Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Kai's Pov

It was the day before Thanksgiving, everyone would be coming later tonight. I was inside Pete's room, as he basically panicked in front of me. "So— So remember I was dating Kaia? Well one day, Kaia left me with Gigi and Bella as she went to go to a photoshoot.... One thing lead to another, and me and Bella hooked up. Bella just called me a couple of minutes ago, she's pregnant with my baby." Pete explained in panic.

"You're the Father of Bella Hadid's child?!" I said a little too loudly.

"Quiet!" He reminded. "Basically."

"So what are you gonna do?" I asked. "I dunno. But I'm a Dad, now. Oh and it's a girl."

"Damn, so she must be around 3 months or something." I said.

"6." Pete sighed.

"Well, get ready to welcome little Davidson."

"Correction." Pete sighed. "Bella Paisley Maleah Hadid Davidson. She can't decide between Bella, Arabella or Anabella."

"You guys have a name picked out already?" I questioned.

"No, she picked the long ass name. I like Bella. The name goes good. My middle name is Micheal hence the Maleah. Bella, cause Isabella Hadid. Paisley? I guess she just likes it." He shrugged.

"Damn, that's a lot to think about. How are you feeling?"

"I'm not worried about the baby, it's mine so I'm gonna be there for it regardless, it's just, I don't know how to be a Dad."

"We can learn. You're like one of the closest people to me, so if you wanna learn to be a good Dad, I guess we'll do this together. But the first step to a good Dad, is loving your child unconditionally." I said.

"I do, when Bella told me about her, I almost shit myself. Kai, I can't wait to meet her." He gushed. "My Mom said when you have your first child, everything changes. I feel that now. Like I have something to look forward too."

"Ya know, Frankie and Hale are gonna be girl Dad's any day now, maybe they can help guide you." I suggested.

"Actually.. yeah. I should go see if they're busy right now." He said, "Cool." I left out his room, before I bumped into a small Italian.

"Just the person I was looking for," She smiled.

"Here I am."

"Come with me." She said, pulling me to what had seemed like the roof. She had blankets laid out, roses spread out, candles lit and microphone on the blanket. "I made you cocoa." She said handing it to me.

"What's all this?" I smiled.

"A private concert. I wanna sing to you. And since I'm bad at expressing my words, why not do what I'm best at?"

"I think you're best at moa—"

She covered my mouth quickly, "This is why I can't do anything nice for you." She smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. You've done a lot of nice things for me." I laughed.

"Fuck you,"

"When?" I smirked. "Now."

"Nice try, Grande. Not that easy."

"You're just a mean, tease."

"We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you, Ariana." I reminded, carefully.

"Which is why I'm trying to sing to you and win you back, but you're being an ass."

"If wonder if Madison, or Cami—"

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