Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Ariana's Pov

"I—is that Ariana Grande?"

"Ari! Hey, can we get some pictures!"



"When are you gonna re-activate your social media?"

"Did you really quit music?"

"What happened to Kai Grey?"

Four months had passed. Four months since her overdose, Four months since I'd left my house, five months since I'd made my last post, announcing my departure from music, and four months since I'd seen any of my family. Whenever I tried to go out, I got those questions, it got so exhausting for me, my friends, and my family, that we just stopped going out.

I was done with music, I needed Kai more than ever and I knew she needed me too, so we both made the sacrifice of letting go of our careers. We left the hospital without the press finding out, and as far as everyone knew, she was still in a coma. Meanwhile, it only lasted two months. Things were quiet in our lives, we settled in my New York home and enjoyed our space together.

I knew leaving her friends hurt her, but she knew she needed time to get herself back together. She was different, and I didn't know if that was good or bad.

"Mornin' baby," I smiled, seeing the blankets shuffle on her side of the bed.

Yeah, private therapy worked out for us.

"5 more minutes?" She mumbled, keeping her hands around my waist.

I giggled, "It's three in the afternoon, can we wait any longer?"

"Is that a serious question or?"

"Baby, get up,"

"Fine," She said, sitting up. "Good morning, babe."


"Yep, I'll start, you go shower,"

"Are you saying I stink?"

"No, but..." She smiled, taking a fake sniff. "... maybe you need one,"

"Fuck you,"

"Later," She chuckled, kissing my lips. "Off you go,"

"Or... you could join me,"

"Later, I have a lot to clean from last night," I blushed, oh yeah... last night.

"Right," I smiled, "I'll never look at those damn counters the same,"

"I'll never look at this house the same,"

After reminiscing about last night, she started on breakfast while I went to go shower and feed our pets. I was used to not being on my phone as much, I even ghosted my label and Scooter. They needed me more than I needed them, so being dropped wasn't a worry.

She didn't remember much of the incident, so we never talked about it. But everyone had so many questions they wanted answered, and she couldn't answer them, so we didn't bring it up. Another reason why we ghosted everyone.

Kai's Pov

I know Ari missed her fans and music more than anything, I hated that I made her have to step away from all that, even though she constantly reminded me that this was a decision she made on her own.

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