Chapter Twenty-Six

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ariana's pov

"I have some news. Good and bad." Scooter said as soon as I entered his office. "Alright, but is this gonna take long? You know I still have to decorate for Kai's bash." I reminded him, as I sat down in the seat in front of his desk chair. "Good or bad first?" Scooter smiled.


"You can't have the bash." Scooter said as if it didn't matter.

"What the fuck?" I said confused.

"The owners from the arena place called, they had a small fire and have to start fixing the damages immediately." He explained, "but, I was talking to some other managers at a meeting we had, and we thought it would be a good idea if we flew you, Kai and some other celebrities to Bali. We would rent a mansion and film it. It could help with publicity and it could be fun just 4 days."

I thought for a second. "So you're asking me to go on a trip just to boost publicity? And what about Kai's party."

"I could have that arranged so it happens while you're there. So what do you think?" Scooter asked.

"I guess." I shrugged. "I'll talk to Kai and text you later about it."

"Cool, thanks Ari." He smiled. I gathered my stuff to go and headed to the door, but I hesitated, "Hey Scoot, who's all going to this?"

"Umm.... I'm not sure, we still have to hear back from the other managers. But start packing tonight, we leave at 5am." Scooter explained.

Luckily, there was a Starbucks right by Scooter's office, where my girlfriend was eating at, while I went to this quick meeting. As soon as I walked out of the building, my bodyguards circled me to the car, protecting me from the hundreds of fans outside Starbucks and Scooter's office. After about 5 minutes, my girlfriend hopped in the car with her bodyguards.

"What happened?" I asked, looking at my girlfriend who looked like she'd been ran over. She gave me a long stare, "While you were talking to Scooter, I was trying to get me a hot chocolate, then someone shouted, 'That's Kai Grey.' So I turned around and there was a bunch of fans, then someone grabbed my shoe, and the crowd chased them. That's when someone decided to snatch my glasses off my face, after that, they basically started fighting, and imagine trying to get out of a Starbucks, bombarded with fans with only two bodyguards."

I broke out in laughter. "They stole your shoe? I'm sorry baby." She raised her foot up, which only made me laugh harder. "Fuck you Grande.... where's the black G-"

"You're stepping on it." I smirked, knowing what she was going to say. I bought three black Givenchy bags about a year ago. They were full of extra clothes for us just incase. One stayed in the car we travelled in, another in the hotel we would stay at, and the last would be the venues I performed at. As my girlfriend changed, I thought about how I was going to give her the album.

"So what happened with Scooter?" Kai asked, once she finished putting her tank top on. "He wants us to go on a 4 day trip with other celebrities basically." I shrugged.

"Are we going to be together?" She asked. I smiled, "I think they know not to separate us again after I yelled at Scooter when you went to London."

"That was the day I learned to never upset Ariana Grande." Kai said causing us to laugh. "But as long as we are together, then I don't really care." She shrugged.

"We leave at 5."

"5 pm?"

"No am."

"What kind of 'I have to wake up for school' shit is this?" She said with a groan. "So you're telling me I have to go to sleep early?"

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