Sparks Return [Completed]

By LittlePumpkinWriter

370K 11.8K 1.1K

Burn for me as I burn for you. May it be in love or hate, burn for me. *** Breaking news: Hello world, this i... More

1: The Day my Name Became Popular
2: The Day an Unknown Number Called Me
3: The Perfect Night for my Perfect Nightmare
4: The Days I Attacked with Silence
5: The Night We Had a Visitor
6: The Night Fire Lit Us Up
7: The Days I Made Myself Forget Again
8: The Night Someone Bought Me a Drink
9: The Night I Can't Control
10: The Day I Joined A Tug of War
11: The Night I Drew My Last Straw
12: The Day She Finished What She Started
Writer's Note
13: The Day I Went to Waste
14: The Days I Lost and Charity Made Me Win
15: The Day I Found Conflict
16: The Night I Wanted a Dose
17: The Day I Met a Duplicate
18: The Day I Had My Own Waterfall
19: The Day There Was Another Color Other Than Black and White
Writer's Note
Your Opinions Matter
20: The Day I Became a Rock
21: The Day I Have Arrhythmia
22: The Night Bewilderment Was My Friend
Writer's Note: Happy Holidays!
23: The Day the Masquerade Was Over
24: The Day I Had a Surprise in the OR
25: The Days I Got Lost
26: The Night I Wanted To Dye
27: The Night I Made an Appearance
28: The Night the Lights Flickered
29: The Night There was the 'Calm before the Storm'
Writer's Note
30: The Day Forgiveness was a Sin
31: The Night She Doesn't Want to Talk to Strangers
32: The Night We Lost Our Minds
Writer's Note: 💔
Writer's Note
33: The Day Friendship Tilted My World Upside Down
34: The Night I was Trapped in the Queen's Castle
35: The Night Closure Was Our Reboot Button
36: The Day the Tenacious Cupid Visited Me
37: The Night Blaze Set Me on Fire
38: The Day I Bet My Heart on a Gamble
39: The Day Her Tears Stabbed Me Hard
40: The Night I Cursed at Destiny
41: The Night Vultures Watched From Above
42: The Day I Wore my Armor
43: The Night He was My Shield
44: The Day We Can't Say No to a Child
45: The Night Another Knight Wielded His Sword
46: The Night Blood Revealed Our Secret
47: The Day We Healed Our Wounds
48: The Day The Chef Almost Got Burned
Writer's Note
49: The Night an Angel was Between Us
50: The Day I was Ambushed
Rekindle the Fire
51: The Day Fingers Were the Sharpest Knives
52: The Day I Told Him a Fact and a Fuck You
53: The Day Bravery Made Her Beautiful
54: The Night Curiosity will Kill the Mouse
55: The Day of Mind Games
56: The Night I Played Games of The Generals
57: The Night My Blue Flames were Put Out
58: The Day We Found Peace in the Silence
59: The Day of Good Suits and Threats
60: The Night Sparks Returned
61: The Night of Yin and Yang
62: The Night We Licked our Wounds
63: The Night a Diamond Glinted
64: The Night of a Quiet Surprise
65: The Day Heroes Didn't Wear Capes
66: The Day My Bodyguard Dropped a Bomb
67: The Night Fire Touched My Skin
68: The Day of Power Play
69: The Day We Attack with our Voices
70: The Day I Lost My Breath
71: The Day the Devil Offered Me an Apple
72: The Day I Used My Own Weapon
73: The Day We All United For My Queen
74: The Day Time Was Both a Friend and an Enemy
75: The Day I Mended Bonds and Broke Ties
76: The Day Truth Speaks and the World Listens
77: The Day the Godfather Screamed for Silence
78: The Night of Life Decisions
79: The Day I Played Chess to Protect the Queen
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 2
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 3
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 4
Burn: The Epilogue
Writer's Note
Important Announcement

80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 1

945 50 7
By LittlePumpkinWriter

80: The Day Love Burned Brightly

Part 1

Emil's POV

After my small talk with the journalist whom I came to know now was Dennis of a news agency in America, I went back to the suite only to see Biya walking with her physical therapist. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and her skin was radiant now after months of recovering. Despite her only in a hospital gown and her fluffy white slippers, she looked beautiful as ever.

"Oh! You're back!" Her face glowed more radiant and her lips drew into a beautiful smile. God! She's breathtaking. Her unmatched beauty was always a breath of fresh air I would always need.

"Hey beautiful!" I waved at her, jogging to meet her halfway. Her cheeks went flush and she bit her lower lip before she went full-blown blushing.

"Do you feel tired, Miss Beatrice?" Her therapist asked.

"No. Let's keep walking." She responded before she started to walk again using her crutches. She limply did that and the therapist and I both walked slowly with her. There was pure determination in her eyes as we walked by the hallways and I was proud of her pushing through.

"If you feel anything that makes it inconvenient for you to walk, tell me, Signorina. We don't want you to stress your muscles out."

"I will, Riza." She smiled at her. Her therapist looked at me, nodding before watching Biya and guiding her on how to not put too much pressure on her worse injured leg. It might take a few more months for her to fully recover and strengthen her leg muscles as they told me but I knew Biya would make it. She was one strong and determined woman. We continued to silently walk by the hallway when I heard a scuffle down the hallways to our right. Three men with cameras on hand suddenly came to a halt in front of us, their eyes wide with surprise. I immediately stepped forward and shielded Biya away from them.

"Hello gentlemen. How can we help you?" I asked. I won't lie. I was tense. They were probably here to try to look for her. I heared Biya come close behind me. These fuckers. If they do something to spread false rumors, I'll have their heads. The memory of her getting scared from all the cameras being directed to her flashed back and anger began to brew inside me.

"What are we going to do, miss?" I heard her therapist whisper.

"Just stay close. Let Emil handle this." She whispered back. I clenched my fist and put my other hand to the side to make sure Biya gets blocked out of their view.

"I got you on your side, Signorina." I heard Riza speak to her in a calm manner and it gave me a little assurance that her therapist was helping us in this sudden ambush.

"I asked you a question. How can we help you?" I repeated to them and their initial shock faded away with the blink of their eyes.

"Uhm..." Click. The man on the left took a photo of us with his camera he held just by his stomach. I heard Biya gasp behind me before she pressed herself against my back.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get out!" I cursed. Then, a few more clicks were heard; a rapid fire of photos being taken was heard. I pushed myself to step forward but the thought of having to leave Biya's side daunted on me and I immediately stopped. Damn them! Where the fuck were the bodyguards when needed?!

"After them!" I heard Marcus shout by the distance. His voice triggered fear in their now wide eyes. It might have come to their senses that they were being chased by my bodyguards as they all bumped against each other before scampering.

"Are you okay?" I asked Biya, turning back to see her just watching the three men getting chased by my bodyguards calmly.

"I'm fine. I don't think I was seen. I hid pretty well behind your back and Riza helped by blocking them on my side." She sighed in relief.

"I'm glad. Sorry someone passed the security. I'll-" I breathed out, worried for her.

"Emil, it's fine. You cannot shield me at all times and that's fine. I'm fine. Thank you for being here." She smiled, her now healed hand coming to touch my face. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to compose myself from the sudden intrusion those men did.


"No buts. Besides, I am getting used to their attention. As long as they don't harm me, I'll be fine. Okay?" She smiled. Dio! She managed to smile despite the encounter. I couldn't help but breathe out the tension I felt. Resting my forehead on hers, I closed my eyes again.

"Give me a few seconds." I breathed out before the tension in my body that I never felt I had earlier dissipated. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that she also closed her eyes, relishing the silence we both had. With the flutter of her eyes opening, she was my remedy.

"Feeling better?" She asked in that damn soothing voice that she has.

"Yes." I kissed her forehead and stepped back.

"Let's go back to your room, miss. We can do the next exercises there." Riza who has stepped away a few feet away from us smiled.

"Good idea."

When Biya was back safely in her room, I instructed Milos to guard the door outside.

"Emil, don't be too harsh on them, okay?" She advised. She held my hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"They barged in, Biya. They should know their limitations." I was angry that they got through. Should I provide tighter security? How did they get in?

"They didn't harm me or anything. Let them take pictures. Let your grandfather know that I am recovering well. That would be a slap on his face." She said.

"Are you sure?" I sighed and she smiled again. She is taking this situation better than me.

"I am sure. Now go. Don't be too harsh on them."

"I will never be this calm if it's not because of you." I huffed out to which she chuckled.

"That's true. Now go tell them."

"Tell them what?" She laughed again and I looked at her confused. What did I miss?

"Tell them the truth. That we're in a relationship. That I am feeling better. Tell them what they need to know." I just stared at her, surprised by the confidence she exuded. She was willing to tell the world what we have now... This was a moment I have dreamed of. To tell the world we were together. That she was mine and I was hers.

"For real? Is this how we're going to break it to the world?" I marched to her side, happy and a little bit nervous. She laughed.

"Yes. For real. Now go! Riza here will beat your ass up with my crutches if you continue to delay my session with her." Her therapist instantly held her hands in the air in a surrender.

"Gosh! I would never do that." She laughed again. I couldn't help but chuckle at the way Biya was turning the serious matter into a lighthearted one. Only she can defuse a bomb I would find difficult to figure out.

"Okay. I'll let you with your sessions now. I'll be back." I closed the gap between us and hugged her.

"Go shake the world with your news once more, love."

"You're my source of strength to make the world quake, baby." I replied kissing her quickly on the lips. She blushed, hiding against my chest.

"Stop! Riza is here." She grumbled against my chest and I laughed.

"I'm sure she's fine with it. Professionalism and all. Right, Riza?" I asked the now quiet but smiling therapist who stepped back again.

"Oh. Si, Signore. No problem with that." She grinned.

I left them with their session after that and went to the main lobby looking for Marcus.

"We apologize, Sir. They managed to slip in and try to find her." A bodyguard came rushing to my side, out of breath.

"Where's Marcus?"

"Dealing with the matter outside, Sir." He replied.

"Lead me to him." I said and he signaled two more bodyguards to follow us.

"Right this way, Sir." He opened the main entrance and I easily spotted Marcus with one of them men in front of him. The photographer had his head down. Where did his friends go? Where was the one who took the pictures?

"Marcus." I acknowledged my bodyguard.

"Sir. I'm sorry three of them breached security. They pretended to be damn patients of the hospital and changed at the stairs in your floor. They left their bags there that hid their cameras." He began to explain.

"Where are his companions?" I noticed the photographer visibly shake as he raised his head to meet my gaze.

"Where are your friends, amico?" I asked him and he quickly bowed multiple times, a mantra of apologies coming out of his mouth.

"Enough with the apologies. Where are your friends?" I asked again and he looked at me, scared.

"They ran away and left me. I swear, Signore, I didn't mean to intrude. I came with them to stop them but they didn't listen. We didn't expect to see you in that hallway. I'm so sorry." His voice shook while he explained his side. I sighed, completely stressed out and frustrated with their nosy asses.

"You guys. How many times do I have to tell you to respect my life and the lives of those close to me? This is my last warning. That includes all of you here." I looked at them seriously and warned them.

"Don't ever ambush us like that. You're lucky Biya is calm with what you did."

"I'm sorry, Sir." He bowed again. I knew he would continue to apologize if I don't ever give him closure so with the light pat on his shoulder, I gave him his answer.


"Oh! Thank you, Sir. Thank you!" He said before he rushed to the rest of the group of journalists and photographers.

"As for you all, please don't ever come in the floor we are in. I ask that you give Biya time to recover well. I don't want anyone to stress her out. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Si, Signore!" Everyone spoke in agreement.

"Good. If someone breaks in again to take pictures, I'll make sure your photos and articles won't ever looked by anyone. Got it?" Everyone fell silent at my threat before a collective series of apologies and promises of not doing it again were heard.

"We have a question, Sir. Well... questions... If we may." Someone in the middle raised his hand.

"Go for it." Everyone looked at the guy who inquired, a collected look of agreement in their eyes were clear. I smirked at that. It seemed like they knew what they wanted to ask for a long time now. I wouldn't blame them though. We haven't been vocal and secrets were kept.

"What's your relationship status with Miss Beatrice? Why are you the one looking after her?" I spotted Marcus on my left tense up while the rest had their eyes on me, waiting for my answer.

"We're officially together. She's my girlfriend." I smiled, remembering what she had said to me earlier. There was audible gasps in the group while the others expressed how they knew they were right. Then, their cameras flashed and I composed myself to show how proud I was of fighting for her. I looked at each camera with the message clearly for the haters and most especially to Zeke, Nonno and Stephanie. Look at me. Biya and I are still standing strong together. You all lose.

When the interview was done, I went back inside with Marcus quickly ordering every bodyguard to go back to their usual posts around the hospital. I heard him check on the floor where Biya was and he updated me that nothing unusual was detected and everything was fine. My head felt light and I felt like I was in euphoria. I was quiet about it but deep inside me, I felt satisfaction announcing to the world that she was mine. It had only been a dream before and now it's a reality.

"Well, that's a way to announce your relationship considering that this is her last day staying in the hospital." He remarked.

"Yeah. Well, it will calm them down a bit. Biya gave me the go signal to announce it too."

"I'm glad you two found the courage to face the world, Sir."

"Thank Biya for that." I replied. Milos regarded me with a nod and a knowing smile. He must have known what I did now. He opened the door for me.

"Dude! That's one way to officially announce it to the world." Blaze greeted me by the doorway with a smirk on his face.

"I come in fucking peace and if you dare to harm me or my damn family, I shall bring wrath to this Earth. By the way, I am in a relationship with Beatrice!" He spoke in a voice like a fucking dark overlord with one hand in a spock sign. Biya burst out laughing while Riza mashed her lips together trying to stop herself from laughing.

"So this is it. You have officially announced your relationship to the public. I wonder how the world takes it this time?" There was pride in my friend's eyes. I regarded him with a nod and he smiled.

"Whatever happens, we're going to face it like we should have faced it before." Biya held her hand forward, reaching for me and I went to her. Intertwining our hands together, we faced the two.

"We've come out stronger." I agreed with her. A few minutes after the interview, Luigi came inside in a rush.

"Luigi what-" I was about to ask what he was doing when he grabbed the TV remote and remote and turned the TV on.

"It's official! Mr. Emil Carini has given the answer the world has been waiting for months now. The notorious celebrity star is now out of his bachelor days with his announcement that he and Miss Beatrice Kairis are in a relationship. Reporters who have been following Mr. Carini for months after Miss Kairis has been involved in a car accident have finally gotten the chance to ask the star what is his relationship status with Beatrice Kairis. Here is the clip from earlier outside the Salvare General Hospital." The female reporter spoke with enthusiasm in her voice. Then my face was shown up close.

"What's your relationship status with Miss Beatrice? Why are you the one looking after her?" Someone asked. I smiled like an idiot and I looked away from Biya, embarrassed that she was watching me with that stupid smile I had. I admit I looked like a lovesick guy announcing that she was my girlfriend but hey, I still have not gotten used to seeing my face especially me smiling on TV when I discuss my personal life.

"Oh look how cute you are." She teased me with a giggle. I felt my cheeks grow hot at that. Clearing my throat, I just pointed at the TV.

"J-just watch that. Don't look at me." I fucking stuttered.

"We're officially together. She's my girlfriend." I heard myself say on TV and I couldn't contain the smile that was forming. Damn it! I felt proud, relieved and estatic just hearing it on the news. I can finally tell to the world that she's mine. I felt her hand slip and hold mine. Looking at her, there was a silent and mutual understanding between us. We are finally free. Free from constantly hiding from the eyes of the public. Free to express ourselves to the world. Free from the prejudice. A tear slipped from her and trailed down her cheek and her happiness can be seen by the way her eyes twinkled. Leaning down to her, I kissed her tear away before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Thank you, Emil. We won. We deserve this." Her voice came in a whisper. She closed her eyes as I rested my forehead against hers.

"Yes. Thank you for giving me the second chance a man rarely gets to redeem himself for his lady. I love you." I said and we completely ignored the rest of the report about us.

"I love you too." When we looked at the television again, a picture flashed on the screen. It was from earlier in the hallway while Biya was trying to practice walking. The image of me hiding Biya behind me with one hand stretched to the side and my other hand in a clenched fist. Looking at it now, I found it funny. I looked like I was about to punch someone.

"Sorry ladies. Looks like Mr. Carini has his eyes only for one woman now. Now let's go to our international news." It has only been Biya once I fell in love with her. I kept the thought to myself. Whatever happens now, I will fight for us. I will not let anyone ruin us again. If it takes for us to walk through fire, I'll carry her and cross it. Holding her close to me, I made her face me once again. She was staring at me and then my lips like she was asking for it. I silently groaned, turned on at how deeply she can affect me. Without a second to waste, I crashed my lips to hers.

"You're the only woman for me."

Part 1/4 for the 80th chapter. Thank you for the support. I've been really really busy lately with work and Ambassador stuff here on Wattpad. Plus, I have to admit this embarrassing moment I had. I FORGOT MY OWN PASSWORD HERE ON WATTPAD HAHAHAHAHAHA! Gosh! I seriously panicked. I'm forgetful too and that didn't help quite a bit. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this Part 1. Next part will be soon uploaded. Be safe, little boos! Love ya!

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Wattpad: LittlePumpkinWriter

Twitter: notsolilpumpkin

IG: anxielei

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