Future Shock (Initial Project)

By Sp3ctral_52

112K 3.6K 4.7K

Noun: Future Shock [Mass Noun] "The State of Distress or Disorientation due to Rapid Social or Technological... More

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - Ikarashi
Vol. 1 Chapter 2 - Chance
Vol. 1 Chapter 3 - Loyal Squads
Vol. 1 Chapter 4 - Hostile Contact
Vol. 1 Chapter 5 - The Mage
Vol. 1 Chapter 6 - Dispatch
Vol. 1 Chapter 7 - Never Bring a Sword to a Gunfight
Vol. 1 Chapter 8: What... Did I just do?
Vol. 1 Chapter 9 - End of a Guild
Vol. 1 Chapter 10 - Updates
Vol. 1 Chapter 11 - The Medium Tank
Vol. 1 Chapter 12 - New Personnel
Vol. 1 Chapter 13 - The Cavern
Vol. 1 Chapter 14 - The Goddess
Vol. 1 Chapter 15 - Some Minor Advancement
Vol. 2 Chapter 1 - United Kingdom
Vol. 2 Chapter 2 - Albatros
Vol. 2 Chapter 3 - Second Contact
Vol. 2 Chapter 4 - Negotiations
Vol. 2 Chapter 5 - Battle of Albatros (1/2)
Vol. 2 Chapter 6 - Battle of Albatros (2/2)
Vol. 2 Chapter 7 - Aftermath | Encounter
Vol. 2 Chapter 8 - Two Assasins (1/2)
Vol. 2 Chapter 9 - Two Assasins (2/2)
Vol. 2 Chapter 10
Vol. 2 Chapter 11
Vol. 2 Chapter 12 - Hilgus Valley (1/3)
Vol. 2 Chapter 13 - Hilgus Valley (2/3)
Vol. 2 Chapter 14 - Hilgus Valley (3/3)
Vol. 2 Chapter 15 - Aurora Borealis
Vol. 3 Chapter 1 - Accumulation Program
Vol. 3 Chapter 2 - Drone Down
Vol. 3 Chapter 3 - Progression
Vol. 3 Chapter 4 - Modernization
Vol. 3 Chapter 5 - Visitation
Vol. 3 Chapter 6 - Diplomacy
Vol. 3 Chapter 7 - The First Strike
Vol. 3 Chapter 8 - Confinement
Vol. 3 Chapter 9 - 'Der Wunderschlacht'
Vol. 3 Chapter 10
Vol. 3 Chapter 10.5 - Short Past
Vol. 3 Chapter 11
Vol. 3 Chapter 12 - Demonstrate
Short (and possibly useless) News
Vol. 3 Chapter 13 - Saturation
Vol. 3 Chapter 14 - Prelude to Incursion
Vol. 3 Chapter 15 - Segregation
Vol. 3 Chapter 16 - Anti-Imperialism (1/2)
Vol. 3 Chapter 17 - Anti-Imperialism (2/2)
Vol. 3 Chapter 18 - Besiege
Vol. 3 Chapter 19 - Capitulation
Vol. 3 Chapter 20 - A Rising Nation
Vol. 4 Chapter 1 - Spies
Vol. 4 Chapter 2 - Foreigners (1/2)
Vol. 4 Chapter 3 - Foriegners (2/2)
Vol. 4 Chapter 4 - The Monument
Vol. 4 Chapter 5 - Another Conflict
Map of Atochia (Repost)
Heheh (Nevermind...)
Vol. 4 Chapter 6 - Afral (1/2)
Vol. 4 Chapter 7 - Afral (2/2)
Vol. 4 Chapter 8 - Calm
Character Sheet 1 (Updated)
Character Sheet 2 (Short)
Vol. 4 Chapter 9 - Entry (1/2)
Vol. 4 Chapter 10 - Undetected
Vol. 4 Chapter 11 - Simultaneous Engagement
Vol. 4 Chapter 12 - A Darkened Mentality
Christmas Special - Christmas Special
Vol. 4 Chapter 13 - Their Fates Pt.I
Vol. 4 Chapter 14 - Their Fates Pt.II

Vol. 3 Chapter 20.5 - The Prison

1K 32 149
By Sp3ctral_52

(Disclaimer: This is probably the first chapter I wrote with a... Quite disturbing scene at the end. I probably have to change this story to mature, anyone agree?)

New Ottawa prison, recently moved (Via Matthew) to an island, and eventually renamed as Desmur Prison, informally known as Desmur Asylum.

A single Ship which would appear to resemble an ocean liner, closes the distance between it and the island's small port. It's interior was much more different, ocean-liners are designed for comfort and luxury in mind, but this one was entirely meant to use as much effective space dissuading luxury, but comfort is modest. After all, this ship is a carrier for imperial convicts.

In one cell, was an imperial noble, Dominic, young and average-built. Not corrupt, but Not innocent either. Responsible for the murder of a rogue and another noble he deemed as 'breaking the system'. Despite witnessing the power of the directorate, acknowledging that they are superior In every way possible, and dissuading his views of his nation, he is still hard-headed.

*knock* *knock* He immediately jolted up from his bed with the sound of clanging on his cell door.

"Alright, we've arrived, now... When I open this door, you better behave." The crewman said, as he slowly began to open the cell door. Almost immediately Dominic rushed the crewman knocking him against the wall and attempted to run only for a stun gun to cease his escape and he dropped to the floor.

"Gah! Dammit!"

The doors both in its upper deck and lower deck were opened and several ramps were prepared. Large numbers of people were being escorted off of the ship en masse, totalling up to 1788 prisoners. Upon exiting Dominic immediately observed the port around him, and eventually looked ahead to see the supposed prison in the distance.

'...Larger and... spaciously designed than I imagined' he thought.

"Hey, what are you doing...? Move." One of the SES personnel handling the prisoners said, snapping Dominic out of his trance and he immediately continued forward.

They were stopped at the entrance of Prison for before they were brought inside for crowd control, much of the personnel were being transferred to different sections, surrendered imperial soldiers were being sent to a complex of buildings meant for their confined accommodation and re-education.

While He and several more others were being sent to a different facility, which could be described as the main Building due to it actually being the original confinement building of New Ottawa Prison.

And A large number of arrogant nobles were being sent to another area, virtually all continuing to believe their superiority, calling the SES barbarians, and that they deserve better treatment for this.

Dominic didn't see, but one of the nobles attempted to assault a female SES soldier, only for the soldier to draw her knife and slice the lower jaw of the noble off.

"AAAGH!" The noble screamed in agony, before the female pointed her pistol and shot the man dead.

"Barbarian! You deserve imprisonment, not u-!" Another noble shouted only to end up the same way.

"You're lucky you still have your lives..." the soldier silently uttered. "Remember who destroyed your empire, if we can do that, we have no problem wiping you off the face of this planet."

"Our empire will never die! So many of us are still out there plotting retribution, HAHAHA! You'll be turned as slaves, and especially you, I will smile at the day where I see you as a sex slave, HAHAHA!"

"Yeah, whatever." The soldier bluntly responded before shooting bullets into the skulls of five nobles including him, without a hint of hesitation.

"Keep dreamin', boys." She said afterwards

The nobles were quickly screaming, some out of fear, while others out of anger, however they were quickly pushed away, the nobles continuing to cry in fear were being directed to a maximum security facility, while the others still being arrogant were being moved toward an interrogation and execution site.

Dominic heard everything and immediately began to walk quickly into the main building, his sense of psychological resistance faltering a bit, but he nevertheless continued.

Upon entering the main building he was immediately greeted with a cold feeling, the air conditioning in the building was something he didn't expect from a prison, or rather... This wasn't the prison at all, instead something like an interrogation site, judgement site, or something similar.

He eventually entered into a large spacious area, referred to as the convict lobby. About Six pillars extending from the floor to the ceiling keeping the roof up.

"Welcome one and all!" A female voice was heard, Dominic and several others" heads, well those are broken or hopeless enough kept their heads low.

A girl nearly at age of 20, was seen on a platform with several other individuals observing them a they pass by, she was wearing a Nun uniform, Two Bright Orange armbands on either arm to signify her status as one of the facility's convicts. However the thing that caught the attention of Dominic was that they were smiling with genuine glee.

'Why are they... Wait...' Dominic thought, before he slowly observed the 'Nun' as she continues speaking but her words were drowned out as he continued thinking.

'Isn't... Isn't that the Nun from Urestan?' Dominic thought, he recognised the girl as one of the few nuns supposedly recruited from urestan to provide support with the Pluvimian Insurgencies. 'I thought she was surely killed after all what these savages are doing...'

"-I truly hope you can comfort here, comfort exclusively created and granted by his lord himself!" She finished. 'His lord? Who is she talking about...?' Dominic thought in confusion. As he was soon escorted off to his cell.

"Hey, Elora." Another individual whom is one of the old nuns from Albatros tapped on her shoulder.

"I think I know that person..."

"That's because you do, Sister~ It's one of the imperial nobles. It baffles at me why such sinful people have been brought here. But... I believe I can do something with that." Elora said, as she observed Dominic from a distance.


The next day, Dominic woke up and started his new routine, he didn't to be walking beside other prisoners which can most likely be commoners, as he proceeded to walk down a hall way he nearly passed by the hallway leading to the entrance of a particular room, he peaked through its small glass slit, and observed one of the nuns seemingly teaching a number of other individuals, about 80% of them being female.

'What the F**k...' he uttered before he headed back down to reach the cafeteria.

on the way he noticed many excluding the ones that recently arrived are seemingly conversing as if nothing was wrong, that combined with what he saw earlier and yesterday made him even more confused. 'Is this a prison? Why are these people acting so carefree...'

He soon got into a line where he received his food, which confused him even more, the food wasn't poor, but it wasn't luxurious, it more or less humble in a way.

'...This is poisoned isn't it?' He thought getting suspicious at the food given to him. '*sigh* what am I gonna do? Reichia has been beaten, I guess there is no point in refusing death now.' He thought as he used his fork to pierce into a few of the fries and consumed, and waited. He looked around observing the others eat while still waiting. He then thought 'Okay...? Maybe I'd have to eat more for the effects to kick in.'

With that he continued to eat and eat, until he food was finished off.

"..." he was silent, as eh grasped his stomach and felt his heart, absolutely nothing is happening.

'What... The... Literal-'

"Heya!" One of the few nuns slammed her hands on the table just across from him, jolting him back a bit.

"Dear, Aurora..." he uttered.

"So... How was the food?"

"..." Dominic didn't say a thing.

"Heh... I know what you're thinking, so many of us did. Why do we have such good and humble food? Good question." She said, before sitting down, however another familiar face arrived.

"Now now, sister. Remember to not be so hasty." Elora said before sitting down next to her.

"...Ms. Elora..." Dominic uttered... "From Urestan, correct? From the Azure Lux Society right?"

"Oh don't mention that damn group..." she said, which made Dominic wide-eyed, she used to be a firm believer.

"W-... why not? It's your group."

"Not anymore... Such a... Weak and unenlightened group to be honest... I'm glad I left it... I'm even more glad when I was captured." She said.

"...How... How could you be glad when you are captured by such savages...!" He said, however a metallic butter knife was stabbed onto the surface of the table. Dominic recoiled a bit before looking back at her.

"Never... And I mean Never, call these people savages, they were driectly created by our lord and saviour."


"No, the one Aurora-sama gifted upon this land."


"Hah~... Matthew Ikarashi~" she said with a dreamy closed-eyed expression

"That Barbar-!" As Dominic was about to insult matthew however, both of them brought out kitchen knives, and he was forced to stop again.

"Hmm... You don't seem enlightened enough. Still clinging to primitive beliefs% perhaps you can come to one of our sessions, later."

"Sessions?" He thought.


Dominic felt a little more than apprehensive, these sessions have been about some religion formed regarding the Director of Aurelia as a lesser divinity, or in other words a Being blessed upon the world by the head Goddess, Aurora.
Often stating his achievements; such as the technological advancement he brought, benevolence; such as his treatment, completely dissuading the hierarchy present in the world like what Aurora and the Orthodoxy wanted, and power; vaguely mentioning the capabilities of not just the defence force but his very own being.

All that Dominic felt was suspicion and anger towards the Director, feeling he must've initiated such blasphemy.

In reality, Matthew barely intervened in the prison, only visiting at times for observation, which would essentially have several of the members of this 'Cult' to pray or bring him gifts. To which Matthew responded by just accepting, not wanting to meddle affairs he believed wouldn't last for long. He wasn't actively thinking about religion here, resulting in him not anticipating their growth.

After the session finished he was going to walk towards his cell which was still not accustomed to due to his humble but overall 'non-prison' design, partially inspired by Halden Prison designs.

"Hey..." a female voice stopped him in his tracks, he looked back to see three of the nuns.


"You haven't been... Dissuading, are you?"

"What about it?" Dominic said getting a bit annoyed.

"*sigh* Looks like we'll have to give you special treatment..." Elora said.

"What...?" He uttered, as the three attempted to walk towards him, he turned around attempting run, however he was pushed back by a different individual, a Male. Dominic recognized the man as that lead mercenary sent to albatros, however... He looked slimmer, less beefy, and several of his scars are almost faded.

"Sorry, about this... But you must learn." He said, Dominic was eventually grabbed by the two nuns and dragged towards a different room.

"What are you doing?! Stop! Let go of me!" Dominic trashed around.

Several other individuals were the room, grabbing onto Dominic before they managed to pin him down on a metallic platform angled at 10 degrees.

"What is this?! What are you doing?!" Dominic yelled as he attempted to move but everyone simply stopped him.

"We are simply starting your conversion... Step 1, before you can become a devout follower!" Elora said, the last part being said with a cheery tone.

"What do you mean conversion?! I'll never bow down to a fake God!"

"...True... Matthew is more like a Demi-god-like lesser divinity but... He is a gift to this world, to rid it of the corruption that lasted for centuries. And you... You need to understand, So let us begin." Elora said, as she took out a knife from her uniform.

"What... Are you going to kill me?! This is barbaric!"

"Oh no, this isn't an execution, like I said it's a conversion."

"Then what's with the knife?!"

"...*grin*" Elora just gave a motherly grin, before looking at the others.

"Take off his pants, so this can be easier." Elora asked, Dominic's blood went cold, and he paled.

"...W-What?" Soon after he felt his prison wear being tampered with.

"He-Hey! Hey! No! Stop that!" Dominic trashed around but he was still restrained, and he couldn't do much about it. And his pants were taken off.

"Settle down, Dominic... This is the first step..." Elora said, as she raised her knife.

"Stop! Stop! Wait! We can ta-!" He didn't even speak, as Elora smiled with glee before stabbing the knife down.

"AAAAH! *cough* *cough* S-STO-!" *stab* *stab* *stab*

"Calm down! You'll be much happier after this!"

"GAH! No—! F**k! Stop IT!" Dominic pleaded and cried, as she continued stabbing, and slashing.

"N-No! Stop, I-*cough* AAAGHH!" His screamed in agony. it took a few more moments until she stopped, and she immediately raised her hands, manifesting a healing circle.

"Alright, come on." She said as two other individuals tampered and held the gaping 'wound' using surgery utensils, it took about a minute until the healing process finished and the profuse bleeding ceased.

The amount of blood was wiped away before his pants were pulled back up. He was completely silent, his eyes seemingly void of vibrance darted to look at Elora who still had a mortherly smile on her face.

"Don't worry... The shock will dissipate soon, You'll be better off now in the future. Sister."

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