Chapter One-Hundred & Fourteen

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Kai's Pov

"Frankie, it's 3 am... why are you calling so late—"

"-Ariana fell, she was finishing up her show and tripped on a loose wire. She's on her way to the hospital now!"

"What hospital is she at? Where are you guys?!"

"The one the girls were born in, I'll send our location!"

As much as I normally kept everything together, my anxiety was at a high. I was struggling to change Nick properly and he was upset at being woken up so early. After I changed his diaper, I put him on some clean and warm clothes, placed him in his car seat, and gave him a bottle.

I just brushed my teeth, grabbed my keys, and rushed out of the house, barely even grabbing my phone. I loaded Nick into the Range, and I began driving to the address Frankie sent.

I always told her touring was too much, especially this far along in pregnancy and she didn't listen. Anything could've happened to her or even the babies.

I hated speeding and I never did it when Nick was in the car, but I had to today.

How did no one see that cord?!

Frankie was standing outside when I pulled up and parked.

"I'll take him, she's in room 114!" He said as I handed him the car seat.

"Frankie, why are you crying?"




"You did what..." I mumbled, watching as more tears of his started to fall. Mine started too as well, as he broke down. I grabbed Nick's car seat from out of his hands, shaking my head at him.

I knew I needed to go to Ariana still, so I left him there and checked in at the front desk before heading up to her room.

I found some of her tour team in the waiting room and they all looked distressed as well, sending me nods for reassurance.

When I opened her door, Ariana laid in bed, in a conversation with the doctor, I would assume.

The doctor's head turned to me, as the door shut. "Are you the wife? You can call me Dr. Evie."

"Kai," I said, extending my hand out to her, for a handshake. I turned to Ariana, "Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I was given meds, so I don't feel anything. I'm just scared, what if I lost them? They're two months away, Kai!"

I sat down Nick, walking over to kneel by Ariana's bedside. "It's okay, we're okay, they're okay. Don't stress yourself out too much, that isn't good for them. Where exactly did you fall?"

"On... on my stomach."

"Fuck Ariana," I whispered, standing up. I turned to Dr. Evie, who was talking to Nick. "Hey, uh, do we know if they're okay yet?"

"Her brother said the fall was pretty hard, so we're running a lot of tests to make sure everything's okay. So far, we have no worries, but we may not see any until they're born."

"I just care about if they're alive, that's all."

"Baby B is the baby we're worried about, the fall directly impacted them." She explained, showing me her ultrasound pictures. "Don't worry though, everything looks to be okay, so far."

I spent hours there making sure both Ari and Nick were okay, they were pretty good for the most part, but Ariana was having a hard time with her anxiety because of the babies.

I was trying to help as best as I could. I was angry and scared and confused, I didn't know how to feel. I couldn't even be mad at Frankie, he didn't know.

At around six am, Dr. Evie came back with the results for pretty much all tests.

"Everything seems to be okay! Babies A and C have been moving pretty well and in their usual. But baby B hasn't. So if you guys could stay active for the next few days, we're sure he'll be okay!"

"So everyone's okay?" Ariana breathed, holding onto my hand.

"Yes ma'am," Dr. Evie smiled, "We just have to have you stay overnight and we'll have you out by the morning."

The next week was hell, there were so many rumors circulating about Ariana's fall. Even more, paparazzi joined us outside, whenever we went out and I couldn't even go on walks with Nick anymore. Neither could any of our friends or family, they wanted answers from everyone.

Ari and I also had been pretty distant since the fall, since she was considering going back on tour and making more moderations while I was completely against it.

Shooting was still going on for me, so I would have to leave soon and I wouldn't be able to join Ariana, so I was definitely not taking that risk again.

"We have an appointment Tuesday," Ariana said, sitting next to me on the couch.


"Okay? Are you going or not?"

"When have I ever not went?"

"When do you ever answer like that?"

"Are you hungry? I'm hungry." I sighed, getting up from my spot. "Pad Thai?"

"Can you please just talk to me normally? You just avoid all of your problems now and you know it's hard for me to leave things alone. Especially when we're... like this."

"Talking will just stress us both out, you know that, so I have to just leave things alone for now."

"Or you can just communicate in a way, you know won't stress us out."

"I don't know how, especially with everything that has happened between us."

"What's that supposed to mean? The fall?"

"How can you honestly consider touring again after that? It's like you just forgot about it!"

"Forgot about it? It fucking haunts me every day! I was excited for them to be born, but now I don't know. I don't know if I can handle the fact something could be wrong with one of them because I fell! I tour because I have a career to maintain, I can't just cancel everything and drop it... I made promises, I went ghost on them for almost a year, I can't let them down like that again."

"I have a career too, Ariana but my career will never be prioritized over any of you, and I'd especially never put it over the safety of the five of you."

"I'm not picking my career over you, I'm trying to manage everything and you're just making it harder for me. If I don't tour now, they'll keep asking for one even after the babies are born, which would you rather?!"

"Do whatever you want Ariana, I just make it harder for you."

She sighed, standing up as well. "You're right, we'll just stress over this. So let's talk about something else until we can be healthier towards each other and our emotions. Neither of us need this right now."

"So let's leave this here, and go on a date."

"How do you feel about a double one?" She smirked, looking up at me carefully. "Nicki wants to go out."

"I thought she said we were on punishment."

"Yeah, but she's lifting it since she just flew in."

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