Black & White || BTS FF

By AnimalLover20240

9.8K 633 104

You felt the cold metal of the gun press against your temple. Your breath shaky, you only prayed you would se... More

Chapter 1: Back in School
Chapter 2: Dumplings
Chapter 3: Like the Old Days
Chapter 4: Gone
Chapter 5: A Mole
Chapter 6: A Race Against the Clock
Chapter 7: Caught on Camera
Chapter 8: The Red Room
Chapter 9: Torture
Chapter 10: He Knows
Chapter 11: No One Should Know
Chapter 12: One Step Closer
Chapter 13: What Now?
Chapter 14: A Needle In A Haystack
Chapter 15: A Bad Smell
Chapter 16: Quality... time?
Chapter 17: Eyes and Ears Everywhere
Chapter 18: A Shade Amongst Shadows
Chapter 19: Regret
Chapter 20: Absent
Chapter 21: The Predator and The Prey
Chapter 22: Pizza...?
Chapter 23: Frozen
Chapter 24: Face to Face
Chapter 25: Lost and Found
Chapter 26: Euphoria
Chapter 27: Growing a Moustache
Chapter 28: The Beggar
Chapter 29: It'll Hurt
Chapter 30: Cat Out Of The Bag
Chapter 31: Lifeless
Chapter 32: Hate
Chapter 33: Maroon
Chapter 34: It's Your Fault
Chapter 35: Unfocused
Chapter 36: Out With A Bang
Chapter 37: Blackrose
Chapter 38: Purple Rings
Chapter 39: Help
Chapter 40: Eat My Dust
Chapter 41: And Then There Were Six
Chapter 42: Stutter
Chapter 43: Relief
Chapter 44: Not Again
Chapter 45: Rats
Chapter 46: Trust Is A Two-Way Street
Chapter 47: A Cup Of Tea
Chapter 48: Abandoned
Chapter 49: Under The Willow Tree
Chapter 50: Tough Love
Chapter 51: Sticks and Twigs
Chapter 52: One More Chance
Chapter 53: Lots of Love, OSH
Chapter 54: Where's Yoongi?
Chapter 55: Maybe, Just Maybe
Chapter 56: A Picnic in the Park
Chapter 57: Blotchy Red
Chapter 58: Tacked Up
Chapter 59: Exposed
Chapter 60: Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Chapter 61: Breathe In, Breathe Out
Chapter 62: The Beginning Of The End
Chapter 63: Circles
Chapter 64: Loved
Chapter 65: Cleaning Up
Chapter 66: The Time Has Come
Chapter 67: The Lims
Chapter 68: It's Over
Chapter 69: A Deer in Headlights
Chapter 70: Truth Hurts
Chapter 71: Rage
Chapter 72: To The Basement
Chapter 73: Why Not?
Chapter 74: Releasing The Beast
Chapter 75: At Last... Peace?
Chapter 76: Letting Go
Chapter 77: '@Y/N...'
Chapter 78: Confrontations
Chapter 79: Conflicted
Chapter 80: Moving on..?
Chapter 81: Father and Son
Chapter 82: He Can... what?
Chapter 83: Rule Number One
Chapter 84: He's MY Hero
Chapter 85: The Walls Come Crashing Down
Chapter 86: Mending The Broken
Chapter 87: Saviour In The Smoke
Chapter 88: Free
Epilogue: A Laughing Sandwich


781 26 1
By AnimalLover20240

Your heart thumped in your chest, sweat beading on your forehead. For the first time, you were stuck. You didn't know what to do. Usually these situations are in your control, but for once, you were outnumbered. 

An emotion settled in your heart, something you had never felt before. Fear. You weren't familiar with it. You had never been put in a situation where it was present. Usually, you were in control of everything, laughing maniacally as you watched your enemies fall around you. 

But this time? There was no back up. No way out. There was no way you could get out of this situation. Or so you thought.

Being held at gunpoint alone in a room was never fun. You were used to it, but it was never fun. Usually, you had a back up plan. I mean, it's not like you didn't have a backup plan. You just, well-

Let's just say it was different this time. Yes, it was DIFFERENT. Because the man in front of you was holding a camera. Broadcasting. LIVE. And he was about to remove your mask. 

Reveal your identity to the whole world. The identity you had strived so hard to hide, to protect not only yourself, but your "family". The people who meant the world to you. You wouldn't be able to see them in danger. It would break you.

Tied to a chair; arms and legs bound firmly to the cold metal seat. Your head was hung low, hair hanging miserably in front of your face. Come on... where are you, girls? Shouldn't they have already ambushed the warehouse? What was taking so long?! 

Here you were, about to be revealed to the whole world, and they were what, taking a walk in the park!? You snapped back into reality as the man's bony fingers roughly grasped your chin yanking, your head up. "Are you ready, princess? The 'almighty Blackrose'? You ready for the whole world to see who you truly are?" He said, trying to use his huskiest and sexiest voice, ultimately failing.

That bud of fear that had sprouted in you earlier? Yeah.... no. It instantly withered and died.

Apparently he wasn't as "dangerous" as you had first predicted.

You tried to stifle a laugh, but it didn't really work. You ended up making a noise in between a snort and a choke, causing him to frown. "You're not very intimidating, you know that right?" You provoked, finding a gun in your face the next moment. 

"Shut up! You'll be ruined in a second!" Turning back to the camera, he began to make the classic villain's "I'm-about-to-take-over-the-world-and-you-can't-do-anything-about-it!" speech. You smirked beneath your mask, as this was a perfect stall. This would be the perfect opportunity for the girls to show up.

Speaking of them, where are they!?

You had no idea what was going to happen. All you could do was hope and pray. It wasn't something you did well, you had to admit. "Hoping" wasn't reliable enough. It wasn't safe enough. "Hoping" doesn't save your life. 

You knew full-well that this mysterious man from a low-ranked mafia gang was going to kill you after humiliating you in front of the world. 

Which was ironic, really. How could a pathetic little gang from the back-alleys of Seoul capture, humiliate, and kill the most dangerous, capable, and cunning Mafia Queen? The one and only Blackrose? How!? He couldn't, right? 

That would honestly be the worst way to go. Shameful. It wouldn't live up to your family's legacy. Well, the "family no one knew of"'s legacy. You chuckled silently at that. Haha, family. Right. You have no parents, idiot.

But that thought brought a slight frown to your face. I may not have parents, but I do have a family. I do have people to live for. And what if I don't come back? 

The doubt began to creep into your mind again, along with the fear. You realised in that moment that you can't die here. You're afraid of dying. Because you know just how much it would break the people who have come to care so much about you. 

Suddenly, it dawned on you. You've always said that you have no fear, and never have you felt it before. You've never been worried about dying, because death itself had never stared you in the eye before. Not like this. You've never confronted the situation of your identity being revealed and the effect it may have on your loved ones. You've never even considered it before. 

And now you realised how stupid that was. You did have a fear. It was the fear of losing your loved ones. And that was more than just losing them, them being killed or taken, and you not being able to do anything about it. It was also if you were killed. Because if you were dead, you would still lose them.

Your eyes widened in realisation. I have to get out of here.

But you knew you wouldn't be able to do it alone. Not with a crazy, arrogant psychopath STILL ranting to the camera in front of him. Not in a massive warehouse with what seemed like at least 50 armed men in the room. 

You'd need a distraction. Something to cause utter confusion and give you that vital 3 seconds to escape. You'd have to trust that the girls had a plan, even though you didn't like to have to solely rely on other people. But they ALWAYS have a plan. They have to. They've never-

The lights began to flicker, and so did the rising hope in your chest. Confused murmurs filled the room.



You saw your kidnapper slowly turn around to face you. Confusion, and a hint of worry written on his face.



The lights turned off. You smirked under your mask as the warehouse was swallowed in the darkness.

They were here.


Hi guys! Please let me know your thoughts on this little teaser of the story. I'd also like to know how regularly you guys think I should update or whether I should wait until closer to school holidays before I publish more chapters. I currently have around 1 hour and a half of the story written and am still editing. It will be a long fanfic. Every chapter is also around the length of the prologue.

Please let me know if you want me to publish the first 10 chapters of the story at once, or just publish them gradually, as I am still writing the rest of it.

I will try to update as regularly as possible, maybe 1 or 2 times a week, but as I still have school, I may not always be able to meet this deadline.

Again, please leave some comments here so I can get an idea of what I'm going to do with the rest of the story (publishing and stuff)

I also apologise for any grammatical mistakes I have missed!!


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