Sparks Return [Completed]

Par LittlePumpkinWriter

370K 11.8K 1.1K

Burn for me as I burn for you. May it be in love or hate, burn for me. *** Breaking news: Hello world, this i... Plus

1: The Day my Name Became Popular
2: The Day an Unknown Number Called Me
3: The Perfect Night for my Perfect Nightmare
4: The Days I Attacked with Silence
5: The Night We Had a Visitor
6: The Night Fire Lit Us Up
7: The Days I Made Myself Forget Again
8: The Night Someone Bought Me a Drink
9: The Night I Can't Control
10: The Day I Joined A Tug of War
11: The Night I Drew My Last Straw
12: The Day She Finished What She Started
Writer's Note
13: The Day I Went to Waste
14: The Days I Lost and Charity Made Me Win
15: The Day I Found Conflict
16: The Night I Wanted a Dose
17: The Day I Met a Duplicate
18: The Day I Had My Own Waterfall
19: The Day There Was Another Color Other Than Black and White
Writer's Note
Your Opinions Matter
20: The Day I Became a Rock
21: The Day I Have Arrhythmia
22: The Night Bewilderment Was My Friend
Writer's Note: Happy Holidays!
23: The Day the Masquerade Was Over
24: The Day I Had a Surprise in the OR
25: The Days I Got Lost
26: The Night I Wanted To Dye
27: The Night I Made an Appearance
28: The Night the Lights Flickered
29: The Night There was the 'Calm before the Storm'
Writer's Note
30: The Day Forgiveness was a Sin
31: The Night She Doesn't Want to Talk to Strangers
32: The Night We Lost Our Minds
Writer's Note: 💔
Writer's Note
33: The Day Friendship Tilted My World Upside Down
34: The Night I was Trapped in the Queen's Castle
35: The Night Closure Was Our Reboot Button
36: The Day the Tenacious Cupid Visited Me
37: The Night Blaze Set Me on Fire
38: The Day I Bet My Heart on a Gamble
39: The Day Her Tears Stabbed Me Hard
40: The Night I Cursed at Destiny
41: The Night Vultures Watched From Above
42: The Day I Wore my Armor
43: The Night He was My Shield
44: The Day We Can't Say No to a Child
45: The Night Another Knight Wielded His Sword
46: The Night Blood Revealed Our Secret
47: The Day We Healed Our Wounds
48: The Day The Chef Almost Got Burned
Writer's Note
49: The Night an Angel was Between Us
50: The Day I was Ambushed
Rekindle the Fire
51: The Day Fingers Were the Sharpest Knives
52: The Day I Told Him a Fact and a Fuck You
53: The Day Bravery Made Her Beautiful
54: The Night Curiosity will Kill the Mouse
55: The Day of Mind Games
56: The Night I Played Games of The Generals
57: The Night My Blue Flames were Put Out
58: The Day We Found Peace in the Silence
59: The Day of Good Suits and Threats
60: The Night Sparks Returned
61: The Night of Yin and Yang
62: The Night We Licked our Wounds
63: The Night a Diamond Glinted
64: The Night of a Quiet Surprise
65: The Day Heroes Didn't Wear Capes
66: The Day My Bodyguard Dropped a Bomb
67: The Night Fire Touched My Skin
68: The Day of Power Play
69: The Day We Attack with our Voices
70: The Day I Lost My Breath
71: The Day the Devil Offered Me an Apple
72: The Day I Used My Own Weapon
73: The Day We All United For My Queen
75: The Day I Mended Bonds and Broke Ties
76: The Day Truth Speaks and the World Listens
77: The Day the Godfather Screamed for Silence
78: The Night of Life Decisions
79: The Day I Played Chess to Protect the Queen
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 1
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 2
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 3
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 4
Burn: The Epilogue
Writer's Note
Important Announcement

74: The Day Time Was Both a Friend and an Enemy

1K 59 7
Par LittlePumpkinWriter

74: The Day Time Was Both a Friend and an Enemy

Emil's POV

Time was both a friend and an enemy. The anticipation for any news from the doctor was a torture I didn't want to experience again. Yet waiting for her bid me time to be logical and rational. Signore Paolo, his wife and Nyle were all in the couch still silent. I would occasionally hear Signora crying and praying silently. Hope clung in the air and it was something we all desperately needed today. I played my phone, contemplating on telling our closed friends and family what has happened.

"Can I tell her friends and my family what happened?" I broke the silence. Signore Paolo looked at me and silently nodded. I nodded back at him before going to the corner to send everyone I have contact with the text message.

Hey. I'm so sorry to tell you this but Biya has been in a terrible accident. We're in Salvare General Hospital right now and she's still in the operating room. We're waiting for any news. I'll keep you updated when there's any.

– Emil Carini

Once I sent the text to Gio, Gabriel, Elda, and my family, multiple messages immediately made my phone beep multiple times.

Gio: Sorry to hear the news, brother. Paolo told us earlier. Percyla and I are on the way. I'll see you all soon.

Gabriel: Hoping she'll be better soon. I heard the news. I'll come there now. Caralei also sends her prayers. She's in America right now. Call me if you need anything, bro.

Elda: WHAT?! Which suite room are you in? I'm in the pedia dept!

I was about to reply when my father's caller ID appeared on my screen. I took a deep breath, gaining the courage to speak about it and answered the call.

"Hey dad."

"Son! I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened?"

"Biya got into a car accident."

"Oh... We're sorry to hear that. Do you need us to come there? What room are you on?"

"Room 304."

"Was she the only one in the accident? How bad is it?"

"It's really bad, dad. We're hoping for some good news. She's been there for four hours now. Ronaldo came out of the surgery an hour ago but he's still being monitored."

"Damn. Have you talked to his family?"

"Marcus took care of it earlier. They're on their way." I heard him sigh.

"How about Biya's family? Have you talked to them?" He asked. Turning around to catch a glimpse of them, I noticed Paolo watching me as if he was listening to the conversation. I nodded at him before turning back.

"They're here with me."

"How are they holding up?"

"They're okay. We're all waiting for any news." He hummed before I heard the rustle of papers.

"How are you, son?" I went blank for a second. How am I? I tried to think how I was coping up and all I could think was this; I was pushing through this right now because of her. Nothing else. My mind went blank, unable to answer my father's question.

"I'm... I'm trying..." I managed to speak. I bit my lip at my reply and I heard him sigh.

"Okay. We're going there now. We'll talk to you as soon as we arrive. Stay strong, okay? She will be okay." I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying not to fucking cry again for the nth time today.

"I will be."

"Okay. I'll tell your mom and Em."

"Thanks, dad. We really need to have a talk when you get here."

"Sure. I'll meet you there. Tell your grandpa we're coming." His words hit me and I went speechless for a second. I sucked the air and my body went stiff upon hearing about Nonno. I cleared my throat.

"Okay. Be safe. I'll see you all soon." I ended the call after that.

"Mr. Moretti?" I asked facing him. He sat straighter and patted his wife's back lightly, telling her to let him go.


"Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Of course. Let's go grab a drink." He stood up from his seat. I gestured for him to go first. Opening the door for him, we went out silently out of the room. Before we left, I spotted Signore Lorena looking at us with curiosity and Nyle sent me an encouraging smile.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" Signore Paolo started while we began walking to the canteen.

"My family is coming here."

"Oh..." He only replied.

"I need your help, Sir. I need to talk to them about the situation." He shot me a warning look. I knew that look. He didn't want to interfere with family issues he wasn't involved in.

"I know it's a family matter, Sir, but Biya got hurt because of my grandfather's own selfish reasons. I need someone who is close to Biya who can be there for her as her representative." He sighed, scratching his hair. We continued to walk in silence and I let him think about it. It's hard to break the news to my own family and I hope that they will accept what has happened easier if he comes with me. I cannot imagine my family being calm with this whole ordeal.

"Okay. I'll come with you. Maybe I should send Lorena and Nyle home to rest once Biya is out of surgery." He said.

"Yes, Sir. Signora Lorena needs her rest as well as Nyle. He had a long flight after all." He hummed, nodding.

"Alright. Is that all?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Now don't call me Sir. Call me Paolo, okay?" He smiled with pride in his eyes. I couldn't help but let out a breath of relief. The unknown heaviness I had in my chest instantly getting lift off.

"Okay, Paolo. Thank you for accepting me." He gave me a pat in the back and smiled.

"You really love her, don't you?" There was a hint of sadness now in his eyes as he looked straight to where we were going.

"Yes. More than you can imagine." He chuckled.

"You're one stubborn man, Carini. I'm really am glad you waited for her and respected her decisions in life." He now spoke in a lower tone, not wanting for anyone to hear our conversation as we entered the canteen.

"She taught me to wait and let fate decide when the time is right." I replied and he let out a soft chuckle, laughing.

"You both learned a thing or two about love."

"She taught me a million ways how to love someone." I replied.

Another 2 hours has passed until we received word that she is finally out of the OR and was being transferred to the room. Elda and Blaze rushed inside keeping us company while we waited for her arrival. My eyes were glued to the door, anticipation rising in me and wishing that the door opens soon. My hands itched to touch her and feel her. My soul wanted to reach to her and tell her everything's going to be okay. A moment later, the doctors, nurses and other medical staff entered with her being wheeled inside. Multiple tubes were inserted in her body and wires were placed on her skin. I could hear Lorena break down behind me followed by Elda. My heart skipped a beat, in pain and also in relief that she was okay. She's finally here. The medical team busied themselves and quietly set her up comfortably. They positioned her beside the wall in the middle. She looked lifeless. The only thing that reminded me she was alive and breathing where the machines monitoring her oxygen intake and her heartbeat. The constant beeping noise were music to my ears; a great reminder that she was alive. Her family hurriedly went to her side first and I watched them all cry and tell her everything will be okay. I couldn't move. I wanted to but I stayed planted on the floor, stiff and trying to breathe calmly. Her skin was so pale and her face was full of scratches, bruises and wounds. Her head was bandaged in white gauze and her neck was in a brace. I could see bandages peeking through the sleeve of her right shoulder. The nurses put these white support cushions and pillows on her back and on her legs. Right leg was all bandaged up as well. The tube that went in her mouth to support her breathing looked painful as fuck. It was difficult to see her like this and it was my worst nightmare coming to life. A doctor checked her IV before he flipped through his notes and wrote on it.

"Can I speak to the family?" The doctor asked once Biya was set. That made me snap and I was able to move. Biting my lip, I clenched my hands into fists trying to stop myself from crying. The pain she must have endured must have been insurmountable. I didn't like looking at her like this; unconscious and still. I had to remind myself that she was okay but I knew that what I have prayed for will be answered if she opens her eyes and be conscious.

"Emil, come here." Paolo gestured for me to join them. I blinked in disbelief. They're treating me as a part of their family? I quickly rushed to their side went beside Nyle. With trembling hands, I touched and caressed Biya's left hand. Cold. She felt cold. I carefully held her hand and rubbed a thumb on the back of her hand. It's real. She's here. She's going to be okay. The mantra played in a repeated loop. I couldn't help but sigh finally having her with me.

"Okay. We had to revive her twice during the surgery. She has a skull fracture in here," He pointed to the part between her right ear and her forehead.

"We managed to fix the open fracture. However, we need to monitor her still because we don't want any infection to happen. I assure you, though, that she's in the best care here. Her right leg and her arm have been broken due to the collision. She will need a second surgery for her leg. Her body cannot take everything if we perform everything right now. Her spine has been affected too and we already did spinal fusion. We will have to monitor her just in case she needs another surgery for that."

"Will she... will she be able to walk?" Paolo interrupted and everyone fell silent, waiting for his response.

"Unfortunately, we don't know that until she wakes up. But we are doing our best for her, Signore Moretti." I spotted Blaze and Elda taking the chart from a nurse and they both quietly talked. Blaze then nodded at me, smiling and Elda mouthed an "She's doing good."

"When will she wake up?"

"That is also undetermined. Due to the trauma her body has taken, her mind basically shut down physically. I'm so sorry to say this but right now, she's in a comatose state." Signora Lorena began crying with her hands wrapping around her husband's arm. I shook at the news but remained stable. Looking at her pale face, it was a painful torment. The feeling of helplessness and the will to kiss her pain away were growing intensely. I felt someone pat my back repeatedly and it was Nyle who was now looking at her sister with tears streaking down his cheeks. His cheeks were flushed and her lips were trembling as he cried.

"Will she be able to hear us?" I asked this time.

"We cannot say but we do encourage you to do that. Any words of encouragement can help her if she can hear you." The doctor smiled but it was kind of the smile that was a mix of sympathy and hope.

"Okay. Call us if you need anything. We will leave you now." They all bowed and excused themselves. I noticed the way they looked at me. I nodded at the doctor as he faced me one last time. With a sad smile, he nodded back and then went out of the room.

"Oh Beatrice!" Signora Lorena fell to her knees crying. Paolo went down beside her and kissed her forehead, whispering something that must be a way to comfort her. Nyle cried quietly beside me, his hands gripping the rails of the hospital bed tightly. I went to him and hugged the shit out of him, patting his back and telling him it would be okay.

"Your sister is a fighter. She'll be okay." I told him and to be honest, talking to him assured me everything will be fine. Biya was one strong woman. It was a miracle and I was glad she was here with us now. Even though she was lying there, peacefully sleeping, it assured me that she was okay.

"I barely spend time with her and this happened." He sobbed, his body shaking as he hugged me back.

"You will spend more time with her after this. She missed you, you know." I spoke to the young man and he cried harder.

"I missed her too."

A few hours had passed and it was now night time. I held her hand and never let go. It felt like unreal that she was here on the bed without any sign that she was going to wake up. I rubbed circles on the back of her hand and stared at her resting peacefully. The only noises I could hear were the beeping noises of the monitor she was hooked up in. Elda and Blaze left a few hours ago since they still have to be on their shifts.

"Emil, are you sure you can stay here up all night?" Paolo asked getting their coats on the coat rack in the corner.

"I''ll be fine, Sir." I sent him a smile.

"Okay. Gio and Percyla will be here tomorrow. Their son needs them so they can't come here the moment they arrived."

"It's okay, Sir. It's not a problem."

"How about you, Nyle? Why don't you come along with us?" he motioned for Nyle.

"I want to stay here for a while. I'll go home later." He replied to Paolo.

"Text us if you're going home, okay? He'll take you home." Lorena approached him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I will. Thank you." Nyle smiled at her. She smiled back and then went to Biya.

"I love you, dear." She whispered to her before kissing her cheek. Paolo followed, kissing her cheek as well.

"Love you." He whispered.

"Well, we will be on our way. Emil, don't forget to take care of yourself, okay sweetie?" Signora spoke to me before giving me a quick hug.

"Yes, I will, Signora." She smiled wider.

"I think we're way passed that now. You can call me Lorena." I couldn't help but smile in relief. She is a woman that is tough to please and I was glad I have earned her trust now.

"Thank you, Lorena. Thank you for accepting me."

"Take care of her." She said. Then, they both waved goodbye and left us in the room. Silence fell in the room once more. Nyle went to the side and went to seat on the chair next to Biya's bed.

"Excuse me a moment. I need to make some calls." I excused myself and went to open the balcony of the suite room. Taking my phone out, I dialed Luigi's number.

"Good evening, Sir. How are you? How is Miss Beatrice? I heard the news from Marcus."

"I'm okay. Can you get me flowers for her and Ronaldo?"

"Of course, Sir."

"And make sure to put Ronaldo's family in the hotel suite. Where are they now?"

"Oh! They actually just arrived in the airport."

"Good. Arrange everything, okay?"

"Of course, Sir. Can you meet your lawyer tomorrow at 8 A.M? It's for the case against Stephanie Bridge." I stiffened. Frustration and anger crept through me and it annoyed me that she was still a problem of mine after what happened today. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I replied.

"Yeah but he needs to be here."

"Oh... You're not going to your office, Sir?"

"I can't leave her, Luigi." I told him and I heard him hum.

"It's understandable, Sir. I'll take what's important to you tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"The media is still asking about Miss Beatrice and your relationship with her." Can't I have a fucking break from them?!

"Ignore them. I don't want to talk to them... At least not now." I replied, turning to where Biya was peacefully sleeping.

"I'm really sorry you have to go through all of this, Sir. I'll do my best to make it less stressful." He reassured and I smiled at that, grateful that he was a very understanding and kind man.

"Thank you, Luigi."

"It's not a problem, Sir. Is there anything else you need?"

"My parents are going to be staying in the house for a while. Make sure everything they need will be there."

"Of course, Sir."

"Okay. That will be all."

"Noted, Sir. Have a good night."

"Good night." I ended the call after that. I felt tension on my shoulders and the back of my neck. I couldn't relieve it for some reason even though I kept rubbing on them.

"Yow... You should probably go home and take a shower or something. You look stressed." Nyle commented the moment I went to Biya's side. Slumping on the chair, I held her hand again and kissed her knuckles lightly.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. I can say that to you too." I replied back earning a laugh at him.

"Yeah. Jet lag is getting to me now. Maybe you can go home and then go back here. In the meantime, I can keep her company." He smiled offering a suggestion to me.

"That will be good. Are you hungry? I can have Marcus or someone deliver food here."

"Pizza would be great. With mushrooms and peperoni please." He grinned.

"Sure. I'll be back." I told him and he waved a hand at me.

"Take your time." He smiled. I nodded at him in thanks before I went out of the room.

"Where are we going, Sir?" Marcus stood from the bench beside the door.


Once I got home, Sam and Mina met me in the living room. Their faces screamed of worry and anxiety as they approached with Mina barely holding herself together.

"How are they?" Sam asked.

"They are both out of surgery now and resting." They both let out a huge sigh of relief, with Mina clapping her hands together in prayer.

"Oh! Dio! Thank you!" She exclaimed.

"Have you eaten dinner? Where's Geno?"

"We already have. Geno is in his crib now... sleeping. Would you like me to cook you dinner, Sir?"

"No need. I'll go buy pizza later. Nyle is in the hospital right now with Biya and there's a bodyguard who's a friend of Ronaldo staying with him tonight. We will have our dinner there."

"Okay sir."

"Go rest now. My parents will be here." Their eyes widened at the information.

"Oh! I should prepare their room then! Come along, Mina! I need your help." They both excused themselves and rushed to one of the guest bedrooms.

"Marcus?" I called for my bodyguard who was silent beside me this whole time.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Go to Ronaldo's room and take some of his things he might probably need once he wakes up." I told him.

"Of course, Sir." We separated ways after that and went to have a shower.

Once I was done and I felt light, refreshed and better, I began to pack for Biya's things. Her hygiene kit she takes whenever she takes long hours in the hospital and some extra clothes. Looking at the empty bed, I felt alone and desolate. I sat down to her side of bed and just took my time remembering everything about her. From when she was a medical student up to now. I smiled at the good and bad memories. It made me long for her more. I wish she wakes up soon. A sigh escaped my lips as I stood up and continued packing. I got her favorite liquid soap, shampoo and her toothbrush just in case she wakes up tomorrow. God! Please let her recover quickly. I also took my stuff with me with the intention of staying in the hospital as long as I could. Talking my toothbrush and other things in my hygiene kit with me, I put everything I collected in the Louis Vuitton bag. I was about to get out of the bathroom when I spotted the scented candle in a glass near the bath tub. Hmmmm... Maybe I should take some... Going to the cabinets, I grabbed three jars of the scented candles and put them in the bag as well. What else? Clothes... Going out the bathroom, I went to the walk-in closet and began to get clothes. I got pairs of sweatpants in variety of colors; dark blue, dark green, gray and black. I also took shirts and boxers as well. Once I was done with my clothes, I went to Biya's side of the closet. Will it be weird if I pack for her? I contemplated hard upon it and I just stared at her closet for a little while. She needs her stuff. I convinced myself and began to pack clothes. Since she's still going to wear hospital gowns, I opted on packing her silk robes, some shorts and shirts if she needed. I was about to go to her drawers when realization daunted on me and my fingers froze mid-air as I reached for it. Will it be weird if I pack her underwear? I shook my head and it made me think for a few seconds again before deciding I would need help with that. Once I was done folding everything, I went out of the room in search for Mina.

"Mina?" I called for her in the hallway. The petite girl hurriedly rushed to me like her life depended on it and stopped when she's just a few feet away from me.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Can you help me pack for Biya?"

"Of course, Sir." She nodded with enthusiasm. Opening the door for her, she went in and I followed her.

"Closet is right there." I pointed at the already opened walk- in closet. She arched a brow at me when she spotted that I folded her clothes already.

"What do you need me to do, Sir? You already are packed."

"Uhmm... her undergarments." I pointed at the drawer to her right.

"Oh... Okay." She let out a soft giggle before she went to do what she has to do. When she was done, I thanked her. She did not just pack her stuff but she also neatly packed mine in a luggage.

"Not a problem, Sir. Is there anything else?"

"I'm good now. Thank you." She went out of the room after and I checked the room if I needed anything else. Once I had my laptop and my gadgets with me, I went out of the room as well.

"Ready to go, Sir?" A freshly showered Marcus approached me.

"Dude, why are you wearing work clothes. I'm in my sweatpants and shirt and here you are stiff as a board. Put something comfortable on. You can go home and rest after." He chuckled but shook his head.

"I'm good, Sir. Don't worry about me. I'll take that from you." He took my luggage, the bag I had for our hygiene kits and my laptop bag.

"Go first. I need to visit Geno first before we go." He nodded at that and went outside. I silently opened Geno's door and entered. His baby monitor was on and a small lamp was lit up in the corner. He was cutely tucked in his blue blanket, snoring lightly and probably dreaming.

"Good night, Geno." I whispered before kissing his forehead. Rubbing his soft baby arm lightly, I bade goodbye and went out of the room quietly.

If time is Emil's frenemy, mine is the internet. I swear to God, I might lose my mind with it some day LMAO. Anyway, here it is. Some people have messaged me to extended this story coz they don't want it to end... Hmmm... Maybe I'll try but I really think this story has come to an end. Just a few more knots to tie up and we're done. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment and vote, pumpkins! Love ya!

- L

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