Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Billie's Pov

"Family of Kai Grey," I heard someone say, causing me to sit up from my brother's shoulder.

"We have an update. While in ambulance, she officially stopped breathing so the doctors are performing CPR right now because they think she might still have a pulse," The nurse explained and I watched as she examined everyone's sad faces, "If Ms. Grey were to survive this, she would be very lucky. Ms. O'Connell, if you had waited 10 minutes later, your girlfriend would've died."

"So what does this mean? Is she conscious, or dead, or alive or—"

"Pete," Lauren sighed, wiping some of her tears.

"I'm afraid she is unconscious right now, in about 10-20 minutes we should know if she's alive or not,"

"What does this mean for her career?" Victoria asked.

"Well, depending on the damage, it can be minor or major. But Ms. Grey seems to be a fighter so I'm hopeful it's minor,"

"Nurse, Doctor Liam ordered to stop CPR, apparently she woke up and fell out of consciousness again. He thinks it's starting to effect her heart now. But Surgeon Owens thinks that he's hopeful there's a pulse,"

"Continue CPR, if she wakes up again then we should be able to stop it,"

"Got it," a nurse said, running back down the hall.

"Is she aloud to have visitors?" I mumbled.

"Unfortunately, not."

"I can get like $50k in cash. I know bribery is wrong but you have to understand—"

The nurse cut Ariana off, "Ma'am—"

"$200k," Ariana said plainly, "I can get the check written out now as well as get the hospital bill covered now,"

"I'm sure there's something we can do. Follow me to the front desk,"

While the rest of us just sat here for hours, I was buried in my thoughts. How could I not notice something was wrong last night? She seemed fine. I knew everyone felt the same way, judging by the looks on their faces. I stayed in the same spot for what felt like hours, I couldn't even cry. Part of me had hope she was gonna be fine, but the other felt responsible for everything.

When Ariana came back out of those same doors, the nurse ran into, she did nothing but collapse in Joan's arms.

"I'm gonna go get us burritos, I know you're hungry and hospital food is the worst," Finneas said. "Would you rather stay here or do you need fresh air?"

"I'm fine here." Claudia wrapped her arms around me as I cried on her shoulder.

How could someone just be here one hour and then fighting for their life the next?

I couldn't even eat my Taco Bell, it reminded me of all our late night runs to there. Although she wasn't a fan of it, she always came with me to get some. Finneas was able to get me to eat a bit of it, cracking a few jokes to lighten the mood but I could tell he was hurting too. My family had fallen in love with the girl.

"Ms. O'Connell," I heard several hours later, causing me to pick my head up.

It was the same nurse that was previously here.

"Follow me please." he said, leading me through the same door, Ariana had been through. I didn't know what to expect from the nurse, since I was told only family could visit her as of right now.

He stopped once we were about 10 feet away from the door, looking at his clipboard. 

"As her girlfriend, I figured you should be the first to know this news. She flatlined during CPR, but luckily was able to be saved by Doctor Liam. We found a pulse, the only problem is, she could leave the hospital and wake up in her own bed, or she could stay with us. We think she's stable enough to check out, and considering her career and circumstances, we know you guys need her ASAP."

"So.. so she's alive?"

"Indeed, she just isn't awake."

"Is she allowed visitors?"

"Yes, one at a time. And visitors have to be calm, Ms. Grande woke up a few patients. I can take you to her if you'd like?"

I nodded.

Ariana's Pov

"Should I phone Scooter and see if tour can get postponed?" my Mom asked.

I shook my head, "No she wouldn't want it to be, we just have to push through and hope for the best,"

"I don't think she'll be able to take an entire tour, especially working almost 17 hour days, Ari."

"You can't decide that for her, she isn't gonna want it to stop."

"Mom is right Ari. It's completely unhealthy. We can't risk something like this again." Frankie added, honestly making me mad.

"I don't give a fuck if Jim Carrey himself was right. We're not stopping tour, we can adjust a few things but it isn't stopping."


"No. I said no. I know her better than anyone else, we're not canceling a damn thing. Since when is my tour in you're best interest? You guys barely even fucking talk to me after the break up happened, now that we're finally okay again, no one is getting involved. Honest to God, you all can just fucking leave." I snapped.

"Ari, let's go get some food, yeah?" Courtney said, pulling me away from my family after leaving them speechless.

Billie's Pov

I sat here for the last 7 hours, alongside her in a chair, just holding her hand. The 7 hours felt like 70 years. Every little beep or sudden move, scared the fuck out of me, knowing that any second, I could hear her flatline was enough to just keep me there waiting. I never cried that much in one day, in my life. I knew Finneas and Claudia felt helpless, everyone did.

"Ms. O'Connell, I just got the word from Doctor Liam about Kai." a new nurse said, opening the room.

"Is she going be okay?"

"Oh yes. Her tests show she had a drug in her system called Rohypnol, a common drug used to her purposes of getting high. It is also a common drug used to drug others. The amount located in her system was enough to shut down her system, but thanks to whoever called 911, they saved her life. She should be fine to perform, she just needs to take it easy these next few days or she can suffer effects like dizziness, fainting, vomiting or even trouble breathing,"

"When can she be released?"

"She can be released later, but it really all depends on when she wakes up," he said.

I nodded, going back to the waiting room to update everyone else on Kai. Pete and Lauren offered to grab clean clothes and things she might need for when she woke up, and everyone except Ariana and Victoria had already left to get her situated for these next few days.

"So she had drugs in her system?" Ariana asked. "That doesn't make any sense.. she didn't like them and especially wouldn't after Mac,"

"Maybe she was drugged," Victoria suggested, "We were all drunk as fuck last night, there wouldn't have been any way we would've have known something was slipped in her drink,"

"It had to be the Pete thing, she didn't drink anything after that or before." I said.

"Doug handed out bottles," Victoria added, crossing her arms.

"It couldn't be, Doug wouldn't."

"How else then?" I asked.

a/n: happy birthday billie🤍

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