Chapter Seventy-Four

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Kai's Pov

"Dude, I'm not going surfing. I will literally bust my ass," I told Billie. For the past few days, Billie has been trying to get me to go surfing with her, Finneas and Claudia, and while I would, I didn't know how to surf, and I wasn't planning to die trying. I had no idea Billie even surfed until we watched some show about sea animals, and Billie began telling stories of her and Finneas.

"You're not! Just at least try it, I promise it'll be fun," She groaned.

"Fine. I'll go next time," I sighed, knowing she would win this battle as well.

"Why not now? It's hot as fuck right now. Plus, it's less than two weeks until your birthday doofus, and you've been boring," Billie said, walking to my closet to find her board. We kept a lot of our things with each other, since we were basically never really apart unless because of work.

"Well, I wanted to invite Pete, Lauren and Victoria over. I haven't spoke to them in a while," I shrugged.

"I'm gonna go with Elijah and Isaac later anyways, they want to try out this restaurant." Billie explained, starting to go on a rant about how she wanted a good ass vegan burger instead of the "fucking lettuce and bread burgers" she had been eating because of the restaurants Elijah and Issac picked.

"—Bil, you're gonna be late." I chuckled, interrupting her little rant.

"Fuck your right! Finneas texted me like 10 minutes ago. I'll see you later then, doofus." She winked, grabbing her board and walking out.

I smiled at her words. Typical Billie.

My friends took twenty minutes to come over, since they all decided to drive separately, but all coming from the same way. Once everyone got here, we all took a seat in my living room, and after some small jokes between us all, the conversation shifted more toward a serious note.

"This house is cool, but your old one definitely takes the cake," Pete said, out of no where.

"I didn't sell it yet. I've been thinking about selling it, since I don't wanna go back," I shrugged.

"Why?" Lauren asked.

"I dunno, maybe cause they broke up and all of Ariana's shit is still there." Pete told Lauren, causing them to have mini argument between each other, which only made me laugh. I looked at Victoria as the two went on.

"So how is she?" I questioned.

Victoria looked at me for a few seconds. "I wouldn't know. Ariana, Courtney and I aren't on the best terms right now,"

"Really, why?"

"Uh— we just had different opinions on your breakup. I didn't agree with Ariana or Courtney. So now I'm single and friendless," She said, with a sad smile.

I frowned at Victoria's words, "Vic, we're still friends," I pointed out, as if she'd forgotten.

"I know. So how's everything with Billie? I want all the details," She smirked.

"We," Lauren corrected.

"Oh, so you two are done acting like kids?" I smiled to Pete and Lauren.

GOT HER OWNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora