Chapter Fifty-Three

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Kai's Pov

Whoever said me and Ariana would stay together had lied to themselves. After I visited Nick's grave, Ariana had told me she felt like we were moving too fast, so we just agreed to break up. I felt like Ariana played with my feelings, how the fuck were we going fast and she said she wanted to move faster with me? But it didn't matter though.

It was February, and tour was pretty awkward. We made sure to give a "full and in love performance" but as soon as we made it backstage, we went our separate ways. I guess I kinda forced Ariana to, I was mad at her. I stayed so long for her to pull something like this? I let it go though.

I had also forgotten to mention, Ariana and Dalton got together, this time Ariana wasn't cheating on me, she was with him; only. Still, I wasn't bothered, because I had Camila and Pete.

"Okay, take it from 'Why you gotta be so cute,' and make sure to be perfectly coordinated," Sean said, as he observed the room.

"Wait, so I'm next to her or behind?" I asked him, purposely not saying her name.

"What was your position in bed?" I heard Dalton laugh behind me.

"Crazy, I've never seen you leave Ariana sore," I said turning around.

"Damn, really? I thought I went too hard and she broke her arm," Dalton smirked.

"Guys, stop," I heard Ariana say.

"Of course, you're defending him," I laughed, shaking my head.

"What the fuck is that supposed—"

"If you guys are gonna spend all your time arguing, there shouldn't be a tour." Sean sighed.

"I was doing fine until he came," I shrugged. "Let's mot forget who's tour this is,"

"My girlfriend owns half this tour,"

I smiled, "Right, because you're definitely okay with your 'girlfriend' singing about being in love with her ex,"

"You're being a dick," Ariana said.

"At least I can keep mine in Camila and Camila's pu—"

"Break!" I heard Normani yell. "Damn, this is getting tiring. When we come back, the next person who argues is literally running laps around the pit,"

"Cool, I have to get lunch with Pete anyways," I said walking out.

As soon as I walked out, I was met by both Pete and Camila.

"Someone's tense," Pete chuckled.

"Yeah, you try being in a room with Twiddle Dee Dick and Twiddle Dee Dumb," I sighed. "I wish I could be with you guys,"

"I know, mí amor," Camila said embracing me as I kissed her cheek. "I have to go meet with my parents, but I'll see you guys later,"

We said our goodbyes, and it was just me and Pete in my dressing room, sitting on the couches. "Damn, so you and Ariana?" Pete asked.

"She's got a boyfriend," I shrugged. "We're just coworkers, nothing more."

"So, you obviously forgot about how the Grande's are taking you two out for dinner,"

"Fuck," I groaned, "I could just cancel."

"And have Nonna beat your ass?" Pete laughed. "Never cancel on a Grande,"

"I'll just be by Frankie,"

"That's smart. But it's weird. Never expected you guys to actually be done,"

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