The Witcher The Swallow and T...

Door jetrayf

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As humanity has grown the population and threat of monsters has decreased, naturally so has the need for witc... Meer

The Cold Beginning
The Dusty Trail
The Crooked Inn
Into the Woods
Lilac and Gooseberries
Imperial Audience
The Wolf and The Viper
The Path
The Sorceress' lamp
The Swamp of the Unknown
Ladies of the Wood
The Worst Father
The Swallow in Velen
Consequences of One's Past
The Romantic Sorceress
The Dragon who would be Queen
The Free City of Novigrad
An Old Flame is Forever Eternal
The Window to the Soul
A Bard's Muses
A Voice That Would Make a Siren Jealous
The Troll's Treasure
The Trial of The Grasses
Searching for the Son of a Whore
The Will to Go Forward
A Doppler Named Dudu
A New Ballad
The Black Bat
Her Sweet Kiss
The Never Ending Hunt
A Deadly Plot
A Poets Love
The Eternal Fire's Followers
The Memories that Haunt
The Island of Tradition
A Druids Dungeon
Secrets of the Fog
The Beginning of the End
A Powerful Magic
A New King
The Last Wish
The Cursed Imp
The Witchers Bretheren
The Enemy Within
The Path Taken
The Witcheress
The Battle of Kaer Mohren
The Empress of Nilfgaard
The Fang and The Swallow
The Martyr Saint
Through Time and Space
The Last Time
A Matter Of State
The Wrap Up
The Departed
A Final Journey
The Blood of All
Tower of the Swallows
The Sword of Destiny
Baptism of Fire
Time of Contempt
Something Ends, Something Begins
A New Journey
Blood and Wine
The Beast of Beauclair
Together Again
A Deed Rightfully Punished
The Loss of Those Close
A Familiar Acquaintance
The Land of The Dead
The Battle
Lesser Than Me
The End of a Life
The Warm Farewell

Season of Storms

838 30 14
Door jetrayf

"The world is a bloody mess. Everyone wishes to make of it what they will. I'm exhausted of that reality. Only the best deserve to make the world what they want." - Aleric, The Fang


Storm clouds slowly blocked out the sun and darkened the rest of Toussaint. Geralt slowly led Roach up the trail of Corvo Bianco. He hadn't said a word. Roach's muzzle was to the ground, she knew the cargo she was carrying. Geralt couldn't think of a better way to carry his son, and he didn't have the heart to take him to Beauclair. Regis had went off to tell the Duchess that the Beast had been slain. They hadn't even begun to speak about what had happened.

The witcher sighed as he saw Nosfer, waiting in the stables. As soon as he saw the figure that had been wrapped up into a blanket and tied to the female mare he let out a sad bray. It wasn't long before his majordomo, Barnabas Basil, approached, "Master witcher! Some unknown indivi...."

Geralt silenced him with a look, "I'm not in the mood." The majordomo's gaze drifted to the body on his horse, "By the gods. I apologize. But someone barged into your residence. I felt it would be appropriate to let you know."

Geralt felt a tug on his heart strings, the sky slowly started sprinkling, he knew who was waiting in the house, he didn't know if he would be able to face them, "I'll handle it. Can you..."

The majordomo nodded, "Of course, I shall take his body to the cellar and unwrap him should you wish to view him. Will that be all?"

The witcher nodded, as he slowly walked towards his vineyards home. He had imagined him and Yen staying here together. Growing old. He would take an occasional contract here or there. Maybe (F/N) and Ciri would drop by once in awhile. That fantasy felt so hollow now. Geralt saw that grapevines were already starting to grow.

The help was slowly working to make sure the vines grew as best they could. The witcher sighed, the vineyard was slowly coming back to life. The witcher slowly pushed open the door just as a clap of thunder echoed, he took a big whiff of the air, it smelled like a garkain. Geralt slowly followed it, he felt himself freeze when he saw her back turned.

Her ashen hair was in a tight bun, the silver sword he had given her was in its sheath. She was carrying a garkain's severed head in her hands. The witcher stared at Ciri as she examined a piece of artwork, it was nice to see his daughter, he let out a sigh. The witcheress jumped slightly and turned, she smiled widely when she saw Geralt, "You look good."

The witcher went to speak, but Ciri smiled, "I should smack you clear across the face. A contract in Toussaint and you didn't invite me! If I hadn't found the garkain along the way and made quite a bit of coin, I'd run you through."

Geralt shook his head, "Ciri..."

The ashen haired woman laughed as she threw her arms around Geralt, "But let's not fight. I'd rather take it out on (F/N)." She broke away, still smiling as if nothing was wrong, "Is he in Beauclair?"

The witcher slowly placed his hands on Ciri's shoulders. The witcheress slowly realized something was wrong, very wrong, she laughed slightly, as if this was a joke, "Geralt what's wrong?"

The witcher's yellow eyes looked into his daughter's green ones, "I'm so sorry."

"Where's (F/N)?"

"He...saved my life and..."

Ciri started shaking, unable to process what she was hearing, "No!" She snapped, "Don't! Where is he?!"

The witcher slowly wrapped his arms around Ciri, as she repeatedly punched him asking the same question over and over again, "Where is he?! Where?"


Rain softly pounded against the home. Ciri slowly placed a hand on (F/N)'s forehead, her eyes were filled with tears, she hadn't stopped crying, "He's so cold." She whispered.

Geralt nodded, "I'm sorry."

Ciri broke down again as she pushed her head onto his chest, hoping that he'd wrap his arm around her, "Fangs," she sobbed. She wrapped her arms around him, sobbing completely. Geralt slowly reached forward and rubbed Ciri's shoulder, he knew she was expecting him to say Swallow back to her, "I'm sorry."

"Stop saying that!" Ciri snapped as she wheeled on him, her eyes were already red, her hair was a mess, "Don't say your sorry! You were supposed to have his back! I was supposed to..." The pair embraced yet again, Ciri cried into her father's chest even more, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Geralt nodded, as he turned his head slightly, the sound of thunder echoed outside, "Come on...let's head upstairs...we need to..." The witcher chocked up slightly. How would Yennefer react? Triss? Dandelion? Lambert? Eskel? He imagined telling each of them. He looked at (F/N)'s body as it laid there on a slab, waiting to be burned.

The witcher sighed as he slowly extinguished all the candles as he lead Ciri out of the cellar. The storms were raging on outside as they slowly opened the cellar door and shut it. Leaving (F/N)'s body in the dark. No sooner had the darkness enveloped them, then did a pair of bright red eyes reveal themselves. But they weren't (F/N)'s. A large clap of lightning boomed.

The candles slowly re-lit themselves, Aleric finished twisting his fingers into the Ignii sign, "I understand why you witchers use these...they're rather useful."

The vampire walked over to (F/N)'s body as he grabbed a chair and pulled it along, "Did I ever tell you about the time when I first saw a human?"

Aleric sat down next to (F/N) and caressed his cheek, he saw his own hand was turning slightly grey, the rain outside hit harder and harder, "I was disgusted, they just...arrived and proclaimed the land was theirs...and they just...consumed."

The vampire slowly leaned forward, one of his claws extended, "I wanted to fight defend what was ours...but the Elders ordered me to stand down...and we fled. I think that's when I developed a hatred for most of my own kind. How could they just stand there and let...those fat, weak, pathetic things just take? I admit I developed a bit of an admiration for lesser vampires at least they kill them...higher vampires won't even do that. Unless they choose to of course."

Aleric started carving a symbol into (F/N)'s forehead, his long fingernail cutting through the flesh like butter, "So I secretly plotted to overthrow the Elders. I couldn't say this, obviously. So I gave them a lie, which I'm sure Regis regurgitated back to you...he's one of the good ones, but he doesn't see the bigger picture. Humans are part of the problem...but so are the Elders...the ones who let those humans consume. When your dog shits on the floor it's your fault if you don't teach it not to."

The vampire finished carving the symbol and then went to work on his own forehead, lightning crackled outside, "True, humans are a cancer, but they have numbers. For every one of us, there's a hundred of them. And overthrowing an Elder is playing with fire. So I worked tirelessly. I tried diseases, weapons, until eventually I tried my hand in something But naturally I needed help. And then I met Phillipa. I knew just what to say...a sorceress who clearly wasn't ready to admit she was getting grey hairs. Sorceress' are vein, they're too self-absorbed to deny it, I'll never understand how you managed to befriend more than one. When I put the idea of making a young healthy vessel, she jumped at the chance. You're very lucky you weren't a girl. I'd be calling you Phillipa then."

Aleric finished carving the symbol and stood up, he whispered a spell and a book appeared in his hands, "I'm sure you're confused. Wondering why I'm talking to a corpse," the vampire flipped through the pages, "Well, the answer is rather simple. When that Elf put his blade through your died. There was no me helping you heal. You died. I nearly killed myself using up what little life I had left to bring you back. But you repaid the favor."

Aleric set the book down and ran his finger along a specific line, the sun was extinguished by the dark clouds, "You can't walk off a wound like that. You might be a higher vampire. But you don't heal like one...but the truth is...I can do the same thing again."

Aleric smiled as he looked down at the book, he slowly started muttering the spell he had read. He slowly cut his wrist open. The vampire smiled as his blood poured onto (F/N)'s face.

He started speaking the spell louder and louder, until he finished. The markings on their foreheads slowly started glowing, "I will find that sorceress again and we'll make more of you. And then I will drive the humans from these lands. Then annihilate every vampire that stood in my way. Maybe I'll do both at the same time. And you'll be there right at my side. With an army just like you."

Aleric stood up straight, the markings on his and (F/N)'s heads slowly faded, "Your old master can hear me, he's running from comforting that whiny bitch to see what the matter is. He's wondering why he can hear your voice. But he'll be too late."

The vampire smiled as he caressed (F/N)'s cheek again, the young witchers wound slowly healed, "I know you're there. You're confused. So let me tell you now, you're back. But you see things like I do know. Open your eyes, (F/N). See what I see. Feel what I feel...let's go take back what's ours."

There was a long pause, the only sound came from the howling wind, and then (F/N)'s eyes snapped open revealing his bright red eyes. There was another clap of lightning.


Calypso and Odysseus stared at (F/N) as he finished explaining the situation while twirling his new steel sword around. The one he had bought in Toussaint laid discarded in the sand. Odysseus was the first to speak, "So this...Aleric is your father?"

(F/N) shrugged as he sheathed his new sword, "If that's the way you want to look at it...sure, but it's more complicated than that."

Calypso frowned slightly as she rubbed her chin, large storm clouds came closer to the island, "But if he is meant to be your other...why does he look the way he is?"

The witcher sighed, "Well, I'm cursed to look disfigured, as I'm sure you noticed, and the curse must have somehow transferred to him."

"That doesn't explains why he wants this," the woman added as she pulled out the apple. Odysseus' eyes widened, "By the actually made it...the power to be a god, to heal from anything."

(F/N) nodded, "That's why he wants the apple. He's immortal true. But so am I. But I had the curse applied to me in a slow steady way, but it's killing me...very slowly. And it's not something that you can walk away from. When I brought him back my blood became his, all the mutagens, chemicals, and magic to...but it's killing him at a much faster rate."

Odysseus gasped, "Malaka, if he became a would take the combined might of Olympus to stop him."

"You say that like we have the capabilities to perform the deed, as he is now," Calypso added, "If we had this on our side...that's a different matter."

"No," the witcher snapped as he snatched the cure from Calypso's grasp, "It goes to Ciri."

"How do you know she's even still alive?"

"Because the moment she dies, there's nothing stopping me from taking a bite of this."

Odysseus sighed, "Witcher (F/N)...we can't possibly defeat the man in black and his army of monsters."

"We don't need to. We just need to get the cure to Ciri...we both defeated him once...we can do it again." The clouds came closer, the sun slowly became lost.

Calypso sighed, she slowly stood up, and placed her fist on her breastplate, "My sisters and I owe you our lives, Witcher. You'll have us by your side."

The witcher nodded, "Thank you," his gaze turned to Odysseus, "I know the terms of our deal are finished. I know you have to get to Sparta, but..."

Odysseus stood, his expression firm, "You are my brother in arms, Spartans do not leave their brothers to face their enemies alone. You shall have my blade."

(F/N) smiled, "Thank you...both of you."

Calypso nodded, "I'll ready the others. I suggest you prepare a plan."

The witcher nodded, as rain slowly started falling, "I already have one."


Geralt crumpled the note and threw it against the cellar wall, it had four words written on it, at this point rain was pounding against the cellar, "Don't look for us." That was all that had waited for him and Ciri when they arrived to find the cellar empty.

Ciri stared at the slab where (F/N)'s body had been, "Geralt...what does this mean...You said you heard (F/N)'s voice..."

The older witcher nodded, "I did...but it didn't sound exactly like him...he was cold...angry..."

The pair of witchers were looking around for any kind of clues, but there were none. Then, they heard a frantic banging on the cellar door, "Geralt! We need to talk."

The older witcher sighed as he walked up to the cellar. Ciri raised a brow, "Who's that?"

Geralt looked back at his daughter, "An old friend."


Aleric smiled as he confidently pushed open the door, the hooded figure behind him walked behind him. It was pouring outside, the thunder making the tavern rumble violently, the sun had been consumed by the dark clouds. The vampire smiled as he turned to the figure, "Sit at the counter."

The figure nodded, his mouth was shut, his eyes weren't focusing on anything, as if he had no mind. There were groups of men nursing their wounds in the tavern. Many of them were missing arms, legs. Even more had cuts or bites on them. The vampire laughed slightly as he sat next to the figure, "Can you understand me?"

The figure nodded, he said nothing. Aleric smiled, "Where's Philippa Eilhart?"


The vampire frowned, "We're in Nilfgaard. Which part?"

"I don't know."



"That's in Temeria."

"Temeria is Nilfgaard."

Aleric frowned and shook his head, "I've been away too long."

"We have quite a journey ahead of us. I require fuel. Kill everyone here."

The figure didn't move, he shook slightly, his eyes seemed to focus, "(F/N) (L/N). Witcher. Kill monsters for money. Blood...Blood."

The vampire leaned in, baring his teeth as he spoke, "I said. Kill. Every. Human. Here. Now."

The witcher stood up straight, and turned around, his claws extended as he growled and leapt forward. Aleric ignored the screams as he grabbed a tankard from behind the counter.

"Stop! Stop! No!"

The vampire sighed as the screams of the humans echoed through the tavern, blood splattered over the counter. Aleric sighed as he poured himself a bit of wine, "(F/N)?"

The witcher stopped, he was holding a large man by the neck, his claws hovered right in front of the man's eyes. The vampire held up the bottle of wine, "Is this any good?"

"Don't know wine."

"Hm. Carry on."

The man the witcher was holding cried out as he was impaled. Aleric took a sip, smiling at the taste, "Very nice." He casually ran his finger along the blood stained counter and licked it, "You never forget the taste."

He sighed as the last man fell, grasping his throat as blood poured out. Aleric watched as (F/N) instinctively grabbed at his chest pocket, "What's in there?"

"A drawing."

"Of what?"

"A little girl and me."

The vampire reached into (F/N)'s jacket pocket and pulled out the drawing, he scoffed when he got a look at it, "How pathetic..."

Aleric tossed the paper away, instantly getting it covered and stained in blood, "Drink your fill. We'll travel for Vizima soon." (F/N) stared at the drawing, there was something he would usually say in times like this, but he just couldn't seem to remember it.


Ciri just starred at Regis, the shock in her eyes was only beat by the shock in Geralt's, "You convinced him to bring back his dead father?!"

The vampire sighed as he leaned forward, the trio were sitting together in the living room of Corvo Bianco. Regis couldn't believe what he had seen, or rather what a raven had seen and then told him. A man that looked identical to Aleric was leading a figure that looked identical to (F/N), "He was never dead...he just needed help coming back."

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

The older vampire sighed, his gaze was fixed on the carpet, "I saw it as an opportunity to bring back an old friend, I thought it would be a good thing for (F/N) to meet his father...I thought..."

Ciri leaned forward, her eyes narrowed, " don't sound certain."

"He sounded so happy when he found out his son was coming...and then..."

This time Geralt leaned forward, "Regis, what aren't you telling us?"


Regis coughed as he pulled himself out of the rubble, he didn't know what he was expecting, but he hadn't predicted the cave collapsing on itself. The vampire yelled out as he pulled up (F/N), the young witcher was barely breathing. He was covered in soot and rocks.

Regis leaned down and let out a sigh of relief when he heard his heartbeat. The witcher was ice cold. The vampire smiled as he reached into his satchel and pulled out a bit of mandrake moonshine, it would warm him up. He poured a bit of it into his mouth, as he grabbed his blood soaked arm to put pressure on the cut, "You'll be fine."

Suddenly, there was something that moved in the rubble, "Regis?"

The older vampire watched as black mist slowly slid out from in-between the rubble, "Fang."

The mist slowly formed into a man, who collapsed on the spot, as he gasped for breath. His entire body was covered in blood. Regis ran over to him, tripping over his own feet, "Aleric, you're back." The vampire smiled widely as he looked at his old friend, but the Fang didn't return the expression, he slowly stood up and clenched his hands, just staring at himself. He looked around slightly. His eyes having trouble focusing. Eventually, he slowly nodded, "I'm back...thank you, Regis."

The older vampire nodded, "Of course, I had to try to convince your son, but he..."

"Don't call it that."

Regis stopped, "What?"

" not my son," he said looking at the passed out witcher, "It was a means to an end."

The older vampire looked offended, then he saw that the vampire was looking at (F/N) with contempt in his eyes, "Aleric, what's happened to you? Are you alright?"

The vampire looked at his old friend, "That hole happened. I could heard those damn humans...all day...all night...I dreamt about burning it...burning it all"

Regis sighed as he walked over to (F/N) to help him up, "We can discuss this later, Fang. But we should move (F/N) so he can rest."

The vampire stared at his lesser, before he nodded, he wasn't finished with it, he still had a use for it, "Goodbye, Regis."

The older vampire looked away from the witcher, "Aleric, wha..." The vampire had already vanished.


(F/N), Calypso, and Odysseus marched into the woods, the small army of amazons behind them.

"I don't like this plan," Calypso said.

"Do you have a better idea?" The witcher shot back, he was in no mood for her tongue.


"Then shut up. We're getting close."

Odysseus looked up in the trees, striges were resting on the branches, watching them. Their fangs dripped in anticipation. The dark clouds crackled with energy, rain slowly started dropping down on them. The Spartan pulled his bow, as they approached what used to be Medusa's lair, "How do we know he won't kill your Cirilla as soon as we give him the apple? From what Regis said he's cold enough to do it."

(F/N) sighed, as he glanced at his friend, "I just do."

Calypso kept sneaking glances at Odysseus, as the Spartan kept walking. (F/N) snapped at her, he was sweating from focus, "Stop looking, your making me nervous."

"Can you blame me?"

"Shut it!"

The trio walked out of the woods. Odysseus sighed as he looked at (F/N), "No matter what happens, Witcher, I want to thank you. I will fight for Penelope and Telmaks, they're all that matters to me."

The witcher nodded, "I know."

"How sweet," Aleric's voice echoed through the air, black mist slowly flew from Medusa's cave. Large stones slowly picked themselves up and piled together until there was a gigantic stone guardian standing behind the mist, it's limbs held together by magic. Aleric hobbled out of the mist and gestured at his guardian, "Phillipa's magic."

He gestured to the striges who were at his beck and call, "Dettlaff's will."

He smiled as he gestured to the group, "I wonder what I would get if I drank from your Ciri."

The witcher's fists clenched, "You'd die. That's too much power for you."

"Maybe you're right. But once I have the cure it won't be...I can travel from world to world. Conquering it with my ever growing army...Now...The cure...where is it?"

(F/N) looked at Odysseus, "You're up."

The Spartan nodded and reached into his satchel and pulled out the apple.

Aleric bared his yellowing teeth, "Give it to me!"

The witcher shook his head, "That's not how this works. Where's Ciri?"

The vampire whistled, instantly a pair of striges, carried, the pale witcheress right to Aleric's feet. (F/N) closed his eyes, Ciri's organs were slowly shutting down. Her veins had darkened to the point where they were now visible. The witcher turned to Odysseus and nodded, he was sweating profusely as the Spartan slowly walked forward, the apple was held out in his hand.

Aleric laughed, he didn't notice that Calypso's soldiers were all knocking arrows and preparing to fire. The vampire smiled at (F/N), "You shouldn't be surprised that you're the lesser of us. You're bound to lose."

The witcher tilted his head, as Aleric reached for the apple, "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

The vampire grabbed at the apple but his fingers passed right through it. Suddenly, Odysseus flickered and vanished. Aleric's eyes widened, as he realized he had been deceived by a simple illusion, "No! Kill...!"

He never got to finish his sentence, the real Odysseus sent an arrow flying into the vampire's head making him scream. He pointed and started mumbling incoherently, completely forgetting about Ciri. (F/N) shot his arm forward, black and red mist shout out of his arms and he yanked the witcheress away, just as Calypso drew her sword and screamed at the top of her lungs. Her sisters fired their arrows right at the vampire. The Fang yanked the arrow out of his head and finally screamed, "Kill them!" Before he was hammered again and again with a barrage of arrows. Then all hell broke loose.


Aleric had his feet up on the table as he drank the hunters blood from the bloody stump where his head had been. He licked his lips, as he tossed the body aside like it was nothing, the blood tingled in his throat. He groaned in pleasure. He watched as (F/N) walked out of the hunter's bedroom with the jar of venom with him, "Is that it?"


Aleric smiled as he stood up, in truth he didn't need to stop and break into this hunter's small cottage, he wanted to. He thought he smelled something, and he was exactly right, "Ahh, basilisk venom."

He snatched the jar from his lesser and smiled, "In my youth. I loved rubbing basilisk venom on my fangs."  The vampire laughed as he opened the jar and dipped his fingers in, they sizzled as they burned from the poison. He rubbed his teeth with the poison, "I could use manticore venom, but basilisk venom is more slow. All it takes is one bite, and they're done. It takes time, but they will die."

(F/N) stared blankly at him. Aleric sighed, "You're just an idiot aren't you?"


The vampire sighed as he walked to the door, "Come, Ganymede, we've a distance to travel."


Geralt sighed as he examined the multiple bodies that looked as though they had been sliced open. There was hardly any blood on the floor, something had taken it. The older witcher prayed (F/N) had taken no part in this, "Well?"

Regis sighed as he examined the cut marks, Ciri was waiting outside, she refused to see what (F/N) could have done. She would rather stand out in the pouring rain than see what he had done. The older vampire sighed, "These are the claws of a higher vampire, I can say with certainty."

"Was it (F/N)?"

The older vampire sighed, "I can't say with certainty, it could..."

"Regis," the older witcher snapped.

"Probably. These cuts...they're precise. Whoever made them knew exactly where to slice. Aleric nor Dettlaff could have made them this well."

Geralt buried his head in his hands, "Damn it."

Regis sighed as he opened the door, the rain instantly soaking him to the bone, Ciri kept the horses nearby, as they slowly readied themselves to ride off, "Well?"

The old witcher sighed when he saw the hopeful look in her eyes, he had to speak louder to talk through the rain, "Aleric slaughtered everyone in there."

"And (F/N)?"

Geralt shook his head, "I don't think so. He might have just watched."

Ciri looked at him for a long time, she wanted to believe him, but she just couldn't, but she refused to dwell on it, "What's wrong with him?"

Geralt sighed as he mounted Roach, "Amnesia?"

Regis shook his head as he climbed onto the small gelding, "I doubt it. He seems lucid, he doesn't seem to be confused. I think he's somehow being controlled."

The witcheress' eyes widened, "Controlled? Well, we need to break him out of it."

"We need to find him, this was Aleric's chance to feed. He'll want to leave soon. But..." the vampire trailed off.

"But what? Regis if you have any idea of where they might be going, you need to say."

The older vampire sighed, "Aleric would want revenge. There's only one being that he'd want to kill right now in all of Toussaint."

Geralt stared at him for a while, "There's no way, he'd die and take (F/N) with him."

Regis sighed, he had a dead serious look on his face, "Aleric's stronger, he has a soldier that will die for him, he stands a chance...a very slim one...but a chance."

Ciri looked between the two, the rain was dripping off of the hem of her hood, "What? Where are they going?"

"To see the Unseen."


Calypso's amazons were instantly swarmed by the vampires, but they were ready. Their blades whistled through the air, they refused to be overwhelmed. Unlike the previous time, the striges were the ones crying in pain.

(F/N) shoved Ciri to Calypso, but Aleric was ready, he shot forward shoving the Queen away from the witcheress. The witcher leapt forward, yanking the apple out of his pocket. Unsheathing his steel sword and slicing at a strige, making it holler and cry out in pain, it's wound sizzling.

The stone guardian roared as it tried to slam it's fist down on them, but (F/N)'s hands turned blue as he used Aard to knock the guardian away. The witcher's sword glowed red as he ran it through another vampire.

The witcher instantly shifted his focus, as he grabbed his sword, and jammed the apple in Ciri's mouth, "Come on! Come on! Eat it!"

Aleric roared as he realized he had been tricked. The striges finally shot forward as they all aimed to snatch the apple from (F/N) and feed it to their master. The witcher whistled loudly, "Odysseus!" He threw the apple as hard as he could to the Spartan. Odysseus growled as the striges charged him, a giant swarm of them were flying straight for him. He dropped his bow and grabbed Medusa's head. He let out a yell as he held the head up. Medusa's eyes snapped open, the familiar green glow shot out. Instantly, the strige's went stiff and fell out of the sky slamming into the mud, all turning into stone permanently.

"No!" Aleric screamed, he watched as his army was slowly being overwhelmed. His hands burst into purple energy as he made more and more monsters, the beasts slowly crawled out of the earth. (F/N) held his sword up, as black mist slowly ebbed off his fathers body, "You! Why won't you die?!?!"

The witcher slowly walked over Ciri's body, she had minutes, if that. He glared Alaric down with pure hatred.

(F/N) yelled as he ran forward, Aleric charged him his claws shot out. Thunder roared as the pair crossed blades. The rain slammed against them as they fought with everything they had. Their blades sparked with each strike.

Odysseus charged for Ciri, raising the apple in a desperate attempt to feed her it. He let out a yell as he crumpled to the ground, hands bursting from the ground, grabbing at him. The Spartan grabbed at the apple as it rolled out of his hands, but it was just out of his reach. A strige swopped down and grabbed it off the ground with it's talons.

But it let out a cry as an arrow shot through it. The vampire slammed back into the ground, Calypso charged forward, and slid through the mud as she snatched the cure. The tree right next to her exploded, as (F/N) was thrown right through it. Aleric appeared right on top of the witcher and grabbed him by the collar as he raised him and slammed him into the ground, "You can't win!" He snarled.

(F/N) let out a yell as he sliced at the vampire's legs, making him cry out, "I'm not trying to win. I'm trying to stall."

The vampire suddenly realized that his lesser was the distraction, he looked up just to see Calypso grab Ciri and throw her over her shoulder, "No!"

Suddenly, one of Calypso's soldiers jumped onto him, then another, then another, until there was a massive dog pile. (F/N) groaned as he picked himself up. The thunder and lightning were getting stronger and stronger, the wind was roaring through the trees. He prayed that Calypso would figure out how to give Ciri the apple. Calypso's soldiers screamed as they went flying, (F/N) jumped back into the fray, his sword crackled with electricity.

Calypso threw Ciri down on the ground, she held the apple out, "Come on." She knew the witcheress wouldn't bite it. Calypso shut her eyes, desperately thinking of a way to do this. The Queen sighed as she held the apple over Ciri's mouth, and squeezed it as hard as she could. She watched as the sweet nectar slowly leaked out of the apple. She closed her eyes and prayed to the gods, "Please. Please. Please."

She didn't notice that Ciri's body was slowly starting to glow.


Aleric stared at Toussaint from the distance, he planned on coming back here, and burning it to the ground, of course when he had an army at his disposal. All the noise he had heard was still with him. He would create and command the biggest force the continent had ever seen. He would turn humans into the endangered species. He smiled as he looked at his lesser, the rain was pounding against them, "Let's go, the Elder awaits us. He shall perish...did you create the bombs?"


"He'll be too worried about his precious gate to focus on us," Aleric said as he slowly turned to the same cave where the Elder was waiting, most likely in the same position as before. Resting, upside down, ready to kill.

"You'll die, Aleric," the Fang smiled as he heard the all too familiar voice.


The vampire appeared right in front of them, blocking them from entering the Elder's lair. His gaze was fixed on (F/N), "I can't let you do this Fang, you'll get him killed."

Aleric smiled, as he gestured to the young witcher, "I don't care about him. He's replaceable."

The older vampire sighed as he looked at (F/N), who wasn't even meeting his gaze, "(F/N)...I am so sorry."

The other vampire sighed, and shook his head, "You should be on my side Regis. You killed Dettlaff. You know what comes of that."

"He does," another voice said behind them. Aleric turned and saw Geralt and Ciri, with their silver swords drawn, "Witchers...hmm. It should be an impressive kill."

"I was going to say the same thing about you," Ciri fired back.

Aleric laughed, he noticed (F/N) was frowning, he was looking the woman right in her eyes. He immediately knew who he would have his lesser kill first, he knew which one would be the most likely to hold back. Geralt stepped forward, and raised his blade, "Let him go."

The vampire laughed, "Let go of one of my most valuable weapons? I don't think so."

Regis stepped forward, "Fang. Please."

Aleric sighed as he looked at the ground, "No. I think I'll make my slave kill all of you. Just for fun."

Ciri's eyes widened, she stepped into a defensive stance, a part of her didn't want to believe (F/N) would actually fight her, but she was ready. Geralt and Regis readied themselves, all of them waiting for the attack. (F/N) stood there, he groaned slightly as he clenched his fists and dug his feet into the ground, not knowing what to do. Aleric sighed as he pressed the mark on his forehead, the young witcher stood up bolt right as his eyes became more cloudy, "(F/N). Kill the woman"

(F/N) shot forward, flying right into Ciri's gut, the pair vanished in a flash of white light. Geralt ran at Aleric. But the vampire used the Aard sign sending the witcher flying. The vampire cackled as Regis roared as he barred his claws and fangs, "You'll all be dead soon."


(F/N) swung his blade at his father, but the vampire easily parried the blow and sent him flying. The witcher scrambled upward and tried to get into the appropriate stance. But the vampire's hands were engulfed with flames, the witchers eyes widened as he rolled out of the way just in time to miss the wave of fire. Aleric laughed as he summoned more and more fire, "Power! That's all I want! I was nothing! And now I'm everything! If I can't have my world, I'll take this world! A world where my kind get what they deserve!"

(F/N) had to turn into mist to avoid the ground swallowing him, he took another hit as the vampire used Aard to knock him into a tree again. The lightning crackled as he weakly picked himself off the ground. The rain blurring his vision.

The witcher slowly stood, groaning, his body was breaking ever so slightly. The sky crackled with lightning, (F/N) held his sword high. Aleric was trying to hold still, his entire body was shaking like he was in incredible pain. His black robes had nearly disintegrated, the area around his stomach was disintegrating, as if the power he was using was burning his insides. His skin was hanging off his body.

The vampire jabbed a finger forward, "I am cat! You are mouse! You can't win!"

(F/N) held his sword up, as he took a deep breath, steadying his heart. He slowly walked forward, "I'm neither...I'm a Witcher!"

The pair of men fought ferociously. (F/N) slashed at the vampires leg. Aleric slammed his fist into (F/N)'s mouth loosening his teeth. The witcher tried desperately to bite at his neck, as Aleric landed blow after blow after blow. (F/N) could hear his bones crunching like they were sticks. The witcher yelled out as he jabbed his sword forward, aiming for anything.

Aleric screamed as the sword pierced his gut, the metal smoked instantly, his veins darkened. The vampire roared as he thrusted his fist into the witcher's face, sending him flying. He heard the bones snap and crunch when his lesser landed on the ground. Aleric howled as he yanked the sword out of his gut, his innards were smoking as they hung out of his body. The vampire examining the blade as it almost instantly cleaned itself. He was heaving as he limped forward, his guts dragging on the muddy ground, "I will drain every drop of blood from your body."

(F/N) rolled over onto his back, his armor was covered in mud, his lip was swollen, his mouth was filling with his own blood, "Youth thin youth beat meh?"

Aleric laughed, "I know I beat you."

The vampire raised, (F/N)'s blade, the young witcher shut his eyes. But then the spot where Aleric had been standing exploded in a sea of white light, sending him and the sword flying.

(F/N) covered his eyes because of the shear intensity, but when he opened them, he would have shed a tear if he could. Ciri stepped out of the light with Calypso right behind her, "Fangs!"


Ciri leapt over to him and scooped him into her arms, the witcher held onto her, she was safe that was all that mattered. She was filthy, smelled like piss and vomit, and was caked in sweat. She had never been more beautiful.

The witcheress quickly helped (F/N) up, Calypso had her bow drawn, as Aleric slowly got up. Part of his skin had melted off, revealing his bones, he roared angrily when he saw Ciri, the gurgling that came from his throat was inhuman.

The witcheress tossed the apple she had used, the gold had faded from it, it was completely rotten and void of any magic, "You can have the rest."

Odysseus slowly approached the vampire from behind, he smiled when he saw Ciri, "It's good to see you're feeling well, Witcher Ciri."

She smiled, and nodded before she turned her glare to Aleric. The group slowly spaced out. (F/N) grabbed his sword from off the ground. Calypso stretched her bow string back. Odysseus readied his sword. Ciri smiled as she raised her blade. The vampire's chest was heaving, as his whole body shook, he knew there was nothing that could save him now. But he would rest easy in the ground, knowing the ones who sent him there were gone. Aleric roared as he leapt at his foes.


Regis roared as he charged Aleric, but the vampire made a swift gesture, immediately water shot out of the nearby river and swallowed the vampire, "You disappoint me old friend!"

Geralt yelled loudly as he threw a bomb right at the vampire's head. Aleric easily dodged it, but the witcher was ready. He gracefully pirouetted as he went for the vampire's neck, but Aleric grabbed the witcher's arms, "I should thank you, witcher. If not for you. I wouldn't be as nearly as powerful. You helped..."

"You talk too much," Geralt interrupted before slamming his head into the vampire's, sending him stumbling backwards. The witcher pounced, he tossed another bomb right at the vampire. Aleric looked up just in time for the hot light of the samun bomb to erupt right in front of his eyes.

Geralt let out a yell, as his foe tried to recover. Aleric growled as he erupted into mist and flew right through the witcher, suddenly hands and arms shot out of the ground grabbing onto him.

Aleric appeared a short distance away, "You can't win. There are only two beings who can kill me here, one's drowning and the other is under my control."

There was an eruption from the water as Regis shot out of the river and charged right at Aleric. The other vampire roared back. The pair smacked into each other. Immediately, fighting like animals. The ground slowly loosed it's grip on Geralt. The witcher quickly climbed out. He knew Aleric wouldn't stand a chance if (F/N) wasn't his puppet, he just needed to release him. The witcher smiled when he saw the glowing symbol on the vampire's forehead, "Perfect."

Meanwhile, on top of the cliff, Ciri was losing ground, she could have easily overwhelmed him, but she didn't want to hurt him, "Fangs! Fight him, I know you can."

(F/N) roared as he leapt forward, only for Ciri to vanish and reappear right behind him, the rain poured down on them. It reminded her of the training on the gauntlet, but she was much closer to death, "I don't want to hurt you."

The vampire growled, his fangs were dripping with saliva as he stared at her neck, he could smell the powerful blood running through her veins. There was no humanity in his eyes, only a monsters animosity. The witcher roared as he leapt at her again, Ciri sighed, as she quickly teleported, "You can't..." she never got to finish her sentence. Black and red mist wrapped around her legs and yanked her off her feet. Ciri huffed angrily as she rolled out of the way, just as (F/N) pounced on her. The witcheress leapt up and slammed the butt of her sword into his head, "Snap out of it!"

The witcher moved so quickly, Ciri never even had time to react, he grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground. The witcheress swung for his shoulder, but he easily grabbed her arms. Ciri let out a yell as she started kicking frantically, as he choked the life out of her. She weakly muttered, "Sorry." She drove her foot right into his dick, he cried out in pain as he released her.

(F/N) got angrier as he leapt at her again, but Ciri parried his claws and drove her weight into him sending him flying. But the witcher vanished, and reappeared right behind her, slamming his boots right into her back. Ciri flew off the edge of the cliff just barely grabbing onto the wet ledge in time. (F/N)'s chest heaved, "Slow death," he hissed. He walked up to her, he raised his boot to stamp on her hand. The lightning crackled revealing the evil in his eyes.

Regis and Aleric were roaring and screaming as they furiously bit and chewed on each other, their claws sliced and stabbed into each other. Geralt growled, there was no way he'd be able to do this alone, "Regis! Hold him up!"

The vampire glanced back as Geralt pulled his sword over his head. The older vampire quickly realized what was going to happen. He grabbed the screaming and roaring Aleric and held him up so he was facing the witcher. Geralt let out one last mighty yell as he threw his sword. Aleric yelled out as the blade plunged into his forehead, the symbol stopped glowing immediately. The vampire roared, Regis hollered as his old friends body burst into flames.

(F/N) stopped right before he stomped on Ciri's hand, he let out a screech as he grabbed onto his head. Before falling forward, right of the cliff, "Fangs!"

The witcheress let go and grabbed onto (F/N), she held him tightly before letting out a yell, as the pair vanished right before they hit the ground. They reappeared over a large bush a small distance away. Ciri collapsed onto (F/N). Her eyes widened when she saw him, his eyes slowly refocused as he looked at her, he blinked before he softly spoke, "Ciri? W-What's going on?"

The witcheress let out a sigh before drilling her fist into his face. Before collapsing right next to him, "I win."


Aleric yelled as Ciri and (F/N) drilled their blades into his gut. Calypso leapt onto his back, throwing her bow around his neck and yanking it back with all her might. The vampire desperately tried to grab for her while he used his other arm to try to unsuccessfully cast a sign. Odysseus charged forward, letting out a roar, as his blade whistled through the air, slicing Aleric's leg in half.

The vampire let out a gurgle before he sunk to the floor. He convulsed rapidly. The stone guardian slowly began to collapse. The monsters made of earth disintegrated, but the striges continued to fight and fight. But they were being overwhelmed. Ciri grabbed Aleric's arm, Odysseus grabbed the other. The trio managing to hold him still. Ciri screamed, as his claws slowly sank into her gut, "(F/N)! Kill him!"

The witcher nodded as he looked at his father. The vampire roared back in defiance as Calypso groaned, her bow was slowly cracking as she held his head in place. (F/N)'s fangs extended as he leaned forward. But he looked into Aleric's eyes. The man who had saved him so many times. The man who had given him life. After all that had happened, he still felt a connection with him, something he had never felt with anyone. And he did something he never thought he would do, he hesitated.

Calypso's bow snapped in half, "No!"

(F/N) just had time to yank his sword out of Aleric's chest, before the vampire broke free of Odysseus' grip and slammed his arm against Ciri. The vampire shot forward, grabbing (F/N) by the face, slamming him through multiple trees. (F/N) felt his body shattering as he slowly went limp, using all his strength to hold his sword.

They shot up into the cloud of striges, black mist trailing behind them. The witcher screamed as the vampires tore into him. His blood getting mixed into the rain. (F/N) felt his flesh being ripped apart. He had never been in this much pain. The lightning roared in the sky. The lightning was as bright as the sun. The witcher raised his sword, gritting his teeth, before letting out a yell. Lightning shot out of the sky and hit the tip of the witcher's blade. The blade glowed with pure white energy. Lightning crackled and roared from his blade. The striges squealed and cried out as they frantically flew away or were vaporized instantly.

(F/N)'s vision became blurry as he fell back to the ground, but he felt something slam into him making him go faster. The witcher saw Aleric's hideous face. The vampire had no skin left, he was just a skeleton, his guts and organs were rotting from the inside. The witcher braced for the inevitable impact. Aleric pushed him to go even faster. The wind whistled from the speed. When he hit the ground, his spine snapped in half.


Aleric turned to Regis, he raised his hand. The older vampire's eyes widened as a column of flame shot out of his hand and bathed him in fire.

"Regis!" Geralt screamed, he charged forward. But Aleric was ready. He turned to the witcher and raised his arm, instantly a giant hand rose from the ground and wrapped itself around the witcher. Geralt cried in pain, as the ground erupted into a guizer throwing him a good distance away. Aleric laughed, as he realized he had managed to defeat the famous White Wolf.

Then he heard a voice, a voice that sounded similar to his, "Enough!"

Aleric turned to see (F/N), a frown appeared on his face, "Your master broke the enchantment I see."

The witcher nodded, he watched as Aleric turned away from Regis. The older vampire wasn't nearly as burned as when he faced Vilgefortz, but he was still a charred mess. (F/N) held his silver sword up, "I would have broken it eventually."

"No you wouldn't have."

"That's not important. I still need to stop you."

Aleric was about to speak, until a bright light shot right past him. He hollered as he grabbed at his back, Ciri's blade had cut right through him. He roared and lunged at her, but the witcheress was too quick. She elegantly danced out of the way as (F/N) appeared right next to him and used Aard to send him to the ground. From there it was just a matter of them beating him. (F/N) yelled out as he kicked the vampire in the face, "You used me! You lied to me! You hurt me!"

Ciri roared as she slashed at him over and over again with her blade. Aleric groaned as he tried to back away, "No."

(F/N) raised his sword and sank it into the vampire's shoulder, "No!"

Aleric rose faster than either of the witcher's could react. He squeezed (F/N)'s throat and threw him as far as he could manage. Aleric's gaze then turned to Ciri, "The Child of the Elder Blood."

Ciri tried to run him through, but Aleric grabbed her sword, "I wonder what you taste like."

(F/N) charged forward, but he was too slow, Ciri cried out as Aleric sank his fangs into her. The witcher roared as he leapt forward he was propelled by the red and black mist. But the vampire was ready, he merely held his hand out, and the Yrden sign forced him back to the ground. Aleric laughed as he held Ciri's limp body, he didn't notice that her eyes were slowly glowing, "She's dead now...whether I take all of her blood now, or release her, she's dead. By my hand."

(F/N) slowly stood and limped forward, he gritted his teeth, his hands were shaking, he was about to say something. Until Ciri erupted, into a white light. Aleric frowned as he looked at the witcheress, "What is...?"

But he disintegrated almost instantly. (F/N)'s eyes widened, "Ciri? What are you doing?!"

But it's then that he realized that the light was growing. (F/N) turned and tried to run but it was too late. The light enveloped him, he yelled out as he was disintegrated. Then as soon as it began, the light vanished. Aleric had vanished. So had (F/N). And so had Ciri. They had all disappeared to another place to another world where another adventure awaited them.


Aleric let out what could only be described as a mix between a laugh, a gurgle, and a scream. The monster, held (F/N) by the neck. The witcher was having trouble seeing but he was certain the monster was smiling, "Lath chanth, let go."

The vampire chuckled as he pulled him close, somehow finding the strength to speak, "You. Can't. Beat."

(F/N) shook his head, his eyes were slowly swelling shut, "I canth, buth theh can."

Aleric turned, he saw the striges glaring at him from the trees. They didn't have a confused or clouded look, but rather a focused one. Their attention was focused on their 'master', "Leave!" He screamed. But the striges didn't move. They had been under his control for so long. And now they didn't feel the higher vampire's will being pushed on them. Now that he was much weaker, they had realized they weren't being used as soldiers, not even servants, but as slaves. The striges all shot forward slamming into the skeleton. Biting and clawing at his bones. Aleric screamed as he tried slashing at the monsters, but his work was in vein.

All (F/N) could do was hope and prey that this would work. He let out cries of pain as they were all swarmed, the vampires roaring as they bit into their enslaver. It was a flurry of feathers, saliva, and most of all blood. There was so much blood.

Then it happened, the ground split open, arms reached out and grabbed onto their target: Aleric. The monster looked down, "What?! What is this?!"

(F/N) only groaned in response, the vampire tried to break free, but the striges were holding him as they started devouring his bones and insides. Aleric roared as he was slowly being dragged into hell. One of the lesser vampires smacked (F/N) out of the vampire's grasp. The witcher groaned as he watched Aleric claw at the ground roaring as he tried saving himself. Chains shot out and wrapped around his wrists and neck. Fire shot out of the crack, making him scream and gurgle in agony, "Life! Life!" He shouted looking at his lesser, his eyes melted into his skull. The monster begged for another chance at life.

(F/N) spoke with his lisp, "I wonth kill you. Buth I wonth savh you."

The last thing the witcher recalled before he blacked out was Aleric getting pulled into a punishment far worse than his original one. The rain pounded (F/N)'s nearly dead body as the hole closed. Bringing his horrifying journey to an end.

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