Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::

By vixxchuu

67.8K 1.8K 388

-Completed- . . . . Been abandoned for five years, Leo is so depressed and lonely enough to move on.. Y... More

Chapter 1- Flashback
Chapter 2- War
Chapter 3- Goodbye
Chapter 4- My Son? That kid??!!
Chapter 5- Oh my son part 1
Chapter 6- Oh my son part 2
Chapter 7- Sassy girl is back
Chapter 8- Cold War
Chapter 8.2 (Missing Part)
Chapter 9- My sassy naughty lovely girl
Chapter 10- Family trip??
Chapter 11- A little negotiator
Chapter 11.2 (Missing Part, Must Read)
Chapter 12- Special Moment
Writer's Note: Greeting and Q&A
Chapter 13- Accident
Chapter 14- Third Person
Chapter 15- Rival
Chapter 16- Unexpected Hero
Chapter 17- Change
Chapter 18- Warm-up
Chapter 19- A man in love
Chapter 20- Bad luck!
Chapter 21- Noona's attack
Chapter 22- Wedding plan
Chapter 23- What!?? That jerk is your....
Chapter 24- Edited by CynthiaHugo
Writer's Note 2
Chapter 25 - Mr. spoiled kid part 1 -Edited by CynthiaHugo
Chapter 26 - Mr. spoiled kid part 2
Chapter 27- When a spoiled kid and a crying baby meet up (Round 2)
Chapter 28- Mr. Crying baby part 1
Chapter 29- What she wants..
Chapter 30- Mr. Crying Baby part 2
Chapter 31- Mr. Spoiled kid part 3
Chapter 32- No more meddler
Chapter 33- When a spoiled kid and crying baby meet up ( Round 3)
Chapter 34- Someone call me a doctor!
Chapter 35- Or kick these two away..
Chapter 36- What's family?
Chapter 37- Roommate?
Chapter 38- The earthquake takes place in here?
Chapter 39- Let's take a break!
Chapter 40- Amusement park
Chapter 41- Time is over..
Book Two
Chapter 42- Sigh
Chapter 43- Wedding dress
Chapter 44- Our moment
Chapter 45- Our moment part 2
Chapter 46- Leo's nightmare
Chapter 47- Lee Joon
Chapter 48- For the love of a son
Chapter 49- Mama, I'm afraid
Chapter 50- The moment
Chapter 51- Your girlfriend?
Chapter 52- No matter what happens, please always stay by mama side..
Chapter 53- You and I
Chapter 54- Leo's gang (Ft. Hong Bin)
Chapter 55- Leo's gang (Ft. N)
Chapter 56- Save me
Chapter 57- It hurts, my heart
Chapter 58- Going crazy
Chapter 59- Don't cry my bae
Chapter 60- Feverish kitty
Chapter 61- Bad boy, good boy
Chapter 62- I'm gonna be a bad boy
Chapter 63- New Friend
Chapter 64- Leave him alone
Chapter 65- Leo's gang(ft. Ken)
Chapter 66- Thanks and Sorry
Chapter 67- See you next time
Chapter 68- Don't tell her/him. It's a secret.
Chapter 69- You're mine only
Chapter 69.2
Chapter 70- Finally
Chapter 71- Plan A
Chapter 72- Who is his daddy? (VIXX's special)
Chapter 73- Friend in need, friend indeed (?)
Chapter 74- We are Vixx, no 007
Chapter 76- VIXX 007 Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 1
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 3
Mr. Papa Season Two?
Mr. Papa Season two: Don't forget

Chapter 75- VIXX 007 Part 1

380 15 8
By vixxchuu

Chapter 75- VIXX 007 Part 1


Back to team three..

Receiving the hints, Leo and Ken immediately headed to the 2nd floor. They hid at the corner when the body guards walked this way. As Hyuk said, the room was exactly guarding on.

'Hey, I'll distract the first guy and you run the second one to the emergency stair, okay?'

Leo whispered and gave Ken the handkerchief. He then ran to hide at another corner before the guards reached their place. As these two guys were far enough from the target room, Leo walked out and went straight, pretending not to hear the call.

'Hey, you there!'

At the same time, Ken stepped out of that dark corner and tapped the second guy. He then ran away. The bodyguards did separate themselves. Leo turned right and waited at the corner.

As soon as, the guard reached his area, Leo quick fisted that guy on his face and shared him the high kick. Like a shot, Leo palmed the guard an anesthetic handkerchief since he didn't want to waste much time.

Meanwhile, Ken stretched out his foot to stumble the guard. He quick kicked that man to the opened emergency door. The guy rolled down the stairs in a minute. Ken lifted up the fire extinguisher and threw it on the guard lying dizzy there.


The device hit hard on his head. Ken gazes up and down those closed eyes and the handkerchief in his hand. He shrugged, decided to get back. When he arrived, Leo hyung already finished the remained guard.

Ken watched his sweaty hyung understandingly and helped him kicked the locked door. Leo hyung was calm at the outside but he still couldn't hide his concern over Ellena.

'Hang on, hyung!'

Ken brought out the guard's gun Leo gave him earlier and decided to shoot for the very first time.

Closing his eyes, Ken concentrated on the doorknob. Breathed in and out, Ken let go his finger.



He stared at the black smoke stupidly.

'Get in!'

Damn!! Why did Leo hyung steal his scene? -0-

Ken pouted and kept his gun back.

There was no one in the room. Ken searched the living room and bathroom while Leo headed to the bedroom. He jumped on the bed, scanning this whole chamber. Still, no one was sitting nor lying there. Leo then jumped to the curtain.

Immediately, he stumbled when the carpet he stood on wasn't flat. Actually, it wasn't a rug but a man. The tall figure furrowed his eyebrows and bent lower.

A familiar face with a black tape surrounded his mouth and got roped on his wrists and legs were rolling over.

Leo immediately stripped off the tape.


'Ouchhhhhh, it hurts! You buffalo!!' Kris cried as his moustache just followed the tape with this furious strength.

'What're you doing here?'

Leo asked and helped Kris to sit up, with his foot of course.

'I'm swimming. How about you?'

'I'm hiking. The sun is nice today.'

Leo scoffed and glared back.

'You ass!! Untie me the rope!!' Kris kicked that annoying jerk angrily.

'Why I have to? You're wasting my time finding my wife!! Sh*t!!' Leo kicked that broad back until Kris kissed the floor.

'Ashh!! You rude jerk!! Come back and free me!!' Kris yelled at that kickable jerk but Leo just waved him goodbye. He wriggled like a larva to the door and yelled out loud as there was a guy leaving the bathroom.

'Hey, you!!'

Ken turned around with that hoarse voice.

'Free the rope!!'

He frowned with that impolite request. Ken watched Leo back and forth the guy lying there.

'Quick!! The ceremony is starting!!'

Kris rushed and waved his wrists.

'Who're you?'

Ken questioned and decided to stay here.



'Kris Wu!!'

'Kris Wu? The Wu group?'

'Yeahhh!! Hurry up!! That bastard is in risk!!'

Kris threatened.

'Then you are that Joon's best friend!! Ayy, you're from the same company! I won't help!!'

Shaking his head, Ken got up.

'Damn you!! I will never ever let my sister marrying a guy who wishes to crown our business and lockes me in this damn room almost a week!!'

Kris yelled impatiently. Finally, Ken untied the rope for him.

'So you are Elli noona's step-brother?'

'Yep, and who're you?'

'I'm Leo hyung and noona's high school friend. Where should we go now?' Ken questioned when he didn't see Leo around.

'Damn, that jerk!! What's he doing!! Coming here by himself! He wanna die young!?'

Hissing, Kris tried to guess that buffalo's direction.

'Actually, we've got six people here! And Leo hyung holds a gun!'

Ken joined the conversation unthinkably.

'What!!?? A gun!! Ashhhh!! Quick, this way!! You kickable buffalo!!'

Kris ran to the left hand but got grabbed.

'Hey, Kris!! This way!! The maknae said Leo hyung is going upstairs!'

'What!!?' Kris frowned since he didn't get it.

'Emm.. Actually, we six people divided into three teams. The first team, the guardian, is in the ballroom; the second, guide, in the camera room; and the third team—me and Leo hyung, the attacker, is in search of Elli noona.'

Ken explained then talked to Hyuk through their devices.

'Sound cool, huh'

'Ne, we're best friends since high school! Though we don't hang out much, we've never said no to the other's emergency request.' Ken continued while his head was full of a video he got slapped on the street in Leo's phone and Seo Hyun topic as well.

'That jerk has a friend? Can't believe it!!'

Kris laughed his lung out while inside he was envy that Leo since he had got true friends. Unlike him, only enemy.

'Ne, he's just like that. Cold and quiet but he's very kind and warm inside. We seven people, including me, Ken, Leo hyung, Elli noona, N hyung, Ravi, Hong Bin, and Hyuk are close friends during high school. We hung out a lot since noona didn't want hyung to leave us behind. I guess, she just got sick having him around almost 24 hours a day.  Leo hyung and noona have been dating since grade 10.

They were a lovey dovey couple in our class. And hyung cherishes noona to the max. He picked her up and walked her back home every day.  He didn't let us stay near her more than five minutes.'

Without Leo presence, Ken started gossiping his hyung. Kris just kept quiet and listened to this history interestingly. Many weird feelings dashed inside him. Most of all was the thought toward that jerk.

'Of course, the member who received many punches from hyung was Hyuk, the maknae. Since he is noona's god brother, he loves to act I-am-a-little-boy role and aekyo(cute) around noona. It's funny when noona often ignored Leo hyung for Hyuk. He got pissed off all the time. Thus, he made plans to separate these two.

What I remember the most is he messed Hyuk's head with one of our classmates, Army. And Hyuk did talk less with noona since then. He's so scary when it comes to noona's topic. Indeed, he is the king of jealousy. But I'm glad they love each other this much and the relationship has lasted until now! It's almost ten years or more than this, I bet.'

Ken beamed, having reviewed his hyung's love story. He too wanted this kind of relationship. Bickering and poking each other. Sometimes fought, sometimes ignored one another, sometimes being sweet but no matter what always got back together.


Kris scoffed and climbed up the rooftop when the team two reported it was Leo's final direction.

'Anyway, I've heard you and Leo hyung aren't getting along well and what you are doing...'

Ken lost his speech when Kris's helicopter was in his sight. Actually, Kris called his bodyguards while they were following Leo.

'If he dares coming here himself, it means Ellena is exactly his only queen..'

Kris scoffed and headed to those two familiar figures who again pointed the guns at each other.

Damn!! Did they think they are holding an ice-cream?

@the ballroom..

Some minutes ago..



Joon turned around and followed that bodyguard off the party. 

'There're unknown people sneaked in our place. Few of us got attacked.'

'Which group?'

'No identity, master. The guards said they are Asian like.'

Joon frowned and quick went up the floors.

'Watch Ellena closely and send people to the camera room.'


Team one...

'Hyung!! Why me?? TToTT'

Hong Bin sobbed inconsolably as he was being pushed to the front. He was an actor not a seducer.

Letting out a deep breath, Hong Bin held the drink's tray and walked to Ellena's place with a pounding heartbeat.

'Miss, Do you want some light drinks?' He masked on his killing dimples at the first door stylists.

'Awwwww, so cuteeeeeee~' The stylists who had got the same sex as him but got dressed in girly style squealed at Hong Bin and immediately ran to him.

'Awww, pretty boy~ you come here alone?' The kangaroo-like stylist took a glass from him and winked at Hong Bin while the dolphin-like one stroked his bow-tie.

'Aww, you're Korean too? Wow, so coincident!! It's a fate, huh~'

Hong Bin just nodded and smiled brightly while inside was yelling "help me!!" and his feet twisted non-stop. He was afraid he would kick someone around here but he would honor this N hyung's butt.

'Oww, shouldn't be a waiter here, your hand will be callused!' The first one petted his back hand.

'Interested to stop by my place after the ceremony?' The second stroked his cheek and masked on a cat-like eyes and facial expression at him.

As these two were sipping the drink in a very seductive way, hell-like one to Hong Bin; the pretty boy stomped his feet and glared at N. Indeed, the hyung just gave him a thumb up and whispered him "Fighting!".

Damn it!!

Two minutes later, the stylists vanished to the back hall like a shot. Hong Bin exhaled relievedly since these people kept persuading him to stop by their places and stuff that almost dragged out his dinner, lunch and breakfast.

Damn!! He'd better stop at Ah Joong's instead..

Putting on a numb smile, Hong Bin leveled up to the second door. This time was a maid. He grinned warmly and bowed his head in a gentle way. As before, the girls squealed and walked to him in a minute.

'Miss, may I serve you some drinks?'

'Ahhh, he's so gorgeous!!' Maid #1 whispered at her friend and picked up the glass with a shy smile at Hong Bin as his breathtaking dimples were in her sight.

'Adfghhigh!! He looks familiar!!' Maid #3 thanked him and stared at Hong Bin interestingly.

'Yeahh, look like Mr. Gi, the young master in the drama we watched last night!!' Maid #2 squinted Hong Bin and tried to scan his identity.

With the sweat poured off his brow, Hong Bin got rid off those hawk eyes and turned his face to the left and right, up and down.

'What's your name, mister?' The maid #1 decided to ask him.

'Hin Bong' Hong Bin smiled while his eyes were crying.


'Lee Hin Bong, miss'

'Ohh, perhaps we're confused! There's no way that hottie Lee Hong Bin wanders here!' Maid #3 sighed and looked at Hong Bin stupidly with the double heart shapes in her eyes.

Hong Bin gasped when those maids at last disappeared themselves. N hyung's medicine worked out well!

He walked to Ellena the moment the last maids went picking her food.

'Miss, Do you want some drinks?'

With his beaming face, Hong Bin winked at that see-the-ghost facial expression of Ellena. She mouth palmed and was about to reach him but Hong Bin signaled her to the guard at her left hand.

'How do you come here?' Ellena whispered and held the glass Hong Bin gave her, the normal one.

'By Leo hyung! We are all here! N hyung is at our back.' Ellena followed and received a wink from N. Gasping weakly, Ellena rubbed her chest in disbelief.

'Where are the other now?'

'They're up there.'

Just then, Hyuk's voice was being heard through the small device stuck with their ear.

'Hong Bin hyung, I'll turn off the light in next second. Take noona to exist C. N hyung already distracted the guards. Please be quick the number of bodyguards are increasing now!'


Team two..

'Ravi hyung, turn off the light!' Done informing Hong Bin, the maknae turned to Ravi who was talking with Ken. His face was dark with tie-bow eyebrows.

'Sh*t!! Leo hyung is after that Joon with the gun!!' Ravi told Hyuk and quick got up.

'WHAT!! Does he think he is a Superman!??' Hyuk exclaimed and immediately sought for Leo in the security cameras.

'We've got no time! We have to leave now!' Ravi headed to the system box.

As they were figuring out which was the ballroom's light, there was a loud bang on the door with a pangg of gun.

They gulped and stared each other with their pounding-hard heartbeat.

'H-hyung! We're not end up this way, right? coz we didn't born this way like Lady gaga..' Hyuk shook Ravi's arm shiveringly with that gun's sound.

'Why are you so afraid? Aren't your games all about shooting the demons?' Ravi replied while his eyes searching the weapon.

'They're just a game, hyung! This is real life!'

'They are 3D, aren't they? Just act like you're one of the Heroes!' Ravi threw Hyuk the bat, he found at the corner.

'But hyung, this is 4D— no, HD indeed!! Even in the game, I still have another three lives and can restart the machine! Yet, this one... Just a pangg and I lie dead peacefully!!'

'Rest in peace then.. And get better soon..'

Ravi grabbed the metal chair and hid at the left side of the door. When that person got in, he could smack him on head.

'Hyung, what if there are ten people?'

'Shut up, Hyuk!! And turn off the light. Ravi too felt butterflies in his stomach.

Not knowing what to do, Hyuk followed Ravi. He pulled those whatever switches down. Hyuk beamed when he found the red bell at the corner. Something he had been curious over for ages. The reactions of the crowd knowing there was fire. He did the hehehe laugh and broke the glassy box with his bat.

Just then this room too went dark with Ravi's hand switched off the light.

'Heuzzz, Hyung!!' Hyuk hissed and instantly wore on his night sunglasses.

But something smacked his head at the moment was Ravi's courage!! This unbelievable hyung opened the door and pulled in one of the guards before shut the door faster than a lightning.







Hyuk quick helped this scary hyung and finished this guard after all.

'Hyung, this is neither a sample nor a water gun!!' Hyuk gasped, spotting Ravi took the black heavy thing from the unconscious man.

'I know. It's neither a paper gun.' Ravi checked the bullets and headed back to the camera monitors. There were around eight people in front of their room.


Ravi frowned and tapped the desk impatiently. He stared at this quite long desk and turned to Hyuk.

'You push the right doorknob and I the left one, okay?'

After the agreement, they both held on the desk legs tightly.

'One.. Two.. Three!! GO!!'

-door open-

With all their strength, team two crashed those guards off the way and borrowed leopard's feet, fleeing away in a second.

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