Chapter 33

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As soon as Quincey woke up the next day, his mind instantly told him to look for his mom. Confused on why he had a sudden urge to hop out of his bed so quickly, he then thought of the brochure. It wasn't just a dream.

Pulling back the cover, he climbed out of bed and started for her room. There was no sign of her being there. He then checked downstairs, thinking she might have been in the living room watching Family Feud. Nothing.

He sighed, starting to head back upstairs to grab his cellphone to call her. However, before he could, his eyes shifted over to a note that was clipped on the refrigerator door. Considering the fact that they rarely put anything on it, he was curious to see what the note was about.

Making his way into the kitchen to retrieve the note, he then unclipped it from the fridge. As he did, a twenty dollar bill that was clipped behind it fell to the ground. Be picked it up before reading the note.


I'll be at the doctor all day today. I won't be able to answer my phone so don't try to call or text me. Just know I'm okay and not to worry. I left $20 for you by this note. Hopefully you find and read this. I know it's not much but it should hold you over for the day. Spend the day with Bre or something. Tell my baby I said hi! I went to your game last night of course and saw her. I had to leave early because I was getting sick but she told me you guys won! You played good for what I did get to see. My star player. You can be a knot head sometimes but I wouldn't trade you in for anything in the world. I have the best son I could ever ask for. Your father would be proud. I promise we can go out and celebrate your win another day. Love you! Be back soon.

Quincey reread the note, shocked by the words. It put a slight smile on his face for a second, but it then quickly went away. Something was weird about the note. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but something inside him knew something was off.

Not wanting to think on it too much, he folded the note, as well as the twenty dollar bill before heading upstairs.

After putting both on his dresser, he proceeded to hop in the shower. Once doing so, along with the rest of his daily hygiene routine, he threw on a pair of sweats and a too big shirt. He then grabbed his phone to call Bre.

He started to call Rell or Dono, but decided not to.

He had just went out went them last night to celebrate after the game. He wanted to spend time with Bre instead. Considering the type of mood he was currently in, he wasn't interested in doing anything but enjoying someone else's company. Someone he could just vibe and chill with to take his mind off of things.

He couldn't necessarily do that with Donovan and Terrell all the time.

Before he could actually call her, he heard a knock downstairs on the front door. Not knowing who it could possibly be, he sighed as he went to go catch it. After making his way downstairs and to the door, he was surprised to actually see Bre herself.

"Hey?" she said in an awkward tone. "Did I come at a bad time?"

She took in his facial expression once opening the door. She could tell that he was obviously upset or down about something without even having to speak.

He shook his head no as he looked her up and down. She wore a loose lavender colored hoodie, a pair of grey leggings, and tan Uggs. Her hair was thrown up into a messy bun, and her face was makeup free as usual.

"Are you sure?" she asked again.

He nodded his head yes as he stared at her some more.

He was no longer scanning her body but instead, looking her directly in her eyes. She wasn't use to people making such deep eye contact with her, especially without saying anything. She awkwardly looked away for a second before looking back at him.

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