Chapter Eighty

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Kai's Pov

My first show was coming up in about 3 days, it had been almost a week since I've been in the hospital and honestly everyone has been acting weird. It was like I was a kid again, and everyone had to always know where I was at all the time or what I was doing. Which is why I started getting up earlier than everyone else and heading to the arena to work on vocals and dances. I admit they were right and I was supposed to take it easy, but I wasn't gonna let this set me back.

My fans knew that I was admitted in the hospital and their were a lot of rumors circling around it, such as things like me being pregnant but I shut them all down, saying it was nothing major and I needed to get things checked out.

Billie decided she was gonna spend more time with me, and transfer some of her work here, so that she could be working while on tour with me. Her and Finneas were currently at the studio, and I was at a meet and greet with Ariana.

"I'm nervous," She said giggling, as we waited for the fans to start coming in.

I chuckled, "Why? You've done this like a million times,"

"And I'm always nervous for it, because what if I say the wrong thing or say too much or like fuck it up?"

"You're fans come to meet and greets to see the real you, not the version of you interviewers get. So what if you do? Ariana Grande is a human like everyone else." I reassured her, causing her too blush.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Good honestly, especially coming back to Billie."

"How is she, by the way,"

"She's better, she wakes up less during the night." I said, with a small shrug. Ever since I'd been back on tour, Billie never slept through an entire night, I knew she was scared of waking up and me not being there, and it hurt not knowing how to help. Usually, she'd just lay on my chest and that was how she fell asleep. Whenever she accidentally woke me up, in the process of her waking up, we'd talk for hours until we could both finally go back to sleep. "How are you?"

I also knew about Ari's anxiety getting worse after the hospital, Frankie told me she wasn't speaking to him or Joan and only just Nonna. And those were the people who usually calmed down her anxiety, if I couldn't. It was hard trying to make sure everyone around me didn't fall apart. I also knew Ari met a mystery guy, who'd been making her happy recently so at least she had that.

Lauren and Victoria had been off the roof lately, and usually attached to the hip. I appreciated seeing my best friends so happy, which each other. They balanced each other out a lot actually.

Pete and I hadn't spoke much, I knew he blamed himself for what happened but I also knew he knew that it wasn't his fault. It hurt to see Pete so distant, he could barely manage to stay in the same room as me for long, I didn't blame him though.

"Damn, today was good," Scott smiled, as we finished up the last dance off of the album.

I was hot as fuck, not to mention tired as well since Billie and I went on a date last night around France.
"Guys, there are varieties of croissants in the break room!" Alexa shouted, causing everyone to rush to the deserts.

"Fuck my bagel then!" Brian yelled after her, running out.

"It was dry anyways!" Tommy added.

I stayed back so that I could help Ari with the "kg + ag" dance.

"Wait, so when you sing 'are you down', you turn to against me, push me, and that's when I'll follow you," I told her, as we mimicked each move.

"Care to tell me about this guy, you've been dating?" I asked, as the music restarted and we started from the top.

GOT HER OWNTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang