Chapter One-Hundred & Ten

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Kai's Pov

It was early in the morning on December 18th, when Billie's water broke. Mostly everyone was in the kitchen when it happened, I was literally in the middle of a serious game of catch with John.

"Billie... did you just pee yourself?" Noah said, laughing until he realized what he said and his eyes went wide.

"MY FUCKING WATER JUST BROKE!" I heard as everyone rushed over to Billie.

I was frozen.

What the fuck was I supposed to do?

"Here man!" Justin shouted, tossing his keys over. I rushed out of the house, running to pull the car in front of the house so we could drive to the hospital.

I helped Finneas and my brothers take Billie to the car, as Ariana and Victoria helped put the rest of the stuff in, like the hospital bag and stuff.

Everyone said they'd meet us there so it was just Billie and me in the car. We didn't wanna waste any more time just in case it was now go time. I'd never drove that fast in my life, because there was so much happening and Billie tried to control her screams but the contractions only got worse.

"Fuck, we're five minutes away Bil,"

"No, this shit's happening now!"

"I can't deliver a baby, Billie! I just one more block!"

"I can literally feel him!"

I chose not to say anything as I pulled up to the front of the emergency room. Ariana must've called here after we left because they were able to get Billie and pull her onto a stretcher immediately, once we pulled up.

I followed after them up until a certain point when the nurse pulled me aside.

"I take it as she's your wife?" The nurse asked.

"Uhh, no, she's just the mother of my baby."

"Okay well, we're gonna get you in scrubs." He smiled, handing me blue ones. "Also, can I get a pic later?"

"Seriously, man?"

"Sorry. Anyway, I know she's going in labor now so you have like 10 minutes, she's in room 110."

"What about my wife? Is she allowed in the room?"

"Your wife? Isn't she the woman in labor?"

"No man, that's just a friend. Can you answer my question?"

"Woah, woah, I get it. You're not allowed to talk about it since you're famous! You're secrets safe with me." The nurse, Damien, winked, before walking away.

I rolled my eyes before sliding on my scrubs and rushing to room 110. I found Billie there and she was pretty calm, a doctor was also in there with her as well.

"Hi." She smiled, seeming woozy off whatever they gave her.

"Hey," I chuckled, also walking up to the doctor to greet her as well. "I'm Kai,"

"Dr. Yasmin,"

"Oh, it's nice to meet you."

"You as well." She nodded with a small smile. "I was just telling Billie here that she's looking to be in labor for a while."

"Wait, what does a while mean?" Billie interrupted as the both of us turned to her.

"Maybe ten hours or less,"

"Ten hours?!" Billie and I said in unison, a bit louder than we wanted to.

"I can feel his fucking head!" She added.

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