Chapter Fifty-Four

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Kai's Pov

We all sat at restaurant quite awkwardly. Well, Ariana, Dalton and I were the only awkward ones. Nonna and Frankie were arguing about which pasta was the best kind, Hale and Joan were discussing their wedding plans, and Ed couldn't make it. I was kinda just there, trying to enjoy the whole scene. Dalton and Ariana kept sharing weird looks with each other the entire time, like they were annoyed with each other. But good thing the restaurant had majority older people, because no one had freaked out over seeing Ariana, me or any of the Grande's. I was honestly excited to see how dinner would end up.

"Well, um... we didn't know Dalton was joining us," Joan said, making an effort to start one whole table conversation.

"Um... well...—"

I cut Ariana off. "That was on me Joan. Ariana and I recently broke up, and I told her that she should reintroduce her new boyfriend to you guys,"

"There's no fucking way," Frankie said, in shock. I was amused at this, Nonna and Frankie looked equally as confused and somewhat mad.

"Blink twice if you're in danger," Nonna said to Ariana, trying to whisper but I was sure we all heard her.

Joan gave an uneasy look, "Mom, Frankie, stop. As long as you are happy, Ariana, I will support your decisions,"

That made Dalton happy of course, he nodded with a thank you, kissing Ariana's cheek.

"So that means you're on the market," Nonna smirked at me, "Just because my granddaughter couldn't do it as good as me—"

"Mom!" Joan scolded, causing me and Frankie to laugh.

Nonna shrugged, "Seriously, any new ladies?"

"Nope, too busy touring," I smiled.

Frankie chuckled to Nonna, "At first she was too busy touring Ari's p—"

"But now, she's all dick," Dalton rudely injected.

"Excuse me?" Frankie asked.


"Let's make this clear, my sister will never love you as much as Kai. Fried hair hoe!" Frankie said, cutting Hale off.


"Dalton, stop!" Ariana said, a bit loudly.


"Because you're fucking annoying," I laughed.

"You are too, probably why Ariana dumped you,"

"That's exactly why you're about to go bankrupt." I laughed.

"I could fuck up your girlfriend's life. One call, and they'll know everyone except Camila's sister was born in Cuba," Dalton threatened.

"Ahhh!" I joked. "I'm so scared. Dumb bitch, they're all citizens!"

"W—What?!" Ariana said, choking on her water.

"Shit, just got real," Nonna instigated.

"See Hale? I told you we should've hired that camera crew."

"So I've been getting blackmailed this entire time?" Ariana's eyes went big. "I didn't fucking cheat or want Dalton. This was a set up."

"Right, and— what?" I said, choking on my water.

Ariana gulped, "I—uh,"

Everyone went quiet, but it wasn't a comfortable silence, nobody knew what to say.

I broke the two minute silence though, "Just when I thought you couldn't be more a dick," I laughed coldly.

"You would've done the same, you latched on to Ariana's success, how the hell do you think you're rich now?" Dalton asked, tensely.

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