Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::

By vixxchuu

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-Completed- . . . . Been abandoned for five years, Leo is so depressed and lonely enough to move on.. Y... More

Chapter 1- Flashback
Chapter 2- War
Chapter 3- Goodbye
Chapter 4- My Son? That kid??!!
Chapter 5- Oh my son part 1
Chapter 6- Oh my son part 2
Chapter 7- Sassy girl is back
Chapter 8- Cold War
Chapter 8.2 (Missing Part)
Chapter 9- My sassy naughty lovely girl
Chapter 10- Family trip??
Chapter 11- A little negotiator
Chapter 11.2 (Missing Part, Must Read)
Chapter 12- Special Moment
Writer's Note: Greeting and Q&A
Chapter 13- Accident
Chapter 14- Third Person
Chapter 15- Rival
Chapter 16- Unexpected Hero
Chapter 17- Change
Chapter 18- Warm-up
Chapter 19- A man in love
Chapter 20- Bad luck!
Chapter 21- Noona's attack
Chapter 22- Wedding plan
Chapter 23- What!?? That jerk is your....
Chapter 24- Edited by CynthiaHugo
Writer's Note 2
Chapter 25 - Mr. spoiled kid part 1 -Edited by CynthiaHugo
Chapter 26 - Mr. spoiled kid part 2
Chapter 27- When a spoiled kid and a crying baby meet up (Round 2)
Chapter 28- Mr. Crying baby part 1
Chapter 29- What she wants..
Chapter 30- Mr. Crying Baby part 2
Chapter 31- Mr. Spoiled kid part 3
Chapter 32- No more meddler
Chapter 33- When a spoiled kid and crying baby meet up ( Round 3)
Chapter 34- Someone call me a doctor!
Chapter 35- Or kick these two away..
Chapter 36- What's family?
Chapter 37- Roommate?
Chapter 38- The earthquake takes place in here?
Chapter 39- Let's take a break!
Chapter 40- Amusement park
Chapter 41- Time is over..
Book Two
Chapter 42- Sigh
Chapter 43- Wedding dress
Chapter 44- Our moment
Chapter 45- Our moment part 2
Chapter 46- Leo's nightmare
Chapter 47- Lee Joon
Chapter 48- For the love of a son
Chapter 49- Mama, I'm afraid
Chapter 50- The moment
Chapter 51- Your girlfriend?
Chapter 52- No matter what happens, please always stay by mama side..
Chapter 53- You and I
Chapter 54- Leo's gang (Ft. Hong Bin)
Chapter 55- Leo's gang (Ft. N)
Chapter 56- Save me
Chapter 57- It hurts, my heart
Chapter 58- Going crazy
Chapter 59- Don't cry my bae
Chapter 60- Feverish kitty
Chapter 61- Bad boy, good boy
Chapter 62- I'm gonna be a bad boy
Chapter 63- New Friend
Chapter 64- Leave him alone
Chapter 65- Leo's gang(ft. Ken)
Chapter 66- Thanks and Sorry
Chapter 67- See you next time
Chapter 68- Don't tell her/him. It's a secret.
Chapter 69- You're mine only
Chapter 69.2
Chapter 70- Finally
Chapter 71- Plan A
Chapter 72- Who is his daddy? (VIXX's special)
Chapter 73- Friend in need, friend indeed (?)
Chapter 74- We are Vixx, no 007
Chapter 75- VIXX 007 Part 1
Chapter 76- VIXX 007 Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 1
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 3
Mr. Papa Season Two?
Mr. Papa Season two: Don't forget


624 18 8
By vixxchuu


5 months later..


The small figure shook that tall guy who kept lying asleep on the bed.

'Get up! We're moving to our new house today!'

The lazy person just throated and pulled her in his arms tightly. That pointed nose rubbed her neck and slid down to her chest.

'Oppa!! You're suffocating me and the kids!!' Ellena pushed that annoying person's head away since his cuddle ached her inflated tummy. Currently, it was 6-month-old. Beyond her expectation, they'd got a twin!! The boy and girl one which was a rare case.

'Oppa!! It's tickling!' Ellena laughed as Leo slid down, stroking her belly with his warm cheek. He loved to do this and talked to the twin. He even finished addressing them, Tae ru and Hana.

Damn, this oppa!!

'Good morning, Hana and Tae ru! Have a sweet dream last night? Anyway, you guys get up yet?' The husky voice whispered and nuzzled her tummy. Ellena beamed when the twin moved.

'Oppa, they're kicking me!'

'Already get up, huh? Let papa hug you then.'

'Hey, stop dramaing! Get up now, oppa! The others will be here in any minute.' Ellena unlocked his cuddle and left the room. She sighed when that tall figure just rested his eyes and snoozed peacefully.

Since he took over his parents' company, Leo had many works to do. She was grateful that he arrived home on time and didn't leave her and the kids behind.

They just got married few months ago. Leo's parents were surprised with their new members, so did her father. First, he refused the proposal since he hadn't checked the bill with Leo for impregnated his daughter.

However, knowing they'd got a twin and the tummy kept inflating, father then forgave her husband since things could not recall. With the help from Haru and Kris. She had never learnt since when these brother-in-laws paused their battle and shook each other's hand. Whatever, they didn't fight as much as before.

But Kris often flew here and brought her back to Paris. He claimed that his mother and her father missed her and Haru. He mostly came with his private jet when Leo was working. Ellena couldn't pick anything since Kris just popped out of nowhere and dragged them in.

He just left Leo a note and it drove her hubby insane. Still, Leo could do nothing when it was his father-in-law's need. He just switched his target to Kris. There was a time he put the diarrhea medicine in Kris's drink. The sender was Haru. These crazy men used Haru in their cold war.

Ellena shook her head and left the room. Beaming, Ellena decided to make Leo favorite seafood soup but the ingredients were no left.

'Haru ah, wanna go out with Mama?'

Ellena turned to her first child who was rolling on the couch, flying his robots.

'Neee~~ I wanna meet Barbie~~ we visit Ken ahjusshi's house, right?' Haru jumped down happily and ran to their bedroom.

Ellena squinted her son in curiosity. Ever since Leo dropped Haru at Seo Hyun's house during his mission, this son kept urging her to stop by Ken's house. He would bring Barbie doll and toys sometimes.

As she expected, Haru came back with a brown headed doll. He was male but in his drawer was full of dolls. He said he kept it for Hana but what she had been noticing; Haru just shared the dolls with his friends, girl of course!

Shaking her head, Ellena held Haru's hand and shut the door.

'Ani, we're going to the mart but Ken uncle and other uncles will visit us today. We'll have party at our new house.' She rubbed his head and walked to the elevator.

'Really? Does Barbie come?'

'I'm not sure but her mommy comes, so she too.'

While the mommy and son were chitchatting happily, there was a slim tall figure followed their back. The woman then grabbed Ellena's head and pulled her to the emergency stairs.


Ellena screamed with this sudden pain. She turned around and gasped weakly with the ahead knife. Ellena immediately cuddled Haru and hid him from this nasty thing.

'You b*tch!! Having so much fun, huh!!?' Eun Joo growled and stroked the sharp blade on Ellena's tummy.

'Mama, what's the matter—'

'Don't turn around, sweetie. Stay still!'

Calming her mind, Ellena banned Haru from unlocked her arm. Clenching her fists, Ellena fixated eyes on that shabby lady. Eun Joo now looked like one of the psychos with her sweaty face and messy hair. She wasn't far from the beggar look.

'What do you want?' Holding her shivering body as the knife running up and down her tummy, Ellena let out her confident voice.

She bit her lip and glared at that perverted girl.

'Huh!! What I want?? You b*tch!! Your life of course!! I've been living in hell these months with the attack of your brother!! Damn!! He left me no way!!' Eun joo screamed crazily and clutched Ellena's cheeks.

'And you!! You slut!! You stole my oppa!! I am dying while you're laughing with him!! You take everything from me!! You've been a b*tch from the beginning up until now!! You've snatched my oppa from me!! Why did you approach him so easy!! I've been working hard to get his attention!!

I followed him to the new high school and tried hard to the pass entrance exam in the university!! Still, he has never noticed me!! Because of the b*tch like you!! You cut off my line and steal him from me!! Who the hell are you!! Why do you take him away from me!!??'

Eun Joo screamed hard at Ellena's face and shook her body.

'Mama!!' Haru heard this scary voice, sobbing quietly.

'No problem, sweetie. Close your eyes and ears. Everything will be alright.' Ellena petted Haru's back with a soft whisper.

She then turned to Eun Joo with many memories dashed into her brain. Her eyebrows tied as a ruler, spotting this type of familiar expression. Gasping weakly, Ellena pointed at Eun Joo with her shaky finger.

'Y-you are that ugly Han Joo!?' Ellena spoke out the nick name her classmate often called a quiet girl who sat at the back. She was kind of introvert and got bashed by the girls in her class most of the time.

Indeed, everyone seemed to bully Han Joo coz of her weak look. Unlike her, everyone just left her alone. They didn't dare to mess with her coz Ellena knew Tae kwon do. Beyond their expectation, she was so weak. That poker face was just her mask.

She just built up the wall and people weren't patient themselves. Everyone didn't talk nor be nice to her, except Amy, Leo and Vixx.

Somewhat, she didn't care. People were fake and she didn't need them. Only her small group of friend was enough. She only wanted true friendship not those two-faced b*tches!

'Yeahh!! It's me!! What's up!!? But I'm not that ugly anymore!! I did the plastic surgery and what's up!!? People are sh*t!! They only value the face!! You damn people are trash!! Enjoy making fun of the weak person!!

And because of the beauty, you can take him from me, huh!!?? You witch!! You're a real witch!! I'm becoming this beautiful and he still doesn't look at me!! What have you done to him!! Which potion did you give him!!?'

Ellena watched the crying Eun joo with sympathy. She felt sorry for her. Eun joo had been living with hatred and avenge which already ate up her soul and belief. She had choices but she chose to be not happy and led her life this wrong way. It was sad coz eun joo chose to be pessimistic. The world was beautiful but in eun joo's eyes, she only saw ugliness.

She wasn't bad; she just opened the wrong door. There were many doors for everyone. If a door didn't open, it meant you weren't the right person, it wasn't your way. Still, you could try the others left.

'Why do you come back!!! Why you!!' Eun Joo yelled and pushed Ellena to the wall.

'I did chase you that time!! I did make you mistrusted him that time!! You did disappear from his life!! And what the heck are you here!!??'

Ellena gulped down faintly and stared at Eun Joo in disbelief.

'Yo-you were that anonymous, sending me that hotel's address?'

'YEAH!!! THAT WAS ME!! I've been watching him closely and checking his schedule and everything about him until now!! I've loved him for ages!! And you just got married with him!! You just live happily with him!!!

While I've worked so hard!! While I've struggled day and night!! You haven't done something!! You've done nothing and you have him!! You b*tch!! You have spent neither sweat nor blood!! And you get him!!'


Couldn't stand this shocking story, Ellena slapped Eun Joo's face in a minute.

'You crazy girl!! It's all because of you!! You messed my life!! You sent me to hell!! You separated us!! Don't you know how much pain I have suffered?? How many percentages did I hate him!! How many times did I want to commit suicide?? And you said I was happy? And you said I've done nothing??

You've messed my family life!! My son has been bullied at school and has no dad because of your stupid plan!! My husband gets hurt these five years because of you!! I've blames myself this far because of you!

We have been living in hell these five years because of you!! Don't say you love him!! You do not!! You're just a crazy stalker!! You're just a psycho!! Stop stalking us and go live your life!!' Ellena pushed Eun joo away till she fell on the floor.

'Haru, go get your papa.' Ellena petted Haru's back but he shook his head and tightened the hug. He stood in front of his mommy and tried to protect Ellena with his small figure.

'No, I will not leave you alone, Mama!!' He tilted backward and glared at Eun joo.

Just then, the mommy and son screamed when Eun Joo got up with the knife and headed to them.

'It's nice that you're together!! I'll just finish you both!! I'll get back my oppa today!!' Eun Joo growled and gained her step.

'Haru, run!!'


'Haven't Papa taught you not to be disobedient?' Biting her lip, Ellena tried to push Haru off her body since Eun joo was approaching. Still, he just clung onto her.

'NOOO!! I will not let you be in danger alone!!' Haru cried and shook his head. He kicked the air to intimidate Eun Joo with his small legs.

'Go away, auntie!! You can't steal my papa!! I will not let you have him!! He is my mama's oppa only!! Not yours!!' This scared the daylights out of Ellena, she quick held him closer and receded.

'Wake up, Eun Joo!! Stop this crazy act!! You still have more chances!!' Ellena tried to calm Eun joo but she just yelled back and ran to her.

'No!! I've got no one!! I'll kill you and I can have someone, Leo oppa!!'


As Eun joo reached the emergency stair, the door suddenly opened and crashed her body till she fell on the floor.

'Yeahhh!! I'm reaching the floor faster than you!! You are loser, oppa!!' The new person flipped her back and shouted at someone who was still climbing on; she even tongued at that person.


She closed the door and walked this way. Indeliberately, her red heels flew the on-the-floor knife away. She almost stepped on Eun joo's hand since she didn't look down but up just like her tall figure.

'Uh oh, what happens here?' Ah Joong exclaimed as the atmosphere was strange. She then walked to Ellena.

'Eonie! What're you doing, here?' She pulled Haru's cheek and bent lower, talking to him with a bright smile.

'Cutie b0y, how're you? Long time no see! Ahh, you grow taller!' Ah Joong chirped and held Haru's hand away his mother.

'Where are the others, Ah Joong?' Ellena fixated eyes on Eun Joo who was staring at them enviously.

'They're in the elevator, except Hong Bin kun. There! He's locked behind that door.' Ah Joong turned around and jerked her eyebrow at the tall guy who was slamming the door angrily. He was threatening her through that medium window. But Ah Joong ignored and tongued out at him. She did the pig nose and bird's wings at him.


The elevator suddenly rang. Sooner the loud voice burst out.

'Hey, where's Ravi?' N

'He's on the way!' Hyuk

'Appa! Barbie wanna get down!' Barbie

'Oppa, where is Haru's gift?' Seo hyun

'So your friends live in here? Bigger and cooler than our rent house!' Dasom whispered at N.


'Go away!!' Spotting the people almost arrived, Ellena spoke out.

'Go now!!'

'Huh?' Ah Joong looked at her eonnie puzzlingly and followed her gaze.

'Omox3, why are you lying there?' She jumped with the presence of Eun Joo. She lied still like a dead body. Ah Joong got scared by that shabby look. She quick ran to open Hong Bin the door.

'Get up and leave before the other come and see you!!' Ellena growled and glared at Eun Joo who slowly sat up.

'And never ever pop up in front of us or I'll tell you to Kris. You know him, right?' Ellena addressed which shivered Eun Joo's body. She immediately ran away from this area.

Sighing hard, Ellena cuddled Haru tightly and petted his head affectionately.

'Thank, my boy~ no more bad thing now.'

'Ashhh!! You're cheating, Ah Joong!! There's no way, you can run this fast!!' The deep voice let out with his big hand messed that dark golden hair.

'Ani!! I'm not!! You lost yourself!! As we've promised, you sleep at the guest room tonight!' Ah Joong pushed his hand and cuddle away then headed to Ellena.

'Eonnie, where's that girl?'

'She left. Forget about it, Ah Joong. Let's get in!' Ellena smiled and walked them to the house.

'Where's hyung, noona?' As they gathered in the living room, Hyuk asked out. The girls were helping Ellena prepared the food in the kitchen. They just made sure those seafood, meat and stuff would not be smelly when they arrived the mansion.

'In the room, hyukie! He hasn't yet wakened up.'

'WHAT!!' All the guys yelled.

'Damn!! He told us to get up at six while he still hasn't got out of the bed!!??' Hong Bin

'How come, this hyung!!?? I set the alarm clock at 5.30!!' Ken

'This bad lion!! I did ride the taxi to come here!!' N.

The guys got up and grabbed their weapons, the pillow. They smacked the pillow on their palms as a warm up.

'Which room, noona? We'll wake him up!' Hyuk

Getting the direction, the guy rushed to the room with their death glare.

Later on, there were a yell, bang, pach, deub noise burst out.

'Ackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Get down, you babo!!!'

Meanwhile, the little boy and girl were dressing the doll happily.

'Oppa, where's Ken?' Barbie asked for the doll Haru promised to let her see last time.

'Ken? Wanna see him? Close your eyes then!' Barbie followed and glued her full lip to her ears. Her hands jointed like she was wishing on a birthday cake.

With his beaming face, Haru let out a kekekeke laugh and leaned closer.


The reddish lip stopped at Barbie's chubby cheek.

'You've already got Ken, your appa! I only have Haru who will make you happy all the time, want it or not?' The little bear jerked his eyebrow adorably and brought out the brown head Barbie doll behind his back.

Not knowing what to do, Barbie just gazed at him in confusion. Afterwards, they got up and ran around.

As Leo finally got up and dressed, the guys asked him the mansion's key coz they didn't want to wait this sluggish hyung. They brought the food and stuff first. Haru too rode with Ken.

When everything turned back to silent and calm, Ellena sneaked in their bedroom. She beamed, spotting the tall figure was buttoning his shirt.

She walked in and back hugged him tightly.

'Oppa, sorry.' She whispered and nuzzled his broad back. The tear rolled down her cheek but she quick wiped it off.

'Eyy, why didn't you make some noise, babe?' Leo gasped. Still, he turned around and hugged her with a warm smile.

Ellena stared that gorgeous face and pulled his neck down, kissing.

'Love you, oppa!'


'Sorry and thanks for everything!'

She beamed and snuggled in his wide chest, the warm shelter for her from now on.


'Unclex3!! Here!'

'Huh??' Ken stared the big pooh case in his hand with many question marks. When he shook, the coin sound was heard. He squinted the small hole and spotted many notes and coins.

'What's this?'

'The bride price~'

Haru chirped and ran to Barbie, sitting on the swing. They were now at the wide yard in Leo's new house. They did the barbecue for this housewarming.

'Hyung!' Ken poked Leo who just served them the grilled beef he got from the girls.

'What?' Leo looked at the box on his palm puzzlingly.

'Haru gave me. He said it's an engagement gift!'

'HUH!!!???' The daddy bear dropped his jaw in astonishment and turned to Haru's direction.

'Damn!! This little Casanova!!'

Leo hissed and had a seat next to Ken. Just then, Ravi arrived.

'Sorry for the late, hyung!!' He bowed and quick sat down the moment the others gathered. Ken stared at a woman came with Ravi. They matched each other's eyes for some seconds before Ken bowed his head with a slight smile and turned to Seo Hyun who was coming.

He got up and pulled the chair for her then picked the food for her and Barbie. He beamed when Seo Hyun complained about the hot weather and wiped off her face gently. Ever since then, his attention was with Seo Hyun, his wife.

'Noona, have this! The squid is yummy!' Ravi poked the woman who was staring the guy ahead unfalteringly.

'Ne, thank you.'

Yoona smiled and swallowed the food he spoon fed her.

'You are okay?'

Keeping quiet, Ravi asked out. His heart suddenly ached, seeing her gloomy mood.

'Why're you asking me like that?'

Yoona turned to Ravi and gripped his fingers. She grinned widely and poked his arm.

'I'm happy lah! So happy to have you around, my namja chingu(boyfriend)!'

Ravi let out a slight smile and tightened their grasp under the table.

'Oppa! I don't eat this!!' Dasom dropped the crap in N's plate.

'You countryside girl! This is tasty!' The big hand tapped her forehead lightly which pouted Dasom.

'Wait a second then!' N headed to the grill and came back with a big dish of beef and pork.

'Gomawo,(Thank you in informal way) N oppa~~' She chirped happily and pinched his cheek.

Next to them was another couple who was fighting over food due to their mutual interests.

'Oppa!! That's mine!!' Ah Joong forked the only grilled beef at the moment and lifted it up the air as Hong Bin wanna snatch her again.

'You're a meanie girlfriend!! Just a beef and you can't share with your boyfriend!! Love is sharing!! Have you heard this?'

'But love cannot eatttt~ beef can full my stomach!!~'

'Yahh!! Between food and me!! Which you choose?' Hong Bin growled with a death glare sending to her.

'Shouldn't have asked nom nom nom~' Ah Joong had a small bite from this thick and big meat. She shooed Hong Bin away and teased him with another bite.

'Are you sure? But with my big pocket I can buy you any food! If you choose me, you can have both food and boyfriend.'

'What's the relation between you and food? Gimme some examples!'

'Examples? Hmm.. When you want coffee in the mid night, just call me and I'll grab Starbucks for you. When you get sick, can't get up, just ring me and I'll be there with a hot porridge. Also when you want fried chicken during the spot, I can be there bring you the KFC.

Even if you want a bunch of chicken's wings instead of red rose, it's not over my ability~ where on earth you can find a handsome boyfriend like me who will deliver you food at anytime, huh?' Hong Bin jerked his eyebrow and let out his killing dimples as Ah Joong seemed to be tempted.

'Emm.. Not bad! Okayx3 will reconsider!' Ah Joong rubbed her chin and released a bright smile in a minute while Hong Bin already watered and followed her up-and-down fork.

'But will give you answer next time! Right now nom nom nom~' She immediately took a last bite. Just then that pretty boy leaned closer and too bit the same beef.

'Oppa!!!' Ah Joong smacked that mischievous guy's arm as he again stole her food and left a peck on her lip.

Ashhhh, this jerk!! >///<

'Bored..boredx5 Sigh.. Sighx5 herrzzzzzz /|(-0-)|\' Hyuk tapped the table annoyingly and quick extended his palms as a proof-bullet wall since he didn't wanna have an eye disease yet!! Damn!! Why was there only him being alone in this party!!

Those hyungs and noonas seemed to forget they weren't in their own house!! This was in the middle of the green field!! Under the hot weather!! It was PUBLIC!! At least, spotted his black head and blackie pupils!!

Suck and unfair!!! TTOTT The hyungs all betrayed him!! They left him!! Ahh he didn't wanna be forever alone!!

'Noona, where's Amy?' He shook Ellena's sleeve as she walked this way with Leo hyung supported her all way long.


Hyuk rubbed his back hand in pain and gave that scary hyung a wry face.

'She goes back the state, sorry Hyukie~'

Let out an understanding smile, Ellena petted her god brother's head pitifully.

'Babe, there's no more meat!' Leo cut off and dragged her to the grill.

'You want pork or beef, Hyuk? Noona will cook for you~' Ellena beamed and stood still which increased the fire laser from Leo to Hyuk.

'Pork. But if possible, grill Leo hyung as well~ I'll be grateful, noona!' He fled away before the sentence ended when Leo shook his foot.

'At least, I have my cutie nephew and niece, chuzz!!' Hyuk winced at those lovey dovey couples and walked to the kid play ground.

'Aww, What're you doing, kiddies? Can uncle join?' Hyuk chirped and did the rock-paper-scissors with them. They were playing hide-and-seek. When the loser was Hyuk and he closed his eyes counting the numbers, Haru walked to him.

'Unclex3, Can you stop playing with us? I want to spend much time with Barbie! We haven't met for months!' The uncle dropped his jaw with his nephew's puppy eyes. What else he could do?

Sniffing, Hyuk returned the table with his lowered shoulder. No one wanted to play with him!!! Y.Y

As the meal finished, they sat relaxingly and chitchatted. This time they separated into two groups, girl and boy.

Finally, Hyuk time was up!! Hyuk started messing around. He poked N and Hong Bin.

'Hyung, triplet!'


'I want more nephews and nieces! Work harder!~ Leo and Ken hyung already get twin. Don't lose them, get the triplet, okay!? Fightingx3~'

-keck keck keck keck-

-keck keck keck keck-

Hyuk belly laughed as these hyungs spilt out the cola and choked to death.

'Damn you, HYUK!!!'

'Leo hyung~ How's your wound?' Hyuk turned to another brother and tapped his shoulder.

'It's okay now'

'Has noona bled again?'

'No, since then she's doing fine. The doctor said the twins are healthy and strong.' Leo replied and kept eyes on his wife who was laughing with the girls.

'Yeah, they are strong.. So strong.. I was surprised that the fetus stay with those twice incidents. I'm sorry, hyung. I didn't mean a curse but this is unbelievable in the medical world!!' Hyuk too watched his so kind noona and felt happy when she was okay and looked healthy as well.

'Yeah, I was shock. They said it's a miracle..'

'But hyung.. It also means your kids aren't normal. If not, they wouldn't struggle until now. I meant in term of strength and will power, so good luck, hyung!

You are a king of Karate while noona is a queen of Tae kwon do.. Emm.. I think it's not a miracle..' Hyuk mumbled and went grabbing a drink.

'Again, congratulation, hyung! I give you my noona, so taker care her well!'

While everyone was having fun, a familiar flying vehicle slowly landed at the back of the house. Kris walked in and greeted everyone. Meanwhile, Leo was in the house searching for something.

'Elna, father has a fever!' Kris quick informed and grabbed her hand.

'Really? Omox3!! O.o'

Ellena dropped everything and immediately followed Kris as she misheard. When they got in the jet, she rushed to Kris and shook him.

'Oh my!!x4 Since when brother? Since when?' She cried her lung out which threw Kris a question mark.

'Hey!! Why are you crying like someone's dying?'

'Damn you, brother!! That's my father!! Why are you cursing him!!? He already has a cancer and you said someone's dying?' She smacked that wide chest many times.

'Wh-what? Cancer? Yahh!! He's got a fever, not a cancer!! Why are cursing my mother's husband!!?' Kris hissed and knocked Ellena's forehead.


Ellena yelled and quickly looked down the window but they were already away from the ground.

'Ahhhhh!! Stupid brother!! Take me backkkkkkkkk!!!! >0<'


'Hey, where's my wife?'

Done scanning around and still could not find Ellena, Leo asked his peers. The guys together fingered up the sky.

'Huh?' Leo frowned and chinned up. He saw only few clouds and birds.

Shaking his head with his mates' joke, Leo reached the girls.

'Seo Hyun, see Ellena?'

She too fingered up and gave him a weak smile.

'What do you mean?'

'Eonnie is flying~' Ah Joong.

'There was a guy came down the sky.' Dasom.


'Ne, golden hair with his black jet.' Yoona

'Jet?? AHHHHH!!'

Leo pulled his hair and glared the sky with a furious scream.



Hai hai, lovelies!! So this story comes to an end. So sorry for the bad ending >0<

Lemme scream something!!






Again, thank you so muchhhhhhhh for reading this book, guys!! I'm really appreciate your time and support!! :****

You're my loveliessss!!

Hope this story will last in your mind hehehe

By the way, if you have any question or voice toward the story, can drop down the comments.

I'm happy to read and answer~ :))

Love you all, my lovely readers~ <3

Hang onx3


There is a bonus chapter! ^-~

Let's guess whether Hyuk's prediction over Tae ru and Hana will be right or not..

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