at his hands, "I love you so much." He looked up when Harry was standing in front of him. "I really do."

"I know you do." The King took the crown quietly, carefully gliding it on his head. "I have another gift for you tonight."

"Oh..." Louis licked his lips, lifting his head once the tiara was on. "Another one?"

"Yes, I think you will like it. –Do not wear your pearls."

"What? Please, I want to."


"Harry," His voice cracked, "please, I want to wear my pearls. I have worn them all week –please."

The alpha stared at him for a moment before nodding, "okay, go ahead."

Louis breathed unevenly, "okay, thank you."

Harry put a hand on his neck, rubbing the pearls there, "it does go wonderful with your dress but I also think pearls are typically used for special occasions. I would not want you to over use them."

"It feels right on my neck at this point. I do not want to wear nothing."

"I know. I would like to give you something a little more modest."

"Mm..." Louis embraced himself, "another necklace?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Harry laughed when he was hugged, "I think you should still wear your pearls, it looks good against the black." He rubbed the omega's back when he didn't receive an answer. "Omega?" Harry poked at his sides until Louis started laughing, "Let me drop off my papers and we will leave."

Louis looked up with watery eyes and a big smile, "kiss?"

"Mm, I would love one." Harry leaned down, stopping when his door was pushed open. "Excuse me?"

"It was already open." Julie was grinning on the other side, "my King –oh my Queen." She slid inside, "Louis, you look amazing."

Louis blushed with a tiny smile, pressing his face against Harry's arm. "Thank you, Julie."

She took his hand, pulling him away to spin the artist, "you fill out that dress perfectly." Julie released his hand when Harry growled. "Pardon me, pardon me." The alpha put both hands behind her back, "it was only a compliment."

"Keep them to yourself."

"And if one of your people say the same?"

"They are not so disrespectful as to do so." Louis frowned, looking up at Harry's tense stance. He stepped in front of the alpha, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Itty-bitty, look at me." Louis whined when Harry didn't, "alpha."

Harry took him by surprise, kissing him hard, two hands squeezed his ass. Harry bit his lips swollen, licking into his mouth with a possessive growl. The alpha kissed down his mouth to Louis' scent gland, scenting him and the room, staring Julie down.

"Real mature," Julie rolled her eyes, about to sit on the bed but standing when Harry snarled. "Your nest, my apologies." She waddled to the door, "I guess I will stand here then –and I am being ignored."

Harry was still staring at her, hands still greedily sat on Louis' butt. Louis was scenting the alpha back, wrapping the room in a sweet smell.

"Itty-bitty baby, look at me." Louis whispered, "At your omega."

Harry looked down, brows tight, eyes a lighter green than they should be.

"Dinner, remember?" Louis frowned, neck tilted slightly so Harry could claim him easily if he wanted. "Please? You promised me a good night." Louis whimpered when Harry pulled him closer, one hand coming off his butt and landing at the back off his neck.

"What do you want, Julie?"

"Do not be mad at me. I am no longer joking." Julie bowed her head in respect, "I only came to ask Louis how his birth control is treating him."

Louis tensed, pressing his nose against Harry's shirt.

"Must you ask now?"

"Should I ask in a month?"


The artist bit his lip, "yes."

"Answer Julie so she may leave."

"Yes alpha." Louis turned around slowly, pushing his back against Harry. He swallowed hard when two hands rested on his stomach. "I am fine, Julie."

"Yes? Have you felt sick at all? Weight gain?"

"I –I have not."

"Hm, that is good. And you are taking it at the same time every day, yes?"

"I am."

"Taking it with food?"


Julie nodded once, "I see. Good." She bowed, "I hope you both have a wonderful night. And again, you look lovely, Louis, truly." The alpha left swiftly and Louis' stomach turned.

He stopped taking the pill as soon as it made him throw up the third day. It wasn't supposed to and he was supposed to tell Julie but he didn't. He should have –he should tell Julie and he should tell Harry but –he hadn't gotten pregnant yet so-



"Are you okay?"

"Would a child be so bad?" Louis turned around, looking up. "Truly?"


"They are soft and sweet-"

"And they cry and scream –and shit."

"You cannot say that you have never thought about having a child?"

Harry walked past him to retrieve his papers from the dresser. "I am going to drop this off."

"They would be cute and nice –they would be ours."

"And who is going to keep them? Hm?"

Louis frowned, "I-"

"I am done with this conversation. Please be ready and downstairs."

"I do not want to keep taking the pills..."

"Louis, this is not a debate. You will continue taking them for the duration of time that you are here. If I find out you are not-"

"I will! I will..." Louis sniffled, "but what if I want children in the future?"

"With who?"

The omega looked up at the harsh tone, "anyone."

Harry held his breath, pressing his lips together, "I –I am going to my office. Be ready or we will stay home."

Louis flinched when the door was shut, looking around the room. He went to the bathroom, opening the cabinet where his bottle of birth control was. He peeked outside of the bathroom, just in case, before tossing one of the pills in the sink. Quickly, he closed the bottle, putting back in the cabinet.

Louis flattened the dress down, looking at himself. He touched his tiara and necklace, squinting at the hickie he hadn't noticed Harry left on his neck.

It was wrong and unfair to lie to Harry, especially about something so serious. But –but it was also wrong and unfair to make him take something he didn't want to take.

Louis pumped his vanilla lotion into his hand, rubbing it up his arms before leaving the bathroom.


Louis stayed close to Harry as they walked through the crowd. He was breathing deeply, nervous with all the cameras flashing and people watching them. Louis hadn't gotten used to all the attention yet, didn't think he ever would.


"Calm, strawberry, I am right here." Harry stroked his arms, "no one will hurt you, they are only excited."

"I know," Louis whispered as they approached the restaurant. This was his fault, he chose to walk. "But they are staring..." They were staring, smiling big and scary at them. It reminded him of Wereborn, how people would strive to please the King by laughing loud and smiling a lot.

"Who do you think they are staring at?"

The omega whimpered, "Alpha..."

"All eyes are on you, omega." Harry kissed his temples, putting a hand at the small of Louis' back." The doors to the restaurant opened for them, two friendly faces waiting. "Thank you all for welcoming us, but please allow us to eat in peace."

Louis bowed to the crowd that took a few more pictures. He looked up when the shouting began; 'beautiful', 'perfection', 'stunning'. The artist smiled slightly, looking up at Harry who smiled.

"They are not wrong."

Louis shuddered, whining high, silencing the crowd for a moment. He whined again when Harry wrapped him in his arms, muffling his sounds.

"So beautiful, omega." Harry kissed his ear softly, whispering, "I would take you right here."

The whine echoed again, only two or three flashes going off, before Harry whisked them into the restaurant.

When Louis' heart stopped beating so fast, he noticed that the restaurant was covered in long sheer white curtains. There were gold string lights that hung against them and across the ceiling. The floor reminded him of the ones in the castle, white marble that showed their reflections. There were statues going up and down the sides of the restaurant, each different. It was extremely quiet, almost as if no one was there, but behind the curtains he could see figures.

"This is incredible." Louis finally spoke once they were seated. He held his stomach, still riled by the crowd but also by Harry. "Where are we?"

"Oh," Harry smiled, "you did not see when we entered?"

"I barley remember sitting down." Louis sighed, looking around, "the art here is truly amazing."

"It was done by my father's artist. He died around two years back."

"Oh, I would have loved to meet him."

"Good evening." The alpha bowed, "my name is Hansel and I will be your assistant and waiter for this evening." He bowed to Louis, then to Harry. "The drink selections and meal selections for tonight are on your menus. If you decide you would like something else, nothing is out of our control."

"Thank you, Hansel."

"My King, my Queen," Hansel bowed again. "I will stand just outside of the curtain, please do not refrain from asking for anything."

"What would you like, my love?"

Louis looked at the menu, watching it bounce back at him. "I would like –um," he swallowed. "Oh! I would like the Strawberry Bellini, please." He recognized that one. "For food, alpha, may you please order for me?"

"Of course." Harry picked up his menu. "A champagne, please, with the strawberry and feta salad, two of them. I will also take your prosciutto bites."

"Lovely." Hansel bowed, "would you like your curtain open or closed, my King?"

"Closed for now."

"Of course."

Louis watched the curtain close. Squirming in his chair "I could –I could read it."

"Read what?"

"The menu a little... I just –wanted you to order for me because I don't know what some things are."

"We will have prosciutto, you liked it, yes?"

"Mmhm." Louis smiled sweetly, "salty but good."

"Yes, and we will also have a strawberry and feta salad. It comes with spinach as the greens, strawberries in balsamic and feta –a cheese."

"Mm, sounds very good."

"You do not have to be stiff, it is just us."

"I –I know." Louis chuckled, "I am nervous, that is all."

"You have made such impression. If my mother-" Harry shook his head, laying his napkin over his lap. "Even if we have a time limit, if she saw us –I do not believe she would believe it."

Louis nodded, looking down at his menu, "yes..."


"Oh Elements." Louis looked at his plate that held a clear glass cup –with salad inside.

"Everything alright, my Queen?"

Louis smiled at Hansel, "yes –yes of course. It is –beautiful."

"Lovely." He bowed, "I will be back in fifteen or so, but you can always call for me."

When Hansel left, Louis made a face, "what is this?"

"That is the feta salad –those are the bites. I told you this."

"Harry," Louis leaned close, whispering harshly, "I am going to starve." The alpha laughed, covering his mouth with his napkin. "This is not funny. Look how small this is." Louis picked up the bite, laying it in his palm, "Thumb can eat more than this."

Harry finished his laughter, licking his lips, "would you like to leave?"

"No, Hansel is too nice. I think he would cry if we left." Louis huffed, picking up his small fork, "I wondered why my fork was so small."

"That is not your salad fork; that is for smaller things such as mussels or escargot."

"Well, good thing no one is watching." Louis popped the bite into his mouth, chewing slowly, "oh."


"That is very good."

Harry rolled his eyes, picking up his own piece, "do not judge a book by its cover."

"Hm, you judged me."

"You tried stealing from me."

"But you judged me before you knew me. Take your own advice, alpha." Louis used his small fork to pick up a berry, "mm, yum."


"I can be." Louis grinned, "But your Kingdom loves me."

Harry smirked, picking up his champagne, "so they do."


Louis swung their hands together, annoyed by the eyes but not as nervous. "Did each of the statues represent the Elements?"

"Yes. The restaurant is called, 'Stoicheía', it is 'Elements' in Greek."

"Why did we go there?"

"Because you wanted to do Water. I thought it was appropriate."

"What do you have to do for Air?"

"Be outside and talk a lot –I guess."

"You guess?"

"I do not know, what does it matter?"

Louis shrugged, "we are outside –and talking." He looked up at the night sky, "which Element is your favorite?"


Louis shoved him, "alpha."

Harry smiled, "Earth."

"Why Earth?"

"It is supposed to be grounding –quiet and I have so much talking going on all the time. I think a day of silence would be great."

"Hm... I like Water but I think I also like Fire."

"I cannot say I like Fire but you can?"

Louis giggled, "I just like the story Julie told. The omega was made from Water and consumed Fire."

"You feel powerful."

"Yes, even if it is not true."


"We are wandering, omega."

"I know, but you promised me my night and I know Ixion or Atlas are up there somewhere –watching us."

"Atlas is."

"See, we will be fine." Louis spun quickly, holding up his fists, "teach me to fight."

Harry lifted a brow, "while you are dressed like that?"

"Yes, why not?"

Harry stepped forward, leg going around Louis to trip him. He caught the omega just before he hit the dirt, "because I very much like this dress and I would rather you not get it dirty."

Louis breathed hard, surprised, "okay."

Harry kissed his nose, standing him up, "I will travel next week."

"Oh! I will come too?"

"No, I will go to Circuit with Zayn."

"Why not with me –where is Circuit?"

"It is where the Packs live. I will be entering their land so you definitely cannot go."

"Why!" Louis frowned, "alpha!"

"They are not welcoming, Louis, they do not know you. Liam and Niall have been dying to go as well but they cannot."

"Ask them!" Louis whined, "You have to ask, please!" He grabbed Harry's jacket, "please –please –please!"

"Relax. Why do you want to go so badly?"

"Because I may be a Pack wolf!" Louis pouted, crossing his arms tightly, "I read books about them and I want to go."

"I am not confirming anything, omega."

"Good enough," Louis nodded once, turning around. "I cannot wait..."


"I am just saying." Louis strolled off, looking around, "We should have brought blankets."

"For what?"

"To sit."

"We are in the middle of a forest." Harry dropped his arms, "we could have sat somewhere else."

"I like the forest, I lived in the forest, alpha." Louis swung his hands, coming to a clearing. He turned around, hands on his hips, "and my gift?"

Harry dropped his head, laughing, "so humble."

"I have been waiting for you to give it to me all night, itty-bitty."

"I am sure you have." Harry stepped closer, sticking his hand under his jacket. "I had it custom made."


Harry opened the little velvet box and Louis sucked in a breath. "Well?"

"It is a little strawberry." Louis took the box carefully, touching the red charm that had little diamonds as the seeds. "I –aw!" He bounced, "on –put it on me! Now!" Louis shoved the box in Harry's hand, bending his neck.

"Elements –you must take off the pearls."

"Okay..." Louis let Harry remove the necklace, holding the pearls tight while he put on the gold chain. "Okay." He touched it, turning so Harry could see, "how is it?"

"Very delicate, I like it." Harry adjusted it, "it is very nice, omega."

"Thank you." Louis hugged his pearls, "thank you for everything." He opened his arms, getting picked up a little in their hug. Louis sighed, "I love it."

"I think we should head back home."

"Wait!" Louis groaned, "Our prayer."

"Must we?"

Louis growled, biting at the hand that tried grabbing him, "you promised."

"I am starting to think," Harry moved his arm before it was bit, "I never said the word 'promise'."

"Alpha," Louis warned, "do not start."

Harry chuckled in awe, "I am a child? I feel like I am being scolded."

"Then stop acting like one."


Louis grabbed his hands, "close your eyes."

"Who is saying the prayer?"

"You –you are."

"You do it."

"I am not good at it –just do it."

"You did incredible at Glasso."

"Alpha, say the prayer!"

"Fine, my –what have I become?" Harry closed his eyes, "what I am saying?"

"Just hush, stop talking. –Okay; hello." Harry snorted and Louis stepped on his shoe. "Hello, Water –uh, it is Louis and Harry. We wanted to say thank you and –I wanted to say thank you for giving me a new chance at life even if it is a little odd. I always thought I was destined for one thing, I never could have imagined my life going in this direction but –I am also the happiest I have ever been. –I also want to say thank you to the other Elements; Air, Earth, and Fire –I never thought the Elements were so special but I think they keep order and balance, they make you feel like you are not alone. So, thank you. I know I am doing this wrong but I do not know any other way." Louis smiled, "thank you to my alpha as well, and my family, please take care of them –oh and bless Niall, Liam and Zayn, keep them safe from wandering eyes. –Oh and Julie," Louis bit his lip, "take care of her and her happiness, please. –And Ixion and Atlas too –oh and Thumb, please. –And Harry, of course, and Wisler –take care of Jackson and his family –the beings in the castle-"

Harry cleared his throat loudly.

"Okay, that is all, thank you. Amen."

"Amen." Harry shook his head, smirking, "I should have said it."

Louis puckered his lips, "I think I did okay for the first time."

"You did fine." Harry looked up, "are you ready to go?"

"Yes." Louis smiled brightly, "although I doubt I am going to be able to sleep."

"I will make you sleep then." Harry pulled him close, nibbling at his earlobe playfully. "If you cannot manage."

"Please." The omega batted his lashes, "I think I will need your help."

"How could I say no?"

The walk home was quiet, nice and quiet –it was not a day of silence but the walk back home was good enough.


"My King, good morning." Wisler sat in the chair in front of his desk. "I know I am early but we have much to do so I would rather be early."

"Good morning, Wisler."

Wisler unbuttoned one of the buttons on his coat, "how was your morning?"

"Well, yours?"

"Well, my King. And Louis, how is he? I am sure happy to be home after traveling the week before last."

"He is –he would hardly wake up to say goodbye to me. I only wanted a kiss but he was tired." The alpha bit his thumb, smiling to himself, "he is so soft in morning –just beautiful to look at. Sometimes –the sun is up and the way it comes through our curtains, it hits him in just the right way. Elements." Harry coughed into his hand, cheeks red at the top, shuffling his papers, "pardon me."

"Not at all. You always are so happy when you speak of Louis. It is a nice look on you, sir."

"Yes, he does look beautiful."

Wisler smirked, "I said, my King, happy is a good look on you. When you speak of him."

"Oh," Harry's brows wrinkled, "yes, of course. Excuse me."

"It is fine." Wisler opened his agenda, "As you know we have a meeting with counsel at three –a lunch as well. At the end of the week you will be visiting Circuit."

Harry closed his book, "yes."

"Yes? As usual it will be Zayn and you –correct?"

"Louis wanted to go." Harry opened his book, rubbing his temple. "I think."

"Is that –okay?"

"I do not know but he was very adamant." The king groaned, "Goodness, it is hot." He sat up straight, unbuttoning the top buttons on his shirt, "what did you say?"

"I –did not say anything, sir."

"Okay –just –send a letter –no, I will send a letter, asking. Goodness." Harry stopped moving all at once, staring blankly at the desk.

Wisler pressed his lips together, "is everything alright, my King?"

Harry closed the book once again, standing, "my rut is coming." He snatched up his coat, "I will see you tomorrow, around noon."

Wisler was unable to speak as the door was shut.

Harry stood at the top of the stairs, shaking his head. He couldn't recall a time he wanted to see someone so much. Louis, Louis, Louis; swimming, laughing, screaming –painting, around his head. It was overwhelming and Harry let it overwhelm him.

"My King!" Evy called, trailing after him.

Harry ran down each step, "I have to go."

"Oh." Evy covered his nose, "you-"

Harry shut his eyes, "Evy."

"Harry –you are in rut..."

The King stepped closer, licking his lips, "is it a surprise –that alphas go into rut?"

Evy blushed, "not at all –I just was wondering." He swallowed, "how Louis was? But you should go."

"Louis is doing perfect." Harry swayed, "my omega is perfect."

"I –okay?"

"I am leaving to go see –him." Harry turned on his heel, "My omega is perfect!"

"Sir?" Wisler was halfway down the stairs.

Harry stopped at the door the guard opened for him. "Can you imagine –our children?" Wisler and Evy's jaws fell open at the same time. "I want to see him –I have to go." He ran down the steps, away from the castle, groaning and running back up, "call the car!"


"No, no, no." Louis quickly closed thumb's cage. "You had your time out. We will go for a walk later, I promise." He stood suddenly, hands on his hips, "I have to finish my painting for Harry's office."

Louis whistled, walking over to his art supplies scattered over the floor, "my itty-bitty, my itty-bitty." He wiggled his hips happily, sitting back on his knees. Louis twisted his mouth at the unfinished work, "I needed green."

Louis had been working on it for the last three hours. The canvas was large –the largest one he had here. It was of the sun shining though autumn leaves; he had seen the image when he went outside to stay hello to Atlas. Harry's office was very brown and rustic. The color of the brown and orange leaves mixed with the light tone of yellow and orange coming through the gaps of leaves would be a perfect stand out in the large office space.

Hyperrealism was a newer form of art that Louis didn't necessarily love to do but did prefer to sculpt. Being a perfectionist came with certain annoyances. If he wanted to draw scenery, he could –Louis could make it look like art; art that contained lines and art that let you know it was art. When he wanted to draw a person, he could mix it up as he had done Harry's. He could make them look like art and make sure people knew it was art.

Hyperrealism frustrated him because every piece of art he had ever seen had some show of art. When he drew something so real, it had to look real all the way through –it should look like a photograph and, when told it was actually a drawing, should not be questioned. He had been convinced a few times but, when looked at closely, he was able find an inconsistency –a line out of place –the smallest smudge of an undefined line –something that just didn't make it look like a photo.

The artists that painted such works were extremely talented but convincing the eye of an artist took extra talent.

Aside from that, it did take a long time –sometimes too long. Louis had been working for three hours and hadn't even finished half of his work. Thumb needed to be let out, he had been hungry –he also had to make sure the twins had eaten –and studying took up some of his time as well.

He had also finished the second children's chapter book over breakfast. There were more books, a series that he had to go back for.

"Hm," Louis hummed, running his hand over his new necklace. He stroked the small strawberry charm, smiling at the thought of when Harry gave it to him.

The artist bit the end of his brush, "it must look perfect." He looked up quickly, head flicking towards the window at the sound of a car.

Louis scurried to the glass, jumping up and down when he saw the Royal car. He slapped both hands against the glass, whining high, "alpha!" Louis unlocked the window, leaning forward, breeze ruffling his hair. "Alpha!"

Harry's head shot up at him, eyes wide, mouth slightly open. Louis blinked, sniffing the air, "alpha?" He shivered at the smell that wafted upwards –Harry was trying to scent him from all the way down there. Louis held in a growl, gripping the windowsill. He could see the sweat on Harry's brow from upstairs.

Louis quickly shimmied off his robe, squeaking when Harry took off in a run into the house.

"Innocent eyes, innocent eyes." Louis threw a blanket over thumbs cage. He slid to his paints, cursing when the green paint bottle spilled over on his hands. Louis looked up when the door flung open, eyes rolling back at how good Harry smelled. He squeezed his paint covered fingers into fists, "ooh..." Louis' spine cracked, slick building up, "alpha..."

Harry's coat was off, shirt buttons popped open –the sweat on his face was a lot more prominent. The alpha's hand was tight on the doorknob, squeezing and un-squeezing.

"How was your day?"

Louis blinked quickly, surprised by the question, "you are in rut."

"I asked you a question."

The artist whimpered, biting his lip, "good, alpha..."

Harry released the doorknob, closing the door and locking it behind him before taking a wobbly step. "What did you do?"

Louis whined, bowing his head, "alpha..."


"I –I am painting you something for your office." Louis crawled, leaving small green handprints on the wood floor. He stopped in front of Harry, hands in his lap, chilly from the fan spinning above their heads. He looked up at Harry, who stared down at him, "smells good, alpha..." Louis pressed his face against Harry's crotch, nuzzling against his hardness. "Mm," he moaned softly, nibbling at the cloth, "my alpha..."

Harry growled, pressing his hand against the back of Louis' head, "have you taken your birth control today?"

Louis whined, pressing his nose closer, back of his thighs now wet, "not time yet..."

"Tell me," Harry breathed hard, "what else you did..." He sounded winded, but his grip was tight in Louis' hair, keeping his face pressed close to his clothed cock.

"I," Louis was drooling, green hands now destroying the top of Harry's pants. "I studied –I –ate –mm!" He squeezed his thighs together, feeling a thin liquid fall on his thigh, "alpha." Louis groaned when he was pushed down, back hitting the floor with a slap. He stared up at Harry standing over him, the green in his eyes barely visible.


Louis arched his back, green hands wiping on the floor to get as much off as he could. The artist rolled over, crawling slowly to their bed, "here..." Louis moved their nest carefully, eyeing Harry who watched him. He set it down slowly, climbing onto the bed as quickly as he could.

Louis turned on his face, putting two pillows underneath his lower half. He closed his eyes and waited.

He'd never been with an alpha besides Harry –and he'd never been with a rutting alpha –not even around one. Harry smelled so strong, rich and thick in his nose. The King was scenting the room a lot, probably with no knowledge of doing it.

"Let us," Harry panted, voice closer, "play pretend."

Louis shivered, "anything you wish, alpha."

"Anything?" Harry slapped a hand on Louis' ass and the omega leaned into it. "Anything at all?"


"Hm," Harry removed his hand, removing his clothes next. "I am about to lose my mind –you smell divine."

Louis whined, "Thank you, alpha."

"I come home," Harry cleared his throat, "to my omega painting –covered in paint. Just –naked and so, so," the alpha pressed two fingers against Louis' wet fluttering hole. "So ready for me."

Louis pushed back against the fingers, moaning, "Yes alpha."

Harry pushed his head into the mattress, "I am going to put so many fucking babies in you."

Louis screamed, pushing back harder, looking for some friction. He wiggled his hips enticingly, rubbing his front against the pillows beneath him.

Harry climbed onto the bed, "how would you like that? I know you have been begging me for children, omega."

Louis groaned, able to lift his head, "oh please put a baby in me –even one –please."

Harry slapped a firm hand across his ass, "have I told you how much I love coming home to you?"

Louis stared at the bed, eyes wide, "n-n-no."

"I love it so much," Harry hissed, dragging the tip of his length across the slick on Louis' thighs. "You are always waiting for me –you always hear me, get so excited for me..." The alpha rubbed his shaft up Louis' hole, sliding up and down across the wet cleft. "You –always look so pretty when I come home –I miss you when I am gone."

Louis was between tears with Harry's confession and tears because of how badly he wanted to be fucked.

"And then I imagine coming home to you, with you in nothing but your robe –feeding our child. Ooh," Harry shuddered, so close to pushing inside. "And –I –ugh –when our child is asleep, I would just –fuck." Harry's cock slipped inside accidently, "so wet." He laid across Louis' back, "so fucking wet, always ready for me."

Louis covered his mouth as Harry pushed in the rest of the way. He shut his eyes when teeth pulled at his chain.

"An artist and a King," Harry mumbled, licking across their bond mark. "But today," the alpha growled, nails digging into the sides of Louis' thighs, "oh today, my love, I will be the painter." He pulled out, slamming back inside, "I am going paint you in white and you are going to look stunning."


"Fuck, fuck!" Louis scratched his nails against their headboard, hands still green but dry, bowing his back in an awkward position as Harry rammed him. He had his legs wrapped around Harry's waist, with the alpha's hands around his mid back, taking him at an unearthly speed.

Louis was sore, having been knotted three times already but more than ready to be knotted a fourth.

"My omega –all mine –I have fucking the prettiest –dammit!" Harry pressed clenched teeth against Louis' stomach, "fuck, stay!" Harry pulled out and Louis' aching back finally hit the mattress. The King stroked himself quickly, growling when he started coming all over Louis' chest and stomach. "Yes..." Harry started scenting the room again, as he did every time he came. Louis wasn't sure why because he couldn't smell anything but Harry.

Louis did his part, sticking out his tongue, feeling light drops against it. He moaned, running a hand over his come coated torso, rubbing it over his groin and up to his neck.

Harry watched him closely, almost as if he were intoxicated. The alpha put a hand on Louis' stomach, dipping his thumb into his belly button, "how many...?" Harry caressed down to Louis' flaccid cock, "how many do you want again?"

"Three." Louis whined, "I want three, please."

Harry's smile looked dangerous, "as many as you wish." He leaned down, licking up Louis' stomach, all the way to his nipples, pulling on one with his teeth. "You will grow so beautifully."

Louis whimpered, pushing his chest closer, "yes, alpha."

"I want to fuck you in front of my people."

Louis growled, penis twitching with interest, "fuck..."

"Fuck you in front of everyone who thinks they could ever have what I have. Take you over and over –and you would let me."

"I would let you," Louis panted, hole clenching down on the come sliding out, "take me –please –please take me again."

Harry sat up, "I will do anything for you. I will take such good care of my omega." Louis sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, tears forming in his eyes. "My beautiful little strawberry –my artist –my omega."


"Ah!" Louis screamed, crouching when Harry roared into the bathroom. "Harry!"

"Get back to bed."



Louis ran past him, dropping his towel in between, climbing back into their bed. He frowned, hands on his thighs, "alpha."

"You –do not leave the bed while I am sleeping –do not leave the bed!"

Louis looked down, "I wanted to shower."

"Then you wake me and we will shower."

"I did not want to bother you."

"I need to see you –all the time. I must see you right now, do you understand?"

Louis nodded, "yes."

Harry rubbed his temples, "are you hungry –do you need something?"

"No, alpha."

The alpha worried his lip, "are you upset at me?"

Louis didn't look up, "no..."

"Please look at me then."

Louis did, eyes wet, "yes."

"Why are you crying?"

"Because you are yelling at me."

Harry got onto the bed, putting a hand on Louis' face, "I am sorry." He pulled him to his chest, carrying him off the bed, and putting him in their nest. "Sh, I am sorry." Harry kissed Louis' wet cheeks, "I did not mean to make you cry. I never want to make you cry, my baby."

"You were being mean."

"I know but," Harry laid Louis down, rubbing his stomach. "I just –right now, until my rut is completely over, I must be able to see you." He stroked Louis' hip bone, "If I do not, I will go rabid and I really do not want to hurt anyone."


"Alphas want to please their omega during rut, more than usual. They want to know their omega is safe and happy." He swallowed, getting that look in his eye (Louis learned), like he had an itch. "There –should not be anyone in this house right now and," he sniffled, "I have never wanted to hurt my family."

Louis sat up on his knees, "okay, I think I understand." He cupped Harry's face in both hands, "I understand, alpha. I will stay here, with you." Louis' breath hitched when he was grabbed roughly, "I understand... just calm down."

"Expose yourself to me."

Louis nodded slowly, "in our nest?" Harry didn't respond. "In our nest –where we love each other the most." He laid back, spreading his thighs, cupping his balls, "I can take more."

Harry made a wild noise, grabbing Louis' calves hard, "I know you can but do you want to?"

Louis smiled softly, "I always want you –in any way you will give me."

The alpha leaned down, poking around to find Louis' opening. He put a hand beside Louis' head, grabbing one of his thighs, "I have never wanted something so badly –what are you doing to me?"

Louis' mouth parted, "maybe –you love me too."

Harry pressed their noses together, tears dripping out of his eyes, "are you happy with me? Do I give you want you need –everything you want?"

"Everything. You spoil me."

Harry whined low and Louis let out his own whine, extremely happy hearing his alpha whine. He touched Harry's hanging strands, "I cannot wait to give you children." Louis moaned when he was penetrated, throwing his head back, "oh..."

Harry bared his teeth, eyes red with tears, fingers painting new bruises on Louis' thigh. He moved hurriedly, skin slapping painfully –making Louis numb. The alpha squeezed the blankets beside Louis' head, kissing him breathless. He licked over the omega's face, licking up tears –grooming him until Louis' whining started smothering him.

Harry sat up, put Louis' legs over his shoulder, and drove into the small omega that begged for more. He pressed his lips to the inside of Louis' knee, sobbing when he felt his balls tighten, knot swelling for the ninth time. Harry kissed the skin, choking on his wet cough. "I cannot." He shook his head, "I cannot-"

Louis reached up for him, distressed because Harry's tears were falling too quickly to be called anything but worrisome.

"Alpha, come to me –please, I need you."

Harry dropped Louis' legs, pulling out of him, standing. He stroked himself quickly, gripping his knot tight, "do not move."

Louis put a hand around Harry's ankle, watching the King above him. "Harry..."

Harry was coming, shaking, his knot swollen, "yes –fuck!" Louis had to shut his eyes with the amount of come that started coating him. Harry was knotting him –from up there. The omega fondled his own cock, rubbing his hands over the thick smooth substance now covering him.

"Perfect." Harry gasped, eyes the same as when he transformed. "So perfect."

Louis opened his eyes, blinking up at Harry. He brought a hand to his lips, licking it, keeping eye to eye with the alpha. Louis got up, pressing his nose to Harry's knot, sucking at it until the alpha pulled him away by his hair. Harry pushed his still hard length past Louis' lips, pushing his face down until he choked.

"I love you –oh my –you feel so good."

Louis blinked up at him, swallowing around the girth. He wheezed as he was pulled away, keeping his tongue out and waiting. Harry ran two fingers across Louis' tongue, "Louis."

Louis closed his mouth around the fingers, sucking on them hard. He pulled away, lifting Harry's hand to kiss the palm. "I love you too, Harry."

Harry was crying again and Louis shook his head, heart beating fast –painfully.

"Come to me." Louis held up his arms, and Harry dropped on top of him. The artist caressed the worn-out King, kissing any bits of Harry he could. "Talk to me..." It was wrong but Louis had been dragging out bits of information from Harry. He didn't realize alphas were so honest during rut. "Why are you crying, alpha? What can you not do?"

Harry pressed Louis' wrist to his mouth, sobbing against it. "I cannot have children."

Louis frowned but quickly shook it off, "we are only pretending."

"Louis –how will I ever have children?"

"Why –can you not have children, Harry?"

"I am a King –look at what happened to my family." Harry kept Louis' wrist to his mouth, "my father was never there. My mother was but –she was miserable and –how will I ever –my child will hate me because I am always working. I cannot run Arizella and have a family without one failing but –I cannot be like him... I will not but –how can I raise a family?"

"Oh Harry." Louis laid his head on top the alpha's as he cried. "Oh my alpha...."

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