Chapter 14

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Fred and George were ready.

They had spent the past month planning a way to get Adelaide by herself. It was an awfully ambitious and elaborate plan, but Fred and George knew it was the only way to get Adelaide by herself. 

The twins recruited a first year Gryffindor, Dereck Sveck, to follow the Slytherin posse around. He gathered information of their day, their habits, their movements, their behavior. The kid went even as far as to bump into them to see how they reacted to people getting near Adelaide. 

Dereck presented his findings to Fred and George, and from there began their plan. They consulted with their enchanted map that showed everyone, where they were, every minute of everyday. 

Between Adelaide's astronomy and history of magic class, she would be alone for most of her walk. As she passed the second corridor, she would run into Crabbe and Goyle and briefly walk with them until the fourth corridor, where their paths would split and she would be on her own again. This small frame was their chance. 

The most tricky part of their plan was the Polyjuice Potion. They heard that Hermione, Ron's friend, made Polyjuice Potion last year to look like Crabbe and Goyle to get information from Malfoy. After a bit of begging and a promise to find a way to sneak Harry into Hogsmeade on the weekends, Hermione agreed to brew the potion for them. 

Today was the day they would be performing their task. The potion was ready, it just awaited the hairs of Crabbe and Goyle. Fred and George slipped a sleeping candy in their morning tea and as the two bulky Slytherin boys walked through the corridors, they collapsed. 

Fred and George synchronously smiled at each other and ran out from behind the corner of the corridor to gather the remainder of their Polyjuice potion and shove the two fat oafs into a broom cupboard. 

Fred and George wiped the sweat off their brow as they finished hiding Crabbe and Goyle. "Merlin George, you'd think after being beaters for four years, this wouldn't be so hard." he panted, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Don't forget the finishing touch." Fred smirked. 

George threw in a firework that was set to go off in exactly thirty minutes, approximately fifteen minutes before their Polyjuice potion would wear off. This way, when the fireworks erupted, they knew to make an escape without being caught. 

The two threw the hairs into the Potion, shaking it vigorously, 

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Bottoms up." they both winced as they swallowed the absolutely disgusting potion. Their eyes watered at the potent taste and felt an overwhelming sensation that they were going to be sick. Suddenly, they began to get puffy, they both shot down at least six inches shorter. Once they had completely transformed, they changed into the Slytherin robes and made their way for the second corridor from the Astronomy classroom. They walked hesitantly, looking out for Adelaide.

Finally they both made eye contact with her and looked at each other simultaneously.

Adelaide skipped up to Crabbe and Goyle,

"Hello Vinc, hello Greg! How has your day been?" Adelaide sang, now beginning to notice that their mannerisms were slightly different. They both reacted to her question with the same exact facial expression, they both took very identical strides that was far from the usual swagger they tried to put in their step, she sensed that something 

She stopped in her tracks. The two stopped as well, giving each other an identical glance. Adelaide reached for her wand, but before she could point, Fred whispered, "Expelliarmus " sending her wand flying into George's hands. 

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