Chapter One-Hundred & Two

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Ariana's Pov

"Should we do it?" Kai asked as we both sat on the edge of our bed, holding our phones.

"Yeah, I think we owe this to them,"

She smiled, "On the count of three, then..."




After pressing 'share', we both tossed our phones and collapsed on our bed. "Well, now the whole world knows we're engaged," She sighed, turning to me with a smile.

"Mm... just imagine their faces on Friday," I giggled, facing my fiancé as well.

"Baby, I think we held onto GG3 for too long now. My label's gonna be texting me any minute now about the engagement post, and I think we should pitch it to them,"

"You wanna drop it before the baby's here? You know that's what they'll want."

"I don't know... that will more than likely mean tour being prolonged and everything else because of your pregnancy, but if we wait, I'll feel like I disappointed them."

"What are you talking about? How would you disappoint them?"

"I haven't done anything in months, my movie still hasn't dropped because of me, Caleb even prolonged that for me and I still haven't done anything... I can't let anyone down anymore,"

"It's okay to take a break for yourself, you don't have to keep overworking yourself. Your real fans will understand that. Don't stress yourself out so much, I'm so proud of you baby, everyone is... so let's just get through this week and we'll figure it all out, okay?"

"I love you, Ariana, I can't wait to get married to you,"

"I can't wait to call you my wife," I smirked, earning a small laugh from her. "Let's do a documentary,"

"That would be fire. On like wildlife or some shit?"

"No, on us," I said, full of laughter. I sat up sideways, resting my head in the palm of my hand. "We can just be ourselves, and it'll show our fans what life is like for us and why we haven't been so active."

"Okay, yeah, let's do it, but can we pitch it to Apple TV or something, I haven't forgiven Netflix for canceling Grand Army, yet?"

While Kai went to go pick up our friends from the airport, I was by the bar with our moms. Everyone else was busy with fittings and etc since we figured out clothes and other stuff this morning. Mum and Mom were probably the most stressed out of us all since they wanted everything perfect. Dad wouldn't be landing in until later tonight, so everyone was gonna be here.

"So have you two decided on last names yet?" Mom asked while enjoying her drink.

"Yep, we talked about it last night. We decided on Grey-Grande, but it's also kinda long so we'll just say Grey most of the time,"

"I forgot to say it last night, but congratulations Ariana, I wouldn't want my daughter marrying anyone else. We've always been team Ariana,"
Mum chuckled, embracing me softly.

"Thank you, Mum. I love you guys so much, especially your daughter," I smiled, hugging her back. "I know I never got the chance to ask, but why is her last name different from everyone else's?"

She was literally the only Grey in her entire family, everyone else had the same last name, even Justin and Noah.

"I can't really give you an answer, Ari. I guess we just decided to," She shrugged. "She's always been more closed off than the rest of us... more independent so after all, her having a different last name fit. She's carrying a different legacy on with that, I guess. That's why I've always been team you, she's found a family in you and she opens up to you... she doesn't do that with us, and I'm sure as hell she didn't do that with Camila or Billie." The three of us let out a small laugh in the mention of her exes.

"Have you guys picked maid of honor and best person yet?"

Now, I was finally in the hotel room with my friends, Hale and Frankie. Our parents made it their number one job to make sure Kai and I, wouldn't see each other until the time of the eloping, even though it wasn't a real wedding.

Somehow the room was decorated and Courtney deemed this my bachelorette party.

"Girl, we have so much planned," Victoria smiled, as we all sat around on the floor.

"Courtney and Frankie were left in charge to hire people, but Victoria and I covered the games," Doug added, joining us with a tray of shots.

"Yes, so please make sure Kai never finds out about what happened tonight or she might not be married anymore," Frankie joked, sharing a wink with Courtney.

"Wait, what the hell do you have planned then?!"
I asked while me and Hale held the same shocked expression.

"Frank," Hale warned.

"Babe, it's okay,"

"Shh, just take a shot and shut up, the twins are starting the first game," Courtney said, handing me one.

"Wait, are these vodka shots? I'm not having a hangover tomorrow," Which was a good excuse as to why I couldn't drink liquor, I didn't wanna tell them I could be pregnant.

"All virgin, except for the ones on Doug's tray,"

"Never Have I Ever of course," Brian said.

Scott raised an eyebrow, "Um no, Truth or Dare."

"Scott, we didn't decide on that." Brian sighed, shaking his head. "Your game after mine."

"Fine with me, best for last," He mumbled.

"I'll start then," Doug smirked, probably tipsy already.

"Take a shot instead of putting your finger down!"

"Never have I ever... thought my ex was better at sex than my current boyfriend or girlfriend," He said, while Courtney and Brian took shots.

"I dated this one guy and he literally spent 20 minutes trying to undo his belt," She laughed.

"Please... about a year or two ago, one of my now exes was so bad, I literally got up in the middle of it and told him I needed to leave because my house was dirty. I was stuck in doggy, thinking about watering my grass!"

"Where the hell do you guys find these men?" Hale chuckled, "I'll go next I guess. Never have I ever started an argument just to have angry sex," Pretty much everyone drank except Brian.

"You've never? Wow," Frankie laughed and Hale shook his head.

I giggled, "Especially while she's watching tv,"

"Right? That's when it works best on John too," Victoria added.

"Nah, after the gym for me," Courtney sighed, with a small smirk.

"Sweaty balls? Ew, Courtney!" Doug replied, causing us all to laugh, while Courtney tried to reassure us, it was after a shower was taken.

"I'll go next," I said, trying to contain my laughter. "Never have I ever liked my friend's partner," Scott was the only one who drank.

"In my defense, it was Harry Styles!"

"All is forgiven then," Brian chuckled. "Never have I ever had period sex," Courtney, Victoria, and I drank, while the guys didn't.

"Honey, I'm gay," Frankie laughed.

"We're," Doug corrected as well. "I'm gonna take a shot just because though, but ladies, spill,"

I shrugged, taking the virgin shot. "It was once, in the shower... I've wanted to other times but cramps,"

"Same," Victoria said.

"Yep, the cramps usually get to me," Courtney added as well. "I wanna spice this up more... never have I ever second-guessed my feelings for my current relationship?"

a/n: there will be more insight on both bachelorette parties as chapters progress

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