Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Kai's Pov

"Peter Michael Davidson I swear to—" My jaw dropped once Pete pushed me in a room? I wasn't sure since I had been blind folded for the past thirty minutes or so.

Immediately after we ended rehearsals, Pete asked me to come with him to his car. That was when Victoria and Pete basically kidnapped me, in the parking lot and placed me in his car with a blind fold. While Pete held me still, Victoria drove.

He took off the blindfold, "Surprise," He smirked.

"Surprise? What's the fuckin—"

"I said I was coming, didn't I?" I knew that voice like the back of my head. I turned my head from Pete, to the hotel room.

I just realized I didn't even look at the hotel room, it was beautifully decorated with rose petals and candles all over.

"Fuck you guys," I said, "So this was your reason for not answering all day?"

"I was gonna crack, if I texted you! Sorry I was excited," Billie chuckled. "I fucking missed you, dude,"

I rolled my eyes, embracing her in a hug. Billie was slightly shorter than me, so she usually grabbed my face whenever she kissed me, and I missed that, so when she did, it was hard to pull away.

"Uh, I'm still here guys. I don't want to see my nephew being made," Pete mumbled, crossing his arms.

I pulled away from Billie, giving Pete a confused look, "Nephew?"

"Yes, someone has to have another boy. It's just Isaac." Pete said, causing us all to laugh.

We all talked a bit more, before Pete decided to go and it was just Billie and I.

"Where's your family? Actually, where the fuck is mine even at?" I asked, forgetting that of course that Billie wouldn't know where my family was.

"My dad got sick so they decided to stay back. Finneas and Claudia are at a restaurant, if I'm not wrong," She said. "You good, ma? You seem nervous,"

"Yeah, I'm just tired,"

"Well, wake your ass up. You got a show in a few," She smiled.

"Shit, I should be texting Ari so we can head back right now." I said.

"Or," She smirked, "you can show me how much you missed me,"

"You know they're gonna kill me if I'm late,"

"You have two hours," She pointed out, "Relax," She breathed, putting her hair up.

Ariana's Pov

"Hey, do you know where Kai is?" I asked, weirdly running into Courtney in the hotel lobby.

"Nope, I just seen Pete leave from her room though,"

"Should I go check?"

"Nah, she'll probably call you or something,"

"What if she needs me? She's had anxiety all week,"

"Babe, she might need space," Courtney pointed out. "Let's head out now. All of the dancers are about to leave anyways,"

"What about Kai?"

"Ari, she's not your girlfriend anymore. You don't have to worry about her like she's your responsibility. I'll text her and make sure everything is good." Courtney reassured, but it irritated me a bit.

"Courtney it isn't about if we're fucking or not, we have a show in less than 40 minutes and I can't perform a joint album without the other person." I snapped.

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