Sparks Return [Completed]

By LittlePumpkinWriter

370K 11.8K 1.1K

Burn for me as I burn for you. May it be in love or hate, burn for me. *** Breaking news: Hello world, this i... More

1: The Day my Name Became Popular
2: The Day an Unknown Number Called Me
3: The Perfect Night for my Perfect Nightmare
4: The Days I Attacked with Silence
5: The Night We Had a Visitor
6: The Night Fire Lit Us Up
7: The Days I Made Myself Forget Again
8: The Night Someone Bought Me a Drink
9: The Night I Can't Control
10: The Day I Joined A Tug of War
11: The Night I Drew My Last Straw
12: The Day She Finished What She Started
Writer's Note
13: The Day I Went to Waste
14: The Days I Lost and Charity Made Me Win
15: The Day I Found Conflict
16: The Night I Wanted a Dose
17: The Day I Met a Duplicate
18: The Day I Had My Own Waterfall
19: The Day There Was Another Color Other Than Black and White
Writer's Note
Your Opinions Matter
20: The Day I Became a Rock
21: The Day I Have Arrhythmia
22: The Night Bewilderment Was My Friend
Writer's Note: Happy Holidays!
23: The Day the Masquerade Was Over
24: The Day I Had a Surprise in the OR
25: The Days I Got Lost
26: The Night I Wanted To Dye
27: The Night I Made an Appearance
28: The Night the Lights Flickered
29: The Night There was the 'Calm before the Storm'
Writer's Note
30: The Day Forgiveness was a Sin
31: The Night She Doesn't Want to Talk to Strangers
32: The Night We Lost Our Minds
Writer's Note: πŸ’”
Writer's Note
33: The Day Friendship Tilted My World Upside Down
34: The Night I was Trapped in the Queen's Castle
35: The Night Closure Was Our Reboot Button
36: The Day the Tenacious Cupid Visited Me
37: The Night Blaze Set Me on Fire
38: The Day I Bet My Heart on a Gamble
39: The Day Her Tears Stabbed Me Hard
40: The Night I Cursed at Destiny
41: The Night Vultures Watched From Above
42: The Day I Wore my Armor
43: The Night He was My Shield
44: The Day We Can't Say No to a Child
45: The Night Another Knight Wielded His Sword
46: The Night Blood Revealed Our Secret
47: The Day We Healed Our Wounds
48: The Day The Chef Almost Got Burned
Writer's Note
49: The Night an Angel was Between Us
50: The Day I was Ambushed
Rekindle the Fire
51: The Day Fingers Were the Sharpest Knives
52: The Day I Told Him a Fact and a Fuck You
53: The Day Bravery Made Her Beautiful
54: The Night Curiosity will Kill the Mouse
55: The Day of Mind Games
56: The Night I Played Games of The Generals
57: The Night My Blue Flames were Put Out
58: The Day We Found Peace in the Silence
59: The Day of Good Suits and Threats
60: The Night Sparks Returned
62: The Night We Licked our Wounds
63: The Night a Diamond Glinted
64: The Night of a Quiet Surprise
65: The Day Heroes Didn't Wear Capes
66: The Day My Bodyguard Dropped a Bomb
67: The Night Fire Touched My Skin
68: The Day of Power Play
69: The Day We Attack with our Voices
70: The Day I Lost My Breath
71: The Day the Devil Offered Me an Apple
72: The Day I Used My Own Weapon
73: The Day We All United For My Queen
74: The Day Time Was Both a Friend and an Enemy
75: The Day I Mended Bonds and Broke Ties
76: The Day Truth Speaks and the World Listens
77: The Day the Godfather Screamed for Silence
78: The Night of Life Decisions
79: The Day I Played Chess to Protect the Queen
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 1
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 2
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 3
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 4
Burn: The Epilogue
Writer's Note
Important Announcement

61: The Night of Yin and Yang

1.1K 51 3
By LittlePumpkinWriter

61: The Night of Yin and Yang

Biya's POV

A start of a new life. My lips tugged into a smile remembering the night I had with Emil last night. A confession was made and it was a step forward to us. 2 years has passed and we finally made up, had closure in our dark past and have now started another chapter in our lives.

"Someone got laid last night!" Blaze sang as he burst inside his office, kicking his glass door like a child.

"Good morning to you too, Blaze."

"Ah! So you got lai-"

"Nope." I quickly replied slapping him on the chest with a patient's file.

"Oh! New patient! Yey!" He grabbed it and walked to his table merrily like he was just given a Christmas gift.

"So you had a wonderful night last night?" I heard him ask while flipping through the papers.

"Yes. I had. It was really wonderful." He lifted his gaze to look at me and smiled.

"I'm glad you had a good time." He spoke with all sincerity in his voice.

"Thank you."

"Good morning everyone!" Viv came in the office vibrant and fresh.

"Buon giorno!" Lia came in next with a spring of her feet with each step.

"The fuck? Did all of you got laid?! Not fair!"

"No!" Viv shot him a disgusted look while Lia just rolled her eyes.

"Where are the other guys?" Lia asked taking off her coat.

"In the cafeteria getting us all coffee." We all beamed at Blaze at that and he just gave us a sign of the cross.

"You know we will have a pretty tough week, y'all. I trust you to be all in you're A-game every second of the day." He said punching the thick files of patient's records on his table.

"When did we disappoint you, doc?" Viv sassed making everybody chuckle.

"Good thing you're with me and not with those boring grumpy ass physicians in the hospital?"

"Oh you mean Dr. Gonzalez?"

"Oh yeah that old man always looks like he woke up with a cactus in his ass." Lia chuckled.

"Oh I will tell him that, Lia. I'll make sure when you work with him, I'll tell everything bad you have told me about him."

"Pfffft! As if you don't hate him."| Blaze acted hurt at that, fake gasping and all.

"Don't play coy with me, Dottore Blaze. I saw you make face behind him when he talked at the hallway." Lia raised a brow at him, daring for him to say something back but Blaze just laughed.

"Damn woman. I will never win an argument with you." He chuckled.

"Alright, we're gonna start working once the guys bring up the coffee. What is taking them so long anyway?! Bring their asses over here!" He demanded, his lack of caffeine clearly making him dramatic.

Shift was over and I was waiting for Ronaldo who went to take the car from the parking lot and drive at the hospital entrance. The cold wind bit my skin harshly and I regretted not taking a thicker coat with me. Patients came in and out of the hospital; some in relief, some in despair and some with hope. Just watching them made me remember the reasons behind my dream of becoming a doctor. To provide help and assistance to those who were helpless. Remembering the times I grew up in the streets, scavenging for food and trying to survive with the harsh environment and financial problems, it gave me a sense of pride and achievement for surpassing those difficult times. The times I got sick and I had nothing... I was glad and thankful that I was alive after all those times I had. My thoughts were interrupted with my familiar white car with the Audi symbol stealing everyone's glances. Ronaldo quickly went out of the car and went to open my door.

"Thank you." I beamed and went inside. Shutting the car door close, he rounded the car and went back to the driver's seat.

"Do you have any more plans for today?" He asked buckling his seatbelt.

"None. I just wanna close my eyes and sleep. I am really tired." I huffed and he just nodded before he pulled out of the driveway and drove away.

"Biya? Is that you?" I heard Emil's baritone voice echoing against the walls of his empty house. I really wonder how he can live here alone. I mean, he needed to brighten up the room or something. I don't know but it felt like sometimes, it must have been lonely for him to stay here and live alone.

"Yes it's me. I'm ho-" I stopped dead on my tracks at what I was about to say. I'm home... Realization hit me. I have been calling Emil's house my home even if I was just staying here temporarily.

"Biya." My name was spoken softly like a wave of relief washed over him and I looked up to see him coming towards me with big strides with his arms open.

"Yes. I-" A gasp escaped my lips as he tugged me into him. My body crashed against him and his arms snaked around my waist, pulling me close.

"You're safe." He breathed out and I felt him place a tender kiss on the top of my head.

"What? Of course I'm safe. I have a freaking bodyguard follow me everywhere..." I quickly realized that he was snuggling up on me when in fact I must smell horrible now especially my hear.

"Emil, I need a real shower. I used the shower at the hospital but I need my real shower." I said trying to say I probably stink right now. I really was not satisfied with just showering in the hospital.

"Okay. I just missed you." He said pulling away. He smiled, rubbing the back of my hand before letting me go.

"I have to finish cooking dinner. Go shower." He smiled again before rushing towards the kitchen. I shook my head, smiling like an idiot at the way he just greeted me. He can act like a cute teenage boy sometimes and I loved that side of him. It's kinda refreshing to see that side of him while the world perceived him as this big tough guy who owns a lot of restaurants and hotels. Taking my shoes off, I slid in my fluffy slippers. Putting my high heels on the shoe rack, I went inside and went straight to the bedroom. I could here the jazz playing in the living room and Emil cooking something. Perhaps he was doing a sauté or something. Setting my bag down on the chair in my vanity table, I quickly took off my clothes. My muscles ached and I knew I needed a hot shower.

Dinner went swiftly and quietly and I knew Emil was thinking of something with the way he would stare at his fork earlier.

"Thanks for cooking dinner, Emil." I broke the silence between us.

"Not a problem, love." He smiled while he washed the dishes and I helped him put everything in order. His eyes were casted downwards but a ghost of a smile painted on his face.

"Stop staring at me like that, Biya."

"Stare like what?" I asked taking the plate from him and wiping it.

"Stare at me like you wanna kiss me. I'm literally washing the dishes, Biya. It's not sexy."

"Oh so your man pride is wounded? Is that so?" I raised a brow at him. This made him stop and just looked at me like I was serious with my question. His lips quirked up into a smirk.

"I just wanna serve my lady after a day's work. That's all. Why don't you go in the living room, go watch and relax while I finish up here?"

"Okay. Sure." I sensed that he wanted to say something but he was taking the time for it. Maybe he was hesitating? Did I do something wrong? Did something bad happen? I turned the TV on and went on Netflix. Going on a through the movies and never settling on one, I finally heard Emil turning the water off. He's done. Selecting the series Queen's Gambit in a hurry, I tossed the remote on the table, grabbed a throw pillow and acted like I wasn't overthinking.

"Hey." His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me against him the moment he sat down. His warmth made me hum and close my eyes, resting my head on his chest. Cuddling together, we sat there just watching this red haired girl with micro bangs just staring out in the open space.

"Are you okay?" I couldn't take it anymore. I had to ask. I felt him slightly shift.

"What? Why do you ask?"

"You've been awfully quiet." I pointed out and he sighed, pulling away from me.

"I just have too many things in my plate right now. But don't worry. I'll handle it." He sent me a smile but it didn't reach his eyes making me more curious as to what his problem was.

"Do you need help? I can help, you know."

"Thanks, Bi, but really, I will handle the situation."

"You got a problem in your business?" He kissed my forehead at that and pulled me close to him again, hugging me tight.

"You can say that. I'll tell you everything once I sort it out, okay?" I hope whatever it was, he'll come up with a solution soon.

"If you need help, Emil, I'm here. Okay?"

"Just stay with me. Everything's gonna be alright." He said before kissing me again on the forehead. For some strange reason, I felt a tug in my heart. Something tells me this 'problem' he has is bigger than I thought it would be.

For the passed 3 days, Emil has been acting strangely. It bothered me to the point of thinking something darker... What if he has done it again? Does he have another woman? Is he going on a gala and would plan to take a woman to cover us up again? My heart ached at the thought of betrayal. He has not attended any event though... I shook my head at my overthinking. Every night, he would make us dinner and would find the time to just hug me until it was time to sleep. I was scared that something was happening behind me and I didn't know what it was. Every single night we go to bed and by bed, I mean his bed, he would ask if it was okay to just hold me until I fall asleep and he would whisper sweet nothings. I didn't know why but it broke my heart to see him that way. Did he do something he regretted to make him be like that? He knows I have forgiven him already so why was he acting like I was going to run away, disappear or leave? Even Nonno was confused as to why his grandson was acting quiet and reserved. He even asked last night what was wrong and Emil just shook his head, smiled and said everything was fine. I knew he was lying. Everyone who got two fucking eyes knew he was lying. So tonight, I was going to confront him. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Emil? I'm home!" I said taking my shoes off and slipping on my slippers. The lights were all on but the house was completely silent.

"Emil?" I called for him. I checked the kitchen and the living room. No one was there. Uneasiness crept within me and I pushed myself to not panic.

"Nonno? Are you there?" I asked knocking on the old man's bedroom. No response. Out of curiosity, I opened it only to find... nothing. No one was there. Did they leave in a hurry and forgot to lock and close the lights? That's very unusual. My heart began to beat fast. The fear of being alone in here with lots of unanswered questions worried me. Something bad has happened. I could feel it. Goosebumps began to form and I shakily took my phone out to call Emil. Riiiiing! His phone! It's in his bedroom! I quickly threw my bag on the couch and ran towards the room. Phone still clutched on my hand, the slightly opened door made me pray nothing terrible happened to Emil.

"E-Emil?" My voice shook as I pushed the door open. I could hear the shower on and his suit and tie were thrown all over the floor. Then, I saw something that made me stop dead on my tracks. Blood. There was blood on the collar of his white dress shirt, on the cuffs and some dried blood on his navy blue suit jacket.

"What the fuck? Emil! Are you okay?" I rushed towards the bathroom and ran against it. Locked.

"Emil! Open the door! Are you hurt? Are you okay?" Silence. Oh God! I pounded against the door, terrified and worried.

"Please open the door." My eyes started to blur with tears starting to make my vision hazy. I was about to shout his name again when the door opened and I was left breathless. Blood...

"Oh my God! What happened to you?" I cried out, looking at his bruised face. His lips were cut and bleeding, his left cheek was in a pinkish red bruise and he was bleeding on his right eyebrow. I cupped his face and brought him to my level.

"Emil! What the fuck did you do?" I asked again caressing his cheeks lightly while checking if he had further injuries.

"I'm fine." He groaned.

"No! You're not!" I sobbed.

"Come here, baby." Pulling me towards him, he enveloped me in a hug, his face now buried against my neck.

"We need to get you treated. I need to clean your wounds." I tried pulling away but he just held me tighter. I was still pretty shaken by the fact that I was clueless on what had happened to see him like this. Did he get into a fight with another businessman? I smelled him and he didn't smell like he was drunk. So he would not have been on a brawl, right?

"Yes. I'll do that but let me have my peace for even just a minute."

"Your peace?" Is he having a concussion right now? What is he talking about?

"Yeah. You're my peace and I need it. I need to calm down first."

"Okay. Then, I'll treat you, okay?" I argued, now embracing him. He hummed his response. His deep hum just gave me a wave of security that everything will be fine. It was so strange to feel this effect he had on me.

"It's really great to have a girlfriend who's a physician."

"Don't joke around now, Emil. Tell me what happened later."

"Yes ma'am." He replied before kissing my neck and settled himself there. What did you do, Emil? 

Henlo! How are you? I'm coming back and I promise you, I will come back and make up everything as a form of my appreciation for all your support. To the guy who wrote me a love letter in The Cupid Project in RomancePH's profile, thank you. :)))

Let's keep in touch! Visit me on:

Wattpad: LittlePumpkinWriter

IG: anxielei

Twitter: notsolilpumpkin

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