The Witcher The Swallow and T...

By jetrayf

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As humanity has grown the population and threat of monsters has decreased, naturally so has the need for witc... More

The Cold Beginning
The Dusty Trail
The Crooked Inn
Into the Woods
Lilac and Gooseberries
Imperial Audience
The Wolf and The Viper
The Path
The Sorceress' lamp
The Swamp of the Unknown
Ladies of the Wood
The Worst Father
The Swallow in Velen
Consequences of One's Past
The Romantic Sorceress
The Dragon who would be Queen
The Free City of Novigrad
An Old Flame is Forever Eternal
The Window to the Soul
A Bard's Muses
A Voice That Would Make a Siren Jealous
The Troll's Treasure
The Trial of The Grasses
Searching for the Son of a Whore
The Will to Go Forward
A Doppler Named Dudu
A New Ballad
The Black Bat
Her Sweet Kiss
The Never Ending Hunt
A Deadly Plot
A Poets Love
The Eternal Fire's Followers
The Memories that Haunt
The Island of Tradition
A Druids Dungeon
Secrets of the Fog
The Beginning of the End
A Powerful Magic
A New King
The Last Wish
The Cursed Imp
The Witchers Bretheren
The Enemy Within
The Path Taken
The Witcheress
The Battle of Kaer Mohren
The Empress of Nilfgaard
The Fang and The Swallow
The Martyr Saint
Through Time and Space
The Last Time
A Matter Of State
The Wrap Up
The Departed
A Final Journey
The Blood of All
Tower of the Swallows
The Sword of Destiny
Baptism of Fire
Time of Contempt
Something Ends, Something Begins
A New Journey
Blood and Wine
Together Again
A Deed Rightfully Punished
The Loss of Those Close
A Familiar Acquaintance
The Land of The Dead
The Battle
Lesser Than Me
The End of a Life
Season of Storms
The Warm Farewell

The Beast of Beauclair

866 41 8
By jetrayf

(F/N) took the steel sword from the blacksmith and examined it thoroughly, "And you swear to its caliber?" The blade had a golden handle in the form of a rapier. But the steel was thick and slightly short, it would work perfectly for now.

The blade master nodded as he watched the witcher twirl his blade and slice it through the air, "Aye, although my prices are high, so is me quality. I have some sacks in the back if you're interested in using it." The witcher shook his head as he sheathed the blade, "It's fine, but if you're trying to scam me, I'll be back." (F/N) set a sack of coins on the counter, "Will that work?" The smith picked up the small burlap sack and weighed it in his hands before opening it, "Aye, that should do, good luck on your hunt master witcher."

The tourney grounds were filled with people who were happily pouring into the stadium. (F/N) found Geralt in a crowd of people, there was an event going on apparently, everyone was talking about how it would top everything throughout the festival. The young witcher sheathed his new blade on his back right next to his silver one. He got his former masters attention, "Did you find Palmerin?"

Geralt nodded, "Yeah, did you get your new sword?" (F/N) smiled and patted the hilt, "It would be better if you let me use my claws, they don't need to be sharpened, they're weightless, and they're free." His old master gave him a look, "They'll also get you chased out of here."

(F/N) rolled his eyes as the pair approached the knight. His golden armor shined in the sun as he spoke to a group of children who were playing a simple game, "We need to speak to the duchess. Urgently," Geralt said with his classic tone.

Palmerin nodded, as he looked to the children, with a smile spread across his face, "All right, you scamps. Story's done. Go find your parents."

"But Sir Palmerin! What about the story of Riddick and the dragon?" one of the children cried out as the others whined in protest.

"That tales for another time. But take a look at the men who stand before you now. This is Geralt of Rivia, the master witcher who lent his valiant hand to the defeat of the giant Golyat. And his ward (F/N) (L/N), who doesn't live up to the honor his master has come to expect...but with a heart that is noble."

"Master witchers," a girl said, "is it true virtue always trumps villainy?"

Geralt frowned, but shrugged, "Uh, yeah. Virtue always wins."

(F/N) laughed just as the children were about to speak, "No, that's not true. The strongest wins. But it's worth being virtuous."

The kids seemed confused, one even asked, "Why?" so the young witcher added, "Would you rather be friends with someone who's villainous or virtuous?"

Palmerin laughed as the children started asking the witcher even more questions, "Now, that will have to do. Go find your parents." The children laughed as they went off to do just that, starting another game as they left. The knight smiled at the witchers, "Her Enlightened Highness has doubtless arrived at the tourney grounds to watch the battle in the arena. If we hurry, we'll be in time to speak to her before the tourney begins."

Gerealt nodded as he glanced at the massive stadium, "Lead the way." As they walked, (F/N) stared at the stadium, the logs that served as walls were massive, but they had steps around them so people could see inside, it wasn't designed to keep people out, but something in.

"Who's fighting? Nilfgaardian gladiators?" Geralt asked, his curiosity intrigued.

Palmerin chuckled, "Close, but not quite. As you will see soon," the knight pointed at a large cage.

(F/N)'s eyes widened when he saw it, inside was a Shaelmaar. The monster was struggling inside the cage while two men tried to tie a pair of bells around its tail. The young witcher sighed. The creatures large rocky shell had black and yellow painted on it to symbolize the colors of Nilfgaard. The giant monster had large claws, but they were designed for digging and smashing rocks, not killing or slicing. The Shaelmaar couldn't even see, they lived underground and used echolocation. Geralt shared (F/N)'s distaste, "Someone's gonna fight a Shaelmaar? With only some bells on its tail to confuse it, slow it down?"

Palmerin laughed at the two witcher's expressions, "Whatever is the problem? The beast is a gift, from the emperor, no less." The jingling from the massive bells grew louder when the men finished tying the bells to the monsters tail, it let out a high-pitched angry screech. (F/N) scoffed, "What's wrong? You're throwing a monster who can't see into an arena where people are crying for it's blood with bells dangling from it's ass." Geralt gave (F/N) a look, "Well that's one part of it, but what about who's fighting it, bells aren't enough of an advantage."

Palmerin folded his arms, he gave the younger witcher a hard look, but then turned his gaze to Geralt, "Nonsense, to both of you, we've done this many times before, this is quite common, it's entertaining and safe." (F/N) laughed, "Safe? That Shaelmaar looks like it's in good health, only a witcher can take it. Even then, a lot don't stand a chance. Who's even going to fight it?"

Palmerin smiled, "Guillaume - the young man you met." Geralt smirked, "Let's hope he's better at this than fighting giants."

(F/N) laughed, as he recalled all the dumb things he did when he was younger, "When a man wants to impress a woman, he'll do anything to impress her."

Palmerin led the witchers to their seats, the crowd was already getting antsy, some were trying to start a chant. (F/N) sat silently, as he waited for this blood orgy to start. He looked on the other side of the arena and his heart went into his throat.

There was a viewing box, and there she was, Her Enlightened Ladyship, Duchess Anna Henrietta. The witcher tried not to look at her, he had a similar reaction when he met Queen Meve all those years ago. But rather than bloodied battle armor, the duchess wore an elegant yellow and brown dress that displayed her beautiful features. Unlike Meve's battle hardened yet entrancing scowl, Anna Henrietta had kind soft features. It was easy to look her in her bright blue eyes. On her head, woven into her dirty blonde hair, was her crown.

(F/N) swallowed, and looked at the pit as the knight Guilaume entered the arena, he prayed the Duchess was in a forgiving mood. He tried to focus on the present, and not the future, the crowd cheered as the knight raised his sword and walked around the stadium. Making sure to get the crowd even more excited.

(F/N) clapped slightly, he had no idea what was about to happen. Guilaume stabbed the ground with his sword and kneeled, "I dedicate my imminent victory to fair Lady Vivienne!" The witcher noticed one of the women blushed intently, as she looked at the knight. That must have been Lady Vivienne.

The witcher smirked, he would love watching Guilaume get beaten. Palmerin smiled, "It's begun, we must wait until the fight is over to speak with the Duchess." (F/N) watched as Guilaume readied his blade, and the cage was opened. The witcher smiled as he watched a guardsmen jab the beast with a pitchfork making it cry out in agony. The Shaelmaar cried out as it bounded forward, the bells around it's tale started jingling, immediately making the monster lunge at it's own tail. Bits of earth were flying everywhere.

(F/N) watched as Guilaume charged the beast and raised his blade, striking the monster right on it's rock hard armor. Geralt shook his head, "I've got a bad feeling about this." (F/N) raised a brow when he saw one of the bells fly off the chain and smack into the wall. The Shaelmaar screeched and rolled at the sound, barely missing Guilaume, but slamming into the steel wall. Everyone cheered and clapped, Guilaume smirked as the beast struggled to get up. But that's when (F/N) saw it, the bells on the monsters tail had broken off. The witcher looked at Guilaume, his eyes widened, the knight started banging his sword against his shield, "No."

(F/N) jumped into the stadium right as the Shaelmaar rolled right at Guilaume, but this time, it hit its target sending the young knight flying.


(F/N) barely jumped out of the way as the Minotaur rammed it's head against the stone wall making the cavern shake and bits of rock fall down. Odysseus pulled back his bow string and fired a shot, but the arrow bounced off, "Damn!" (F/N) jumped back again as the bull like monster swung it's axe at him, barely missing, "How are we supposed to kill this thing?!"

Odysseus growled as he tried to think of an answer to that very question, "Aim for it's eyes!"

(F/N) yelled as he dove between the beasts legs, stabbing it in the shin with his silver sword. But it was like using a tooth pick, the only advantage they had was that the beast hated silver. The Minotaur dropped it's axe and started stomping it's hoof to get the blade out. (F/N) yelled out as he was covered in it's warm steamy blood. Grabbing his blade and rolling out of the way. (F/N) backed away as the Minotaur let out another roar, he looked at Odysseyus, "We're fucked."


"This'll be easy," the young witcher said as he brandished his silver sword. He whistled as loudly as he could making the Shaelmaar look right at him, it's heavy thick saliva dripping from its teeth. (F/N) watched as it got into a ball and rolled right at him. The young witcher ducked away just before the Shaelmaar slammed into the wall. The stadium burst into roars of applause. He looked back at where he had been and saw Geralt was clapping slightly.

The witcher noticed the Duchess wasn't clapping, she either had recognized him or was trying to recognize him. The witcher sighed, as he looked at the Shaelmaar as it slowly picked itself up, it was looking in various directions in confusion. The witcher pulled out one of his samum bombs from his belt and tossed it at another wall, it let out a loud long bang. The Shaelmaar screeched as it rolled at the wall again. This time (F/N) ran at it, he jumped into the air with his silver sword ready to strike.


(F/N) was thrown into a stone structure, he turned into mist right as the monster rammed, shoulder first, into it. Odysseus was nearly out of arrows, and he was sweating profusely. The young witcher wasn't doing much better. His chest was heaving, and he had multiple cuts all over his body. The Minotaur wasn't even winded. The witcher gritted his teeth as he rolled away, he had never fought anything like this. Not only was the minotaur relentless, it only seemed to be getting angrier and more violent. (F/N) let out a yell in fury, "Damn it, we're not doing anything but pissing it off."

Odysseus nodded as he knocked another arrow, "The beasts skin is hard like armor, we need catapults, ballistas, an army of men, not a sword and arrows. We need something stronger."

(F/N) bit his lip, the cavern was shaking as the fight went on, the Minotaur's anger was making more and more rocks fall. They were underneath a mountain. If there was a cave in, everyone was dead. That's when he realized it, their only chance at survival. (F/N) turned to Odysseus, "I have an idea."

The Greek nodded as the Minotaur got off the ground, slamming it's mangled hand into the ground. (F/N) pulled his bomb pouch off his belt, "This is filled with explosives, I'm gonna distract it, you cause as much damage to the ceiling as you can."

Odysseus was dumbfounded, but he didn't have time to tell the witcher how damn horrible his plan was. The beast charged right at them, forcing them to split up, as the Minotaur plowed through the stone wall, "You won't survive!"

(F/N) grabbed a rock and threw it at the Minotaur, "Just do it!"


The Shaelmaar screamed in agony as the witcher jabbed it in the belly with his blade. Trying to rip through it's soft underbelly. He was covered in dirt and blood as he tried twisting his sword around. But the monster had other ideas. It slammed it's fist into the ground sending the witcher flying. (F/N) groaned as he flew into the air and smacked into the side of stadium's wall.

He grabbed his blade from off the ground. The crowd was cheering and crying for blood. Everything was blurry, but there was no way the Shaelmaar could see him. (F/N) took a breath as he raised his sword, blinking his vision back to correction. He yelled angrily, the Shaelmaar returned with an equally loud roar, and raised it's arms. The witcher rolled away just as the monster slammed it's arms into the ground forcing the ground to shake and nearly explode in front of it. The witcher growled, he needed something stronger. (F/N)'s chest was heaving as he pulled off the pouch from his belt that was filled with Grapeshot bombs. The Shaelmaar let out a monstrous roar as it raised it's arms to attack the witcher again.

(F/N) threw the pouch up in the air, everyone in the crowd went silent, as they watched the witcher form two signs with his hands. The source of the sign glowed with blue energy, just as the pouch landed in front of him. The large bomb went flying right at the Shaelmaars face. The pouch smacked into it. The explosion that went off was massive, even for the Shaelmaars standards. The crowd watched in silence as the beast stumbled, and let out a weak groan before it tumbled backwards. The crowd cheered louder than they had ever had before. (F/N) raised his sword and sank to his knee, letting the crowd cheer.


Odysseus watched as (F/N) was nimbly dodging the Minotaur's blows, but he was getting slower, they were both too tired, they didn't have a choice, they needed to do something. Odysseus knelt as he desperately started tying one of the witcher's bombs to his arrow. He gritted his teeth as he pulled back his bow, and aimed at the ceiling, firing a shot. The ceiling shook violently, a large boulder collapsed onto the ground, right behind the Minotaur, but the monster didn't seem to care. It easily picked up the boulder and threw it at (F/N).

He shouted, "Do it again, hurry!"

Odysseus nodded, tying the entire pack of bombs to his arrow. (F/N) twisted both of his hands into the Axii sign, "Stay there!" He shouted. The bull like monster grabbed it's head as if it suddenly became confused. Odysseus clenched his teeth as he fired his very last arrow. The explosion was small but the effect was not. Large boulders rained from the ceiling. The room shook and groaned. It was ready to collapse. (F/N) pulled out his sword, as black and red mist ebbed off his body, he let out a loud battle cry as the rocks rained down, he leapt off the ground, right at the monsters head.

Odysseus turned and ran, the room was collapsing all around, with the large stone columns collapsing sending debris and bones everywhere. The Greek let out a yell as he dove through the doorway he had came through. He barely made it out of the room just as the ceiling collapsed, killing the minotaur and (F/N) instantly. The dust shot through the air, as the entrance was ceiled permanently.

Odysseus was gasping for breath as he slowly regained his composure on the floor, "Malaka."

He coughed even more as he sat up, "Witcher (F/N)?!" The soldier quickly stood and saw that the room had caved in, rocks and boulders blocked the doorway. His ally was trapped.


The sound of a trumpet blaring echoed through the air as (F/N) slowly stood up. The announcers voice boomed through the crowds thunderous applause, "The shaelmaar lies defeated by (F/N) (L/N), master of the witchering trade! Behold as the last gaps of life seep from the beast!" (F/N) ignored the thunderous roar of the audience, and looked at the monster. It's face was darkened from the explosion, it let out a weak gurgle. Suddenly the duchess' voice echoed through the stadium, "Master (F/N), do what you must! Finish the deed!"

(F/N) looked up and saw the Duchess, she was smiling slightly at him, but when he saw the look in her eyes he knew right away, she recognized him. (F/N) walked over to the monster, it's chest was heaving. The witcher heard the same weak voice in his head, "Kill it. No mercy. Kill. Kill. Drink your kill." (F/N) blinked a few times and shook his head the voice subsided, he looked down at the Shaelmaar it whimpered pathetically. The witcher shook his head, "I can't. It's been hurt enough. Let it live."

The crowd erupted into cheers, as the announcer called out, "A victor may always show mercy! It is his right! Long live (F/N) the Merciful." The announcer blew his horn, and guards ran into the pit, forcing the monster back into its cage. The beast was too weak to do anything but comply. Palmerin leapt into the pit and walked over to Guilaume who was still moving but looked incredibly hurt. (F/N) walked over to the two knights. Palmerin helped the young knight to his feet, despite the groaning and wincing, "The lad came damned close to dying."

(F/N) laughed slightly, "I don't think fighting giant monsters is for you." The young knight nodded and tried to brush Palmerin away, "I'm fine...not...hurt at all." He couldn't even make it through speaking without wincing, "Vivienne?" Palmerin scolded the young knight, "Smile as befits a hero and keep silent. Speech clearly pains you."

The witcher jumped slightly, when he heard Geralt's voice, "Nice fight, why use explosives though?"

(F/N) shrugged as he turned to look at his old master, both witchers watched as the Shaelmaar was dragged back to its cage, "I didn't want to hurt it too much. It wasn't hurting anyone." Geralt suddenly nudged the young witcher making him turn, his eyes widened when he saw the duchess approaching with her various servants, "Get on you knee," he heard Palmerin whisper. (F/N) quickly did as instructed, kneeling in front of her illustrious grace, "Witchers...we must talk...Vivienne." Palmerin hissed, "You shall talk later. In the medics' tent."

Before (F/N) could respond the duchess spoke, he could feel her gaze on him, "My, my, what a breathtaking battle (F/N). You've a talent with a blade, especially when you adorn more garments."

The young witcher kept his head bowed, as Her Graces servants giggled, "Your Grace...I apologize for my past grievances. I understand the embarrassment I caused..."

"Silence, witcher. You may stand." (F/N) swallowed as he stood up, the duchess laughed when she saw his worried expression, "I may have...been a bit fowl when I ordered your head to be taken. But...I have forgiven you. A time ago, I was young, and I understand love blinds many, many men. But if it blinds you again..." she rubbed his cheek, looking him straight in the eyes, "I will ensure it will be the last time you make that mistake."

(F/N) smiled and nodded, "Thank you, your grace, you're too kind."

The duchess smiled, before slapping him lightly, as she turned to Geralt, "I know. Geralt! You've trained your apprentice well. We knew to summon you was a brilliant idea! Although, your apprentice accompanying you is a welcome surprise. We are delighted, ravished, to have struck upon it."

Geralt nodded, he was horrible at speaking to royalty, "And I'm...uh...honored...truly."

The duchess gestured to Guilaume, and then gestured to one of the guardsmen, "See to our young here - hop hop! For we must make off with our two witchers. We should talk." As the guardsmen took Guilaume away, the duchess smiled at the two witchers, particularly Geralt, "We've been awaiting your arrival, had nearly lost hope," she turned her gaze on (F/N), a smile grew, "Then suddenly - that entrance! So spectacular!"

Geralt nodded, "Your Grace - our contract, I'd like to discuss it."

The duchess smiled and gestured to them, "Naturally. But not here. We shall need Damien. He led the investigation pending your arrival. But wherever could he be? Come, we must find him." The duchess led the two witchers away, (F/N) cast one look at the Shaelmaar as it's cage was wheeled away.


Odysseus dug through the pile of rocks desperately trying to find his ally, "Witcher! Speak! Are you alright?" The Greek hadn't been digging for long, but the longer it went silent, the more worried he became. He could have his men dig out the witchers body, but he didn't want to leave until he was certain he was gone.

Odysseus continued shouting, unaware of the red and black mist seeping through the cracks of the rock. He certainly didn't notice the man appear right behind him. (F/N) cleared his throat causing Odysseus to jump and draw his blade, his eyes widened when he saw him. The witcher's armor was torn up, he was holding the gigantic horn from the minotaur and a glass vial filled with it's blood, "By the gods! You live! I thought for certain...How?!"

(F/N) set the horn down and corked the bottle of blood before sliding it into his jacket pocket, "Let's just say, I can fit through a lot of cracks." (F/N) gestured to the large horn, "There, proof that you slew the Minotaur. You can hollow it out and make a battle horn."

Odysseus kneeled down and picked the massive horn up, it looked as though it was torn off and not cut, "You are one of the most brave men I've had the privilege to serve with." (F/N) nodded and reached his hand out, "Thank you," the two men grabbed each other's arms and shook them, "But we still have work to do, and I have a feeling the next monster won't be so close."

Odysseus nodded, "Your power of observation is legendary. We must set sail. The creature that lurks in the ocean...will not be as easy to kill...the path ahead of us is long and hard...and filled with beasts who will stop at nothing to take our lives."

The witcher sighed as he thought about the journey ahead of them. It had truly only just begun, "Well...I suppose we better keep moving."


(F/N) walked next to the duchess while Geralt was along her other side. The many people they came across bowed respectfully. The sun was warming their backs as it slowly set, "Tell us, have you come with just your ward, or did Viscount Julian accompany you?"

(F/N) chuckled slightly, Dandelion was probably the only person the duchess hated more than him from that day. He remembered the look of fury in her eyes from all those years ago. Even know he could see traces of it in her eyes. Geralt didn't let on that he knew anything of his whereabout, "Wish to see Dandelion, Your Grace?"

The Duchess smiled briefly, "Yes. I mean, no! Ugh. Yes. But solely to tell him we regret - yes deeply - regret rescinding the death sentence we so justly handed down on him. If we could turn back time, we would make certain he sat in a tower till he rotted - no, we would ensure he was broken on the wheel, then drawn, hanged and quartered!"

'You and a wagon load of other women' (F/N) thought, he didn't dare say that aloud though. Geralt and his former ward shared a look as the Duchess' demeanor changed, as she approached a large tent, "Ah! The very man we would entrust with these tasks," Her Grace gestured to a man who wore dark armor, that was quite large, yet professional, militaristic. His head was decorated with scars as he looked over a map. Although when he heard the Duchess' voice he snapped to attention, his thick brown mustache covered his mouth, but his blue eyes showed distain when he saw the Duchess was accompanied by two witchers, "Damien de la Tour, captain of my personal guard."

Damien nodded respectfully, as he was approached, "Your Grace. Witchers."

Geralt nodded, "Greetings."

(F/N) cleared his throat, wanting to get straight to business, "I'm sorry to tell you, but the guardsmen who handles the last victim..."

Damien interrupted him, his expression somehow became more fowl, "I know already. The creature in the cellar of Corvo Bianco - was it the Beast?"

(F/N) shook his head, "No, she was a Bruxa. A vampire. But she and the beast are tied together somehow."

"You know this how?"

"It's my job."

"That does not answer my question."

Geralt butted in, avoiding the inevitable fight, "My partner lacks the patience to say, through careful examination of the evidence. On the river bank the body was found, and in the cellar."

Damien's mustache moved into a sneer, "Do you mean to insinuate the investigation thus far has been sloppy?"

The Duchess sighed as she spoke, "Enough. Geralt insinuates nothing. We must listen to both of the experts attentively."

The older witcher nodded, "Thank you. I examined the body of the last victim. Might've found something, but we need to analyze it. A quiet place - that's what we need most right now. And maybe the help of an alchemist or mage."

Damien sighed as he turned back to the map he had been looking at, as Geralt kept going, "Also like to hear what you know about the previous victims. Take it de la Tour's my man for that."

The soldier turned to face the witcher, his face was that of a very annoyed man, "Firstly, call me Damien. Secondly, you should know I spoke against summoning either of you. I've heard much about witchers. You bring trouble, or thus far have, always. And we've enough trouble as it is. Yet we are capable of defeating the Beast on our own, without the help of outsiders. I've no doubt about it."

The Duchess made Damien shrink with a look, as she approached him, "Damien, we settled the matter of witchers employ some time past. Definitively." The soldier swallowed and nodded slightly, the Duchess took a breath as her tone lightened, "Since you broached it nonetheless, let us discuss Geralt and (F/N)'s pay."

The Duchess suddenly seemed to get rather excited as she spoke, "Are the legends true?" she asked with her eyes wide, "Do witchers usually demand 'that which you find at home, yet do not expect.'"

(F/N) smiled as he took advantage of her curiosity, "Yes, that's what I was many years ago," he added looking at Geralt. The older witcher smiled slightly, "But we rarely use it. Your Grace. Law of Surprise is something...we invoke at times. Usually we just take gold."

Her Grace smiled slightly, "Disappointing. This 'law' sounds rather romantic. On the other hand, on returning to the palace we would likely find impatient petitioners or a set of sample fabrics for a new dress. Poor rewards, both. I fear you'd not have much use for any of the surprises we are likely to come upon. Thus we have decided you shall receive the deed to a vineyard, Corvo Bianco, and a sum of coin. You will doubtless consider this adequate." (F/N) gave Geralt a look, he actually owned a spot of land. He swore he saw the older witcher smile. The duchess kept speaking as she motioned for one of her servants to step forward, "Title to the vineyard shall be given to you at once - surely both of you will need lodgings while you hunt. The coin, however, shall be yours only once you have slain the Beast."

The servant stepped forward and held out a pillow which held a large key and the deed. (F/N) took both and examined the will as he slid the key into Geralt's pocket, in utter disbelief this was actually happening. Geralt seemed more cynical, "Lovely, generous gesture, Your Grace. But, uh, isn't it Corvo Bianco - the duchy's temporary morgue?"

The Duchess' eye widened ever so slightly as she looked at Damien, "Is it, now? The chancellery's bungled things again, we fear! Not to be left unsupervised for one instant! Yet in its mood a morgue should present minimal problems to two witchers. What's more, nothing enhances a wine's reputation better than a legend."

Geralt snatched the deed from (F/N) before he could try to steal his property, "Thank you, Your Grace," he said as he slid the deed into his jacket, he was glad he would actually have a bed to sleep on, "I accept the contract. But as I said before, I need information."

All eyes went to Damien who was still looking over the map. (F/N) sighed, "The first victim, who was he?"

Damien cleared his throat, "Crespi was the first to go. He was famed once for his many tournament victories. Then he grew old, hung up his sword and took to wine making."

The duchess shook her head she looked as though she had a bad taste in her mouth, "Crespi was not loved by the wine merchants - he was ruthless and thought to cheat many a time. He asked us for a dispensation from all court ceremonies. We did not grant it, we could not. Once you take the oath of a knight, you remain a knight till death."

Geralt nodded, "How did he die? Where'd they find his body?"

Damien finally turned to look at them, "Quite unusual, the circumstance. He was at a feast when suddenly one of his fellow knights noticed he was missing. The Town Watch found him an hour later - on his hands and knees, propped against the town pillory, his sword hanging from his neck. He had died of wounds inflicted by claws, not a weapon. Blows of great force."

(F/N) rubbed his chin, "So he was on his knees? The Beast must have posed his body."

"So it seems."

Geralt nodded, "What about the second victim?"

Damiens fists tightened, "In the city there are certain nooks, no one reasonable ventures there after dark. Ramon du Lac's corpse was found in one such place. Crespi's death put the whole city on edge...but this of the victim came to us from concerned...cutpurses."

(F/N) nodded as he listened intently, "So know criminals are fearing it. Huh. Are you sure the bandits didn't kill him?"

"Do you believe me an Amateur?" Damien snapped, "Not hands, but claws killed Ramon du Lac. The wound was deep, clean."

Her Grace shook her head, as if the thought of his death still upset her, "His body was found in the gutter, dressed in nightshirt and cap, a pillow placed under his head and his sword replaced by a bed warmer. Ramon du Lac! A knight who but a dozen years past was an advisor to my father, the duke."

(F/N) shook his head, "It sounds like the beast wanted to make him look ridiculous. Did he have any enemies?"

Damien nodded, "Almost certainly more than I could count. Du Lac had shady dealings with the criminal underworld, but no one ever came forth with any concrete proof of any misdoings."

Geralt rubbed his chin, his yellow eyes looked at his boots, "So the first two victims were knights."

"Knights who had their best years behind them," (F/N) added.

"The same could be said of the third," Damien said softly, "Sir de la Croix was wont to claim that in modern times knights face new challenges, enterprise being the latest addition to the chivalric virtues."

The Duchess shook her head as she recalled the latest details, "He made a veritable fortune in the grain trade. Palmerin nicknamed him Sir de la Stingy."

Geralt nodded as he spoke about the findings they had found, "Found a coin pouch on his body. Contained florens, dating from various times, hailing from different provinces of the empire."

Damien shook his head, "De la Croix loved coin, true, but had no patience for numismatics."

(F/N) laughed, as he pointed out the obvious point, "Well there you go. The victims were all found in strange places, in extraordinary circumstances. The murderer clearly has a message to send."

The Duchess shook her head, in frustration, "These were honorable men. We are horrified by the disdain, the disrespect with which they were treated. These were knights of Touissant, blast it!"

Geralt suddenly seemed to realize something, "That might be the point. From what you say, none was a model of virtue. Ever considered that's what the Beast's trying to draw attention to?"

Anna shook her head with a passion, as if she was personally offended, "All the murdered men were knights who swore fealty to the five chivalric virtues. And even if th..."

(F/N) interrupted as it all came to him, "What virtues do they swear to exactly?"

"Honor, wisdom, generosity, valor, and compassion."

The young witcher smiled as it all fit together, "The Beast wants to point out the moral decay. And the victims are meant to show that. Since each of them seems to lack a certain virtue. Honor is represented by the pillory. Wisdom by ridicule. Generosity with a coin pouch shoved down a throat."

Damien's eyes widened, "It seems to fit, but not perfectly."

Geralt nodded, "True, but know we know what the killer will for strike next. An older knight who's violated the fourth virtue valor."

The duchess nodded as she looked away, trying to think of the perfect time to strike, "Let's think. At the moment, all the knights are either at the tourney ground or at the palace grounds. Our annual Hare Hunt shall begin there softly. Have you heard of the custom?"

(F/N) shrugged, "A little, Sir Milton mentioned it. He seemed happy to be prancing around in...a bunny costume..." Silence passed over the group. Geralt repeated the checklist, "Strange circumstances, old knight, cowardice of rabbits."

The Duchess' face turned white as she looked at Damien, "Could it be that simple? Is Milton de Peyrac-Peyran the next victim?"

"Milton also knew de la Croix," Geralt added, "He told me so down by the river."

The Duchess' suddenly shouted, "Damien! To miss something so obvious! De Peyrac-Peyran, Crespi, de la Croix, and du Lac formed a knightly team! It was years ago, but..."

(F/N) groaned as he realized that the next victim was about to be killed, "We need to find him, now."

Anna looked to the ground, "Rather problematic. You see, the garden entertainments are due to start, and he's disguised as the Hare, hiding somewhere, waiting for some tipsy courtiers to find him. The Hare's hiding place is a carefully-guarded secret."

Damien stepped forward making various gestures to the men around him, "We must call of the games off at once."

"First and foremost, we must remain calm," the Duchess added, "Damien, order the gardens searched, immediately but discretely. By no means can we disrupt the festivities. Panic will only incite the Beast to strike sooner."

Damien nodded and started barking orders to his nearest soldiers. The Duchess pointed to (F/N) and Geralt, "And you, witchers, follow me! My gardens, my knight, I shall take the fore. A murder is out of the question. I will not allow it! Not near my palace. Horses! Ready our horses!"

(F/N) walked over to a nearby path and whistled as loudly as he could. Soon enough Roach and Nosfer rode up, stopping just in front of them. The Duchess went to follow them, but her dress got caught on a nearby root. The ruler took a deep breath and tore her long skirt of leaving her in her undergarments, which fortunately covered her dignity. The Duchess' servants nearly fainted, "Your Grace!" (F/N) gave Geralt a look as the Duchess stormed past him, she was certainly an interesting ruler.

The young witcher mounted Nosfer, as the Duchess commandeered a horse from some poor sop. He swore up a storm until he saw who was taking his horse. His face turned pale, "Your highness. I..." The duchess shoved her skirt into his hands, "Mind it doesn't get wrinkled." The man barely had anytime to respond before the Duchess rode off. (F/N) and Geralt right behind her.

To say it was an interesting ride to the castle was an understatement, people jumped out of the way as the Duchess ordered them to move. Then they stared and pointed when they saw Her Illustrious Grace racing through the streets in her knickers. He was surprised the Duchess was able to move in a dress the way she was able to. She didn't even break a sweat as she rode through the crowded streets. (F/N) was actually having trouble keeping up with her.

The witcher was so scared her might hit someone, he was actually relieved when they made it to the castle, he leapt off of Nosfer, the Duchess was already waiting, "Hurry!" She shouted, gesturing for them to come closer. The two witchers ran beside the duchess as she spoke, "The participants must find a unicorn's horn, a golden fish and a phoenix egg. With these in hand, they can deduce where the Hare, Milton resides." The trio ran into the gardens, the duchess showing them the quickest way through the crowds. The Duchess ran onto the top of a set of stairs and gestured to the vast garden, "I shall grab the phoenix egg. The golden fish is located in the waters, just dive in and grab it. The unicorn is terribly skittish, you'll find it in the fields over there."

(F/N) nodded, as he broke off into a sprint, "I'll get the Unicorn"

"I'll get the Fish," Geralt shouted as he ran to the pond.

(F/N) leapt over a flight of stairs as he ran into the fields, he needed to get to Milton as quickly as possible. (F/N) ran right to the unicorn, it looked like a white horse with a horn tapped to its head. The witcher rolled his eyes, as he ran to it, there was a group of people trying to tempt it forward with sweets. (F/N) sighed as he was about to walk right past them and just use Axii to get the horn, but then he smelled it. Vanilla and dew, (F/N) turned away from the 'Unicorn' and bolted. He didn't even think about the clue. It had to be the killer. Higher vampires were incredibly rare, there was no way this was a coincidence, "Geralt! I know where he is!"

The witcher shouted as he ran through the various party guests, the smell was getting stronger and stronger. His eyes were watering as he grew closer. He didn't even realize how far he had ran from the palace gardens, until he looked back and saw the palace in the distance. (F/N) took a breath as he slowly walked towards the only place to hide, a greenhouse. The smell of vanilla and dew wasn't soothing, he didn't care if this monster supported his father, they were a murderer and needed to face justice. (F/N) looked through the window and winced, Milton was lying on the ground, in a puddle of his own blood, a rabbit mask adorned over his face. (F/N) saw a man in black was standing over him. The witcher took a few steps away from the door and charged at it, kicking it wide open.

The vampire jumped slightly, but as soon as he saw (F/N). He ran straight through the other door, "Stop!" (F/N) shouted as he charged through the same set of doors. He leapt off the small hill the greenhouse was on, the vampire turned back to look at him as he ran through the streets. HIs face wasn't human, it was that of a monster. (F/N) charged through the streets, shoving people aside, "Move! Move!" He shouted, he saw the vampire turn into a mist and phased right through two men who were just shocked.

(F/N) groaned as he grabbed a cloth from off a nearby barrel and tied it so it covered his face, he wasn't going to catch him on foot. The witcher pulled up his hood and turned into mist slithering through the crowd as he tried to catch the Beast.

(F/N) rematerialized right behind the monster and tackled him, "Stop!" He shouted. The vampire let out a loud roar and smacked him in the face knocking him off. The witcher groaned as the vampire easily teleported across a small river. (F/N) smirked as he did the same thing, the Beasts efforts weren't even slowing him down a little. The vampire growled as he ran into a nearby store room. (F/N) took a breath before he unsheathed his blade, it still smelled of vampire oil. He slowly opened the same door the Beast had ran through, with his sword held up high. It was dark too dark. (F/N) took a breath again, as he slowed his heart beat down, his red eyes looked around for the slightest change in environment.

But the Beast decided to reveal himself first, "I'm here."

(F/N) looked up and saw the higher vampire was looking down on him from the walkway above, "Well, how far you've sunken. A higher vampire turned common murderer." The Beast growled at the insult, "I do not know you. I've done you no harm. Yet first you butchered a bruxa who was dear to me. Now you pursue me. Why?" The monsters long black hair was combed back, it was as dark as the night sky. (F/N) watched the monster as he kneeled down, "Well firstly, I have a contract on you, and secondly you killed four innocent people."

"And you? How many innocents have you cut down?"

"I don't kill for sport. I kill to defend, for the right reasons."

"How touching. Did they send you? Who are they?"

(F/N) glared the vampire down, "By 'they' I hope you mean the Duchess, you've been murdering her subjects, and she wants that to stop."

The vampire chuckled as he stood, his eyes boring into (F/N)'s, "Is it as simple as that?" The Beasts claws slowly started to extend, "I'd ask you to convey to the duchess that I've but one victim left, but..." the vampire vanished into thin air.

"You'll not get the chance," his voice echoed from right behind him. The vampire thrust his claws forward only to meet thin air, "I can do that to." The Beast turned just in time to avoid (F/N)'s blade slicing right at his neck. The vampire screamed in pure rage, now understanding he was fighting a member of his own kind. The witcher parried the monsters blows with ease as he elegantly danced through the warehouse. The Vampire wasn't thinking of an attack, he was just hoping to overwhelm him with his sheer strength, but that wasn't working with (F/N), so he tried a different tactic, hitting him from as many sides as possible.

The young witcher worked up a sweat as the Vampire would teleport to a random side he wasn't watching and try to jab at him. The witcher leapt back, occasionally getting a wounded howl, or slicing something with his silver blade. The vampire screamed and barred his sharp teeth as he vanished again, this time he was silent, he didn't immediately reappear. (F/N) licked his lips, waiting for anything, then he heard it, a barrel was knocked over. The witcher turned only to see nothing, he realized his mistake too late, he turned just in time for the Beast to slash him across the face. (F/N) let out a gasp as his cheek gushed crimson, his makeshift mask fell off. He looked up as the vampire approached him ready to strike again. But before either of them could sink their weapons into the other. A man appeared right in front of the Beast, (F/N) stopped his attack instantly, but the Beast didn't. The Vampire's eyes widened when his claws went right through the man's chest.

(F/N)'s eyes widened, the man didn't fall, which was surprising, he looked rather old, his hair was short, grey, and receding, he took a breath as he grabbed the Beast by the hair, gently holding him. The Vampire hissed at him, "You were to stay where you were! Regenerate!"

(F/N) coughed slightly, the smell of dew and vanilla was overwhelming, but he kept his sword up, he didn't know what was going on. The man that had just arrived wasn't even wearing armor, he just had simple brown robes with multiple pockets, and a large satchel at his side. His voice sounded incredibly familiar, "I know you're in trouble. I can help."

The Beast sneered as he looked at the man, "I'll help myself," he snarled forcing his claws deeper into the mans insides causing his entire arm to go through. The man weakly replied, "No! He's Aleric's son." The Beast's sneer vanished, he looked right at (F/N) in shock, he shook his head lightly before he turned into red mist and shot into the air. (F/N) watched as he took a breath, the Beast of Beauclair escaped capture by flying through the ceiling.

(F/N) sighed as he raised his weapon, whoever this man was, he didn't trust him, "I had that handled. Thanks for costing me my bounty."

The man laughed, "You've not lost your fiery tongue, I've always liked that about you." The man turned around and smiled, his weary eyes were just the same as (F/N) remembered. His kind face had it's familiar smile with the wrinkles exactly how he remembered. The witcher's sword clattered to the ground, "R-Regis?"

The older vampire smiled, "Yes, (F/N), it's me, I..." (F/N) ran up to the vampire and hugged him tightly. Regis paused for a moment before he hugged the young witcher back, "It's really me," he repeated, "It's really me."

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