Chapter One-Hundred & Three

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Kai's Pov

"Are we really this sad?" I chuckled, as my friends and I sat around the hotel room during my bachelorette party. To say we missed our partners, was an understatement. It was pretty quiet as we all just sat around, speaking every few minutes if someone found something funny on their phone.

It was wild to think we were all this attached, well except for Pete, that was pretty believable. Veronica, Lauren, Jade, and Seven found this pretty funny though since they were the only ones single.

Everyone was here though: Justin, Noah, Veronica, Lauren, Pete, Jupiter, Jade, Avan, and Seven. Olivia had to stay behind to watch my niece so that's why she wasn't.

"Yep, I miss my kid," Lauren sighed, placing her head on my shoulder.

"You think the girls are having a better time than us?" Jupiter asked.

"I can literally hear them and they're two floors up," Pete said. "See... they're screaming something about Drake,"

"Wow, what the hell is wrong with us? Shouldn't we have like strippers, and ass right now?" Noah blurted, placing his phone down. He was actually down bad and almost resulted in catching a plane to go see Kylie.

"Yeah! This is your last night as a free woman, we gotta make this a night to remember!" Justin said, earning a few cheers.

"Can I call my girlfriend first?" Jupiter mumbled, speaking everyone's minds.

"Yeah, man," We said in unison as we all found private spots to do the same. Again, this was honestly sad.

I facetimed mine and after five rings, she finally picked up. "I'm sorry I had to tell them I needed to use the bathroom," She said, as soon as the call connected.

"Wow, things must be wild over there, I can literally hear everything," I chuckled.

"It is, everyone's so drunk right now. How're things over there?" Ari asked.

"Well everyone's calling their significant others, right now, so I'd say things are getting out of hand." I joked, earning a laugh from Ari.

She smiled. "If it helps I miss you more,"

"Ari c'mon, the strippers are here!"

"Did someone just say, strippers? Ari, you have strippers?!" I said, hearing the background excitement.

"Um no... I have to go. Goodnight, I love you!" And with that, she hung up.

I opened the bathroom door, as everyone finished up their calls. "Get your fucking shit together guys, they have strippers and we're gonna go outdo them!"

"Ahh, so like a blackout drunk night?" Seven smirked.


"Well, let's go then, fuck your girlfriends!"
Veronica smiled, taking Noah's phone and throwing it off the balcony.

"VERONICA, WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS MY JOB!" Noah yelled, rushing to the balcony. "You think I'll die if I jump and grab my phone?"

"It's a fair bet man, maybe," Avan shrugged.

Jade said. "Eh, there's a pool, if you land there you'll be fine."

"Fuck it, in the honor of Kai's wedding!" And just like that, he jumped.

We all rushed to see if he made it okay, and surprisingly he did.

"I'm alright! I think we need to go to the hospital though!" He yelled, loud enough for us to hear.

"Club's only a few blocks away from the hospital," Justin shrugged, looking down at his phone.

"Well, cheers to tonight!"

The hospital wasn't packed, so Noah was casted within two hours and we still went to the club. Things were actually out of hand now, it only took thirty minutes and most of us were drunk as fuck, except for Lauren and Pete, they were high instead. I'm pretty sure half of us lost our phones and Jupiter even lost his wallet.

There were many fans inside of the club already, so it didn't take much for us to all be swooped away from each other. I drank with a few fans who were pretty cool but super touchy. I knew I reached my limit after walking became hard. There was no one there like Ariana or Olivia, to stop us from making bad decisions so we all kinda just went haywire.

Standing on a table, being supported by Justin, Noah threw his crutches up, "Drinks on Kai! She's rich and she'll cover it!"

The bartenders looked over at me, and I shamelessly shrugged as everyone chanted my name. Justin walked over, sliding into the booth. "Sorry bro, lost our wallets," He chuckled, patting my shoulder. "You got it right?"

I laughed, "Am I the only one still with my wallet?"

"Nah, the girls all have theirs... it's just Ronnie's flirting with some guy, can't find Seven, and Jade and Lauren are having sex in the bathroom,"

"I swear I just saw Sev— wait what? Lauren and Jade are what?"

"Yeah I know, I came in the unisex bathroom and Jade's all like, 'ugh, ugh' and then Lauren's all, 'fuck'. If that's your type of party, you should go join them," He smirked.

"Ariana would kill me, so no thanks,"

"Dude, she's probably fucking a stripper right now, go get some action!" Before I could object, a loud crash came from the other side of the club. "Fuck Noah just fell off the table, be right back! Go get some pussy!"

I rolled my eyes, watching my brother leave. Jade and Lauren were hot, in fact, they both reminded me of Megan Fox, but no one would ever compare Ariana.

Just as I was thinking about ordering wings, Seven swooped over, offering to dance with me. "I literally can't feel my legs," I chuckled out, watching as Seven parked herself right on top of me.

"Mmm....I've always had this crush on you since we starting filming, and now we're alone, no Ariana, no interruptions... nothing holding us back. I want you so bad," She slurred, with a suggestive smile. "Let's really make this a night to remember,"

"Sev, I'm getting married, stop," I groaned, as she moved against me.

"I've never done it with a girl though, you and I both want this. I'm hot, you're hot, fuck your wedding,"

"Hey, you're not Ariana," Veronica said, coming over to us. "Let's go, the guys are calling us," I reluctantly got up after Seven did, and Veronica pulled me closer to her, seeing as Seven was obviously in the mood to try something. Once we made it to the middle of the club, I got a clear view of everyone: Jade and Lauren were pressed against the bar in a deep make out session, Avan, Jupiter, and Pete were in a fucking conga line, with the rest of the club, while Justin sprayed champagne over the fans that gathered around him. Noah was too busy using his crutches to play limbo with some other guys.

Pete grabbed my arm, pulling me into the line as the chant changed. "Our girlfriends are gonna kill us! Our girlfriends are gonna kill us!" The line repeated, as more and more people joined the chant.

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