Chapter 15

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After waiting on Donovan's slow poke self, the two finally made their way to the cafeteria to meet Terrell. Once finding him, they all made their way through the line to purchase food they probably wouldn't eat.

They then made their way to the table they usually sat at as they sparked up conversations about nothing.

"Tell me why my bitch ass math teacher gone have the nerve to assign 40 problems tonight," Terrell complained.

"At least you don't have an essay to write - for Spanish, in spanish," Donovan sighed, deciding to complain as well.

Quincy chuckled as he took a sip of the pop he had just bought.

"What about you? I know you got some shit to complain about Q. You still aint even paid them fees," said Terrell.

"I don't, actually," he smiled. "I get paid tonight, coach letting me pay off the fees Monday - I'm straight."

"Even with that one girl? I aint heard you talk about her in a few days," Donovan added.

"Oh Bre? Just know we good." Q smiled.

"Her friend still look better."

Terrell rolled his eyes as Q laughed.

"You hit yet?" Terrell asked.

"Nigga you ask me this shit every day. Go get you a girl," Q laughed.

"I mean you said y'all was good, I figured -"

"No, damn. Can I get to know her first? I'm actually feeling this one bro."

"I respected that," he nodded his head. "She got another friend other than that gay bitch?"

"I don't know," he chuckled. "I'll ask."

"Yeah do that and we'll all be good. That is if Dono find some magical way to pull Shante - which I doubt will happen."

"Man be cool," Donovan flicked him off.

Quincy laughed at how silly his friends were as he gathered his things to throw away. The bell rang shortly after as they went their separate ways.

After school, Quincy went straight to work. He was so excited about getting his check tonight that he could even taste it. He couldn't wait until the end of his shift to have his first paycheck from the job in his hands.

The shift came and went pretty quickly.

They had a lot of customers tonight so he was on his feet practically the whole time busting tables. He didn't even have a chance to look at the clock during his shift.

Once clocking out, Bre handed him his envelope that contained his money -

$304.50 cash, addressed to Quincy Hanley.

He was so happy, he couldn't hide the smile forming on his face even if he tried.

"Ol happy ass," Bre joked.

"Hell yeah," he sighed. "I can finally pay these damn fees off i've been stressing about and finally take you on a real date."

She blushed as she rolled her eyes.

"Q spend your money on your mom or yourself. I'm fine."

"Can I just do something nice for my fucking cinnamon apple, please?"

She blushed again as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess."

"Wear something nice for ya boy. I'm coming to get you tomorrow night."

"Okay," she laughed.

"You need a ride again tonight?"

"Na, Gavin is coming to get me."

"I still can't believe Trigg is your brother."

"Neither can I," she rolled her eyes. "And don't call that nigga no damn Trigg. He's a grown ass man. Call him by his name."

"You mad bro?" Quincy joked, pinching her cheek.

"Boy bye," she chuckled, moving away his hand.

"You know Gavin is having a party Friday?"

"Another one?" she sighed. "His dumb ass will never learn."

"He said it's gone be at a different location and he gone have security."

"Okay, and? He act like the whole state of California don't know who he is and aren't out to get him. They still gone find him either way it go."

"True," he agreed.

"My thing is, if you're wanted by multiple people, wouldn't it be smart to lay low and ducked off? But no. This dumb ass nigga still out having fucking parties and shit."

Quincy laughed as he shook his head. What she was saying was making sense to him though.

"Do you care about your brother?" Quincy blurted.

"Of course - that's my brother. I just don't agree with the shit he do. My mom didn't raise no drug dealer. She breaks her back to make sure we have what we want and need. But I guess that's not enough for him."

"I'm sure y'all mom didn't. She seems like a pretty strong and independent woman. But the way you talk about how people are out to get him - I don't know, you don't sound bothered by it."

"At the end of the day that's my brother, I love him and I care for him, but he's gonna make his own decisions. Me and my mom have been trying to give him 'the speech' since he started getting involved with the drug business. He's gonna do what he wants. He isn't going to learn until he's somewhere in a hospital."

Silence fell over them as Quincy nodded his head. He heard what she was saying, but he didn't know what to say next.

"Quincy please don't go to that party," she added.

"I haven't decided yet," he chuckled.

"Just don't go. I don't want you mixed in that mess with him. The only reason I went to his last weak ass party is because Ashante dragged me. That was the last day I risked my life."

"Alright, I won't go."

"You promise?"

"I promise girl."

"Alright," she chuckled. "You better get home I'm bout to head out too." 

"Alright, you sure you wanna risk your life some more? I should start taking you home," he laughed.

"I live just around the corner. I think I'm fine Q."

"Alright then. Text me when you get home."

"Okay, I will."

With that, Quincy gathered his things as Brielle did the same. They went their separate ways as he hoped in his car and Bre hopped in the passenger seat of Trigg's. Quincy couldn't wait to tell his mom about his first pay check from the job.

Unfortunately though, she was sleep.

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