Flint thankfully replied to Viola quickly, "Yeah, well I think I'm definitely better looking than Draco."

Draco scoffed, he too was also slightly panicking from Viola's comment because he wasn't sure what Adelaide had thought about them being together, "You wish Flint."

They continued joking lightly, completely avoiding the huge elephant that was now in the room between Draco and Adelaide, but having a good time overall.

As they neared Hogwarts, Adelaide began to strategize her plan. She didn't know quite how she was going to get Harry to the Department of Mysteries alone and give her the prophecy, but she did know she wanted to isolate Harry as much as possible from his friends, so he would be more vulnerable and easy to manipulate. No one would know if something was wrong with him.

She knew Draco's safety was on the line, she could not afford to hesitate or play nice. Potter was the only thing standing in the way of Draco becoming a Death Eater, she couldn't let it happen.

Of course, her friends and mostly all of Slytherin already despised Harry; if they increased the taunting he'd grow more self-conscious or irritated. After the summer of being constantly mocked at by the Daily Prophet, the people who didn't know Harry thought he was an attention-hungry liar. The next layer she had to break through was the Gryffindors. If he sensed distaste from his fellow Gryffindors, he'd most likely shut down and back away from his closest friends. From there she could devise her plan.

As she walked hand-in-hand with Draco off the train with Crabbe and Goyle behind them, Adelaide whispered into Draco's ear, "Do you mind giving Potter a bit of a tease for me?"

Draco smiled down at her, "I was planning on it anyways." he let go of her hand, looking over his shoulder motioning Crabbe and Goyle to follow behind him.

She watched as he strutted rather attractively towards him, "I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter." he called out. Once he caught up to Harry, he leaned in and boasted with a huge cocky smile, "You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."

Harry launched at Draco, but thankfully was held back by Ron before he could hit him. Draco jumped backwards, straightening his jacket and walking away loudly exclaiming, "What did I tell you?Complete nutter!"

Harry yelled back at him, still being held by Ron, "JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME."

People around him on the platform glanced at his sudden outburst with a bit of fear. This was exactly the kind of reaction she was hoping to get out of Harry, if not better.

She walked past Harry, taking Draco's hand and turning around to flash Harry a cruel smirk.

Draco leaned over and whispered into her ear excitedly, "How was that?" he clearly enjoyed that a little too much.

She laughed at the stupid grin on his face, "It was perfect." she planted a soft kiss on his cheek which caused his face to warm.

They walked hand-in-hand into the Castle when suddenly a large quantity of red, thick liquid was dropped on her and Draco from above. It took her a moment to recover from the initial shock, but once she had wiped the liquid from her eyes, she saw it looked and felt like blood. Unfortunately, a bit had leaked into her mouth and to her horror it tasted like blood.

She quickly looked up and saw there was a balcony, but no one was there anymore. Whoever had dropped it on them was long gone, but she gasped as she lowered her gaze to the actual stone of the balcony and in blood it was written,

Pureblood Pigs

Draco was still frantically wiping the blood from his eyes and face when Professor McGonagall came running towards them crying, "Oh my word. What happened?" she looked nervously at the two who looked like they had just gone on a frenzied killing spree. Draco was livid, but McGonagall traced Adelaide's shocked gaze and as she turned around to see the message on the balcony she inhaled sharply. At this point a bunch of people were surrounding them and either laughing or standing in complete, horrified shock.

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