Chapter Seventy-Two

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Ariana's Pov

After Portland's show, while everyone else went out for drinks, me and Ricky decided to go back to my hotel room. I was tired, and not really wanting drinks, and Ricky didn't want me alone, so he offered to come. Once we made it inside of my hotel room, Ricky made us some sparkling water, and we sat on the couch.

Ricky laughed, showing me his phone. "Kai just texted me a picture of Doug on one of the bar tables. She said he's dancing to 7 rings,"

I gave a small chuckle, looking at the live picture. "My friends are dramatic as fuck."

"You don't know dramatic until you've seen you and Kai without each other for more than a couple of hours," He joked, "How are you guys by the way?"

"Fine," I shrugged.

He frowned, "Just fine?"

"I dunno. Sometimes I feel like it isn't the same anymore... like we do fuck every couple of days or so, but the kisses aren't the same, the hugs... I've just been feeling like this for weeks now. And I haven't said anything because maybe this was just a temporary thing, but I don't—" I stopped myself, from finishing my sentence. "It just isn't the same,"

"Sometimes relationships go through that. But if you really think that you're not gonna get through this, then it isn't meant to be," Ricky said.

I sighed.

"Help me make up my mind then."

"Uh, what do you mean?" Ricky asked.

I thought about if I really wanted to do this. "Kiss me,"

"Huh? Ariana, you know I have a girlfriend."

"Ricky, I don't have feelings for you, I just want to know if it'll feel any different from when I'm kissing her," I explained.

He looked hesitant for a few seconds. "Okay," He agreed.

I placed my lips on his, feeling the warmth of them, before my tongue asked for access. Ricky flipped us around, laying himself on top as he began to slide off my shirt. "This okay?" He asked, before starting. I nodded, before allowing him to continue.

We finished just in time to clean up our mess, and depart from each other. As soon as Ricky left, minutes later, my drunk girlfriend walked in. She was explaining something to me, and all I could think about was how it did feel different. It wasn't as platonic—

"—Babe, are you even listening? I want to have kids with you, like now. I was talking to Justin and Hailey the whole night and I think I'm ready, well, I think both of us are. They could take my last name or even yours and we could decorate a nursery with your parents and—"

"Can we talk?" I asked, interrupting her rant. It made me feel so fucking bad for what I was about to do.

"Of course, did you not like the nursery part? Because we could decorate with your friends inst—"

"I—I don't want to be with you anymore," I breathed.

"—ead." She trailed off, with her face dropping. "Like what do you mean?"

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