Mate and sniff pretty Fae? Now.

My behemoth did not understand why we would say something like that and not mean it, and he began to force a shift on my part. He wanted to hurry back to the castle and take Estelle. Make her ours. And smell her. Like the odd thing he was.

After merely touching lips, he was insatiable. He wanted her constantly after having a taste of her. I should not have gotten that close to her but I was irate that my father had managed to go into her room and be that close in proximity with her. I do not know if I scared her or not, it was as if my behemoth was taking over, and a simple kiss was not his ending aspirations.

Her scent was dangerous. Her mouth was too. Everything about the seemingly weak fae seemed strong every time I neared her.

Now I know the meaning of 'men being put under spells by women.' Never have I realized how tantalizing her voice is. Or how soft her skin is...and those lips. Would I ever get to touch them again?

I had to stay away from her.

As I tried to calm him down, I watched the shadow Fae break. He yelled. A battle cry. "You will never, ever utter words such as horrendous a-and vile about tu Su Anya like that ever again! I will kill you!"

I watched as he charged towards me quickly. His blade moving at an impeccable speed for someone who was just moving entirely too sluggish and worn out before. He came close to touching my right shoulder with his blade before I grabbed it. The blade did not affect my dragon skin whatsoever.

I pulled it from him, and then slammed the hilt on his head. He instantly slumped to the ground.

"The student has become the master." I glanced behind me to see Alazar. Shaking his head.

I threw his sword next to him on the ground before turning towards Alazar. "What do you want?"

"I want to speak with my nephew is all," he smiled as I began to walk towards him. "What of the fae?"

Glancing back at the shadow Fae, I shrugged. "He will wake soon. Leave him be." He would wake eventually and it was his job to see to it that he made it back to the castle. Not my own. "What do you want to speak to me about?"

"Your father has six executions that he would like you to carry out on the morrow. He is busy with internal affairs," Alazar explained as I nodded my head slowly.

And today for some foolish reason I thought I could rest. "Sacraficial pyre or fight till death?"

"Only two are worthy of fighting till the death with you. The rest a quick blade to the chest will do."

I sighed, beginning  to stretch my stiff and aching muscles. My behemoth was clawing to get out and he was excited to come out and sate his bloodlust. He was also itching to find the princess.

"Oh I thought you should know that Princess Juniper is fully recovered, now."

I suppose Estelle is ecstatic. Maybe that Fae woman was helpful after all... "That is good."

"Since Titus and Ersen are back all twenty members of the the council are all here. They would like to meet your bride before you two proceed with the ceremony."

Ersin met Estelle already. Well not actually but he saw her and no doubt told his father how irate I had been with the soldiers over her being there. For Estelle to meet him, would be sending a lamb a Dragons den. Of course I would be there, so would Alazar but how would I keep her silent so that they would not see her weaknesses and prey on her?

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