Chapter Seventy-One

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Kai's Pov

On the plane ride was pretty quick. I slept the whole time and when I woke up we had already landed. Ariana, Hailey and Justin went straight to their hotel room's when we arrived at the hotel and because I had just slept, I decided to text Ariana's parents, letting them know I was in the lobby. They'd landed in Portland a day earlier and we made plans to grab food once we arrived, but Ariana remained sleep. Once they both came down to the lobby, Ariana's driver took us to some random restaurant. We grabbed seats in the back, and we all ordered salads, except Joan and I's salads were vegan and Ed's wasn't.

"So how is tour for her so far?" Ed asked, sipping his drink.

"You know her, she loves touring with Justin and interacting with all of her fans. It's nice seeing her with them, whenever she gets back home, she rants about fans she's met for hours," I explained with a smile on my face.

Joan chuckled, "I'm glad she has you on tour with her. The one tour I didn't go on, I called the police because I'd thought something happened and she was just taking a nap."

"Some things never change," Ed added with a laugh. "So, did Frankie start discussing the wedding?"

"They don't know when exactly," I shrugged.

"Knowing them both, they would try to get married on the same day," Joan laughed. "Well, you all. Your mother and I talk about you five all trying to marry on the same day." It was true. Growing up as triplets, with Ariana being my best friend and Frankie's, the five of us always wanted to get married on the same day. Ariana and I especially. I just never thought about it being Ariana until I hit teenage years.

"In all honesty, I expected Ariana and you to be engaged and married first," Ed confessed.

"Really?" I smiled. "Proposing to someone is so scary, especially with someone like Ariana. Imagine proposing in front of millions of people and then she's like, 'no.'"

"Frankie would never let her hear the end of it," Joan laughed.

As Joan and Ed continued to talk, I felt my phone vibrate.

baby🤍: hi. where are u?
received 7:42pm

baby🤍: btw do you know if my parents landed?
received 7:42pm

baby🤍: i miss u alot.
received 7:43pm

baby🤍: and im officially woke!
received 7:43pm

me: hi baby, and im actually with them at a restaurant. i miss you more.
sent 7:43pm

baby🤍: come back home then
received 7:44pm

me: i cant just leave your parents😭
sent 7:46pm

baby🤍: then ill come to u.
received 7:47pm

I sent her the address of the restaurant, with a smile on my face. She'd barely been sleep and the first thing she does, is come to a restaurant to be with us. "I take it as Ariana is coming?" Ed asked.

"Yes, actually. Why'd you say that?"

"If you think the big ass smile didn't give it anyway already," Joan chuckled. "So what are you doing for her birthday?"

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