Curse Of A Witch (Book 1)

By Jack_1_Frost

10.9K 560 474

Jack had almost hurt, or even killed, his friends by accidentally tripping over a curb and creating a massive... More

Ch. 1 It Was An Accident, I Swear!!
Ch.2 I Didn't Mean To Do It!
Ch.3 The Witch
Ch.4 Rescue
Ch.5 I'm Gen Lockwood
Author's Note heh...
Ch.6 New Home?
Ch. 7 Oh my
Ch.8 Forgiveness
Ch. 9 Tragic Memory
Ch. 10 Adventure
Ch. 11 Family Tree
Ch. 12 Sentiment
Ch. 13 Peace
Ch. 14 Setting In
Ch. 15 Return
Ch. 16 Take Care
Ch. 17 Meeting
Ch. 18 Trust
Ch. 19 Baby Steps
Ch. 20 Protection
Ch. 21 Baby Tooth
Ch. 23 Relief
Ch. 24 How Bad Is It?
Ch. 25 Maybes amd What if's
Ch. 26 "Ms. Lockwood"??
Ch. 27 Mornin!
Ch. 28 McDonald's
Ch. 29 Pitch
Ch. 30 What Is Going On?
Ch. 31 Nightmare?
Ch. 32 Are You Worried?
Ch. 33 Near
Ch. 34 The Witch
Ch. 35 Jack Frost
Ch. 36 Happy
Ch. 37 Stay
Ch. 38 Scared
Ch. 39 Space
Ch. 40 Checking In
Ch. 41 Fear
Ch. 42 Wounds
Ch. 43 Some Rest
Ch. 44 A Plan For Justice
Ch. 45 A Minor Detail
Ch. 46 Trial
Ch. 47 Finally Over
Ch. 48 Different
Ch. 49 His Guardian
Ch. 50 Growing
Ch. 51 Change (End)
A/N Must Read
A/N Last/Book 2 News

Ch. 22 Stop Baby Tooth!

153 9 3
By Jack_1_Frost

*No One's P.O.V.*

Bunny and Gen shared concerned looks. They weren't sure what Baby Tooth was asking but had a few guesses when Jack repeated her question. Bunny decided to keep quiet for now, continuing to rub his little brother's back in an attempt to comfort him.

Baby Tooth's face was utterly heartbreaking. She sat motionless in Jack's hand with tears in her eyes. She was terrified, and seeing Jack shed a tear in front of her frightened her more.

His empty smile was adding to to the fear. She began to shake her head, squeaking defiantly and frantically. Jack pulled her close to his chest, his hands trembling slightly. "Baby Tooth-" he began but was met with a shrill squeak.

"Baby Tooth don't cry.. p-please.." he begged in a hushed tone as the fairy sobbed into his hoodie. Gen couldn't watch as she knew what the two had talked about now. She realized that Baby Tooth had asked if he was going to die. Bunny realized this too, and it devestated him.

This was hard on everyone, he knew, but they hadn't let it sink in until now. Now that his time was very short now. Jack flinched slightly, "Baby Tooth ple- no please!" The boy was struggling to hold onto his dear friend who was fighting to get out of his grip.

"Ow!!" He shouted as she pricked his finger, causing him to release her. "Baby Tooth!" Bunny shouted at her. The fairy paused to look at him and then her companion who she didn't intend to hurt.

She sucked in a breath and flew out, into the snowy tundra outside. "BABY TOOTH NO!!" Jack shouted desperately, it was still snowing and she was so tiny, she could get hurt or freeze out there.

In the blink of an eye Jack sprung into action, swinging the door open and sprinting outside, ignoring the shouts of protest from the yetis, Gen, Bunny and the other baby teeth.

Jack shielded his face with one arm and held out his other just in case he might bump into something. "BABY TOOTH!!" He called, but the snow defeaned his cries.

He ran farther out, continuing to call for her but recieving no response. His heart was racing, where could she be? Is she hurt? Is she burried under the snow? Freezing to death?

Tears pricked his eyes, the cold making them burn and sting. His feet were beginning to hurt from the cold. He ran out into the snow without shoes or even socks to protect his toes. As he tried calling for his friend once again, he was suddenly scooped up in giant furry arms.

He kicked and struggled, "No! I have to find her!! She'll get hurt! I can't stop the storm, PLEASE!!" He begged, screaming and kicking. He couldn't stop the snow to save her. He couldn't do anything. His protests were met with grumbles and the grip on him tightening.

The yeti, Doc, Phil's best friend, brought the struggling boy back to the house. Once inside, he closed the door with his rump, Jack still struggling. "LET ME GO I NEED TO FIND HER!!" his shrill scream made Gen flinch. "Sweet pea-" she tried but Jack only kicked and shouted for Baby Tooth more.

Doc asked another of the Yeti's to light a fire to warm Jack up, which was quickly done. "RWATA!!" Doc's gruff voice boomed which silenced Jack. The boy was quiet, unmoving now, so Doc set him down gently onto the floor near the fireplace.

Gen quickly rushed to him and wrapped him in a blanket. "Sweet pea you can't do that! Are you oka-" she reached her hand out to see his face but he jerked away. She looked at him in deep concern, realizing that he was trembling violently.

She was going to chalk it up to the cold until she saw his eyes. He was running on adrenaline so she doubted he could feel the cold right now. His eyes looked wild and terrified. "Sweet pea?" She asked.

"S-she could die.." his voice was small and shaky. "She could die and I can't stop it!!" He shouted as he looked up at her, tears slipping from his eyes. "I-I have to go find her, Gen! Please- I can't-" he trembled more, trying not to let himself break.

"Bunny went to find her, Sweet Pea. Its going to be okay," she slowly wrapped her arms around him. "Bunny said that since he's a.. spirit.. he can withstand the cold much longer than a human can. He'll find her." She gently rocked side to side with him, holding one of his hands in hers.

"You're freezing Sweet Pea.. come," she coaxed him to move closer to the fire but he shook his head frantically. "Okay, its okay. Here, take my blanket too then." She wrapped her blanket around him so that he had another layer to warm him up faster.

After a few moments, Jack's trembling eased up though his hands continued to shake so Gen held onto them, rubbing soothing circles on them. Doc came closer to the pair at seeing the boy calming down more and knelt beside him.

Jack anxiously avoided looking at him and scooted away a bit. Doc noticed and backed off a little with a concerned look. "Rawgg?" He asked softly, he knew why Jack was acting this way. He'd shouted in his ear quite loudly and he knows Jack gets like this when theres yelling.

"I-I'm sorry, Doc.. I.." Jack trailed, he knows that Doc is more soft spoken than other yeti's and that Doc really dislikes raising his voice, even to other yetis. The small boy looked from Gen then up to the squatting yeti.

Said yeti had a soft smile on his face as he shook his head dismissively. "Warragg gahr," he said which meant 'dont worry, child.' He pat the boy's head and went back to his post.

Gen gave a soft thankful smile to Doc, who smiled kindly back at her. She continued to hug the scared boy and hold his hands. "She's gonna be okay, I know it." She reassured. 15 minutes had gone by and Jack was getting worked up again, but as if on que, Bunny burst through the door.

"I got 'er!" He shouted with his hands cupped in front of him. He rushed to the fireplace as Jack hurriedly reached out for her. "Sh-she's ice cold-" he hushed himself as he scooted towards the fireplace more.

He used the corner of one of the blankets to wrap her in as he checked for her breathing. "Is she breathing?" Gen asked leaning over Jack's shoulder. He nodded and everyone sighed in relief.

"Baby Tooth come on.." he urged as he stroked her tiny head with his thumb. "Please wake up, please.." he begged. She shifted and opened her eyes slowly with a strained squeak.

Jack was so relieved that he couldnt hold it in any further. He sobbed. "Baby Tooth I was so w-worried!" He cried out as her little eyes stared up at him in shock and also sadness.

"I-I can't stop the snow- I-if Bunny w-wasn't here-" he couldn't even get his sentences out, he was sobbing so hard. Baby Tooth was now also tearing up and sobbing. She felt horrible for taking off like that, for making him worry. But she hated that she'd made her always smiling friend cry more than anything.

She wanted to give him such a big hug, tell him it was okay and that she's here, that she wouldn't do it again. But she can't hug him, she's too small. So she rubbed her feathery cheeks into his hands, cooing softly.

"Please d-don't do that again!" He begged as Gen rubbed his back solemnly. Baby Tooth squeaked as to tell Jack that she promised she wouldn't do it ever again. He nodded, "You b-better not!" He sniffled as Baby Tooth continued to coo at him, easing his tears away.

She snuggled into his hands, noticing that they were just starting to warm back up themselves. She looked up at him as he wiped the excess tears with his sleeve.

She asked if he'd gone after her to which Jack nodded frantically, "Of course I did!" She smiled softly and snuggled into his hands.

Bunny's heart wrenched as Jack had cried his eyes out, he'd never seen the boy cry before and he hated it. "Baby Tooth, your wing is injured," Gen pointed out.

"What?!" Jack gently turned Baby Tooth to take a look, who was looking ashamed and guilty. "No.. Baby Tooth.." Jack shook his head. Their wings are sensitive to cold, even Tooth's.

"I'll get Tooth, she might be able to fix it." Bunny made a tunnel but before he jumped in, Jack stopped him. "Thank you for going out there to find her. Thank you so much." He said with such sincerity that warmed Bunny's heart.

"Anytime, mate." And he jumped through the tunnel to retrieve the Tooth Fairy, who of course, will not be happy with her mini helper.

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