After the sudden outburst, she finally droned on about the class, about their OWLs, about the Ministry's hope for the future of education. Adelaide couldn't quite pay full attention because Draco's hand had managed to find its way to her knee and it slowly crept up to her mid thigh. Her heart was pounding and fluttering all at once, she could feel her cheeks slightly warm.

As class ended, Professor Umbridge squeaked, "Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Burke, may I speak with you quickly?" Draco ripped his hand off Adelaide's leg, both of their faces turning slightly red. "Well goodness, don't look so nervous! I just wanted to ask how your first day has been! After yesterday's attack, I just wanted to check in. The Minister, of course, is very invested in not only the quality of the education, but the learning environment as well." she smiled, blinking at a patterned rate that made it seem almost artificial.

Adelaide glanced at Draco nervously, " far it's been well. No one has thrown blood at us since yesterday, so that's a start.." Draco's face turned into a scowl, "Bar is set pretty low Addie, don't you think?"

Professor Umbridge cleared her throat, "I have informed the Minister of the incident. He is absolutely furious. The story of the attack will be in the Daily Prophet tomorrow. Hogwarts depends greatly on the investment of their alumni and most of their wealthiest alumni are purebloods. Hopefully this will," she paused dramatically, "encourage certain faculty members to take action against those who hold a disdain for purebloods. Especially purebloods that value tradition such as yourselves."

Draco and Adelaide both smiled and awkwardly nodded their heads up and down, hoping she'd let them go. They knew that the Minister was trying to create a persona of Dumbledore being a crazy pureblood hating, power-hungry wizard who was trying to overthrow the Ministry with some sort of Hogwarts student uprising. A story of his students attacking purebloods of high standing would certainly cause an uproar amongst powerful pureblood families that, as Umbridge said, contributed greatly to the funding of Hogwarts. It would also encourage parents of purebloods to write to the Minister and demand he intervene so their children will be safe. It was smart, but Draco and Adelaide hated the idea of being martyrs for a cause, Draco especially because he had a strong pride.

"Well..anyways. Thank you for your time, if you don't mind, I have to spend some time with Mr. Potter in detention." The two turned around to see that Harry was awkwardly standing there the whole time, looking quite angrily at Draco. Draco smirked, shoulder checking Harry and growling, "Enjoy your detention Potter."

Harry looked questioningly at Adelaide as if he was hoping she would stop Draco. Harry was quite confused about Adelaide. He never really knew her other than the fact she was in Slytherin and friends with Draco, but she seemed really nice and even helped him for his first task in the Triwizard Tournament. After that though, she had grown cold.

She now seemed to find Draco's bullying amusing which wasn't quite surprising as most of the Slytherins found his constant pestering to be a source of entertainment. He just didn't understand what happened to Adelaide to make her suddenly flip a switch. He also felt so uneasy about her like she was dangerous, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He looked back to Professor Umbridge and reluctantly walked into her office with his head down, putting his confusion aside.

Adelaide and Draco walked down the corridor together and since there was no one around, Draco thought it would be best to ask her now, "Hey Addie..I know you said they've gotten better, but I wasn't sure if you're still having those nightmares?" He was a little anxious that he could no longer be there to wake her up if she was having one of those dreams of the snake attacking her. "Because...I know I'm definitely not as good as you or Philip, but if you wanted, I could try using legilimancy to stop the nightmares if you want or at least place a happier dream in?"

Adelaide's eyes grew large, "What did you just say?"

Draco blushed, "Well, I don't have to..I just wasn't sur-" he was interrupted by her strong kiss, "Draco you are brilliant!" she jumped up and down, grabbing his arm and ripping him to an empty corridor.

"I..uh..thanks?" he stumbled, confused and excited by her reaction. "I didn't even think about using legilimancy on Harry! Draco, I can use this to get him to the Department of Mysteries to retrieve the prophecy!" Draco was stunned that his moment of kindness had turned into a revolutionary way of helping Addie with her task. He had felt so helpless watching his father demand that she do this all on her own.

She smothered him in a warm hug, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She was beyond grateful and relieved. It was a fool-proof plan, she could place a dream of the prophecy, exactly where it was, and lure him in to collect it for her.

Draco beamed at Adelaide's reaction, wrapping his arms around her waist, "I'm glad I could be of help." she looked at Draco with a sweet smile, running her fingers through his hair, "Could I practice the dream legilimancy on you? I've never tried it before and want it to be perfected before I try it on Harry."

Draco's brow quickly furrowed, "Why me? No. Do someone else." the thought of her in his head made him incredibly nervous especially knowing how talented she was. She pouted, grabbing his hands off her waist and into her hands, "Pleaaase. I can't practice on any one else, they don't know what's happening like you do. You're the only one." she felt slightly guilty pulling the Dark-Lord's-Task card, but he truly was the only one she could practice on and get feedback. He cringed as he said, "I guess.." Adelaide jumped in delight, but he quickly cut off her celebration, "but you will NOT peak around my mind, got it? You go in, place the dream, and get out." she lovingly put her head on his shoulder, looking up at him and lifting her pinky, "I promise."

He laughed at her stupid gesture, linking his pinky into hers. They walked down the hall towards their Potions class. Draco was already nervous about accepting to be the guinea pig, but at least it meant he got to spend more time with her.

He was beyond happy that she seemed to be returning the affection to him. He didn't want to assume anything and end up pushing her away, but he had never been happier now that she was by his side.

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