Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::

By vixxchuu

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-Completed- . . . . Been abandoned for five years, Leo is so depressed and lonely enough to move on.. Y... More

Chapter 1- Flashback
Chapter 2- War
Chapter 3- Goodbye
Chapter 4- My Son? That kid??!!
Chapter 5- Oh my son part 1
Chapter 6- Oh my son part 2
Chapter 7- Sassy girl is back
Chapter 8- Cold War
Chapter 8.2 (Missing Part)
Chapter 9- My sassy naughty lovely girl
Chapter 10- Family trip??
Chapter 11- A little negotiator
Chapter 11.2 (Missing Part, Must Read)
Chapter 12- Special Moment
Writer's Note: Greeting and Q&A
Chapter 13- Accident
Chapter 14- Third Person
Chapter 15- Rival
Chapter 16- Unexpected Hero
Chapter 17- Change
Chapter 18- Warm-up
Chapter 19- A man in love
Chapter 20- Bad luck!
Chapter 21- Noona's attack
Chapter 22- Wedding plan
Chapter 23- What!?? That jerk is your....
Chapter 24- Edited by CynthiaHugo
Writer's Note 2
Chapter 25 - Mr. spoiled kid part 1 -Edited by CynthiaHugo
Chapter 26 - Mr. spoiled kid part 2
Chapter 27- When a spoiled kid and a crying baby meet up (Round 2)
Chapter 28- Mr. Crying baby part 1
Chapter 29- What she wants..
Chapter 30- Mr. Crying Baby part 2
Chapter 31- Mr. Spoiled kid part 3
Chapter 32- No more meddler
Chapter 33- When a spoiled kid and crying baby meet up ( Round 3)
Chapter 34- Someone call me a doctor!
Chapter 35- Or kick these two away..
Chapter 36- What's family?
Chapter 37- Roommate?
Chapter 38- The earthquake takes place in here?
Chapter 39- Let's take a break!
Chapter 40- Amusement park
Chapter 41- Time is over..
Book Two
Chapter 42- Sigh
Chapter 43- Wedding dress
Chapter 44- Our moment
Chapter 45- Our moment part 2
Chapter 46- Leo's nightmare
Chapter 47- Lee Joon
Chapter 48- For the love of a son
Chapter 49- Mama, I'm afraid
Chapter 50- The moment
Chapter 51- Your girlfriend?
Chapter 52- No matter what happens, please always stay by mama side..
Chapter 53- You and I
Chapter 54- Leo's gang (Ft. Hong Bin)
Chapter 55- Leo's gang (Ft. N)
Chapter 56- Save me
Chapter 57- It hurts, my heart
Chapter 58- Going crazy
Chapter 59- Don't cry my bae
Chapter 60- Feverish kitty
Chapter 61- Bad boy, good boy
Chapter 62- I'm gonna be a bad boy
Chapter 63- New Friend
Chapter 64- Leave him alone
Chapter 65- Leo's gang(ft. Ken)
Chapter 66- Thanks and Sorry
Chapter 67- See you next time
Chapter 69- You're mine only
Chapter 69.2
Chapter 70- Finally
Chapter 71- Plan A
Chapter 72- Who is his daddy? (VIXX's special)
Chapter 73- Friend in need, friend indeed (?)
Chapter 74- We are Vixx, no 007
Chapter 75- VIXX 007 Part 1
Chapter 76- VIXX 007 Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 1
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 3
Mr. Papa Season Two?
Mr. Papa Season two: Don't forget

Chapter 68- Don't tell her/him. It's a secret.

413 14 4
By vixxchuu

Chapter 68- Don't tell her/him. It's a secret.


Joon's gun fell on the ground. He quick turned around and spotted a giant guy was walking this way with his hand holding a black gun.

'Leave him aside, Joon.'

Kris wore off his Fendi and rushed to be in the middle of this two. He winked at Leo who was dumbfounded at the moment.

Oh goshh!! Look at his face!! Worse than the original buffalo!


Kris just wanna laugh out loud and roll on the ground if the situation wasn't this tough. He really wished to hold his belly and pointed at that arrogant bastard.

'Go home!'

His eyebrow jerked abruptly at that shabby look of his century enemy. Kris pushed Leo off the track but Leo just being a statue.

'You buffalo!! I told you to go back home!!'

That god-like face frowned when Leo gave him an unreadable gaze.

'Why are you coming here again? Wanna get kick to the galaxy?'

'You retard! The one who's gonna send out of this planet is you! Look at yourself!'

Kris yelled and waved his guards to come over here.

'I don't ask you to help! Just get out of my way!'

Leo pushed Kris aside with a death glare sharing to Joon.

'You daredevil!! Ashh!! It's not a hero time!! You *%#()-\gf!!'

Kris swore and got shock to the moon as Leo snatched the gun from him in a second.


Urghh!!! Does he thirst for blood!!?

He gasped weakly as these stupid people were pointing that evil thing at each other's face.


Sh*t!! These assholes!! Have they gone insane!! Urghh!! Why are Ellena men this*)&%)\l!!

My best friend and brother-in-law!! Ashh, slap my mouth!! That buffalo is not one of my in-law lines!!

Kris let out a hot breath when the crack sound was being heard. He pulled his hair crazily and flew himself in the middle.


Sh*t!! What if the one who got shot to death was exactly me not these retards!! (-__-)

Indeed, Kris didn't have time to pray for himself as the loud bang released from the guns faster than the lightning.



The smoke spilt to the air and two living things lied dead on the ground.

'You dumbass!! Why did you end up this lovey-dovey-pigeon couple's life!?'

Kris snarled with a grievous stare at the dead birds next to his feet. He snatched their guns and threw them to his guards angrily.



Joon and Leo eyed Kris in disbelief. Their gaze seemed to say this sentence: Who the heck grabbed my wrist up the air till I shot these living things instead the jerk's head in front?

'Ashh, whatever!! You go home now!! Hey, drive him home!!'

Kris shoved Leo to his bodyguards and dragged Joon to another side.

'Wait!! Send him to a nearby clinic first! And watch that jerk! Do not let him step out of his damn apartment!'

Kris left some commands before turned to Joon with disapproval eyes.

'And you! Explain me something!'

He opened Joon's car door, pushing him inside before climbed in.



Leo rubbed his cheek as it still hurt like hell. He sighed with his ghosty look at the moment.

Luckily, Ellena wasn't at home. When he phoned her, she was at Haru school fund.

He thought of applying some of her make-up stuff. As he remembered, there was a cosmetic that could conceal the wicked outer skin in her magic box. His fists were clenched, reviewing that bastard's word.

Chuzz, she's gonna go with you? In your dream, dumbass!!

The tall figure opened the door with a rush to the main room.

'Eh, Leo oppa, you're not working?'

He jumped off, seeing Seo hyun was sitting on the couch.

'Hahhh, what happened with your face?'

Seo hyun mouth palmed. Immediately, she went to check his face closer.

'Omox3, what a nasty thing! Who did that to you, oppa? Gosh! Ellena will be faint!!'

Seo hyun widened her bigger eyes with this wicked thing. She quick sought for the aid box.

Leo sighed. He forgot that they had a guest. Anyway, that was good since Seo hyun could help him.

'Seo hyun, please don't find it. My wound's been cleaned already. Just help me something..'


He begged through that gaze.

'Please don't tell Elli. She'll be worried like hell.'

'But she'll sooner discover your look.'

'I know but I don't want to see her sorrow. She'll blame herself for this. Please act normal.'

'But oppa, this cut and bruise can't be concealed from her!'

'It can! Just promise me not to tell her! Though she masks on this cheery face all the time, she does be worry a lot inside and don't let go problem easily. Please don't let out any word.'

Seo Hyun eyed him for long seconds. Later on, she nodded her head with a deep sigh. Leo then asked her for another help. He got in the room and brought Ellena's make-up box out.

They sat on the couch with Leo back's against the entrance. Seo Hyun squeezed the concealer on her palm. She applied it on his face, following by another cream and powder. If she were Ellena, she would just pass out. Indeed, she almost went faint if he didn't need some help first. The bruises and cuts were ghastly.


A small figure closed the door softly. She put her sandals in the shoe shelf and was surprised as someone's oxfords were already there.

'Oppa is here?'

She murmured then walked in with a bright smile.

'Oppa, you—'

Her wide grin stalled and she quick hid herself behind the bar. What were they doing? Her eyebrows tied when Seo Hyun bent even lower to Leo's face. She mouth palmed and immediately turned away.


The-they're kissing?

She rubbed her left chest which suddenly hurt like hell.



'It's out yet, oppa?' Seo Hyun inquired as she blew away his eye. There was a dust suddenly, he said.

'Emm.. It's okay now!' Leo nodded his head with thank. He took the box back and asked her to help him clean the wound and apply this stuff after the shower.

In a dinner time...

Ellena watched Leo bent lower and ate his plate calmly. He was so quiet neither Seo Hyun. In fact, Leo was afraid Ellena would spot his face in this short distance. His sweat poured off brows when she glued her eyes on him like this. Had she caught him already?

He chinned up and eyed Seo Hyun when Ellena talked to Barbie. He whispered her to distract Ellena before the secret let out and Ellena caught their conversation. She sat still, pretended not to hear. Indeed, her heart wringed in pain. Her eye tails caught they did a signal to each other. Without realizing she was in confusion, she did the same as other girl. Was jealous and hurt at the same time.

They were hiding her something? They had a secret together?

Anyway, wasn't it what she had planned to happen? Wasn't it what she dragged Seo Hyun here? Ellena sighed and finished her supper.

She felt even worst when Leo hadn't yet come in. Was he taking a shower in the moon?

And why didn't he have a shower in their room? She got up and headed to the living room. Before she could turn on the light, a familiar tall figure was standing in front of his study. Ellena gasped weakly when Leo smiled at Seo Hyun. Her world collapsed as Seo Hyun wiped off his face.

Why were they...

She turned back as she couldn't stand it. Leo bent lower for Seo Hyun would easily rub his face. She bet the next step was a good night kiss.

That was what she expected but why-why the consequence hurt like hell?

Ellena brushed away the tear and quietly walked back to the main room. She lied on the bed with her broken heart and immediate rested her eyes as a tall figure walked in. He didn't get close to her like before. Just dried his wet hair and climbed on the bed.

The thing that stabbed her to death at the moment was his back. It turned against her. He slept with his back faced her. He didn't give her a good night kiss as always and just lied like that!! He didn't cuddle her in his chest as the previous nights! He didn't pull her in his arms like he always did!! And it suffocated her..

Her tears suddenly rolled down. She quick got her hands back as they were about to back hug him. She too turned her back against him. Ellena closed her eyes with a flood of tear. She didn't know but tonight was so blue.

Good job, Ellena! Good job! You hadn't yet started a plan and they had already looked good together. She wiped off her face and held her broken heart for the tragic event tomorrow which were hundreds time worse than today.

And Ellena heart completely crashed in pieces when she woke up and Leo wasn't there. With her weak body, she hid at the corner as Leo walked out of the study with a bright smile. He waved Seo Hyun good bye and held Barbie's hand. They looked good together. They looked like a family.

Ellena gasped realizing his disappearance from their bed room. Since when was he out? Since when was he with Seo Hyun?

Do not tell her that he sneaked out in the midnight to meet Seo Hyun..

Damn!! This was too much!!!


Ellena called out and rushed to hook his arm.

Leo looked surprised; yet he was trying to let go of her hand. And it hurt again. The fact that he was trying to avoid her..


Can you hear me? IT HURTSS!!

She concealed her disappointment and masked on a bright smile.

'Come home faster, okay? Today is your birthday~'


Nodding his head, Leo quick flew himself to the door with Barbie. Ellena pouted and watched his broad back. She felt lonely. She felt her head span. Ellena then followed them and pecked Leo on his right cheek, told him to drive safe. She heard him moaned but before she could ask why he already turned away.

Ellena then knelt down helping Barbie tied her shoes.

As she chinned up, Leo was looking straight. She followed and bit her lip when it was Seo Hyun who he signaled at. Leo pointed at his face and Seo Hyun shook her head with a weak smile.

Was he afraid Seo Hyun would be angry? He cared other girl before her? He matched eyes with other girl while trying to get rid of her gaze.

What did it call besides "Cheating"?!? What did it call when your hubby stood in front of other girl's room? What did it call when he leave without woke you up as always? What did it call when he wiped away your buss on his face? What did it call when he rushed to get out as you was around him? What did it call??

Ellena stood up and hugged him good bye. Again, he pushed her away lightly with a soft groan.

'Goodbye, babe.'

Leo bent lower. She thought he was giving her a peck but no..he was picking up his working bag.

Ellena watched that broad back vanished in the elevator sadly. Her heart again ached. He didn't kiss her goodbye. Indeed, he said her goodbye. He told her farewell. Was it really that way?

Her mission was already completed?

Ellena leaned over the wall when her body went numb. It was just a second as her tummy suddenly twisted in pain. She instantly ran to a bathroom and threw up. Her eyes were brimming with tear realizing it was time the symptom worked out.

'Hey, what happens with you? Are you okay, Ellena?'

Ellena shook her head and cleaned her empty stomach in a next second. Her heart wasn't fine..


Seo Hyun who just walked out of the kitchen, followed Ellena's voice. She got surprised with her friend's pale face. As she remembered, this kind of weak body and bad stomach happened when you..


'Ellena!! You're pregnant??'

Seo Hyun screamed in joy when Ellena nodded her head.

'Woahx3 since when?'

Seo Hyun helped fanning Elena's face and rubbed her temples to reduce dizziness.


Ellena was so weak to reply so she let Seo Hyun chirping alone.

'Leo oppa will be happy to the max with this news!! He won't stop grinning!!'

Ellena peeped at Seo Hyun. She was again sad in the heart.

'Seo Hyun ah! Don't let him know.'

'huh? Why not? He's a future daddy!'

'Please keep it as a secret!'

'Eh, secret? You'd better tell him as a surprising birthday gift.'

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