Chasing Dreams (A Harry Potte...

By blueskies-fireflies

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Harry walked slowly from the room, hidden beneath his invisibility cloak. He could see the snow on the window... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Flashbacks
Chapter 3: Snivellus
Chapter 4: Temporary
Chapter 5: Slytherins
Chapter 6: I reckon they do
Chapter 7: A great idea
The Fight
Rob Dawson
Just a small argument
Authors Note
Author's Note
Trouble in Paradise
Helena Renai
Night time snowfall
The Letter
Chocolate Frogs and the Map
The Frozen Lake
The Hospital Wing on Christmas Eve
A Job?
Christmas Morning
Kayn and Snape
The Sorting
The New Years Eve Party
A Terrible Idea
Single Tryouts
The Patronus Charm
The Art of Ice and Magic
Valentines Day
Another date?
The Match
Curses in the Corridor
Second Time In A Year
The First Warning
Hogsmeade with Jared
April the 22nd
OWL's Approach
OWL Exams
The Last of the Exams
The End of an Era
Train Rides and Tears
Authors Note
Summer and All its Lies
Goodbyes and Greetings
What Happened To You?
Playing With Fire
Sixth Year Begins
An Encounter on the Pitch
The First Prank
The Party
Drinking and Dancing
A Bit of A Clichè
Entirely Hungover
The First Envelope
Taking Care of Things
The Astronomy Tower
Madam Rosmerta
Awkward and Shy
An Admittance of Feelings
I'm Not A Soldier
In the Forest?!
As High as the Clouds
Working Things Through
I Don't Need
Really, I am
First and Last Time
What Doesn't Exist
Any Takers?
Not an Update
Not an Update 2
What is this?
Author's Note

Secrets, Slughorn and the Second Warning

941 42 5
By blueskies-fireflies

*Third Person POV*

Quote: "The worn, tired stars say you shall die early and die dirty.

The clean cold stars say you shall die late and die clean.

The runaway stars say you shall never die.

Never at all."

Skye's life changed slightly after that day, all for the better. She woke earlier each day and made sure, at the end, to take a long hot shower. She smiled more- a genuine smile, slightly lopsided and crooked, her blue eyes twinkling. Homework and classes became less of a chore, and she once again became one of Slughorn's favourite students. On the day she decided to "take care of things," Skye had spoken to many of her old friends, a pretty smile decoration her face as she listened with genuine interest to how they had been. The spiral of depression she had sunk into disappeared, replaced by the usual reckless, carefree girl everyone loved. Teachers had always thought highly of Skye; she was Slughorn's favourite, and was always invited to his dinners, she excelled at most classes and aced test after test. Even McGonagal had a particularly soft spot for her, and, although she wouldn't care to admit it, the Professor had a severe liking for James, Remus, and Sirius. Peter she wasn't too sure about, but none the less, tried to encourage her favourite troublemakers to talk again. It was because of this that she placed Skye next to Sirius with James on her other side. As much as McGonagal knew Skye would get annoyed, she hoped it would at least get them to communicate. That was why she gently clapped her hands together and called for attention in Transfiguration on a dreary Tuesday as the rain trickled against the window.

"Students are not working sufficiently, these past few days. Because of recent events being brought to my attention, you will be changing seats."

An unmistakable glint hid behind her eyes as a small smirk crossed her lips. Skye and Lily shared a scared look, worried. James and Sirius looked at each other, wide eyed while McGonagal called out names.

"Longbottom, Ms. Fortescue."

Skye glanced around.

"Clone, Ashwood."

Skye unfolded her hands.

"Lupin, Norn."

Skye's eyes locked with Sirius. He glared at her and she narrowed her eyes, threatening.

"Potter, Turner, Black. Evans. Pettigrew."

McGonagal said quickly, lining up the students in long rows of tables. Skye's eyes rolled in that pretty way she had mastered, and Sirius' head snapped up again to face the professor.

"Professor, I think-"

He started anxiously.

"Perhaps you should think more on your essays than your seating, Mr. Black, due to your lack of homework."

McGonagal said sharply, cutting him off. With a sigh, Sirius rolled his eyes and glared at Skye. Glaring back, she plonked into the empty seat. Sirius sighed again and dropped down beside her. James took his seat reluctantly beside Skye, glancing along the line at Lily. The four of them, James, Skye, Sirius and Lily, all seemed to sigh simultaneously and rest their head in their heads in their hands.

Despite the awkwardness of sitting beside her former best friends, Skye remained cheerful and was once again becoming the reckless, grinning girl who managed to make everyone, if not adore her, then respect her at the very least. Her witty character returned, along with her charm and need to flatter anybody were it for her advantage. Skye was also exceptionally alluring, and was always drawing people to her with her character, her wit, charm and beauty, not to mention eccentricity. She had been by far one of the most well known people in the school, but her reputation had faded after her fight with Sirius. However, it seemed as if Skye's many good qualities had come flooding back the day she decided to "take care of things." More boys from fifth, sixth and seventh year began talking to her, hanging on her every word. Sam adored her, always asking if they could study or just sit together. Lily and the girls weren't bothered by the return of Skye's popularity- they were just glad they had their friend back to normal.

"So you're not trying out for the quidditch team then?"

Charlie asked, his hand on Skye's thigh.

"Even if I wanted to, it's way too late."

She replied with a soft smile. Charlie chuckled for some reason.

"I'm sure they could make an exception for you."

He said, his voice silk. Skye laughed loudly at that.

"D'you think so?"

It was rhetorical question but Charlie answered anyway, his fingers dragging up and down her thigh lightly.

"Yes. Definitely, you're a good player."

"Well thanks, but eh.. I don't know, I kind of gave up on it after last year."

She replies hesitantly, clambering to her feet. The sun was hot for October, the Black Lake sparkling. It was a pretty picture, and so was Charlie's face, but Skye had an idea that there things besides quidditch on his mind. He stood up, too, smiling.

"This was nice."

He stated, moving closer to her and sliding his hands on her hips.

"All we did was sit here and talk."

"I get the feeling anything is nice with you, Skye."

He winked flirtatiously, and Skye nearly threw up at the cheesy pick up line.

"Why don't we go.. Finish this discussion in my room? You could sneak in. Heard you're a bit of a rule breaker."

"Not that kind of rule breaker."

Skye replied casually, trying to laugh it off. Charlie, however, kept his hands on her hips and put his head close to hers.

"Come on, Skye, I know you like me."

He said as if it were an obvious thing. Skye rolled her eyes, something she was good at. Pressing her hands to his chest, she pushed Charlie's chest back gently.

"Not in that way."

She told him gently, before slowly turning to walk away. Charlie frowned and rolled his eyes.

"I saw you with that guy at the party."

He said angrily.


She frowned, glancing over her shoulder and ceasing her walk.

"No, the guy before that. I saw the two of you talking. You were all over each other!"

He exclaimed. Skye snorted.

"You must be joking! I was this close" she made a gesture, squeezing her thumb and finger impossibly close together, "to whacking him. So I don't know where you got the idea we were all over each other, because we weren't, and if you think for one second that just because he was an asshole, you can be one too, well, I won't hold back this time, and you will walk away with a black eye."

Then with a flip of her hair, she walked away, leaving the boy stunned.

Skye grumbled to herself under her breath as she folded top after top in her room.

"Stupid guy. Just because I go out with loads of people does not mean that I'm.. Some sort of sex object. What an ass. He makes me sick."

She said under her breath as she tidied her bedside locker.

"Not talking to yourself again are you, Skye?"

Lily asked with a grin, poking her head through the door, her hands resting on the doorframe.

''No!'' Skye defended quickly, angrily folding up another top.

Lily nodded apprehensively, eyebrows raised.

''Well, me, Mary and Dorcas are going to be down in the common room, we've found Emmeline's supply of butter beer. Join us if you want.''

''I have to hand in an essay to Slughorn but I'll meet you in about twenty minutes.''

Skye answered with a smile.

''Of course Slughorn would let you off with another day to do homework. He loves you almost as much as.. Severus.'' Lily tried to hide the hesitation in her voice as she mentioned her former best friend. Skye smiled sadly, but luckily Lily swiftly moved on. ''Well, we've grabbed the seats by the fire. See you later.''

She informed with a smile, ducking out of the dorm with a wave of her perfectly manicured fingers.

Professor Slughorn's office was considerably large, yet so cramped that Skye felt obliged to weave through everything before perching on a desk, running a hand through her thick blonde and red hair. It had become increasingly curious recently- the red seemed to be lessening, getting brighter every day, but it only showed at the bottom at the moment. It seemed to look better that way, but it did no help covering up Skye's new secret. With a sigh, Skye swung her legs back and forth, humming as usual.

''Ah! Ms. Turner!''

Slughorn greeted cheerfully, his eyes bright and his hands folded beneath lumps of ghastly material.

''Come to hand in that essay of yours?''

''Yes, Sir, and, again, sorry it took so long.''

Skye apoligised, pretending to look sheepish as she handed him her two pages.

''Not at all my dear, not at all.''

Slughorn waved a dismissive hand, then, placing down her essay, poured himself a glass a bottle of sweet smelling wine. Leaning forward with intrigue he stared at Skye, grinning.

''So, tell us about your summer, Skye. If you're not busy of course.''

He added hastily.

Skye smiled in that genuine half smirk that made her eyes glitter and her entire aura go wild with mischeif. She had promised to meet Lily, but Skye wouldn't pass up an opportunity to flatter her potions master and gain more respect, as well as friends on the teaher's side. Should a fight ever occur in his classroom, Skye needed Slughorn on her side, and offering him intriguing tales would certainly reinforce that safety. Regaining her posture, she stood from the desk.

''Us, Sir? Unless you happen to see Peeves about the room, or perhaps a ghost, or maybe even a daring student, I'm quite sure we're alone.''

She smiled innocently. Slughorn chuckled and wagged a finger at her cheekiness.

''Very well, very well. Go on, even so.''

''My Mum died.''

Skye stated shortly. Slughorn's eyes widened.

''I'm so sorry my dear. A terrible loss, the death of a loved one.. And one you held so close.''

His voice quieted as he looked down. Skye's eyes flickered uncomfetable between the floor and the potions master before she spoke up confidentaly.

''If it's all the same to you, Sir, I'd rather not discuss it. I found painting to be theraputic over the summer.''

''Painting? How interesting.. You must show me some of your work!''

He exclaimed excitedly. Skye snorted.

''I'm afraid not ,Sir, you wouldn't find it all that interesting.''

'' 'Tis a curious thing, art.''

He pressed on, as if he had not heard her.

''It is, Sir. Everyone has such a different view and puts values on things very individual to them. Although, I think that's the beauty of it.''

She said conversationallly. Slughorn stared at her admiringly, full of intrigue.

''And what of this new hair of yours? It's quite a change.''

He remarked with a chuckle. Skye looked down at her breast lenght hair.

''Between you and me, Sir, it wasn't exactly of my doing.''

She informed him quietly, leaning forward as if she was about to share a great secret with him.

''Oh? Why so?''

Slughorn asked, interested.

''Again, it's really something I'd rather not discuss-'' the Professor's face fell- ''but I can give you a general idea..''

She offered.

''Of course, of course.''

Taking a deep breath, Skye focused on the bottoms of her hair, and closed her eyes. Thoughts came flooding into her mind, and she counted in her head.

One. Sirius.

Two. Her Mum dying.

Three. NEWT's next year.

Four. Sirius.

Five. James, Remus and Peter.

Six. Her family.

Seven. Severus Snape.

Eight. Sirius.

Nine. That guy from the party. The guys who beat up Sam. The people who called her a mudblood.

Ten. Sirius.

Then she quickly folded her hands over one another, graceful and gentle, and her eyes fluttered open. In between her hands, glowing softly, rested a bright red flame, sparking and casting light in the dull night time of the office.

''Merlin's beard!''

Slughorn was fascinated, and Skye looked down the fire she had created. It was the same as she had done with ice, and she had it under complete control. Smiing like a child on Christmas, she met Slughorn's eyes, which were wide and alive with interest.

''It happened over the summer. My hair was just.. Red one morning. And eh.. This happened.''


He stated.

''Thank you, Sir. But I really must be heading back now, I promised my friends.''

She explained.

''Thanks for letting me hand in my essay a day or two late. it was nice of you.''

''Not at all, my girl, not at all.''

Slughorn waved a dismissive hand and stood up, shuffling about his office in slippers. Skye swung back from the doorframe as she left, only for a moment.

''Oh, and Sir?''


He looked up at her.

''I wonder.. could we keep this between us? I'd rather tell people in my own time.''

''Of course, of course.''

Skye nodded and turned to leave again, but stopped when the Professor called out to her.

''Oh,but, Miss. Turner?''

''Aye, Sir?''

She smiled.

''I do hope you realise how dangerous that gift is.'' His voice turned sombre suddenly, foreboding in his warning tone. ''You must be careful.''

''I will, Sir, I promise.''

'' 'Tis no joking matter, the ability to conjure and control fire.''

Little did he know of the ice, Skye thought bitterly.

''Fascinating, but dangerous. Use it wisely.''

And he waved her off.

A/N: Hello! I'mm so sorry haven't updated, my phone has been broken so I'm doing it on my laptop. Let me know what you thought of this, will you please? I changed it back to third person, but do you guys prefer that or nah? Also, was Slughorn realisitc? And you've found out about the red in Skye's hair. Ice and fire are the only elemts she can control, but I'm wondering is it a little cheesy? Please please PLEASE comment, vote, and let me know :) Peace.

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