Chapter Sixty-Four

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Kai's Pov

"Well, um... you know I'm a guy and all, and can't get pregnant, but I wanted to see what would happen if I took one," Brian confessed, scratching the back of his neck.

In a struggle to contain my laughter at Brian's confession, I sipped some of my water. Ariana cracked first of course, laughing, "Brian, what the hell?"

"Uh, Kai. I think Maya's calling us," Frankie lied, and we took that as an opportunity to speed walk out of the room, in a fit of laughter.

"Maya can't even talk!" I heard Brian yelled in realization at our plan.

When we reached the guest room Frankie, Hale and the girls stayed in, we stood outside the door, not wanting to wake anyone.

"This might be a really weird question, but I've been meaning to ask you, why is your last name Grey, and your family's isn't?" Frankie said.

"Guess my parents wanted me to be different," I chuckled.

"Your poor Mom, having to push out three babies at once," Frankie smiled at me, "But, I see my sister's glowing,"

"Yeah, please tell her that. I tell her every morning after she makes both of us put on 50 pounds of like face stuff that—"

"I mean because of you, dumbass,"

"Oh, well yeah. It's been amazing so far," I smiled. "Things are falling into place, it feels like,"

"So amazing that you'll give Chloe, Maya and Bella, cousins?"

"Whatever happens, happens." I shrugged. "I know Ari wants three,"

Frankie chuckled, "She's been stuck on that her whole life,"

"Tell me about it," I smiled, thinking about all the memories growing up. "But, I have to start breakfast before everyone wakes up," I said.

"Your pancakes are the fucking best,"

"Ari thinks she makes the best," I chuckled.

"In her fucking dreams!"

I laughed once again, before making my way upstairs to grab Nick's ring and put it on. Of course, then going back into the quiet kitchen. Ariana sat focused on the couches, on her laptop, not even noticing my presence. I took this as an opportunity to wear my beats, and blast music in my headphones as I cooked. I slid off the ring once again, so it wouldn't get messy, and put it on the island.

With everything vegan, I just decided on doing a bar, so that everyone wouldn't just have to eat one thing. It was pretty scary moving around, since it was now early April and all three babies were almost crawling. It took me almost two hours to finish breakfast, and when I was done, to my surprise, everyone literally sat in the living room the entire time, I just hadn't heard them.

"Took you long enough," my little sister said making her plate.

I shook my head and watched as everyone grabbed food. I noticed Ariana still on her laptop, so I grabbed it slowly and closed it. "Baby, eat," I said.

"I will, I just have work—"

"—we can finish it later," I smiled, and pulled her off the couch. She gave a small laugh, and eventually everyone ate, including Ariana.

"Gio and I bought some games from Target, that we could all play," my other sister said, revealing the target bag that rested on the floor. I let Joan have my seat next to Ariana, so I sat next to Victoria and Pete on the floor. 

"With like 30 people?" Pete laughed.

"Anything is possible!" Fredo smiled, giving Scott a high five.

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